Другие названия и синонимы
trom, Trombidium muscae domesticae, акарус гомеопатический, acarus homeopatina, клещ краснотелка гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
A parasite found singly or in groups upon the common housefly, of a bright-red color, nearly circular in shape.
The alcoholic tincture, a brilliant orange in color, was prepared from specimens, about one hundred and fifteen in number, collected in Frankford, Philadelphia in September, 1864.
The provings, under supervision of Hering, were made by Harvey, Heath, J. F. R., and вancroft, the potencies used 3d dec., 6th dec., 9th cent., 18th cent., and 30th cent., see H. M., Sept., 1865, p. 83.
A parasite found singly or in groups upon the common housefly, of a bright-red color, nearly circular in shape.
The alcoholic tincture, a brilliant orange in color, was prepared from specimens, about one hundred and fifteen in number, collected in Frankford, Philadelphia in September, 1864.
The provings, under supervision of Hering, were made by Harvey, Heath, J. F. R., and вancroft, the potencies used 3d dec., 6th dec., 9th cent., 18th cent., and 30th cent., see H. M., Sept., 1865, p. 83.
- Diarrhoea, Lippe, Org., vol. 1, p. 364, vol. 2, p. 205 ; Rushmore, Hom. Phys., vol. 2, p. 318 ; Diarrhoea and dysentery, Lippe, Hom. Phys., vol. 5, p. 232.
Психика и сознание
Loss of memory ; inability to collect ideas ; absence of ideas.
Talkative during day ; disposed to be contrary ; constant disposition to gape.
Talkative during day ; disposed to be contrary ; constant disposition to gape.
Голова, лицо и уши
Dull, heavy, sometimes sharp pains in temples extending over frontal region, worse left side ; 9.30 P. M.
Dull pain in left side of head ; worse shaking head and walking ; 10 P. M.
Shooting pain in right side of head, near parietal eminence ; 11 A. M.
Shooting pains in right side of head, just above temporal region ; 3 P. M.
Dull feeling through head ; forenoon.
Oppressive headache ; lightness of head ; dizziness of head from lightness ; it felt as if there were no weight in head.
Intolerable itching of scalp, especially vertex and occiput ; 7 A. M.
Redness of internal portion of conjunctiva, similar to pterygium.
Lachrymation in open air.
Intolerable itching in inner canthus of right eye ; 9 P. M.
Shooting pains in right ear ; 3 P. M.
Dull, occasionally severe shooting pains in right ear, worse swallowing or blowing nose ; slight soreness in right side of throat ; shooting pains in left heel and left wrist in forenoon.
Afternoon shooting pains in both ears, occurring quite frequently, and felt more severe in right one.
Itching in ears soon after rising ; eructations tasting of ingesta, lasting an hour after each meal.
Burning in pinna of both ears, more especially in right.
Dryness in nose, like sniffles.
On rising, nasal passages much obstructed, in afternoon and evening fluent coryza, especially while eating, and in open air ; in evening dryness and scabs in nose.
Mucous discharge from anterior nares, worse while eating dinner.
Evening congestion to head with red face and ears.
Awoke with pain in left mastoid region ; 7 A. M.
Itching in spots on chin and among whiskers.
Dull pain in left side of head ; worse shaking head and walking ; 10 P. M.
Shooting pain in right side of head, near parietal eminence ; 11 A. M.
Shooting pains in right side of head, just above temporal region ; 3 P. M.
Dull feeling through head ; forenoon.
Oppressive headache ; lightness of head ; dizziness of head from lightness ; it felt as if there were no weight in head.
Intolerable itching of scalp, especially vertex and occiput ; 7 A. M.
Redness of internal portion of conjunctiva, similar to pterygium.
Lachrymation in open air.
Intolerable itching in inner canthus of right eye ; 9 P. M.
Shooting pains in right ear ; 3 P. M.
Dull, occasionally severe shooting pains in right ear, worse swallowing or blowing nose ; slight soreness in right side of throat ; shooting pains in left heel and left wrist in forenoon.
