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Magnesia sulphurica

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  1. Pharmacological Group
  2. Additional facts
  3. Nosology
  4. Psyche and consciousness
  5. Head, face, and ears
  6. Mouth and throat
  7. Appetite and food preferences
  8. Gastrointestinal tract
  9. Urogenital system
  10. Chest organs
  11. Limbs and spine
  12. Nervous system
  13. Sleep
  14. Common symptoms
  15. Fever
  16. Skin
  17. Dif. diagnostics
  18. Analogs by action
  19. Manufacturers of the drug

Other names and synonyms


Description Source

Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. Hering

Pharmacological Group

Homeopathic classical monopreparations

Additional facts

 Magnesium Sulphate ; Epsom Salts. Mg SO4 7H2O.
 Proved by Nenning (Hartlaub and Trink’s Annalen, vol. 4, p. 466) and Hencke (Neues Archiv., vol. 3, p. 185).


 - Diabetes, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 211.

Psyche and consciousness

 Very lively, or greatly depressed.
 Sad and weeping ; foreboding anxiety, as if some accident would happen.
 Ill humor, irritable.
 Vertigo, heaviness of head ; spontaneous closing of eyes.

Head, face, and ears

 Dulness in head, on rising in morning, disappearing after an hour.
 Dull feeling of head, as if bandaged or screwed in.
 Heaviness of head with vertigo.
 Stitches, stabbings in head.
 Boring in vertex.
 Sensation in forehead on stooping as if something would fall forward.
 Violent pains in eyes, especially right, as if it would start out of socket.
 Stinging in both eyes.
 Dimness of eyes with frequent drowsiness.
 Burning of eyes, especially at candlelight.
 Lachrymation, with photophobia.
 Bleeding of nose (at night) with diminution of headache.
 Fluent coryza, with rough voice, pain in chest and frequent flow of water from nose.
 Pain in posterior nares, as from air pressing through with violence, when talking or coughing.
 Tearing in right facial bones or in left malar bone.
 Burning of lips in evening, with dryness.

Mouth and throat

 Toothache on entering room from cold air, worse by contact of food, cold and warm things.
 Mouth and throat very dry, as if numb.
 Stinging in fauces, more between than during act of deglutition.
 Frequent mucus in throat, which can neither be swallowed nor hawked up.
 Deep, hollow bass voice (as in catarrh).

Appetite and food preferences

 Thirst early in morning on rising, going off after breakfast.
 Thirst in evening, particularly during menses.

Gastrointestinal tract

 Rising of water from stomach, also with loathing and nausea.
 Vomiting (in afternoon) first of ingesta, then of mucus.
 Frequent eructations tasting like bad eggs.
 Trembling of stomach, with subsequent gulping up of water, sometimes putrid taste.
 Feeling of coldness in stomach, with inclination to vomit.
 Sticking in left hypochondriac region, particularly when sitting or in evening.
 Distension, fulness and hardness of abdomen, even after a moderate meal.
 Rumbling in abdomen, with emission of flatus.
 Itching of left inguinal region, not removed by scratching.
 Stools : alternate hard and soft ; liquid, with tenesmus ; soft, early after rising ; diarrhoea, with discharge of ascarides ; soft, with burning at anus or with subsequent tenesmus.
 Diarrhoea preceded by rumbling in abdomen.

Urogenital system

 Increased emission of clear, greenish urine.
 Nocturnal micturition (involuntary).
 Frequent stinging about penis when sitting or walking.
 Erections without amorous fancies or sexual desire.
 Menses : too late ; too short ; too early ; stop for two days, then flow again.
 During menses : great heaviness in head ; bruised pain in small of back ; pain in groins.
 Discharge of blood between menstrual periods.
 Leucorrhoea : burning, particularly during motion ; thick, with bruised pain in small of back and thighs ; thick, profuse like menses.

Chest organs

 Loose cough, with soreness in mouth and throat.
 Dry cough : with burning from larynx to pit of stomach ; in evening in bed, during which he falls asleep.
 Painful burning in chest when coughing, as if a piece of lung would come out.
 Oppression of chest, with burning in chest when walking.
 Burning in middle of chest ; under upper part of sternum.

