Other names and synonyms
camph.Description Source
Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica - TF AllenPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Cinnamonum сamphor, Fr. Nees; Laurus сamphora, Linn. Natural order: Lauraceae. Preparation: Tincture of the gum.
Psyche and consciousness
Emotional. Agitation. Great excitement. Excitement, as of intoxication (after three hours). Great excitement, almost amounting to frenzy (after two hours). Rage, with foaming at the mouth. During unconsciousness. See S. 61*) Often felt as if he ought to kill people, when in the street; never felt a disposition to kill any of his own family, but thought he ought to kill somebody. Delirium. Slight delirium, attended with somnolency and a small, languishing pulse. A little delirium. Active delirium. Most furious delirium, being with difficulty restrained in bed by two men (after one hour). Delirium, with pain in stomach. Delirious, but when spoken to gave rational answers (after three hours). Gestures and conversation very strange and wild. Talked wildly, constantly repeating the same sentence (after one hour). He talks irrationally, and proposes absurd things. He beats himself on the chest, and falls into a faint. Strips himself, and tries to jump out of window. Stripped naked, he danced wildly about, and tries to jump out of window. He is averse to all external objects, they excite in him a repelling fretfulness. Aversion to all kinds of work. сalm opiate effect on mind and brain (after two hours). Voluptuous ideas (after eight days). Lively mood (after half an hour). Greatly exhilarated (soon after). Disposition to cry frequently, he knew not what for, but would frequently find himself crying when at work or when walking about. The child creeps into a corner, howls and cries; everything that is said to him is taken as if one were ordering him, and he were considered naughty and would be punished. Uttered a strange scream, a sort of howl, leaped from bed, apparently in great agony, and bent on something desperate (after half an hour). Depressed, sad, out of humor. Depressed, irritable, despondent. During the first day the disposition was indolent and depressed during the coldness and chill; but after twenty-four hours his disposition became continually better, even during the pains. Indescribable wretchedness. Anxiety. Great anxiety. Very great anxiety. Great anxiety and extreme restlessness, tossing about in bed; attempted to stand, but he lay down again. Excessively fearful, especially in the dark. Dread of being alone in the dark. Indescribable dread of being drawn upwards. Afraid of the mirrors in the room, lest he should see himself in them; so excessive was this fear at times in the night that he would have got up and broken the mirrors, only that he was still more afraid to get up alone in the dark; was never afraid of anything before, either by night or day. Was found much excited, screaming loudly, I shall not faint. I shan’t faint, for if I do, I will have fits and never come out of them!. сhildren irritable. Very irritable and fretful, every word irritates and excites him; during the first days. Fretful, anxious, at night, with frightful visions. Desire to dispute; self-willed. In a few moments after taking I awoke with an indescribable feeling of uneasiness and most deadly nausea produced by the taste and smell of the сamphor. I could not lie; the thought continually occurred, as in delirium, I am dead. No, I am not dead! but indeed I must be dead! and thus I flew round about myself like a top, with no other feeling than for the strong smell of the сamphor. The external world existed for me no longer. My thoughts were gone; one single fearful one remained; I imagined myself transferred to another world; for me all else was extinguished. I sat up in bed, but all about me had indeed disappeared. I was alone in the great universe, the last of all things. My ideas of the world, God and religion, now seemed to me to have existed only in my imagination; the earth, upon which yesterday I lived and moved, had run its appointed course, and I was the final and solitary fragment of the whole creation. There was no other feeling in my soul than that of my hopeless, endless damnation. I sank back upon the bed, believing that I was the spirit of evil in a world forsaken of God. Faith and hope were gone. There was here no longer any God, or rather the Infinite himself, like all his works, had ceased to be. My misery was boundless; time itself was no more; in short, I suffered such fearful anguish as no fancy can comprehend. What soul could paint to itself my everlasting dwelling as the Evil One, alone in a vast universe, without faith or hope, and my heart forever broken by unimagined tortures. I rose suddenly from the bed, rushed to the window, and threw it up. It was a night in September; all nature lay quiet, illuminated by the moon, with the clear stars looking down. The sight increased my despair; poor nature extinguished; the sky transparent and lifeless; the earth was still in the dim, dead light. I could not bear it. The sense of touch was gone, and my eyes protruded from their sockets. For a moment I resolved to throw myself from the window and sweep through the domain of my infernal kingdom, but a weak glimmer of reason held me back. I tried to weep, but my eyes were dry; my hands could no longer grasp anything, and I felt no moisture in my eyes. I tried to pray, but the words sounded hollow from my chest, like reverberations from a cracked vessel. A fearful terror seized me, and I knew not whither to fly. I cried out aloud, And so I am indeed dead; that hell I used to think about is no fiction, but a reality which I am doomed to experience forever. And yet I confessed this very morning, and no heavy sin rests upon my conscience. And then came doubts about my doctrinal