Afternoon shooting pains in both ears, occurring quite frequently, and felt more severe in right one.
Itching in ears soon after rising ; eructations tasting of ingesta, lasting an hour after each meal.
Burning in pinna of both ears, more especially in right.
Dryness in nose, like sniffles.
On rising, nasal passages much obstructed, in afternoon and evening fluent coryza, especially while eating, and in open air ; in evening dryness and scabs in nose.
Mucous discharge from anterior nares, worse while eating dinner.
Evening congestion to head with red face and ears.
Awoke with pain in left mastoid region ; 7 A. M.
Itching in spots on chin and among whiskers.
Ротовая полость и горло
Severe dull pain in a decayed tooth of l. side, brought on during evening by reading aloud ; prevented sleep ; worse lying down, eating, talking, and from cold air ; better taking warm drink into mouth. Staphis. relieved).
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Loss of appetite.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Eructations after meals tasting of ingesta.
Sore, dull, aching pain in region of liver, just beneath free end of floating ribs ; place very sensitive to touch ; evening.
Forenoon dull, heavy pain over whole abdomen, worse by drinking cold water ; shooting pain in phalangeal joint of third finger, at the same time in left knee joint ; pain in pit of stomach (dull griping), which together with abdominal pain was worse from eating dinner.
Brown fluid discharges, with or without bloody streaks, occurring every half hour ; violent colic causing patient (a strong man) to scream with pain ; severe tenesmus.
Violent shooting pain in abdomen, beginning in left side, in hypogastric region.
Griping pains in abdomen, worse from eating or drinking.
Abdomen very sore.
Entire abdomen much distended with flatus ; 10 P. M.
Pain in abdomen as from incarcerated flatus.
Dull pain in abdomen worse from pressure.
Darting pain in abdomen, worse right side, above hips ; 10 A. M.
Sudden griping pain in abdomen, more on left side, which induced a stool.
Immediately after rising was seized with a griping in abdomen, obliging a stool which was diarrheic, relieving pain for a while, when it returned with greater violence and induced a second stool, accompanied by severe tenesmus causing prolapsus ani, and followed by a burning sensation about anus.
Diarrheic stool of brownish color, followed by a second at 10 A. M. ; light brown in color ; preceded and followed by a dull pain in abdomen ; at 2 P. M. another of same nature with much straining.
Stools. Thin, brown, fecal ; mucous ; blood-streaked ; bloody ; purulent ; mucous and bloody with hard fecal lumps ; frequent ; scanty ; in small fecal grains, constantly oozing ; soft, pappy ; brown, with some tenesmus preceded by pain in abdomen ; with severe tenesmus and slight prolapsus ani.
Small, loose stools preceded by terrible sore pains in intestines, attended with tenesmus and shivering along back ; on attempting to rise was obliged to lie down instantly, to prevent fainting ; in afternoon fever, with pulsation of arteries of head, dull aching in occiput, aching in small of back ; awoke about 5 A. M. with pain and urging to stool.
Tenesmus with prolapsus, followed by pain lasting for several minutes as if excoriated.
Sore, dull, aching pain in region of liver, just beneath free end of floating ribs ; place very sensitive to touch ; evening.
Forenoon dull, heavy pain over whole abdomen, worse by drinking cold water ; shooting pain in phalangeal joint of third finger, at the same time in left knee joint ; pain in pit of stomach (dull griping), which together with abdominal pain was worse from eating dinner.
Brown fluid discharges, with or without bloody streaks, occurring every half hour ; violent colic causing patient (a strong man) to scream with pain ; severe tenesmus.
Violent shooting pain in abdomen, beginning in left side, in hypogastric region.
Griping pains in abdomen, worse from eating or drinking.
Abdomen very sore.
Entire abdomen much distended with flatus ; 10 P. M.
Pain in abdomen as from incarcerated flatus.
Dull pain in abdomen worse from pressure.
Darting pain in abdomen, worse right side, above hips ; 10 A. M.