Limbs and spine

 Tension in nape of neck and between shoulders, with stitches, particularly in morning on rising, with great sensitiveness to touch, better by walking.
 Rheumatic pain between shoulders.
 Bruised pain in small of back, with pains in groins when sitting or standing, better when walking.
 Nightly pain in small of back and thighs.
 Rheumatic pains in left elbow and wrist joint.
 Trembling of hands.
 Tingling in fingers ; going off by rubbing.
 Pain in thighs when walking.
 Rheumatic pain in hip, in left femur.
 Cracking of tarsal joint at every step.
 Rheumatic pains in limbs, particularly at night.
 Cannot lie on back : pain in small of back.
 Raising head in bed : vertigo.
 Stooping : sensation in forehead as if something would fall forward.
 Sitting : sticking in left hypochondriac region ; stinging about penis ; pains in groins.
 Standing : pains in groins.
 Motion : burning leucorrhoea.
 At every step : cracking of tarsal joint.
 Walking : stinging about penis ; burning and oppression of chest ; tension in nape of neck ; pains in groins ; bruised pains in back ; pain in thighs.
 Touch : great sensitiveness of neck.
 Rubbing : tingling in fingers going off.
 Scratching : does not remove itching of inguinal canal ; of blotches causes burning.

Nervous system

 Great languor, with staggering gait or trembling of body.


 Sleeplessness from violent headache, colic, pain in small of back which does not allow him to lie on back.
 Anxious dreams, with starting.
 Morning, on rising : dulness in head ; thirst ; soft stools ; stitches in nape of neck and between shoulders ; chilliness, with thirst.
 All day : cold feet.
 Afternoon : vomiting ; sweat.
 Evening : burning of lips ; thirst ; sticking in left hypochondriac region ; in bed, dry cough ; shuddering in back.
 At 9 P. M. : chill, violent headache, going off in bed ; till 10 A. M. chill.
 Night : bleeding of nose ; involuntary micturition ; rheumatic pain in limbs.

Common symptoms

 From cold air into room : toothache.
 Cold or warm food : toothache.
 As if some accident would happen ; head as if bandaged or screwed in ; as if something would fall forward ; as if eye would start out of socket ; as if air was pressing through posterior nares ; mouth and throat as if numb ; as if piece of lung would come out.
 Pain : in chest ; in posterior nares ; in teeth ; in groins ; in small of back and thighs.
 Violent pain : in head ; in eyes.
 Tearing : in right facial bones or in left malar bone.
 Boring : in vertex.
 Stitches, stabbing : in head.
 Stitches : in nape of neck and between shoulders.
 Stinging : in both eyes ; in fauces ; about penis.
 Sticking : in left hypochondriac region.
 Painful burning : in chest.
 Burning : of eyes ; of lips ; from larynx to pit of stomach ; in middle of chest ; under upper part of sternum ; of blotches ; at anus.
 Heat : of head ; in one part of body, chill in another.
 Colic : in abdomen.
 Soreness : in mouth and throat.
 Bruised pain : in small of back ; in thighs ; in whole body.
 Rheumatic pain : between shoulders ; in left elbow and left wrist joint ; in hip ; in left femur ; in limbs.
 Tingling : in fingers.
 Tension : in nape of neck and between shoulders.
 Oppression : of chest.
 Heaviness : of head.
 Fulness : of abdomen.
 Dulness : in head.
 Dull feeling : of head.
 Trembling : of stomach ; of hands.
 Dryness : of lips ; of mouth and throat.
 Itching : of left inguinal canal ; of blotches.
 Shuddering : in back.
 Violent itching : of tetter on arms.
 Coldness : of stomach ; of body ; of feet.


 Shuddering in back, in evening, from below upwards.
 Chilliness : with thirst, early in morning after waking.
 Shaking chill, with violent headache in evening, 9 P. M., going off in bed, succeeded by thirst.
 Chill from 9 P. M. till 10 A. M., followed by sweat in afternoon.
 Alternation of heat and shuddering, with alternate redness and paleness of face.
 Heat in one part of body and chill in another.
 Heat and vertigo on raising head in bed, with sweat on forehead and redness in face.
 Heat of head, with coldness of rest of body.
 Cold feet all day, although otherwise hot.
 For two days : menses stop, then flow again.
 Right : violent pains in eye ; tearing in facial bone.
 Left : tearing in malar bone ; sticking in left hypochondriac region ; itching of inguinal canal ; rheumatic pains in elbow and wrist joint ; rheumatic pain in femur.
 From below upwards : shuddering in back.


 Itching blotches, either hard or as from nettles, with burning after scratching.
 Small red tetter on arms, with violent itching.

Dif. diagnostics

 Compare : Actea rac. and Pulsat. in sadness, weeping, foreboding anxiety ; Ignat. in stinging in fauces between acts of deglutition ; Hepar in eructations.

Analogs by action

Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug

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