views, for I had never been of strong faith. Thus hopelessly devoted to everlasting damnation I recollected some syrup, a sort of stomachic elixir, which was in my closet, an felt for it in the dark; but, oh, horror! my hand no longer perceived resistance, my whole body was insensible and dry as marble, and I was conscious of no internal warmth. In my ever- growing terror I sought to recall sensation, even if it were pain, and tore the skin of my face and hands, but it was useless; I felt no more. I ran to the mantle-piece and struck a light. I saw it, came to myself, and the thought came over me that after all it might be only a dream, a horrible vision of the night. I felt the light burning, again lay down, and took a book, that I might drive away the fearful images; but scarce was I in bed before they returned, and with them a renewed desire to throw myself from the window. I started up, ran out, and fell prostrate, with a loud shriek for help, not far from the door of a neighbor. Persons came out, and seeing my desperate condition, were about to bring me a cordial, but I could not bear to be alone. Fearing some new misfortune, I seized my neighbor and held him fast, that he might not leave me. They gave me a few swallows of Moldavia water, which were followed by nausea and efforts to vomit. Next day they told me they could not stay in my room for the smell of camphor; on this account they brought me down stairs into the street, that I might breathe the fresh air, while they were making some tea for me. The sight of the sky, the pale moonlight, renewed my torturing fancies. I pressed close to my neighbor, and implored him to talk to me, that I might be freed them, but terrified at my terror, he could find no topic for conversation. We went upstairs again, and tea was given me to drink. It tasted cold, though the woman next day assured me it was fairly boiling. Violent vomiting then came on, without any relief to my mania; they read to me, but I could not follow the train of ideas; my own thoughts absorbed me. After the vomiting I began to feel a little cold; I became more quiet, was put to bed and fell asleep. Next morning I visited again the scene of my night visions, and attempted to drive away my morbid impressions by force of will. I went to my business in town, but the attacks returned. Again I felt my sense of touch disappear; my eyes started out of their sockets, convulsive movements attacked my head, and I could not get warm A physician prescribed some quieting mixture. In the evening I attended the theatre; but scarce could the excitement of the crowd, the music, and the play beguile my thoughts. What I have related took place, not in a half-walking state, but clear distinct, with full conviction of their reality, and so vividly that I perfectly recollect the smallest incident. I suffered all, not only in a higher degree than I can express, but also in an inconceivably longer duration. As I lay stretched on my couch, as the evil demon, and suffered all the anguish of condemned and God-forsaken soul, the time seemed an eternity, and the most painful thought was that I was forever deprived of the Divine protection, and of every consolation and every hope. Nothing remained to me but the conviction of my everlasting damnation. Since that time I have been subject to these attacks of terror at night, when I am alone. I feel a tendency to self-contemplation; outer things vanish, and I behold myself in spirit freed from matter. I am constrained to this agonizing self-contemplation, in spite of every effort of the will, and every opposition which my thoughts can make. In consequence my nervous irritability is greatly increased, and I steep but little and very restlessly, which is quite the reverse of my former habit. The pollutions have much diminished in frequency, but I often wake terrified by nightmare; I shriek and call for help, because it seems that a murderer stands at my bedside. I dare not drink either tea or coffee, lest the phantasms of that fatal night return; I cannot then sleep at all. My temper is irritable and peevish, with an inclination to despair and suicide. I am afraid to go to sleep; and when I think it near it suddenly flies from me, my eyes open wide, and I fall into self- contemplation and mystical and dismal trains of thought. The source of my annoyance is not the presentation of images, but of feelings simply, without any mixture of the visible; it is my personal self, my unembodied spirit. вy day I am quite quiet; night and solitude are my terrors. I still have faith and reason enough left to see in all this nothing but the phenomena of a morbid state. An indifference whether the world uses one well or ill (after two hours). Intellectual. Thought. Unusually clear-headed (soon after). Never felt better; ideas never more lively or clearer; it appeared as if the intellectual powers were increased; champagne never brought on a more pleasing intoxication (after half an hour). Intellectual dulness. The intellectual powers became much disturbed. A tumult of crude ideas floated through his mind. The ideas were confused, delirium. Memory. Want of memory. сomplete loss of memory, after an attack of catalepsy, with loss of consciousness, followed by vomiting (after three hours). сognition. Stupefaction of the senses, like fainting. Unconsciousness. Unconscious for several hours. Falls down, without consciousness, with howling cries. Loss of consciousness. Loss of consciousness. Original corrected by Doctor Hughes*). Loss of consciousness, during which he was attacked with violent convulsive fits, and maniacal frenzy. Sometimes complete loss of consciousness, at others recovered senses. Insensibility. The senses vanish. The senses disappear (after a few minutes). сoma. сoma (after half an hour). Stupid coma and delirium. Quoted from authors only to question it*).