Sudden griping pain in abdomen, more on left side, which induced a stool.
Immediately after rising was seized with a griping in abdomen, obliging a stool which was diarrheic, relieving pain for a while, when it returned with greater violence and induced a second stool, accompanied by severe tenesmus causing prolapsus ani, and followed by a burning sensation about anus.
Diarrheic stool of brownish color, followed by a second at 10 A. M. ; light brown in color ; preceded and followed by a dull pain in abdomen ; at 2 P. M. another of same nature with much straining.
Stools. Thin, brown, fecal ; mucous ; blood-streaked ; bloody ; purulent ; mucous and bloody with hard fecal lumps ; frequent ; scanty ; in small fecal grains, constantly oozing ; soft, pappy ; brown, with some tenesmus preceded by pain in abdomen ; with severe tenesmus and slight prolapsus ani.
Small, loose stools preceded by terrible sore pains in intestines, attended with tenesmus and shivering along back ; on attempting to rise was obliged to lie down instantly, to prevent fainting ; in afternoon fever, with pulsation of arteries of head, dull aching in occiput, aching in small of back ; awoke about 5 A. M. with pain and urging to stool.
Tenesmus with prolapsus, followed by pain lasting for several minutes as if excoriated.
Острые состояния
Aggravation. In morning ; after eating and drinking ; from fruit ; from sugar ; in childbed.
Before stool. Pain in left side of abdomen, with perspiration ; griping pains ; sore pain in intestines.
During stool. Pain in abdomen continues ; tenesmus ; chills in back ; much urging.
After stool. Tenesmus ; prolapsus ani ; burning in anus ; great debility ; weakness in knees ; colic temporarily relieved, but soon returns.
Diarrhoea after dinner and supper ; before stool, colicky pains ; during stool, urging and tenesmus ; after stool, burning in anus.
Thin, brown, sometimes yellow, frequent stools, expelled with force ; crampy pains before, during and after stools ; griping pains starting from both groins and meeting in centre of abdomen on a line with groins ; then a small passage ; then more pain, and so on ; prostration after stool and coldness of whole body except face, which is hot ; stools after dinner or supper, never after breakfast ; bearing down during stool, worse after stool, as if everything were coming out at anus ; bloatedness of abdomen after stool ; debility after stool ; cramps in calf of right leg after one of these paroxysms ; sensation as of hot air blowing over lower part of abdomen, and over lower part of thighs after stool ; thirst after stool ; appetite good ; bruised and dragging-down feeling in abdomen ; feels as if abdomen needed support.
A man of full habit, subject to attacks of rheumatism and congestion of liver, complained that when he began to eat his dinner at 5 P. M. he experienced violent pain in intestines, pain increased until he had to seek relief suddenly, passed very thin feces and some mucus, with flatus and great tenesmus ; pains not better until he had three or four similar passages, when he ceased to suffer till he dined again next day.
Great tenesmus, prolapsus ani, discharge of mucus and soft feces, or pus, blood and mucus, with occasional very small pieces of feces ; skin dry, tongue coated, thirst moderate, pain in bowels moderate. θ Dysentery.
Dysentery ; begins early in morning ; discharges consist of thin brown substances, later mixed with mucus, and finally consisting of mucus ; pain preceding discharges, worse on left side of abdomen, causing perspiration ; discharge creates tenesmus, from it prolapsus ani, followed by burning in anus ; chills in back ; great debility ; pain and discharges worse from eating and drinking.
Prolapsus ani and burning about anus after stool.
Before stool. Pain in left side of abdomen, with perspiration ; griping pains ; sore pain in intestines.
During stool. Pain in abdomen continues ; tenesmus ; chills in back ; much urging.
After stool. Tenesmus ; prolapsus ani ; burning in anus ; great debility ; weakness in knees ; colic temporarily relieved, but soon returns.
Diarrhoea after dinner and supper ; before stool, colicky pains ; during stool, urging and tenesmus ; after stool, burning in anus.
