Другие названия и синонимы
merc-s, Mercurius sulphuricus, сульфат ртути гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Sulphate of Mercury. Turpeth Mineral. Hg SO4.
Introduced by Hering, proved by himself, 3d trit. (MSS), Neidhard (App. N. A. J. H., p. 281), Raymond, Dake (N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 180), вerridge, сroker (N. Hom. Rev., vol. 14, p. 108).
Introduced by Hering, proved by himself, 3d trit. (MSS), Neidhard (App. N. A. J. H., p. 281), Raymond, Dake (N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 180), вerridge, сroker (N. Hom. Rev., vol. 14, p. 108).
- Hydrothorax, Lippe, Miller (Montreal).
Психика и сознание
Low spirited, with chilliness and yawning.
Ill humor after eating.
Giddiness while standing, after headache ; confusion in head.
Fulness in head, with occasional stitches.
Ill humor after eating.
Giddiness while standing, after headache ; confusion in head.
Fulness in head, with occasional stitches.
Голова, лицо и уши
Dull pain in forehead.
Pain in head under coronal suture, on waking in morning, during forenoon confined to right frontal region ; pains dull, extending deep into brain, worse when exercising.
Sharp pain in right parietal protuberance ; darting pains in other parts of head.
Soreness all through head, after breakfast and on moving about.
Violent itching of hairy scalp.
Oppression over eyes, continuing for several hours.
Eyes worse from sunlight.
Pale, anxious countenance.
Burning in ears and face, after a chill.
Swelling of parotid gland.
Pain in head under coronal suture, on waking in morning, during forenoon confined to right frontal region ; pains dull, extending deep into brain, worse when exercising.
Sharp pain in right parietal protuberance ; darting pains in other parts of head.
Soreness all through head, after breakfast and on moving about.
Violent itching of hairy scalp.
Oppression over eyes, continuing for several hours.
Eyes worse from sunlight.
Pale, anxious countenance.
Burning in ears and face, after a chill.
Swelling of parotid gland.
Органы грудной клетки
Sneezing : in sunshine ; with fluent coryza.
Swelling and soreness of tip of nose.
Itching of nose.
Pain in chest prevents him from breathing.
Great dyspnoea ; has to sit ; cannot lie down ; breathing quick and short. θ Hydrothorax.
Dyspnoea in children ; hydrothorax.
Dyspnoea and chest symptoms, worse in afternoon.
Mercurial fetor of breath.
Pressure on chest.
Burning in chest.
Pain in right side of chest, extending to scapula, can scarcely breathe, worse from 4 to 5 P. M.
Hydrothorax ; dyspnoea, breathing quick and short, has to sit, cannot lie down ; swollen extremities ; stools loose, watery, causing severe burning and soreness of anus ; burning in chest. [Obs. When it acts well it produces a profuse, watery diarrhoea with great relief to patient. It is as important as Arsen. in hydrothorax. Lippe.
Dropsy of chest, especially if occurring from heart or liver disease.
Swelling and soreness of tip of nose.
Itching of nose.
Pain in chest prevents him from breathing.
Great dyspnoea ; has to sit ; cannot lie down ; breathing quick and short. θ Hydrothorax.
Dyspnoea in children ; hydrothorax.
Dyspnoea and chest symptoms, worse in afternoon.
Mercurial fetor of breath.
Pressure on chest.
Burning in chest.
Pain in right side of chest, extending to scapula, can scarcely breathe, worse from 4 to 5 P. M.
Hydrothorax ; dyspnoea, breathing quick and short, has to sit, cannot lie down ; swollen extremities ; stools loose, watery, causing severe burning and soreness of anus ; burning in chest. [Obs. When it acts well it produces a profuse, watery diarrhoea with great relief to patient. It is as important as Arsen. in hydrothorax. Lippe.
Dropsy of chest, especially if occurring from heart or liver disease.
Ротовая полость и горло
Gums and palate dark bluish color ; ulcerated margins.
Tongue : tinged down middle greenish yellow ; furred, moist, swollen ; covered with dry black fur ; coated heavily white, yellowish at root ; enlarged papilla stand up like red points, with flat taste.