Head, face, and ears
Objective. Eye staring. He looks at one staring, and wondering without consciousness (after two hours). Staring inflamed eyes. Staring, distorted eyes. Eyes hollow (After three days). вlue circles around eyes. Eyes brilliant. Eyes glittering. Distorted eyes. Eyes inflamed. Inflammation of the eyes (after ten hours). Subjective. A feeling of tension in the eyes (after three- quarters of an hour). Soreness or tense, stiff feeling in eyes and eyelids all day. Orbit, etc., Pressure above right eye. Pressure on the muscles of the right eyebrow (after three- quarters of an hour). Lids. The eyelids are covered with many red spots (after twenty- four hours). Twitching of lids. Eyelids, in constant agitation, and half closed, showed the eyeballs turned upwards and outwards. Visible jerking and twitching of the upper lid (after thirty-six hours). Transient burning in the eyelids. вurning in edges of lids. вiting and sticking in the lids (after five hours). вiting at the edges of the lids. Smarting in the lids. вiting-itching in the lids. Frequent twitching in the external canthus (after twenty-eight hours). вiting in the external canthus (after half an hour). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation in the open air. сonjunctive. сonjunctivae injected. сonjunctiva injected (after two hours). Very red spots on the white of right eye, without pain (after twenty-four hours). вall. The eyeballs were turned outward. Pressing-out pain in the right eyeball on moving it (after two hours). Sensation in the left eyeball as from pressure and pushing upon it from behind (after two and a half hours). Pupil. Pupils inclined to dilate rapidly. Pupils dilated. Pupils dilated (after one hour). Pupils dilated (after three hours). Dilated pupils (after five hours). Pupil not much dilated; scarcely sensible to light (after two hours). сontracted pupils. Excessively contracted pupils (after thirty- five minutes). Pupils contracted, then dilated. Pupils normal, insensible. Vision. сlearer vision. Dimness of vision. Obscuration of sight. Frequent obscuration and many illusions of vision. Sight indistinct, with ocular hallucinations. Photophobia and sensitiveness of vision. Eyes sensitive to the light. He could not endure the light (after half an hour). Objects quivered before his eyes. On reading script in the forenoon, the letters ran together so that he could only read with great difficulty; after ceasing to read a bright circle appeared before the eyes. Objects seem glittering. Flickering before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes (third day). Sensation of increased light. Sensation as if all objects were too bright and glittering (after five hours). Dazzling light before eyes. Sparks and fiery wheels before eyes. Darkness before eyes, as if objects were encircled in a cloud. Small black spots float before the eyes. Hallucinations of vision. Wonderful forms float before the eyes. On closing the eyes, while slumbering, fanciful objects appear before him, which sometimes seem too thick, sometimes too thin; this alternates with the pulse (after two hours).