Thin, brown, sometimes yellow, frequent stools, expelled with force ; crampy pains before, during and after stools ; griping pains starting from both groins and meeting in centre of abdomen on a line with groins ; then a small passage ; then more pain, and so on ; prostration after stool and coldness of whole body except face, which is hot ; stools after dinner or supper, never after breakfast ; bearing down during stool, worse after stool, as if everything were coming out at anus ; bloatedness of abdomen after stool ; debility after stool ; cramps in calf of right leg after one of these paroxysms ; sensation as of hot air blowing over lower part of abdomen, and over lower part of thighs after stool ; thirst after stool ; appetite good ; bruised and dragging-down feeling in abdomen ; feels as if abdomen needed support.
A man of full habit, subject to attacks of rheumatism and congestion of liver, complained that when he began to eat his dinner at 5 P. M. he experienced violent pain in intestines, pain increased until he had to seek relief suddenly, passed very thin feces and some mucus, with flatus and great tenesmus ; pains not better until he had three or four similar passages, when he ceased to suffer till he dined again next day.
Great tenesmus, prolapsus ani, discharge of mucus and soft feces, or pus, blood and mucus, with occasional very small pieces of feces ; skin dry, tongue coated, thirst moderate, pain in bowels moderate. θ Dysentery.
Dysentery ; begins early in morning ; discharges consist of thin brown substances, later mixed with mucus, and finally consisting of mucus ; pain preceding discharges, worse on left side of abdomen, causing perspiration ; discharge creates tenesmus, from it prolapsus ani, followed by burning in anus ; chills in back ; great debility ; pain and discharges worse from eating and drinking.
Prolapsus ani and burning about anus after stool.
Органы грудной клетки
Slight hacking cough from irritation in throat.
Sharp pain in lower part of left chest ; 7 A. M.
Shooting pains in left chest in region of heart ; 7.30 A. M.
Cutting pain in right side of chest, on right of lower part of sternum ; 7 A. M.
Sharp pain in lower part of left chest ; 7 A. M.
Shooting pains in left chest in region of heart ; 7.30 A. M.
Cutting pain in right side of chest, on right of lower part of sternum ; 7 A. M.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Dull pain in region of heart, rendered sharp by drawing a long breath ; 4 P. M.
At 9 A. M., pulse full and quick and beating 100 per minute, usually 70 ; throbbing all over chest.
Pulse intermittent.
At 9 A. M., pulse full and quick and beating 100 per minute, usually 70 ; throbbing all over chest.
Pulse intermittent.
Конечности и позвоночник
Pimples on back of neck ; itching sensation about neck and on chin among whiskers.
Severe shooting pains in shoulder joints.
Shooting pains in right shoulder, forenoon.
Dull intermittent pain in left forearm, afterward shooting ; 11 P. M.
Dull pain in bones of left forearm ; 12 M.
Shooting pain in right elbow, wrist and finger joints, at different times, all forenoon.
Sharp stinging pain at a single small spot on inner dorsum of wrist, lasting about a minute ; 4 P. M.
Pains in right wrist joint, at first shooting and intermittent, afterward constant ; at noon.
Shooting pains in phalangeal joint of second finger on left hand ; 8.30 A. M.
Stinging pain in palmar surface of right thumb, ungual phalanx.
Dull pain in left hip joint, felt only after rising from a sitting posture and attempting to walk, a limping gait ; better after a few steps.
Tearing pain in lower part of left thigh ; 2.30 P. M.
Flying sharp pain in right thigh.
Boring pain in right tibia during forenoon.
Slight intermitting pains in right knee joint ; 9 A. M.
Dull pain in left ankle, inner part, made sharp by bearing weight on it ; 12 P. M.
Shooting pains in right ankle ; 3 P. M.
Tearing pain in tarsus of left foot ; 1 P. M.
Shooting pains in outer side of right metatarsus ; 3 P. M.
Dull shooting pain in left heel inner side.
Shooting pains in left tarsal bones ; 6 P. M.
As if three small toes on left foot would be twisted off.
Shooting pains in joints of upper and lower extremities afternoon and evenings.
Heaviness of all limbs.
Inability to keep quiet.
Lying down : toothache.
Swallowing, or blowing nose : shooting in right ear.
Shaking head : pain in left side of head.
Reading aloud : brought on toothache.
Rising up : fainting.
After a few steps : pain in hip joint .
Walking : pain in left side of head.
Touch : pain in region of liver.
Pressure : pain in abdomen.
Severe shooting pains in shoulder joints.
Shooting pains in right shoulder, forenoon.
Dull intermittent pain in left forearm, afterward shooting ; 11 P. M.
Dull pain in bones of left forearm ; 12 M.
Shooting pain in right elbow, wrist and finger joints, at different times, all forenoon.
Sharp stinging pain at a single small spot on inner dorsum of wrist, lasting about a minute ; 4 P. M.
Pains in right wrist joint, at first shooting and intermittent, afterward constant ; at noon.
Shooting pains in phalangeal joint of second finger on left hand ; 8.30 A. M.
Stinging pain in palmar surface of right thumb, ungual phalanx.
Dull pain in left hip joint, felt only after rising from a sitting posture and attempting to walk, a limping gait ; better after a few steps.
Tearing pain in lower part of left thigh ; 2.30 P. M.
Flying sharp pain in right thigh.
Boring pain in right tibia during forenoon.
Slight intermitting pains in right knee joint ; 9 A. M.
Dull pain in left ankle, inner part, made sharp by bearing weight on it ; 12 P. M.
Shooting pains in right ankle ; 3 P. M.
Tearing pain in tarsus of left foot ; 1 P. M.
Shooting pains in outer side of right metatarsus ; 3 P. M.
Dull shooting pain in left heel inner side.
Shooting pains in left tarsal bones ; 6 P. M.
As if three small toes on left foot would be twisted off.
Shooting pains in joints of upper and lower extremities afternoon and evenings.
Heaviness of all limbs.
Inability to keep quiet.
Lying down : toothache.
Swallowing, or blowing nose : shooting in right ear.
Shaking head : pain in left side of head.
Reading aloud : brought on toothache.
Rising up : fainting.
After a few steps : pain in hip joint .
Walking : pain in left side of head.
Touch : pain in region of liver.
Pressure : pain in abdomen.
Нервная система
Fainting on rising up ; debility after stools.
Almost constant inclination to gape.
At 8 P. M., sleepiness and hoarseness ; restless during sleep ; chilliness during night, worse morning on waking.
Lewd dreams during night.
Wakeful and restless after 4 A. M.
At 4 A. M. : wakeful and restless.
At 5 A. M. : woke with pain and urging to stool.
Morning : diarrhoea.
At 7 A. M. : itching of scalp ; pain in left mastoid region ; pain in lower left chest ; cutting in right chest near sternum.
At 7.30 A. M. : shooting in cardiac region.
At 8.30 A. M. : pain in phalangeal joint of second finger of l. hand.
At 9 A. M. : pain in right knee joint.
At 10 A. M. : darting in abdomen.
At 11 A. M. : pain in right side of head.
Forenoon : dull feeling in head ; shooting in left heel and wrist ; dull pain in abdomen ; shooting in right shoulder ; shooting in elbow, wrist and finger joints ; boring in right tibia.
Noon : pain in right wrist joint ; dull pain in bones of left forearm.
At 1 P. M. : tearing in left tarsus.
At 2.30 P. M. : tearing in left thigh.
At 3 P. M. : pains in right side of head ; shooting in right ear ; shooting in right ankle ; shooting in right metatarsus.
At 4 P. M. : pain in cardiac region ; stinging pain in wrist.
At 6 P. M. : shooting in left tarsal bones.
Afternoon : shooting in joints.
During day : talkative.
Evening : congestion to head ; dryness and scabs in nose ; pain in region of liver ; shooting in joints.