Burning, smarting, stinging on tip of tongue (l. side in evening).
Soreness on tip of tongue.
Dryness of tongue and throat.
Mouth clammy and full of mucus in morning.
Dryness in mouth and fauces.
Burning sensation in mouth and throat.
Soreness in mouth and throat ; salivation.
Tongue and inside of mouth red, inflamed, feeling raw.
Lips, gums, fauces, mouth and tongue swollen ; look dry and black.
In throat : pain ; sense of heat and constriction ; burning ; scalding.
Heat and roughness in larynx, hoarseness.
Increased expectoration of mucus from larynx and trachea.
Tongue : tinged down middle greenish yellow ; furred, moist, swollen ; covered with dry black fur ; coated heavily white, yellowish at root ; enlarged papilla stand up like red points, with flat taste.
Burning, smarting, stinging on tip of tongue (l. side in evening).
Soreness on tip of tongue.
Dryness of tongue and throat.
Mouth clammy and full of mucus in morning.
Dryness in mouth and fauces.
Burning sensation in mouth and throat.
Soreness in mouth and throat ; salivation.
Tongue and inside of mouth red, inflamed, feeling raw.
Lips, gums, fauces, mouth and tongue swollen ; look dry and black.
In throat : pain ; sense of heat and constriction ; burning ; scalding.
Heat and roughness in larynx, hoarseness.
Increased expectoration of mucus from larynx and trachea.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Taste : pasty, insipid ; bad after rising ; brassy, metallic.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Constant sickness ; vomiting of ingesta.
Violent yellow vomiting, every ten minutes.
Vomiting and diarrhoea.
Pain in epigastrium and abdomen ; weight ; stomach tender to pressure.
Stomach so irritable nothing remains on it an instant.
Digestion impeded ; after supper, distressing feeling all night, that unless stomach was relieved a fit would ensue ; vomiting with relief.
Acidity of stomach.
Coldness or burning in abdomen.
Awoke at 1 A. M. with severe pains along duodenum and down into umbilical region.
Much griped.
After drinking coffee, pain in abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in.
Soreness in inguinal glands.
Brown loose stools.
Stools loose, watery, causing severe burning and soreness of anus.
Very profuse watery evacuations (relieving dyspnoea). θ Hydrothorax.
Watery stools pouring from him and burning anus, like boiling water.
Diarrhoea early in morning ; stools burst out in a hot stream of yellow water.
Violent purging ; rice water motions, some yellow.
After diarrheic stools sensation of fulness as from congestion to legs, especially feet ; they feel numb when standing.
Hard, scanty and delayed stools.
Violent yellow vomiting, every ten minutes.
Vomiting and diarrhoea.
Pain in epigastrium and abdomen ; weight ; stomach tender to pressure.
Stomach so irritable nothing remains on it an instant.
Digestion impeded ; after supper, distressing feeling all night, that unless stomach was relieved a fit would ensue ; vomiting with relief.
Acidity of stomach.
Coldness or burning in abdomen.
Awoke at 1 A. M. with severe pains along duodenum and down into umbilical region.
Much griped.
After drinking coffee, pain in abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in.
Soreness in inguinal glands.
Brown loose stools.
Stools loose, watery, causing severe burning and soreness of anus.
Very profuse watery evacuations (relieving dyspnoea). θ Hydrothorax.
Watery stools pouring from him and burning anus, like boiling water.
Diarrhoea early in morning ; stools burst out in a hot stream of yellow water.
Violent purging ; rice water motions, some yellow.
After diarrheic stools sensation of fulness as from congestion to legs, especially feet ; they feel numb when standing.
Hard, scanty and delayed stools.
Мочеполовая система
Urine : increased in quantity ; desire not as frequent as usual ; great urging, with inability to void usual quantity, late in afternoon ; scanty and scalding, but clear ; dark, becoming turbid, with a scum on it.
Involuntary emissions and lascivious dreams.
Gonorrhoea or syphilis, with intense congestion to parts.
Swelling of testicles.
Involuntary emissions and lascivious dreams.
Gonorrhoea or syphilis, with intense congestion to parts.
Swelling of testicles.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Pulse : 90, tremulous ; 130, tremulous and irregular ; slow and small ; regular, but small and weak ; reduced, with flat taste.
Конечности и позвоночник
Stiffness in arms.
Violent beating in left arm, commencing above elbow in course of brachial nerve and extending along radial nerve to wrist, followed by pain similar to that produced by a blow upon arm below insertion of deltoid muscle ; pain affected principally radial side of forearm, thumb, index finger, at 8.30 A. M.
Numbness of forearm and hand, also of right hand.
Shooting pains in wrists and along metacarpal bones.
Hands icy cold, with blue nails.
Pain and lameness of knees, noticed particularly when walking.
Edematous swelling of legs.
Ulcers on ankles.
Aching in calf of right leg.
Numbness in hollow of right foot.
Foot sweat, with soreness at ends of nails.
After four weeks, pains that remain are in limbs, especially legs, causing a weak, wearied feeling and pain and stiffness in right knee, especially when stepping down a step ; for a few days a bloated, hot feeling in feet, like rheumatic gout, and for two days a slight swelling and painfulness on inner side of left ankle, as if a boil was likely to form there ; a tendency for feet to become inflamed, as if likely to become blistered by boots, when walking, it seems at soles, especially outer toes ; it is rather of a burning character ; for two days the tarso-metatarsal joint of right big toe seemed inclined to inflame, as if rheumatic gout would set in.
Tormented by pain and cramps in limbs at night.
Has to sit, cannot lie down : great dyspnoea.
Standing : giddiness ; feet feel numb.
Stepping down a step : pain and stiffness in right knee.
Moving about : soreness all through head.
Exercising : pains extending deep into brain.
Walking : pain and lameness of knees.
Pressure : stomach tender.
Violent beating in left arm, commencing above elbow in course of brachial nerve and extending along radial nerve to wrist, followed by pain similar to that produced by a blow upon arm below insertion of deltoid muscle ; pain affected principally radial side of forearm, thumb, index finger, at 8.30 A. M.
Numbness of forearm and hand, also of right hand.
Shooting pains in wrists and along metacarpal bones.
Hands icy cold, with blue nails.
Pain and lameness of knees, noticed particularly when walking.
Edematous swelling of legs.
Ulcers on ankles.
Aching in calf of right leg.
Numbness in hollow of right foot.
Foot sweat, with soreness at ends of nails.
After four weeks, pains that remain are in limbs, especially legs, causing a weak, wearied feeling and pain and stiffness in right knee, especially when stepping down a step ; for a few days a bloated, hot feeling in feet, like rheumatic gout, and for two days a slight swelling and painfulness on inner side of left ankle, as if a boil was likely to form there ; a tendency for feet to become inflamed, as if likely to become blistered by boots, when walking, it seems at soles, especially outer toes ; it is rather of a burning character ; for two days the tarso-metatarsal joint of right big toe seemed inclined to inflame, as if rheumatic gout would set in.
Tormented by pain and cramps in limbs at night.
Has to sit, cannot lie down : great dyspnoea.
Standing : giddiness ; feet feel numb.
Stepping down a step : pain and stiffness in right knee.
Moving about : soreness all through head.
Exercising : pains extending deep into brain.
Walking : pain and lameness of knees.
Pressure : stomach tender.
Нервная система
Debility, with sleepiness.
Sense of considerable weakness.
Uneasiness, late in afternoon.
Pains all over, especially in lower part of back and limbs.
Sense of considerable weakness.
Uneasiness, late in afternoon.
Pains all over, especially in lower part of back and limbs.
Frequent yawning.
Restless night, with dreams and delirium.
Wakefulness after midnight ; dreams.
Dreams : of traveling amid perplexities ; lascivious ; vivid, of fires, exerting himself to extinguish them ; viewing a person hung and another cut up, seeing blood and mangled remains.
Awakes with headache in morning.
Morning : pain in head on waking ; mouth clammy and foul ; diarrhoea early.
At 8.30 A. M. : violent pain in left arm.
During forenoon : pain confined to right frontal region.
At 1 A. M. : awoke with severe pain along duodenum and down into umbilical region.
Afternoon : great urging, with inability to void usual quantity of urine ; dyspnoea and chest symptoms ; uneasiness, chills.
Evening : pain on side of tip of tongue.
Night : distressing feeling in stomach ; pain and cramps in limbs ; restless, with dreams and delirium ; excessive sweat.
After midnight : wakefulness ; dreams.
Restless night, with dreams and delirium.
Wakefulness after midnight ; dreams.
Dreams : of traveling amid perplexities ; lascivious ; vivid, of fires, exerting himself to extinguish them ; viewing a person hung and another cut up, seeing blood and mangled remains.
Awakes with headache in morning.
Morning : pain in head on waking ; mouth clammy and foul ; diarrhoea early.
At 8.30 A. M. : violent pain in left arm.
During forenoon : pain confined to right frontal region.
At 1 A. M. : awoke with severe pain along duodenum and down into umbilical region.
Afternoon : great urging, with inability to void usual quantity of urine ; dyspnoea and chest symptoms ; uneasiness, chills.
Evening : pain on side of tip of tongue.
Night : distressing feeling in stomach ; pain and cramps in limbs ; restless, with dreams and delirium ; excessive sweat.
After midnight : wakefulness ; dreams.
Creeping chills ascending back ; when they reached neck a general shudder ensued.
Chilliness running up back, with yawning and depression of spirits, followed by dull pain in forehead, burning in face and ears and slight fever.
Chilliness, restlessness and heaviness in upper part of abdomen, frequent yawning and diminished secretion of urine (in afternoon).
Chills : with nausea, from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. ; late in afternoon ; from 12 M. to 1.30 P. M. ; every other day.
Skin cold and clammy.
Whole body feels cold externally.
Icy coldness of hands and blueness of nails.
Burning heat of face and ears after a chill.
Painful burning over whole body, especially in face, but not on feet, with violent thirst.
Excessive sweat at night.
Every ten minutes : violent yellow vomiting.
From 4 to 5 P. M. : burning in chest, extending to scapula.
From 12 M. to 1.30 P. M. : chills.
From 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. : chills, with nausea.
For several hours : oppression over eyes.
Every other day : chills.
For two days : a slight swelling and painfulness on inner side of left ankle ; tarso-metatarsal joint of big toe seemed inclined to inflame.
For a few days : a bloated, hot feeling in feet.
Right : pain in frontal region ; sharp pain in parietal protuberance ; numbness of hand ; aching in calf of leg ; numbness in hollow of foot ; pain and stiffness in knee ; big toe as if rheumatic gout would set in.
Left : side of tip of tongue pains ; violent beating in arm ; pain and swelling of inner side of ankle.
Chilliness running up back, with yawning and depression of spirits, followed by dull pain in forehead, burning in face and ears and slight fever.
Chilliness, restlessness and heaviness in upper part of abdomen, frequent yawning and diminished secretion of urine (in afternoon).
Chills : with nausea, from 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. ; late in afternoon ; from 12 M. to 1.30 P. M. ; every other day.
Skin cold and clammy.
Whole body feels cold externally.
Icy coldness of hands and blueness of nails.
Burning heat of face and ears after a chill.
Painful burning over whole body, especially in face, but not on feet, with violent thirst.
Excessive sweat at night.
Every ten minutes : violent yellow vomiting.
From 4 to 5 P. M. : burning in chest, extending to scapula.
From 12 M. to 1.30 P. M. : chills.
From 10 A. M. to 2 P. M. : chills, with nausea.
For several hours : oppression over eyes.
Every other day : chills.
For two days : a slight swelling and painfulness on inner side of left ankle ; tarso-metatarsal joint of big toe seemed inclined to inflame.
For a few days : a bloated, hot feeling in feet.
Right : pain in frontal region ; sharp pain in parietal protuberance ; numbness of hand ; aching in calf of leg ; numbness in hollow of foot ; pain and stiffness in knee ; big toe as if rheumatic gout would set in.
Left : side of tip of tongue pains ; violent beating in arm ; pain and swelling of inner side of ankle.
Общие симптомы
Most pains feel as if a dull stick pressed on parts and was moving in diverse curved lines, feels as if this pain was in bones.
As if diarrhoea would set in ; as if stools were boiling water ; as if a boil was likely to form on ankle ; as if feet were likely to become blistered by boots ; as if rheumatic gout would set in in foot ; all over, especially in lower part of back and limbs.
Pain : in head under coronal suture ; in throat ; in epigastrium and abdomen ; in chest ; in left arm ; in knees ; in right knee ; on inner side of left ankle ; in limbs.
Severe pain : along duodenum and down into umbilical region.
Sharp pain : in right parietal protuberance.
Violent beating : in left arm.
Darting pains : in parts of head.
Shooting pains : in wrists and metacarpal bones.
Occasional stitches : in head.
Aching : in calf of right leg.
Cramps : in limbs.
Dull pain : in forehead.
Painful burning : over whole body.
Heat : in throat ; in larynx.
Burning, smarting, stinging : on tip of tongue.
Burning : in ears and face ; of mouth and throat ; in abdomen ; of anus ; in chest ; in feet.
Soreness : all through head ; of tip of nose ; on tip of tongue ; in mouth and throat ; in inguinal glands ; of anus ; at end of nails.
Raw feeling : of tongue and inside of mouth.
Distressing feeling : in stomach.
Constriction : in throat.
Oppression : over eyes.
Dryness : of tongue and throat ; in mouth and fauces.
Confusion : in head.
Fulness : in head ; in feet and legs.
Pressure : on chest.
Lameness : of knees.
Stiffness : in arms ; in right knee.
Numb feeling : in legs and feet ; of forearm and hand ; in hollow of right foot.
Coldness : in abdomen.
Itching : of hairy scalp ; of nose.
Induration of glands.
Rheumatic pains.
As if diarrhoea would set in ; as if stools were boiling water ; as if a boil was likely to form on ankle ; as if feet were likely to become blistered by boots ; as if rheumatic gout would set in in foot ; all over, especially in lower part of back and limbs.
Pain : in head under coronal suture ; in throat ; in epigastrium and abdomen ; in chest ; in left arm ; in knees ; in right knee ; on inner side of left ankle ; in limbs.
Severe pain : along duodenum and down into umbilical region.
Sharp pain : in right parietal protuberance.
Violent beating : in left arm.
Darting pains : in parts of head.
Shooting pains : in wrists and metacarpal bones.
Occasional stitches : in head.
Aching : in calf of right leg.
Cramps : in limbs.
Dull pain : in forehead.
Painful burning : over whole body.
Heat : in throat ; in larynx.
Burning, smarting, stinging : on tip of tongue.
Burning : in ears and face ; of mouth and throat ; in abdomen ; of anus ; in chest ; in feet.
Soreness : all through head ; of tip of nose ; on tip of tongue ; in mouth and throat ; in inguinal glands ; of anus ; at end of nails.
Raw feeling : of tongue and inside of mouth.
Distressing feeling : in stomach.
Constriction : in throat.
Oppression : over eyes.
Dryness : of tongue and throat ; in mouth and fauces.
Confusion : in head.
Fulness : in head ; in feet and legs.
Pressure : on chest.
Lameness : of knees.
Stiffness : in arms ; in right knee.
Numb feeling : in legs and feet ; of forearm and hand ; in hollow of right foot.
Coldness : in abdomen.
Itching : of hairy scalp ; of nose.
Induration of glands.
Rheumatic pains.
Psoriasis ; lepra.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by Hepar.
Compare : Sulphur, with which Mercurius sul has many symptoms in common, more even than with сinnb., Arsen. and Digit. in hydrothorax, especially occurring in heart or renal disease.
Compare : Sulphur, with which Mercurius sul has many symptoms in common, more even than with сinnb., Arsen. and Digit. in hydrothorax, especially occurring in heart or renal disease.
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