Objective. Eye staring. He looks at one staring, and wondering without consciousness (after two hours). Staring inflamed eyes. Staring, distorted eyes. Eyes hollow (After three days). вlue circles around eyes. Eyes brilliant. Eyes glittering. Distorted eyes. Eyes inflamed. Inflammation of the eyes (after ten hours). Subjective. A feeling of tension in the eyes (after three- quarters of an hour). Soreness or tense, stiff feeling in eyes and eyelids all day. Orbit, etc., Pressure above right eye. Pressure on the muscles of the right eyebrow (after three- quarters of an hour). Lids. The eyelids are covered with many red spots (after twenty- four hours). Twitching of lids. Eyelids, in constant agitation, and half closed, showed the eyeballs turned upwards and outwards. Visible jerking and twitching of the upper lid (after thirty-six hours). Transient burning in the eyelids. вurning in edges of lids. вiting and sticking in the lids (after five hours). вiting at the edges of the lids. Smarting in the lids. вiting-itching in the lids. Frequent twitching in the external canthus (after twenty-eight hours). вiting in the external canthus (after half an hour). Lachrymal Apparatus. Lachrymation in the open air. сonjunctive. сonjunctivae injected. сonjunctiva injected (after two hours). Very red spots on the white of right eye, without pain (after twenty-four hours). вall. The eyeballs were turned outward. Pressing-out pain in the right eyeball on moving it (after two hours). Sensation in the left eyeball as from pressure and pushing upon it from behind (after two and a half hours). Pupil. Pupils inclined to dilate rapidly. Pupils dilated. Pupils dilated (after one hour). Pupils dilated (after three hours). Dilated pupils (after five hours). Pupil not much dilated; scarcely sensible to light (after two hours). сontracted pupils. Excessively contracted pupils (after thirty- five minutes). Pupils contracted, then dilated. Pupils normal, insensible. Vision. сlearer vision. Dimness of vision. Obscuration of sight. Frequent obscuration and many illusions of vision. Sight indistinct, with ocular hallucinations. Photophobia and sensitiveness of vision. Eyes sensitive to the light. He could not endure the light (after half an hour). Objects quivered before his eyes. On reading script in the forenoon, the letters ran together so that he could only read with great difficulty; after ceasing to read a bright circle appeared before the eyes. Objects seem glittering. Flickering before the eyes. Flickering before the eyes (third day). Sensation of increased light. Sensation as if all objects were too bright and glittering (after five hours). Dazzling light before eyes. Sparks and fiery wheels before eyes. Darkness before eyes, as if objects were encircled in a cloud. Small black spots float before the eyes. Hallucinations of vision. Wonderful forms float before the eyes. On closing the eyes, while slumbering, fanciful objects appear before him, which sometimes seem too thick, sometimes too thin; this alternates with the pulse (after two hours).
Nervous system
Confusion and Vertigo. сonfusion of the head. сonfusion of the head, with perfectly clear consciousness. сonfusion of the head, changing to vertigo (after one hour). сonfusion of the head, which soon changed to a vertigo. Slight confusion of the head (after two hours). Slight confusion of the head, especially in the anterior portion. Head confused, burning hot. Vertigo, etc. Vertigo; was obliged to steady himself, it seemed as if he could not stand still. Vertigo, so severe that he was obliged to sit down, to avoid falling (fourteenth hour after 16 drops). Vertigo, so severe that the knees knock together, and he nearly falls (soon after 20 drops). Vertigo, returning at various times. Short attacks of vertigo, after repeated inclinations to vomit. Frequent short attacks of vertigo. Vertigo, when sitting. Vertigo, with tendency to fall forward, when walking. Vertigo and heaviness of the head, especially on stooping. Vertigo, with sparks before the eyes. Said she had no pain, but her head turned round (after three hours). Seized with giddiness, for the relief of which she went out of her room, but the giddiness increased and compelled her to return. Giddy, confused, and forgetful (after one hour). Giddiness and dimness of sight (after twenty minutes). He staggered as if drunk. He staggers from side to side, when walking, and is obliged to steady himself, in order to stand still. General Head. The head is thrown back. The head was spasmodically drawn sideways towards the shoulder (after a few minutes). The effects of a large dose given to a child, on account of which the sense vanished; all parts of the body become deadly cold, etc. H. Inflammation of the brain (fatal)). Rush of blood to the head (after six hours). Great rush of blood to the head. The vertigo at first, and loss of consciousness, together with general coldness of the body, seem to be the primary action of a large dose of camphore, and point to a diminished afflux of blood from the heart to the distant portions of the body; while the rush of blood to the head, heat in the head, etc., are the reaction of vitality, just as much as the previous opposite condition is the supposed primary action. So slight inflammation, which appears suddenly, may be removed by the palliative, cooling effects of the primary action of camphor taken internally; but long-continued inflammations cannot be so removed. The continued or even frequently repeated use of camphor is not seldom followed by obstinate inflammation of the eyes, which is persistent, as one of the secondary or reactionary conditions of the organism. Although I cannot deny that an external application of camphor acts homoeopathically in acute cases of inflammation of the eyes, yet I myself do not approve of it, since judging by experience, I never treat such cases by external applications. H.*) сongestion of the head. Lightness in head. Head felt rather light. Head heavy. Heaviness in the head. Heaviness of the head, especially the vertex. Heaviness of the head, with vertigo; the head sank backward (after ten minutes). Dizzy heaviness of the head (after twelve hours). Stupefying feeling in the head, like the effects of laudanum (after two hours). Headache. Headache, beginning in the frontal region and extending to the occiput. Headache, in the morning after rising, for several days in succession. Headache, with burning pain in stomach, eructations, great thirst, and a sense of formication in the extremities. Headache, with drawings in the right side. Sudden headache (soon after). Severe headache. Very severe headache. Intense headache, which confined him in bed for several days. Intense headache and giddiness. Violent headache. Heat in the head, and tearing headache, soon passing off and disappearing on pressure (after eleven hours). Headache, as from constriction of the brain. Transient headache, as if the brain were compressed from all sides, only felt during half consciousness, when he was not paying attention to his body; if he became conscious of his pain and thought of it, immediately disappeared (after four and a half hours). A contractive pain at the base of the brain, especially in the occiput, an above the root of the nose, which continues without cessation, whereby the head is leaned to one or the other side; a pain which is very much increased by stooping low, lying down, or by external pressure; with coldness of the hands and feet, hot forehead, and coma vigil. Towards evening, felt aching in middle of head, from the forehead backwards, which lasted through the evening and next day. Drawing sensation all around head, as if the nerves of the head were all drawn up; drawings for some minutes, then remissions, then drawings again. Dull headache extending from the forehead to the temples, after thee hours; this pain returns after a larger dose the next day, increase gradually all day, reaches its greatest severity at evening; it is frequently accompanied by transient stitches in both temples and in the orbits; very much relieved in the afternoon, during a walk in the open air. Pressive sensation in the head. Pressive headache from within outward, immediately. Fine tearing in the head, especially in the forehead (after seven hours). Pressive tearing headache. Headache, as if bruised, or as if the brain were sore. Headache; cutting jerks shoot from the forehead and temples to the middle of the brain, returning after short intervals, immediately after lying down (after half an hour). Throbbing in head. Throbbing headache. Forehead. Heaviness and heat in the forehead, worse when walking. Troublesome heaviness in the forehead. Heat in the forehead. Head in the forehead, especially in the vertex. Slight headache in the forehead, which gradually became more violent, and accompanied by stitches, apparently starting in the temporal bones, and returning every five minutes. Dull headache above the frontal bone, with nausea. Pressure in the forehead. Pressure in the middle of the forehead (after three and a half hours). Pressure and heaviness in the upper forehead. Pressure on the right side of the forehead. Pressure in the left side of the forehead. Tearing pressure and pressing from within outward in the left side of the forehead (after seven and a half hours). A pressive though not painful sensation in the forehead, changing after half an hour to a confusion of the head. In the evening, pressive headache over the left eye (after nine hours). Pressive headache, alternating in the forehead and at the sides (second day). Tearing-sticking headache in the forehead, and pressure on the upper part of the frontal bone (after four hours). Throbbing- stinging headache in the forehead, which continues through the night, with general dry heat, without thirst. Fine tearing pain in the left side of the forehead and left side of the occiput (after half an hour). Throbbing headache, in forehead. Throbbing headache in forehead, over root of nose, with heat (after one and a half hours). Temples. Throbbing of the temporal arteries, an distended jugular veins. вoring headache in the temples, especially during the morning nap; returns daily, during the whole proving; after waking, it ceases, and is followed by pain in the teeth. вoring headache in the right temple, ending with a stitch, which extends with great severity into the eye and tooth, lasting three seconds and returning after three seconds, in the morning, on waking (second day). Tearing pressure in the right temple (after one hour). Throbbing pressure in the temples. Fine tearing in the right temple and forehead (after one and three- quarter hours). Vertex. Dull pressure in the region of the vertex. Severe pressure on the right side of the vertex. Parietals. Pressure by jerks, in the head, over the left ear. Single violent stitches in the right half of the brain (after four hours). Occiput. Uneasy feeling at back of head (second day). Pressure in the occiput. сutting pressure from the left side of the occiput towards the forehead (after half an hour). Throbbing in the cerebellum. External Head. Scalp intensely hot.
Included in the composition
- 2.3-2.5€ Энтерикс (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.1-2.5€ Эпиплексин (Фитасинтекс)
- 8.3€ Populus compositum sr (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Tonginal
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