At 8 P. M. : hoarseness and sleepiness.
At 9 P. M. : itching in right inner canthus.
At 9.30 P. M. : pains in temples.
At 10 P. M. : pain in left side of head ; abdomen distended.
At 11 P. M. : dull pain in left forearm.
At 12 P. M. : pain in left ankle.
Night : chilliness ; lewd dreams.
At 8 P. M., sleepiness and hoarseness ; restless during sleep ; chilliness during night, worse morning on waking.
Lewd dreams during night.
Wakeful and restless after 4 A. M.
At 4 A. M. : wakeful and restless.
At 5 A. M. : woke with pain and urging to stool.
Morning : diarrhoea.
At 7 A. M. : itching of scalp ; pain in left mastoid region ; pain in lower left chest ; cutting in right chest near sternum.
At 7.30 A. M. : shooting in cardiac region.
At 8.30 A. M. : pain in phalangeal joint of second finger of l. hand.
At 9 A. M. : pain in right knee joint.
At 10 A. M. : darting in abdomen.
At 11 A. M. : pain in right side of head.
Forenoon : dull feeling in head ; shooting in left heel and wrist ; dull pain in abdomen ; shooting in right shoulder ; shooting in elbow, wrist and finger joints ; boring in right tibia.
Noon : pain in right wrist joint ; dull pain in bones of left forearm.
At 1 P. M. : tearing in left tarsus.
At 2.30 P. M. : tearing in left thigh.
At 3 P. M. : pains in right side of head ; shooting in right ear ; shooting in right ankle ; shooting in right metatarsus.
At 4 P. M. : pain in cardiac region ; stinging pain in wrist.
At 6 P. M. : shooting in left tarsal bones.
Afternoon : shooting in joints.
During day : talkative.
Evening : congestion to head ; dryness and scabs in nose ; pain in region of liver ; shooting in joints.
At 8 P. M. : hoarseness and sleepiness.
At 9 P. M. : itching in right inner canthus.
At 9.30 P. M. : pains in temples.
At 10 P. M. : pain in left side of head ; abdomen distended.
At 11 P. M. : dull pain in left forearm.
At 12 P. M. : pain in left ankle.
Night : chilliness ; lewd dreams.
Общие симптомы
Warm drink : toothache .
Open air : fluent coryza ; felt .
Cold air : toothache.
Cold water : pain in abdomen.
As if there were no weight in head, lightness ; as from incarcerated flatus in abdomen ; as if excoriated after tenesmus ; as if everything were coming out of anus ; as of hot air blowing over lower part of abdomen and thighs ; as if abdomen needed support ; as if three toes on left foot would be twisted off ; as if her breath were leaving her.
Pain : in left mastoid region.
Sharp pains : in temples and frontal region ; in lower left chest ; in region of heart when taking a long breath ; in left inner ankle when bearing weight on it.
Cutting pain : on right of lower part of sternum.
Tearing pain : in lower left thigh ; in left tarsus.
Boring pain : in right tibia.
Flying pain : in right thigh.
Darting pain : in abdomen.
Shooting pain : in right side of head ; in ears ; in left wrist and heel ; in phalangeal joints of third finger ; in left knee joint ; in abdomen ; in region of heart ; in shoulder joints ; in right shoulder ; in right elbow, wrist and finger joints ; in phalangeal joints of second finger left hand ; in right ankle ; in outer side of right metatarsus ; in left heel inner side ; in left tarsal bones ; in joints.
Stinging pain : at a spot on inner dorsum of wrist ; in palmar surface of right thumb.
Burning : in pinna of ears ; about anus ; in anus.
Dull aching : in occiput ; in region of liver ; in small of back.
Soreness : on right side of throat ; of abdomen ; in intestines.
Bruised feeling : in abdomen.
Throbbing : all over chest.
Griping : in pit of stomach ; in abdomen ; from groins meeting in centre of abdomen.
Crampy pains : before, during and after stools ; in calf of r. leg.
Dull pain : in temples and frontal region ; in left side of head ; in a decayed tooth ; over whole abdomen ; in region of heart ; in left forearm ; in left hip joint ; in left ankle, inner part.
Heaviness : of limbs.
Weakness : in knees.
Itching : of scalp ; in right inner canthus ; in ears ; on chin ; in whiskers ; about neck.
Dryness : of nose.
Open air : fluent coryza ; felt .
Cold air : toothache.
Cold water : pain in abdomen.
As if there were no weight in head, lightness ; as from incarcerated flatus in abdomen ; as if excoriated after tenesmus ; as if everything were coming out of anus ; as of hot air blowing over lower part of abdomen and thighs ; as if abdomen needed support ; as if three toes on left foot would be twisted off ; as if her breath were leaving her.
Pain : in left mastoid region.
Sharp pains : in temples and frontal region ; in lower left chest ; in region of heart when taking a long breath ; in left inner ankle when bearing weight on it.
Cutting pain : on right of lower part of sternum.
Tearing pain : in lower left thigh ; in left tarsus.
Boring pain : in right tibia.
Flying pain : in right thigh.
Darting pain : in abdomen.
Shooting pain : in right side of head ; in ears ; in left wrist and heel ; in phalangeal joints of third finger ; in left knee joint ; in abdomen ; in region of heart ; in shoulder joints ; in right shoulder ; in right elbow, wrist and finger joints ; in phalangeal joints of second finger left hand ; in right ankle ; in outer side of right metatarsus ; in left heel inner side ; in left tarsal bones ; in joints.
Stinging pain : at a spot on inner dorsum of wrist ; in palmar surface of right thumb.
Burning : in pinna of ears ; about anus ; in anus.
Dull aching : in occiput ; in region of liver ; in small of back.
Soreness : on right side of throat ; of abdomen ; in intestines.
Bruised feeling : in abdomen.
Throbbing : all over chest.
Griping : in pit of stomach ; in abdomen ; from groins meeting in centre of abdomen.
Crampy pains : before, during and after stools ; in calf of r. leg.
Dull pain : in temples and frontal region ; in left side of head ; in a decayed tooth ; over whole abdomen ; in region of heart ; in left forearm ; in left hip joint ; in left ankle, inner part.
Heaviness : of limbs.
Weakness : in knees.
Itching : of scalp ; in right inner canthus ; in ears ; on chin ; in whiskers ; about neck.
Dryness : of nose.
Heats come over her ; thinks her breath is leaving her.
Every half hour : brown fluid discharges from bowels.
Left : pains in temple ; pain in head ; shooting in heel and wrist ; pain in mastoid region ; pain in decayed tooth ; shooting in knee joints ; shooting in abdomen begins ; griping in abdomen.
Right : shooting pain in side of head ; itching in inner canthus ; shooting in ear ; sore throat ; burning in pinna of ear ; darting in abdomen.
Every half hour : brown fluid discharges from bowels.
Left : pains in temple ; pain in head ; shooting in heel and wrist ; pain in mastoid region ; pain in decayed tooth ; shooting in knee joints ; shooting in abdomen begins ; griping in abdomen.
Right : shooting pain in side of head ; itching in inner canthus ; shooting in ear ; sore throat ; burning in pinna of ear ; darting in abdomen.
Тип пациента и конституция
Stages of Life, сonstitution.
Mrs. в., at. 35 ; diarrhoea.
Lady, at. 50, suffering every Summer for several years ; dysentery.
Gentleman of full habits, subject to attacks of rheumatism and congestion of liver ; diarrhoea.
Mrs. в., at. 35 ; diarrhoea.
Lady, at. 50, suffering every Summer for several years ; dysentery.
Gentleman of full habits, subject to attacks of rheumatism and congestion of liver ; diarrhoea.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by : Mercurius cor. (diarrhoea).
Compare : Ledum (rheumatism) ; Sulphur (diarrhoea).
Compare : Ledum (rheumatism) ; Sulphur (diarrhoea).
Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата