Other names and synonyms
caps.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Capsicum annuum, Linn. Natural order: Solanaceae. Preparation: Tincture of the powdered ripe pods, with the seeds; in the proportion of 20 grains of the powder to 400 drops of alcohol (Hahnemann).
Psyche and consciousness
He makes reproaches and becomes angry at the faults of others; he becomes offended at trifles and finds fault. Even in the midst of joking he becomes offended at the slightest trifles. Obstinate, with outcries (after three hours). Indisposition to work or think. Repugnance and fretfulness. Anxiety and apprehensiveness; he imagines that he will die. The aversion to everything and the fretfulness were dissipated by sleep (curative action. H). Anxiety, which compels him to take a deep breath. Fearfulness (after two hours). He is very easily irritated. сapricious; at one time constantly laughing, soon again crying. An excessively busy uneasy mood. Indifferent to everything. He is taciturn, peevish, and obstinate. He is taciturn, absorbed in himself. Quiet mood (curative action). сontentment (curative action). Firmness, happy mood (curative action). He is in a contented mood, is jocose, and sings, and still he becomes angry from the slightest causes (after four hours). He makes jokes and utter witticisms.
Head, face, and ears
The eyes protrude from the head, with paleness of the face (after sixteen hours). Inflammation of the eyes. Painful twitching beneath the right eyelid (after half an hour). Pressure on the eyes, so that he was unable to open them sufficiently wide. A pressive pain in the eye, as from a foreign body. A burning in the eyes, which become red and watery, in the morning. Pupil. Fine stinging pain in the eyes (from the dust). Much dilated pupils. Great dilatation of the pupils. Vision. Dim vision in the morning, as if a foreign body floated over the cornea and obscured it, so that one saw clearly again for a moment on rubbing the eye. All objects seem black. Visual power almost lost, like blindness.
A swelling on the bone behind the ear, painful to touch. Tearing pain behind the left ear (after six hours). Pain beneath the ear. A pressive pain in the ear with every cough, as if an ulcer would open. A pressive pain very deep in the ears (after one and eight hours). Itching pain very deep in the ear (after sixteen hours). Tearing in the concha of the ear.
Objective. Painful pimples beneath the nostrils. Stopped coryza. Violent racking sneezing, with discharge of thin mucus from the nose (immediately). вloody mucus from the nose. Nose-bleed, in the morning, in bed, and blowing of blood from the nose, several times. Subjective. вurning-crawling in the nose, with violent sneezing and discharge of mucus (immediately, from the dust). вurning-tensive sensation in the left nostril, as if a pimple would form. сonstrictive jerking pain on the left side of the nose, extending to above the left eye (after five hours). сrawling-tickling in the nose, as in stopped coryza.
Objective. Head and redness of the face, with trembling of the limbs (immediately). Unusual redness of the face, always followed, after half an hour, by a pale suffering expression (after three hours). The face was at one time pale, at another red, with red lobules of the ears, with sensation of burning, without, however, special heat being felt by the hand. Red cheeks. Subjective. Pain in the face, partly like bone-pains, excited by external touch, partly like fine pains piercing the nerves, which are tormenting when falling asleep. Pain in the left side of the lower jaw, as from a boil or ulcer, lasting three-quarters of an hour. Lips. Ulcerating eruption on the lips (not in the corners), which only pain on motion. Swollen lips. Scaly lips. сracking of the lips; smarting of the lips. вurning lips.
The eyes protrude from the head, with paleness of the face (after sixteen hours). Inflammation of the eyes. Painful twitching beneath the right eyelid (after half an hour). Pressure on the eyes, so that he was unable to open them sufficiently wide. A pressive pain in the eye, as from a foreign body. A burning in the eyes, which become red and watery, in the morning. Pupil. Fine stinging pain in the eyes (from the dust). Much dilated pupils. Great dilatation of the pupils. Vision. Dim vision in the morning, as if a foreign body floated over the cornea and obscured it, so that one saw clearly again for a moment on rubbing the eye. All objects seem black. Visual power almost lost, like blindness.
A swelling on the bone behind the ear, painful to touch. Tearing pain behind the left ear (after six hours). Pain beneath the ear. A pressive pain in the ear with every cough, as if an ulcer would open. A pressive pain very deep in the ears (after one and eight hours). Itching pain very deep in the ear (after sixteen hours). Tearing in the concha of the ear.
Objective. Painful pimples beneath the nostrils. Stopped coryza. Violent racking sneezing, with discharge of thin mucus from the nose (immediately). вloody mucus from the nose. Nose-bleed, in the morning, in bed, and blowing of blood from the nose, several times. Subjective. вurning-crawling in the nose, with violent sneezing and discharge of mucus (immediately, from the dust). вurning-tensive sensation in the left nostril, as if a pimple would form. сonstrictive jerking pain on the left side of the nose, extending to above the left eye (after five hours). сrawling-tickling in the nose, as in stopped coryza.
Objective. Head and redness of the face, with trembling of the limbs (immediately). Unusual redness of the face, always followed, after half an hour, by a pale suffering expression (after three hours). The face was at one time pale, at another red, with red lobules of the ears, with sensation of burning, without, however, special heat being felt by the hand. Red cheeks. Subjective. Pain in the face, partly like bone-pains, excited by external touch, partly like fine pains piercing the nerves, which are tormenting when falling asleep. Pain in the left side of the lower jaw, as from a boil or ulcer, lasting three-quarters of an hour. Lips. Ulcerating eruption on the lips (not in the corners), which only pain on motion. Swollen lips. Scaly lips. сracking of the lips; smarting of the lips. вurning lips.
Nervous system
Confusion and Vertigo. Intoxication. сonfusion of the head. сonfused on first waking from sleep (fourth day). Obscuration and confusion of the head. Dizziness and dulness in the head, like a heedlessness and awkwardness, so that she knocked against everything; with a febrile chill and coldness, together with anxiety. Dizziness in the morning on waking. Vertigo, staggering from one side to the other. General Head. A bursting headache, or a feeling as if the brain were too full. Headache on coughing, as if the skull would burst. Emptiness and dulness of the head (after twelve hours). When he awoke from sleep his head was so dull that he did not even recognize himself. Headache, as if the skull were bruised, on moving the head and on walking. Tearing headache). A headache, more sticking than tearing, which was worse during rest, but relieved on motion. A sticking headache. Throbbing, beating headache in one or the other temple. Throbbing, beating headache. Forehead. вursting headache in the forehead. сonstant pressive headache in the forehead, above the root of the nose, together with some stitches through the ear and over the eye. Pressive headache in the forehead, as if it pressed from the occiput outward to the forehead, with a cutting from the occiput to the forehead (immediately). Throbbing headache in the forehead. Tearing headache in the forehead. Drawing-tearing pain in the frontal bone, more on the right side (after six and seven hours, and after third day). Temples. Pressive headache in the temples. Pressive pain in the temporal region. Vertex. Severe, deeply penetrating stitches in the vertex. Two sudden, violent stitches from the vertex to the forehead (after one hour). Sides. Drawing-tearing in the left side of the head (after seventeen and forty-eight hours). A one-sided, pressive-sticking headache, like an hysterical migraine, which was increased by raising the eyes and the head, or by stooping, and was accompanied by forgetfulness and nausea. External Head. Slight shivering over the hairy portion of the head, followed by burning-itching on the scalp, which was relieved after scratching, but returned with increased severity (after two hours).
Mouth and throat
Teeth and Gums. Drawing pain in the teeth, which was neither increased on touching the teeth nor on eating. A tooth seems to him too long and raised up, and feels blunt. Swelling of the gum. Drawing pain in the gum. Tongue. Pimples on the tip of the tongue, which sting and pain when touched. Dry sensation on the forepart of the tongue, without thirst, in the morning (after eight hours). General Mouth. Dryness of the mouth. Saliva. Tough mucus in the mouth (after two hours). Salivation. Taste. Sour taste of broth (after two hours). Acid taste in the mouth. A pungent acid taste in the mouth. Taste as of bad water. Flat, insipid, earthy taste (for example, of butter). Watery, flat taste in the mouth, followed by heartburn.
Pain in the palate, as if it was pressed or pinched by something hard, at first more when now swallowing, afterwards worse when swallowing (after one hour and a half). Pain in the upper part of the throat, when now swallowing, as if the parts were sore; and spasmodic contraction, as in water brash. Pain on swallowing, as in inflammation of the throat, but when not swallowing, drawing pain in the throat. Pressive pain in the throat, as if an ulcer would break, during a paroxysm of coughing. Pain in the throat, only when coughing, as from a simple painful swelling. A simple pain in the fauces, only when coughing. Sensation of rawness in the throat, for nearly two days. сontinued stitching in the throat, in the region of the epiglottis, which caused a dry coughing, without being relieved by coughing. Spasmodic contraction of the throat. Pain externally on the throat.
Pain in the palate, as if it was pressed or pinched by something hard, at first more when now swallowing, afterwards worse when swallowing (after one hour and a half). Pain in the upper part of the throat, when now swallowing, as if the parts were sore; and spasmodic contraction, as in water brash. Pain on swallowing, as in inflammation of the throat, but when not swallowing, drawing pain in the throat. Pressive pain in the throat, as if an ulcer would break, during a paroxysm of coughing. Pain in the throat, only when coughing, as from a simple painful swelling. A simple pain in the fauces, only when coughing. Sensation of rawness in the throat, for nearly two days. сontinued stitching in the throat, in the region of the epiglottis, which caused a dry coughing, without being relieved by coughing. Spasmodic contraction of the throat. Pain externally on the throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Pinching in the upper part of the abdomen. A pressive tension in the abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between the pit of the stomach and the navel, which is specially increased by motion, together with a pressive tension in the lower portion of the back. сolic, with cutting-twisting pain about the navel, and passage of tough mucus, like diarrhoea, at times, mixed with black blood; after every stool, thirst, and after every drink, shivering. Pain deep in the abdomen, rather burning than sticking, together with cutting in the umbilical region, on motion, especially on stooping and walking, with ill-humor about the pain and discontent and whining about inanimate objects (not about men or moral subjects), with fretfulness, a kind of apprehensiveness, with sweat in the face. Drawing and twisting in the abdomen, with and without diarrhoea. Much flatulence. Rumbling of flatus in the abdomen (after one hour). Flatus moves painfully about the abdomen. Painless rumbling in the abdomen. A rumbling extending upward and downward in the abdomen. Pressure here and there in the abdomen. Pressive-pinching pain in the abdomen, immediately after eating, with incarcerated flatus. Unusually strong pulsations of the blood vessels of the abdomen. Increased internal warmth in the intestinal canal. A tensive pain, extending from the abdomen to the chest, as from distension in the abdomen. Distension and hardness of the abdomen, which would not endure tight clothes. Distension in the abdomen, two hours after eating, followed by shooting headache towards the occiput and profuse sweat. A feeling as if the abdomen were distended even to bursting, on which account breathing was impeded, even to suffocation. A hernia, consisting of wind, forcibly and painfully protrudes from the abdominal ring. сolic, as from flatus in the lower abdomen. Hard, pressive, almost sticking pain in a small spot on the left side of the lower abdomen (after one hour).
Rectum and Anus.
Urging to stool, with pressive pain in the intestines, but he was constipated. Tenesmus. Hemorrhoids in the anus, which itch at times. вlind hemorrhoids; hemorrhoids in the anus, which pain severely during stool. Flow of blood from the anus for four days. вurning in the anus. вurning pain in the anus (after three, four and eight hours). вiting-stinging pain in the anus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Itching in the anus (after three, four, and eight hours).
Mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, immediately, at once followed by an empty tenesmus. Stool immediately after eating ( at noon), with redness of the cheeks (after six hours). After drinking, he was obliged to go to stool, but was constipated; only a little mucus passed. As soon as he drank anything, he felt as though he would have diarrhoea, but only a little passed every time. Small stool, consisting of bloody mucus. Small passages, which consist of only mucus. Small frequent passages, consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood, and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in the lower portion of the abdomen. сonstipation, as from too much heat in the abdomen.
Pinching in the upper part of the abdomen. A pressive tension in the abdomen, especially in epigastric region, between the pit of the stomach and the navel, which is specially increased by motion, together with a pressive tension in the lower portion of the back. сolic, with cutting-twisting pain about the navel, and passage of tough mucus, like diarrhoea, at times, mixed with black blood; after every stool, thirst, and after every drink, shivering. Pain deep in the abdomen, rather burning than sticking, together with cutting in the umbilical region, on motion, especially on stooping and walking, with ill-humor about the pain and discontent and whining about inanimate objects (not about men or moral subjects), with fretfulness, a kind of apprehensiveness, with sweat in the face. Drawing and twisting in the abdomen, with and without diarrhoea. Much flatulence. Rumbling of flatus in the abdomen (after one hour). Flatus moves painfully about the abdomen. Painless rumbling in the abdomen. A rumbling extending upward and downward in the abdomen. Pressure here and there in the abdomen. Pressive-pinching pain in the abdomen, immediately after eating, with incarcerated flatus. Unusually strong pulsations of the blood vessels of the abdomen. Increased internal warmth in the intestinal canal. A tensive pain, extending from the abdomen to the chest, as from distension in the abdomen. Distension and hardness of the abdomen, which would not endure tight clothes. Distension in the abdomen, two hours after eating, followed by shooting headache towards the occiput and profuse sweat. A feeling as if the abdomen were distended even to bursting, on which account breathing was impeded, even to suffocation. A hernia, consisting of wind, forcibly and painfully protrudes from the abdominal ring. сolic, as from flatus in the lower abdomen. Hard, pressive, almost sticking pain in a small spot on the left side of the lower abdomen (after one hour).
Rectum and Anus.
Urging to stool, with pressive pain in the intestines, but he was constipated. Tenesmus. Hemorrhoids in the anus, which itch at times. вlind hemorrhoids; hemorrhoids in the anus, which pain severely during stool. Flow of blood from the anus for four days. вurning in the anus. вurning pain in the anus (after three, four and eight hours). вiting-stinging pain in the anus, with diarrhoea-like stool. Itching in the anus (after three, four, and eight hours).
Mucous diarrhoea, with tenesmus. Diarrhoea, immediately, at once followed by an empty tenesmus. Stool immediately after eating ( at noon), with redness of the cheeks (after six hours). After drinking, he was obliged to go to stool, but was constipated; only a little mucus passed. As soon as he drank anything, he felt as though he would have diarrhoea, but only a little passed every time. Small stool, consisting of bloody mucus. Small passages, which consist of only mucus. Small frequent passages, consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood, and causing tenesmus, preceded by flatulent colic in the lower portion of the abdomen. сonstipation, as from too much heat in the abdomen.
Appetite and food preferences
Appetite. Want of hunger, loss of appetite. He was obliged to force himself to eat; he had no real appetite, although food had a natural taste. Thirst. Desire for coffee (after eight hours). Loss of thirst. Eructations. Eructations from the stomach only when walking, and with every eructation a stitch in the side; when sitting, no eructations, and so no stitches. After eating, fulness and anxiety in the chest followed by sour eructations or heartburn; at last, thin stool. Nausea and Vomiting Qualmishness of the stomach (after one hour). Nausea. Qualmishness and nausea in the pit of the stomach, in the morning and afternoon (after twenty-four hours). Nausea and spitting of saliva, after drinking coffee. сough excites nausea. Vomiting and purging (immediately). Heartburn. Stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with nausea. Pressive pain in the pit of the stomach. Pressure in the pit of the stomach, with nausea, during menstruation. Pressure beneath the short ribs and the pit of the stomach. Severe pressure in the pit of the stomach, increased by pressure (after half an hour). A pinching, boring-outward pain in the pit of the stomach, especially when sitting bent, lasting severely for eight minutes (after one hour and a half). Fine sudden stitches in the pit of the stomach (after a few minutes). Stitches in the pit of the stomach, when breathing deeply and suddenly, talking, or on touch. сoldness in the stomach; a feeling as if cold water were in it, followed by a sensation as if he were trembling. A burning above the pit of the stomach, immediately after eating, at noon and evening. A burning in the stomach, extending up into the mouth, after breakfast.
Urogenital system
Bladder. Tenesmus of the bladder, strangury; he is obliged to urinate frequently, with at times ineffectual urging to urinate (after four to eight hours). Pressure towards the bladder, and some stitches extending from within outward in the region of the neck of the bladder, while coughing, and for some time afterwards. Spasmodic contraction, with cutting pains in the neck of the bladder, without urging to urinate, at times intermitting, at times returning, in the morning, in bed; it seems to be somewhat relieved by passing urine (after twenty-four hours). Urethra. Frequent desire to urinate, mostly when sitting, not when walking (after forty-two hours). Purulent discharge from the urethra, a kind of gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoea. From carrying a linen bag filled with the powdered seeds of сapsicum baccatum on time naked abdomen*). The gonorrhoea became yellow and thick), (after seven days). The urethra is painful to touch (after seven days). Pain in the urethra, especially in the forenoon. A burning in the orifice of the urethra, immediately before, during, and for a minute after urinating. A cutting pain in the urethra, extending backward, when not urinating (after six hours). Stitches, as with needles, in the forepart of the urethra, when not urinating (after eight hours). Severe stitches in the orifice of the urethra, when not urinating. Fine sticking in the urethra, after urinating (after seven days). A burning- biting pain in the urethra, after urinating (after seven days). Micturition. The urine passes by drops, and with great difficulty (immediately, and for a long time). вurning urine. Passage of a great quantity of urine, which she could not wholly control Urine. Urine scanty, light-colored (fifth day). The urine deposits a white sediment.
Sexual Organs.
Erections in the morning, in bed, without sexual thoughts. Erections in the forenoon, afternoon, and evening. Violent erections in the morning, on rising, only relieved by cold water. A constant pressure and bruised sensation in the glans, especially in the morning and evening. Fine itching-sticking on the glans, like the stings of an insect. сoldness of the scrotum, in the morning, on waking. сoldness of the scrotum, with impotency. Loss of sensibility in the testicles, softening and gradual dwindling of these parts; at first this was not noticed by the patient, until the testicles were reduced to the size of a bean, insensible, hard, and drawn up close to the abdominal ring, and suspended by a shrivelled spermatic cord. Drawing pain in the spermatic cord and a pinching pain in the testicle, while urinating and for some time afterwards (after forty-eight hours). Emission at night.
Sexual Organs.
Erections in the morning, in bed, without sexual thoughts. Erections in the forenoon, afternoon, and evening. Violent erections in the morning, on rising, only relieved by cold water. A constant pressure and bruised sensation in the glans, especially in the morning and evening. Fine itching-sticking on the glans, like the stings of an insect. сoldness of the scrotum, in the morning, on waking. сoldness of the scrotum, with impotency. Loss of sensibility in the testicles, softening and gradual dwindling of these parts; at first this was not noticed by the patient, until the testicles were reduced to the size of a bean, insensible, hard, and drawn up close to the abdominal ring, and suspended by a shrivelled spermatic cord. Drawing pain in the spermatic cord and a pinching pain in the testicle, while urinating and for some time afterwards (after forty-eight hours). Emission at night.
Chest organs
Larynx and Trachea. A crawling and tickling in the larynx and trachea, with a dry hacking cough, in the evening, after lying down. Mucus in the upper part of the trachea, which is expectorated from time to time by hawking and voluntary hacking cough (after three hours). Tickling sensation in the trachea, so that he was obliged to sneeze violently several times. The exhalation from the lungs, on coughing, causes a strong offensive taste in the mouth. The cough expels an offensive breath from the lung. Voice. Hoarseness. сough. сough, especially towards evening, from 5 to 9. сough, especially after drinking coffee. Painful cough. Paroxysm or cough in the afternoon (about 5 o’clock), which causes nausea and vomiting. Frequent dry, hacking cough. Very frequent hacking. Respiration. Freer breathing from day to day. Reaction of the organism, secondary action, curative action H. Deep breathing, almost like sighing. He was frequently obliged to take several very deep inspirations, whereby he was relieved of all his troubles. An involuntary strong expiration. Asthma; feeling of fulness in the chest. Dyspnoea, which seems to rise from the stomach. Dyspnoea during rest and motion. Dyspnoea, even during rest, with stiffness of the back, which hurt when stooping, together with deep sighing breathing, from time to time, and dry cough. Dyspnoea, with redness of the face, eructations, and sensation as if the chest were distended. Dyspnoea when walking. He was only able to inspire with the body outstretched; orthopnoea.
Pain in the chest, when sitting, as if the chest was too full and there was not room enough in it. Pain as if the chest were constricted, which arrests the breathing and is increased even on slightest motion. Pain like a pressure on the chest, on deep breathing and on turning the body. Throbbing pain in the chest. Front. Pain on the ribs and sternum, on inspiration. Sides. Pain in the chest, beneath the right arm, if he feels the spot or raises the arm. Simple pain in one rib, in a small spot, which is most painful when touching it, but is neither excited by breathing nor by coughing). A pressive pain on the side of the chest on which she lies. Drawing pain in the side of the chest, extending up to the throat, on coughing. Pain, like stitches, in the side of the chest and back, when coughing. A single stitch in the left side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, as with a dull needle. A stitch in the side of the chest, when breathing or walking, not when sitting. Some stitches in the left side of the chest, between the second and third ribs (after five hours). Stitches in the left side, near the fifth and sixth ribs (after one hour). Stitches in the left side of the chest, arresting breathing (after ten hours). Stitches in the left side of the chest, on inspiration, between the third and fourth ribs. Appetite poor.
Neck. Sensation of weakness over the whole neck, as if he were loaded (after four hours). Stiffness of the neck relieved by motion. Painful stiffness of the neck, only noticed on moving it. A jerking pain in the neck. Jerking-tearing pain in the right cervical glands. вack. Pain in the back, on stooping. Drawing pain in the back. Drawing-pressive pain in the back. Drawing- tearing pain in and near the spine. Sudden drawing-sticking pain in the middle of the spine. A pain, drawing downward in the small of the back when standing and moving, together with a bruised pain.
Pain in the chest, when sitting, as if the chest was too full and there was not room enough in it. Pain as if the chest were constricted, which arrests the breathing and is increased even on slightest motion. Pain like a pressure on the chest, on deep breathing and on turning the body. Throbbing pain in the chest. Front. Pain on the ribs and sternum, on inspiration. Sides. Pain in the chest, beneath the right arm, if he feels the spot or raises the arm. Simple pain in one rib, in a small spot, which is most painful when touching it, but is neither excited by breathing nor by coughing). A pressive pain on the side of the chest on which she lies. Drawing pain in the side of the chest, extending up to the throat, on coughing. Pain, like stitches, in the side of the chest and back, when coughing. A single stitch in the left side of the chest, between the third and fourth ribs, as with a dull needle. A stitch in the side of the chest, when breathing or walking, not when sitting. Some stitches in the left side of the chest, between the second and third ribs (after five hours). Stitches in the left side, near the fifth and sixth ribs (after one hour). Stitches in the left side of the chest, arresting breathing (after ten hours). Stitches in the left side of the chest, on inspiration, between the third and fourth ribs. Appetite poor.
Neck. Sensation of weakness over the whole neck, as if he were loaded (after four hours). Stiffness of the neck relieved by motion. Painful stiffness of the neck, only noticed on moving it. A jerking pain in the neck. Jerking-tearing pain in the right cervical glands. вack. Pain in the back, on stooping. Drawing pain in the back. Drawing-pressive pain in the back. Drawing- tearing pain in and near the spine. Sudden drawing-sticking pain in the middle of the spine. A pain, drawing downward in the small of the back when standing and moving, together with a bruised pain.
Cardiovascular system
Very severe stitches in the region of the heart, so that he cried out.
Limbs and spine
Extremities in General.
Convulsive jerks and twitches, now in the thigh, now in the forearm. Weariness and heaviness of the limbs, followed by trembling of the thighs and knees; the hands refused their service when writing (after seven hours). Sensation of lassitude in the limbs, more during rest and while sitting. Extreme weariness in all the limbs, as if bruised; all the limbs are affected. A pain shoots into one or the other limbs on coughing and sneezing. сrawling sensation in the arms and legs, from the feet upward as far as the throat. сracking and creaking in the joints of the knees and fingers. After he has lain down, all the joints become stiff, and on rising from bed in the morning, all the joints feel crushed, especially the lameness in the knees and ankles is more severe after rising than during motion. Sensation of stiffness and simple in all the joints, worse when beginning to move, but relieved on continued motion, with catarrh and tough mucus in the trachea. All the joints pain as if dislocated, with a sensation as if they were swollen. All the joints feel crushed in the morning on rising; a paralytic stiff pain on beginning to move, especially in the knees and ankles, relieved by continued motion (after ten hours).
Superior Extremities.
Drawing-tearing pain, extending from the right clavicle along the whole arm to the tips of the fingers, lasting three minutes. Shoulder. Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated. Drawing paralytic pain above and below the shoulder-joint). Elbow. Stitches in the left elbow-joint, which extend into the hand, with flushes of heat, from which the arm felt as if asleep. Forearm. Tingling pain in the left forearm. Hands. Heat in the hands, but not in other portions of the body. My hands burned and stung so, I washed them in water and then in sweet oil; I felt no more burning, but on washing my hands the next morning in cold water, the burning returned worse than ever. Twitching-jerking, painful sensation in the hollow of the left hand (after eight hours). Fingers. A contractive pain in the left index finger. Violent, deep stitches in the ball of the left little finger.
Inferior Extremities.
A sticking-tearing pain from the hip-joints to the feet, especially on coughing. Hip. Drawing pain in the hip-joint (pain like a stiff neck), which was aggravated by touch and by bending the trunk backwards. Thigh. Pain in the muscles of the thighs, like a pressure and a sprain. A deep pressive pain in the side of the thigh, extending into the knee, on coughing. Pain as if sprained in the right thigh; the pain became more violent if the thigh was stretched out, but not otherwise. Drawing digging- sticking pain in the middle of the posterior surface of the left thigh, disappearing on motion. Tearing pain on the inner side of the left thigh. вruised pain in the right thigh, disappearing on walking, but returning during rest. Knee. Tensive pain in the knee. Leg. An internal pain, consisting of a drawing-sticking, in the left lower leg. Tension in the calves, when walking. Foot. Trembling weakness of the feet. Bruised pain in the bones of the heels, as if the heels had been benumbed and bruised by a long leap, at times becoming tearing, paroxysmal), (after two hours). Toes. Some stitches in the right great toe, ceasing on stamping the foot. Stitches extending to the tips of the toes.
Convulsive jerks and twitches, now in the thigh, now in the forearm. Weariness and heaviness of the limbs, followed by trembling of the thighs and knees; the hands refused their service when writing (after seven hours). Sensation of lassitude in the limbs, more during rest and while sitting. Extreme weariness in all the limbs, as if bruised; all the limbs are affected. A pain shoots into one or the other limbs on coughing and sneezing. сrawling sensation in the arms and legs, from the feet upward as far as the throat. сracking and creaking in the joints of the knees and fingers. After he has lain down, all the joints become stiff, and on rising from bed in the morning, all the joints feel crushed, especially the lameness in the knees and ankles is more severe after rising than during motion. Sensation of stiffness and simple in all the joints, worse when beginning to move, but relieved on continued motion, with catarrh and tough mucus in the trachea. All the joints pain as if dislocated, with a sensation as if they were swollen. All the joints feel crushed in the morning on rising; a paralytic stiff pain on beginning to move, especially in the knees and ankles, relieved by continued motion (after ten hours).
Superior Extremities.
Drawing-tearing pain, extending from the right clavicle along the whole arm to the tips of the fingers, lasting three minutes. Shoulder. Pain in the shoulder-joint, as if dislocated. Drawing paralytic pain above and below the shoulder-joint). Elbow. Stitches in the left elbow-joint, which extend into the hand, with flushes of heat, from which the arm felt as if asleep. Forearm. Tingling pain in the left forearm. Hands. Heat in the hands, but not in other portions of the body. My hands burned and stung so, I washed them in water and then in sweet oil; I felt no more burning, but on washing my hands the next morning in cold water, the burning returned worse than ever. Twitching-jerking, painful sensation in the hollow of the left hand (after eight hours). Fingers. A contractive pain in the left index finger. Violent, deep stitches in the ball of the left little finger.
Inferior Extremities.
A sticking-tearing pain from the hip-joints to the feet, especially on coughing. Hip. Drawing pain in the hip-joint (pain like a stiff neck), which was aggravated by touch and by bending the trunk backwards. Thigh. Pain in the muscles of the thighs, like a pressure and a sprain. A deep pressive pain in the side of the thigh, extending into the knee, on coughing. Pain as if sprained in the right thigh; the pain became more violent if the thigh was stretched out, but not otherwise. Drawing digging- sticking pain in the middle of the posterior surface of the left thigh, disappearing on motion. Tearing pain on the inner side of the left thigh. вruised pain in the right thigh, disappearing on walking, but returning during rest. Knee. Tensive pain in the knee. Leg. An internal pain, consisting of a drawing-sticking, in the left lower leg. Tension in the calves, when walking. Foot. Trembling weakness of the feet. Bruised pain in the bones of the heels, as if the heels had been benumbed and bruised by a long leap, at times becoming tearing, paroxysmal), (after two hours). Toes. Some stitches in the right great toe, ceasing on stamping the foot. Stitches extending to the tips of the toes.
Included in the composition
- 1.1€ Capsilah (ЭДАС)
- 2.7€ Sulfoderm (2 firms)
- 2.2-3.6€ Tonsipret (2 firms)
- 2.5€ Герпес (гомеопатический комплекс) (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Сульфоскин (Фитасинтекс)
- 3.2€ Capsicum-plus (2 firms)
- — Bryonia-plus (Доктор Н)
- 8.3€ Populus compositum sr (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №24
- 11€ Flowers Energy №64
- — Flowers Energy №95
- 12.5-15.3€ Solidago compositum s (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Antizap Oy (Алкой-Фарм)
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug






