Другие названия и синонимы
alum-sil, Aluminium silicata, силикат алюминия гомеопатия, силицея алюминиум.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Porcelain or сhina сlay. Alumina Silicata.
- сroup, Searle, Elliott, A. H. O., vol. 8, p. 128 ; Lilienthal, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 80 ; Searle, Elliott, Parker, Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 106 ; Landesmann, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 171 ; вoyce, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 29.
Голова, лицо и уши
Nostrils feel sore ; scabs form in nose ; scanty and blood streaked secretion.
Ротовая полость и горло
Membrane covering both sides of throat. θ Diphtheria.
Fever, headache in forehead, with flushed face and sore throat ; right tonsil and arch of velum covered with heavy, yellowish white membrane ; breath fetid ; great prostration. θ Diphtheria. In alternation with вellad.
Husky voice, metallic, rasping breathing and suffocative cough.
Croupous inflammation in lower part of larynx or in upper part of trachea.
Awoke from sleep with croupy cough ; voice husky, later sunk to whisper ; sawing sound during both expiration and inspiration ; high fever. θ сroup.
Voice a little husky ; during night very feverish ; next day skin felt dry ; wanted to be carried about ; appetite diminished ; very little cough ; on auscultation, metallic, rasping sound increasing toward evening ; suffocating spells. θ сroup.
Croup, with labored, sawing respiration, after failure of Aconite, Hepar, Spongia, вromium, Phosphor, and Iodium.
Croup, after failure of Spongia.
Towards evening : metallic, rasping sound increased.
Night : very feverish.
Right : tonsil and arch of velum covered with heavy, yellowish white membrane.
Fever, headache in forehead, with flushed face and sore throat ; right tonsil and arch of velum covered with heavy, yellowish white membrane ; breath fetid ; great prostration. θ Diphtheria. In alternation with вellad.
Husky voice, metallic, rasping breathing and suffocative cough.
Croupous inflammation in lower part of larynx or in upper part of trachea.
Awoke from sleep with croupy cough ; voice husky, later sunk to whisper ; sawing sound during both expiration and inspiration ; high fever. θ сroup.
Voice a little husky ; during night very feverish ; next day skin felt dry ; wanted to be carried about ; appetite diminished ; very little cough ; on auscultation, metallic, rasping sound increasing toward evening ; suffocating spells. θ сroup.
Croup, with labored, sawing respiration, after failure of Aconite, Hepar, Spongia, вromium, Phosphor, and Iodium.
Croup, after failure of Spongia.
Towards evening : metallic, rasping sound increased.
Night : very feverish.
Right : tonsil and arch of velum covered with heavy, yellowish white membrane.
Общие симптомы
Pain : in forehead.
Soreness : of nostrils ; of throat.
Dryness : of skin.
Soreness : of nostrils ; of throat.
Dryness : of skin.
Тип пациента и конституция
Boy, at. 16 months, strong and healthy parentage ; croup.
Child, at. 4 ; diphtheria.
Boy, at. 4 ; croup.
Girl, at. 4 ; croup.
Boy, at. 5 ; croup.
Young woman, subject to repeated attacks ; diphtheria.
Child, at. 4 ; diphtheria.
Boy, at. 4 ; croup.
Girl, at. 4 ; croup.
Boy, at. 5 ; croup.
Young woman, subject to repeated attacks ; diphtheria.
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