Другие названия и синонимы
lil-t, Lilium tigrinum, лилия тигровая гомеопатия, лилиум ланцифолиум, lilium lancifolium.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Tiger Lily. Liliacea.
A native of сhina and Japan cultivated in our gardens ; flowers in July and August.
Introduced and carefully proved by W. E. Payne, assisted by Dunham, Lilienthal, Gallupe and Savage.
Original day book of provings is published in Trans. Am. Inst. of Hom., 1871.
A native of сhina and Japan cultivated in our gardens ; flowers in July and August.
Introduced and carefully proved by W. E. Payne, assisted by Dunham, Lilienthal, Gallupe and Savage.
Original day book of provings is published in Trans. Am. Inst. of Hom., 1871.
- Dementia, Herbert, A. H. O., vol. 8, p. 397 ; Uterine dementia, Knerr, MSS. Headache, Hawkes, Org., vol. 2, p. 114 ; Eye affection, Woodyatt, Org., vol. 3, p. 99 ; Asthenopic symptoms (2 cases), Woodyatt, Norton’s Ophth. Therap., p. 110 ; Kopyopia hysterica, вuffum, Norton’s Ophth. Therap., p. 111 ; Diarrhoea, N. E. M. G., 1873, p. 221 ; Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 179 ; Dysentery, Pease, Hom. Phys., vol. 3, p. 380 ; Ovarian pains, Neidhard, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 111, p. 77 ; Ovarian dropsy, Farrington, Raue’s Path., p. 743 ; сhronic metritis, Wright, Raue’s Rec., 1873, p. 165 ; Anteversion, Miller, Hah. Medorrhinum, vol. 8, p. 344 ; Prolapsus uteri, Price, Raue’s Rec., 1870, p. 38 ; Howell’s, Org., vol. 2, p. 383 ; Sanford, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 151 ; Uterine displacements, Price, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 16 ; Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 230 ; (4 cases) вoardman, Raue’s Rec., 1873, pp. 168, 167 ; Pruritus vulva, Mohr, Hah. Medorrhinum, vol. 13, p. 538 ; Delayed post-partum recovery, Payne, Hale’s Symptoms, p. 405 ; Raue’s Rec., 1872, p. 194 ; Functional disturbances of heart, вerridge, Org., vol. 1, p. 281 ; Palpitation of heart, Kenyon, Hah. Medorrhinum, vol. 5, p. 147.
Психика и сознание
Obtuseness of intellect with inability to find right words in expressing thoughts ; forgets what he is about to say.
Ideas not clear, they become more so if he exerts his will, makes mistakes in writing and speaking ; cannot apply mind steadily.
Depression, dulness of intellect and thirst precede severe symptoms.
Believes her disease to be incurable ; that she has some organic disease that nobody understands.
Tormented about her salvation. θ Uterine complaints.
Crazy feeling on top of head ; wild feeling in head, with confusion of ideas.
Dementia produced by business discouragements and sexual excesses.
Disposition to weep, with pain in back ; has to keep very busy to repress sexual desire.
Disposed to curse, to strike, to think of obscene things ; as these mental states came, uterine irritation abated.
Aversion to being alone, and yet no dread felt.
Loss of appetite, headache, with distress of head and indisposition to labor ; dread of business ; indisposition to any exertion of mind or body.
Listless, inert, yet does not want to sit still ; restless, yet does not want to walk ; hurried manner, desire to do something, yet feels no ambition ; feeling as of imperative duties and utter inability to perform them ; sexual excitement.
Depression of spirits ; profound ; can hardly keep from crying ; disposition to weep, with nausea and pain in back ; aversion to food ; weeps much and is very timid ; indifferent about anything being done for her.
Anxiety ; fearful that the symptoms indicate an internal organic disease ; very marked in both male and female.
Apprehensive, as from impending disease or calamity ; fears insanity ; fears heart disease ; fears she is incurable ; often with moderate or subacute uterine or ovarian inflammation.
Doubts her salvation ; thinks she is doomed to expiate her sins and those of her family ; tears her hair ; walks floor night and day ; seeks to escape ; consolation aggravates. θ Uterine dementia.
Vertigo, especially when walking ; feeling as if intoxicated ; staggering forward ; forgetful ; head confused and heavy.
Faint feeling ; fear of falling, worse in close warm room, better in fresh air, though he is then chilly.
Faint in a warm room and when standing, with cold sweat on hands and feet. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Ideas not clear, they become more so if he exerts his will, makes mistakes in writing and speaking ; cannot apply mind steadily.
Depression, dulness of intellect and thirst precede severe symptoms.
Believes her disease to be incurable ; that she has some organic disease that nobody understands.
Tormented about her salvation. θ Uterine complaints.
Crazy feeling on top of head ; wild feeling in head, with confusion of ideas.
Dementia produced by business discouragements and sexual excesses.
Disposition to weep, with pain in back ; has to keep very busy to repress sexual desire.
Disposed to curse, to strike, to think of obscene things ; as these mental states came, uterine irritation abated.
Aversion to being alone, and yet no dread felt.
Loss of appetite, headache, with distress of head and indisposition to labor ; dread of business ; indisposition to any exertion of mind or body.
Listless, inert, yet does not want to sit still ; restless, yet does not want to walk ; hurried manner, desire to do something, yet feels no ambition ; feeling as of imperative duties and utter inability to perform them ; sexual excitement.
Depression of spirits ; profound ; can hardly keep from crying ; disposition to weep, with nausea and pain in back ; aversion to food ; weeps much and is very timid ; indifferent about anything being done for her.
Anxiety ; fearful that the symptoms indicate an internal organic disease ; very marked in both male and female.
Apprehensive, as from impending disease or calamity ; fears insanity ; fears heart disease ; fears she is incurable ; often with moderate or subacute uterine or ovarian inflammation.
Doubts her salvation ; thinks she is doomed to expiate her sins and those of her family ; tears her hair ; walks floor night and day ; seeks to escape ; consolation aggravates. θ Uterine dementia.
Vertigo, especially when walking ; feeling as if intoxicated ; staggering forward ; forgetful ; head confused and heavy.
Faint feeling ; fear of falling, worse in close warm room, better in fresh air, though he is then chilly.
Faint in a warm room and when standing, with cold sweat on hands and feet. θ Prolapsus uteri.
Голова, лицо и уши
Dull frontal headache ; worse over left eye, or alternating from side to side.
Pain in forehead. θ Photophobia. θ вlepharitis. θ Astigmatism.
Blinding pain in forehead, worse in evening ; extending into back of head and down neck, with strange muddled feeling in head, general weakness and desire to lie down ; stinging burning pain in forehead, with sensation as of rubber band stretched over it, with confusion of mind ; better by effort of will ; pains in forehead and temples, with vertigo, depression of spirits, bearing down pain in region of womb and anus, strangury and ineffectual urging to stool ; shooting in right temple passing to left, with a dull heavy sensation in whole front of head ; dim sight ; pains in eyes extending to head ; dull pressive aching from left temple to occiput ; paroxysmal.
Drawing hot pain through head and eyes, better by frequent sneezing.
Fulness of head, with pressure outward as if contents would be forced through every aperture ; feeling as if blood would issue through nose when blowing it ; better by supporting head with hands, and at sunset ; worse when walking in open air.
Heavy feeling in head, with morning diarrhoea.
Peculiar pressive headache with tremulousness and increased micturition.
Heavy feeling in head, at times slightly confused, then almost crazed feeling in head, rushing, like some fluid, through head, generally from right to left.
Wild feeling in head as though she would be crazy, with pain in right iliac region.
Terrible tearing, crazing headache ; feels as if she would lose her reason ; crazy feeling seems to run up back of head and feels as if whole head would be torn to pieces, with great fulness pressing out, with confused feeling ; pain utterly unbearable, makes her wish for death ; pain about heart, running through to left scapula ; pains and weakness in limbs ; feels she has heart disease and cannot recover, or that she will lose her soul. θ Headache.
Blurred vision ; with heat in eyelids and eyes ; after seminal emissions ; with prolapsus uteri ; musca volitantes.
Hypermetropia ; presbyopia.
Turns head towards left side when reading, trying thereby to look with left eye out of right glass of spectacles, in order to see whole of letters like b, p, d, of which he otherwise could see only the straight part, but not the curve.
So-called asthenopic symptoms probably dependent upon spasm of accommodation.
Kopyopia hysterical ; burning and smarting of lids, except in bright light ; insufficiency of each internal rectus 2o ; eyes always better in open air ; lachrymation on looking down ; crawling in vertex ; stabbing in occiput.
Eyes full of water ; face flushed and hot, pricking in skin of forehead.
Eyes painful, sensitive to light.
Intense pain in eyes, extending back into head ; dim sight.
Sharp pains over eyes.
Burning feeling in eyes after reading or writing ; eyes feel very weak.
Any attempt to work near causes redness of tarsal edges and hot sandy feeling in conjunctiva.
Rushing sound in both ears.
Frequent sneezing, relieving a severe burning headache and pain in eyes.
Constant desire to pick nose.
Pain in right side of face, right nostril stopped.
Heat and bloated feeling of face and head.
Chilly feeling in face in forenoon ; afternoon fever, congestion to chest ; face and forehead flushed and hot ; pricking in forehead.
Pain in forehead. θ Photophobia. θ вlepharitis. θ Astigmatism.
Blinding pain in forehead, worse in evening ; extending into back of head and down neck, with strange muddled feeling in head, general weakness and desire to lie down ; stinging burning pain in forehead, with sensation as of rubber band stretched over it, with confusion of mind ; better by effort of will ; pains in forehead and temples, with vertigo, depression of spirits, bearing down pain in region of womb and anus, strangury and ineffectual urging to stool ; shooting in right temple passing to left, with a dull heavy sensation in whole front of head ; dim sight ; pains in eyes extending to head ; dull pressive aching from left temple to occiput ; paroxysmal.
Drawing hot pain through head and eyes, better by frequent sneezing.
Fulness of head, with pressure outward as if contents would be forced through every aperture ; feeling as if blood would issue through nose when blowing it ; better by supporting head with hands, and at sunset ; worse when walking in open air.
Heavy feeling in head, with morning diarrhoea.
Peculiar pressive headache with tremulousness and increased micturition.
Heavy feeling in head, at times slightly confused, then almost crazed feeling in head, rushing, like some fluid, through head, generally from right to left.
Wild feeling in head as though she would be crazy, with pain in right iliac region.
Terrible tearing, crazing headache ; feels as if she would lose her reason ; crazy feeling seems to run up back of head and feels as if whole head would be torn to pieces, with great fulness pressing out, with confused feeling ; pain utterly unbearable, makes her wish for death ; pain about heart, running through to left scapula ; pains and weakness in limbs ; feels she has heart disease and cannot recover, or that she will lose her soul. θ Headache.
Blurred vision ; with heat in eyelids and eyes ; after seminal emissions ; with prolapsus uteri ; musca volitantes.
Hypermetropia ; presbyopia.
Turns head towards left side when reading, trying thereby to look with left eye out of right glass of spectacles, in order to see whole of letters like b, p, d, of which he otherwise could see only the straight part, but not the curve.
So-called asthenopic symptoms probably dependent upon spasm of accommodation.
Kopyopia hysterical ; burning and smarting of lids, except in bright light ; insufficiency of each internal rectus 2o ; eyes always better in open air ; lachrymation on looking down ; crawling in vertex ; stabbing in occiput.
Eyes full of water ; face flushed and hot, pricking in skin of forehead.
Eyes painful, sensitive to light.
Intense pain in eyes, extending back into head ; dim sight.
Sharp pains over eyes.
Burning feeling in eyes after reading or writing ; eyes feel very weak.
Any attempt to work near causes redness of tarsal edges and hot sandy feeling in conjunctiva.
Rushing sound in both ears.
Frequent sneezing, relieving a severe burning headache and pain in eyes.
Constant desire to pick nose.
Pain in right side of face, right nostril stopped.
Heat and bloated feeling of face and head.
Chilly feeling in face in forenoon ; afternoon fever, congestion to chest ; face and forehead flushed and hot ; pricking in forehead.
Ротовая полость и горло
Taste of blood. θ сongestion to chest.
Hawking of mucus, with constant nausea.
Hawking of mucus, with constant nausea.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Loss of appetite.
Aversion : to bread ; to coffee.
Craving for meat ; voracious hunger, seemingly along spine and up to occiput, not appeased by eating.
Thirst : drinks much and often ; recurring before severe symptoms.
Aversion : to bread ; to coffee.
Craving for meat ; voracious hunger, seemingly along spine and up to occiput, not appeased by eating.
Thirst : drinks much and often ; recurring before severe symptoms.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Nausea : constant, with sensation of a lump in stomach, moving at every deglutition ; when thinking of coffee ; with morning diarrhoea ; with pressure in vagina and pain at top of sacrum ; from uterine irritation ; retching, but no vomiting ; feels like vomiting when she touches her epigastrium.
Vomiting from mal-position of uterus ; frequent hawking of mucus from throat.
Fulness, disturbed feeling, upward pressure, after eating.
Stomach distended, with frequent eructations and escape of flatus from anus.
Hollow, empty sensation in stomach and bowels.
Dragging down of whole abdominal contents, extending even to organs of chest ; must support abdomen ; as if whole contents were pushing down into a funnel ; is compelled to cross her legs for fear everything would be pressed out.
Bearing down sensation in pelvis as though everything was coming into world through vagina.
Bloated abdomen after a meal, continuing after a diarrhoea.
Abdomen distended, with moving of flatus, better passing wind up or down.
Unusual distension of abdomen.
Abdomen sensitive to pressure or jarring.
Abdominal walls sore, previous to stool.
Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, passing off by urinating.
Bloated feeling in region of uterus, extending to hips.
Abdomen distended and sore after menses cease.
Empty feeling of abdomen and stomach.
Weak, tremulous feeling, extending to anus.
Skin of abdomen feels stretched and stiff.
Tenderness in hypogastric region.
Morning diarrhoea, stools loose, bilious ; dark, offensive, very urgent, cannot wait a moment ; stool preceded by griping pains or great urging, with pressure on rectum ; followed by smarting, burning of anus.
Diarrhoea, directly after dinner, sudden and peremptory ; discharges copious and bilious, burning of rectum and anus, severe tenesmus, followed by extreme exhaustion.
Stools frequent, bloody, mucous ; always constant urging and much backache ; after stool a feeling as if more would pass ; wakens about 3 A. M. ; mouth dry ; constant thirst for large quantities of water ; longs to keep quiet, slightest motion makes θ Dysentery.
Stools : dark brown, semi-liquid, fecal ; copious bilious ; very offensive.
Bowels constipated.
With every effort to evacuate bowels, urine only is discharged ; sensation as if hard body was pressing backwards, downwards and against rectum and anus ; worse standing, increased desire to go to stool.
Before stool : peremptory urging ; constant bearing down with pressing in rectum.
During stool : tenesmus of bladder and rectum.
After stool : acrid smarting and burning in rectum and anus ; severe tenesmus ; exhaustion.
Pressure in rectum, with almost constant desire to go to stool.
Escape of flatus, with great distension of stomach and frequent eructations.
Hemorrhoids after delivery, sore to touch, itching ; bearing down at stool as if all would protrude through vagina.
Vomiting from mal-position of uterus ; frequent hawking of mucus from throat.
Fulness, disturbed feeling, upward pressure, after eating.
Stomach distended, with frequent eructations and escape of flatus from anus.
Hollow, empty sensation in stomach and bowels.
Dragging down of whole abdominal contents, extending even to organs of chest ; must support abdomen ; as if whole contents were pushing down into a funnel ; is compelled to cross her legs for fear everything would be pressed out.
Bearing down sensation in pelvis as though everything was coming into world through vagina.
Bloated abdomen after a meal, continuing after a diarrhoea.
Abdomen distended, with moving of flatus, better passing wind up or down.
Unusual distension of abdomen.
Abdomen sensitive to pressure or jarring.
Abdominal walls sore, previous to stool.
Sensation as if diarrhoea would come on, passing off by urinating.
Bloated feeling in region of uterus, extending to hips.
Abdomen distended and sore after menses cease.
Empty feeling of abdomen and stomach.
Weak, tremulous feeling, extending to anus.
Skin of abdomen feels stretched and stiff.
Tenderness in hypogastric region.
Morning diarrhoea, stools loose, bilious ; dark, offensive, very urgent, cannot wait a moment ; stool preceded by griping pains or great urging, with pressure on rectum ; followed by smarting, burning of anus.
Diarrhoea, directly after dinner, sudden and peremptory ; discharges copious and bilious, burning of rectum and anus, severe tenesmus, followed by extreme exhaustion.
Stools frequent, bloody, mucous ; always constant urging and much backache ; after stool a feeling as if more would pass ; wakens about 3 A. M. ; mouth dry ; constant thirst for large quantities of water ; longs to keep quiet, slightest motion makes θ Dysentery.
Stools : dark brown, semi-liquid, fecal ; copious bilious ; very offensive.
Bowels constipated.
With every effort to evacuate bowels, urine only is discharged ; sensation as if hard body was pressing backwards, downwards and against rectum and anus ; worse standing, increased desire to go to stool.
Before stool : peremptory urging ; constant bearing down with pressing in rectum.
During stool : tenesmus of bladder and rectum.
After stool : acrid smarting and burning in rectum and anus ; severe tenesmus ; exhaustion.
Pressure in rectum, with almost constant desire to go to stool.
Escape of flatus, with great distension of stomach and frequent eructations.
Hemorrhoids after delivery, sore to touch, itching ; bearing down at stool as if all would protrude through vagina.
Мочеполовая система
Continuous pressure in region of bladder, constant desire to urinate, with scanty discharge ; smarting in urethra and tenesmus.
Frequent urging, with acrid smarting after every discharge ; urging worse toward morning.
Frequent urination through day ; with dull headache moving from sinciput to occiput, finally settling in left temple.
If desire is not attended to, feeling of congestion of chest.
Urine : milky, scanty ; increased and dark ; hot like boiling oil ; high colored and scanty.
Sexual desire increased.
Lascivious dreams and emissions, followed by irritability, difficulty in fixing one’s mind, selecting wrong words.
Sexual desire increased ; obscene.
Sharp pain in ovarian region ; burning, stinging, cutting, grasping pain extends across hypogastrium to groin, down leg ; bearing down when standing ; sensitive to pressure ; ovary swollen to nearly size of child’s head.
Dull pain in right and sometimes in left ovary, with offensive leucorrhoea, and great weakness during menstruation.
Pains in left ovary with anteversion ; leucorrhoea like white of egg ; drawing down sensation in left side.
Swelling and pain, with sensation of heaviness, in left ovary.
Bearing down in uterine region, worse walking, better holding up abdomen with hands ; tenderness of swollen left ovary ; stinging, burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down thigh ; shooting pains from left ovary across pubes ; urine causes smarting ; prolapsed and sensitive uterus. θ Ovarian dropsy.
Bearing down in uterus, with pains in left ovary and left mamma.
Great distension of abdomen ; looks as if about to be confined (since confinement) ; very distressing dull pains in left ovary ; constant aching in sacral region, extending into thighs ; yellow, mouldy, blotchy look of skin, especially of face and upper chest ; prolapsus and partial procidentia.
Pains in small of back, right and left ovarian region, down outside of thighs ; very severe when menstruation is at its height, obliging patient to keep her bed ; flow bright and clotted, intermitting ; between periods a sense of weakness and dragging, occasioning a movement as if uterus fell from right to left ; mouth of uterus to left and high up. θ сhronic metritis.
Unable to move, fearing her womb would drop from her ; great pelvic distress on sitting up ; uterus prolapsed, with swelling and tumefaction, os much indurated, hot, tender to touch ; thinks her husband causes prolapsus by rough coition. θ Prolapsus.
Funnel shaped pressure, beginning in throat, and converging upon uterus ; sick headache every few days, much worse at menses ; prolapsus uteri of second degree, with general laxity of ligaments.
Os wedged against sacrum, fundus tilted toward pubis ; agonizing distress and pressure in rectum ; constant desire to defecate and to urinate ; urine at times scanty ; feels afraid to move for fear everything will drop through ; headache over eyes and vertex ; menses irregular, scanty, exceedingly painful ; thinks no one understands her complaint, that it is incurable. θ Prolapsus.
Fundus inclined to left side of pelvis ; hernial sac in left inguinal region of size of walnut ; great tenderness of os ; uterus swollen and tumefied ; difficult, painful urination and stools ; aching, burning, pressing pains ; bowels torpid ; menses irregular, scanty, painful ; constant leucorrhoea, mild, profuse, straining linen, greenish yellow ; very stooping posture ; had used supporters, etc. θ Anteversion.
Severe neuralgic pains in uterus, could not bear touch, not even weight of bedclothes or slightest jar ; anteversion.
Great bearing down and distress in pelvic region ; pressure upon both rectum and bladder ; wears a T bandage to hold herself together ; felt as though she would drop asunder ; pale, wretched looking countenance ; menses almost wanting, except a mere show every two or three months ; very painful ; leucorrhoea, acrid, dirty yellowish brown color ; headache ; appetite poor ; os pushed down on pubis ; fundus against sacrum. θ Retroversion.
Anteversion and retroversion of uterus ; patients nearly all have constipation.
Bearing down pains : particularly in walking ; as though menstruation would come on ; as if to have passage from bowels ; low spirited, weeping, apprehensive ; irritable ; opposite and contradictory mental states ; anorexia ; faint in close room and when standing ; frequent, scanty, burning urine ; pain in sacrum ; bloated feeling in abdomen ; limbs cold and clammy.
Sensation as if a hard body was pressing backwards and downwards upon rectum and ovaries ; better walking in open air ; heart symptoms.
Bloated feeling in region of uterus ; pelvic organs feel swollen ; aching apparently around, not in, uterus.
Intermittent sharp pain across lower bowels.
Burning from groin to groin, with morning stool.
Aching over pubes, with pain in knees.
Intermittent, labor-like pains in lower part of back, with a thin, acrid excoriating leucorrhoea, leaving a brown stain ; worse afternoon until 12 P. M.
Menses : scanty, flow only when moving about ; dark, thick, smelling like lochia ; on second day after time to menstruate, cutting in bowels, limbs clammy, followed by profuse, bright yellow leucorrhoea, excoriating perineum ; accelerated, sometimes recurring in two weeks, though flow is scanty ; ceased to flow when she ceased to walk.
Dysmenorrhoea : from dislocations ; sensation of constriction from back around hips, ending in pubes.
Amenorrhoea : with cardiac distress or burning stinging ovarian pains ; complicated with prolapsus or anteversion.
Voluptuous itching in vagina, with feeling of fulness of parts ; stinging in left ovarian region.
Leucorrhoea : thin, acrid ; leaving brown stain on linen ; abundant, excoriating ; worse afternoon and evening.
Dry, mealy spots, about size of lentils, on mucous surface between labia majora and minora, causing intolerable itching ; awakes at night to find herself scratching these spots, feels like tearing away flesh, itching seems to be so deep in, generally worse before menses ; at times watery discharge from left nostril, coming away drop at a time and looking like clear water ; spot on septum of left nostril similar to eruption on vulva ; partial prolapsus of uterus ; seems as if everything would come out, great desire to place hand on vulva to keep parts up ; better from pressure of hand. θ Pruritus vulva.
Rash-like eruption on genitals ; swelling of parts.
Cutting in left mamma through to scapula ; sighing ; short breath.
Cramplike pain in left mamma, shoulder and fingers.
Frequent urging, with acrid smarting after every discharge ; urging worse toward morning.
Frequent urination through day ; with dull headache moving from sinciput to occiput, finally settling in left temple.
If desire is not attended to, feeling of congestion of chest.
Urine : milky, scanty ; increased and dark ; hot like boiling oil ; high colored and scanty.
Sexual desire increased.
Lascivious dreams and emissions, followed by irritability, difficulty in fixing one’s mind, selecting wrong words.
Sexual desire increased ; obscene.
Sharp pain in ovarian region ; burning, stinging, cutting, grasping pain extends across hypogastrium to groin, down leg ; bearing down when standing ; sensitive to pressure ; ovary swollen to nearly size of child’s head.
Dull pain in right and sometimes in left ovary, with offensive leucorrhoea, and great weakness during menstruation.
Pains in left ovary with anteversion ; leucorrhoea like white of egg ; drawing down sensation in left side.
Swelling and pain, with sensation of heaviness, in left ovary.
Bearing down in uterine region, worse walking, better holding up abdomen with hands ; tenderness of swollen left ovary ; stinging, burning pains from ovary up into abdomen and down thigh ; shooting pains from left ovary across pubes ; urine causes smarting ; prolapsed and sensitive uterus. θ Ovarian dropsy.
Bearing down in uterus, with pains in left ovary and left mamma.
Great distension of abdomen ; looks as if about to be confined (since confinement) ; very distressing dull pains in left ovary ; constant aching in sacral region, extending into thighs ; yellow, mouldy, blotchy look of skin, especially of face and upper chest ; prolapsus and partial procidentia.
Pains in small of back, right and left ovarian region, down outside of thighs ; very severe when menstruation is at its height, obliging patient to keep her bed ; flow bright and clotted, intermitting ; between periods a sense of weakness and dragging, occasioning a movement as if uterus fell from right to left ; mouth of uterus to left and high up. θ сhronic metritis.
Unable to move, fearing her womb would drop from her ; great pelvic distress on sitting up ; uterus prolapsed, with swelling and tumefaction, os much indurated, hot, tender to touch ; thinks her husband causes prolapsus by rough coition. θ Prolapsus.
Funnel shaped pressure, beginning in throat, and converging upon uterus ; sick headache every few days, much worse at menses ; prolapsus uteri of second degree, with general laxity of ligaments.
Os wedged against sacrum, fundus tilted toward pubis ; agonizing distress and pressure in rectum ; constant desire to defecate and to urinate ; urine at times scanty ; feels afraid to move for fear everything will drop through ; headache over eyes and vertex ; menses irregular, scanty, exceedingly painful ; thinks no one understands her complaint, that it is incurable. θ Prolapsus.
Fundus inclined to left side of pelvis ; hernial sac in left inguinal region of size of walnut ; great tenderness of os ; uterus swollen and tumefied ; difficult, painful urination and stools ; aching, burning, pressing pains ; bowels torpid ; menses irregular, scanty, painful ; constant leucorrhoea, mild, profuse, straining linen, greenish yellow ; very stooping posture ; had used supporters, etc. θ Anteversion.
Severe neuralgic pains in uterus, could not bear touch, not even weight of bedclothes or slightest jar ; anteversion.
Great bearing down and distress in pelvic region ; pressure upon both rectum and bladder ; wears a T bandage to hold herself together ; felt as though she would drop asunder ; pale, wretched looking countenance ; menses almost wanting, except a mere show every two or three months ; very painful ; leucorrhoea, acrid, dirty yellowish brown color ; headache ; appetite poor ; os pushed down on pubis ; fundus against sacrum. θ Retroversion.
Anteversion and retroversion of uterus ; patients nearly all have constipation.
Bearing down pains : particularly in walking ; as though menstruation would come on ; as if to have passage from bowels ; low spirited, weeping, apprehensive ; irritable ; opposite and contradictory mental states ; anorexia ; faint in close room and when standing ; frequent, scanty, burning urine ; pain in sacrum ; bloated feeling in abdomen ; limbs cold and clammy.
Sensation as if a hard body was pressing backwards and downwards upon rectum and ovaries ; better walking in open air ; heart symptoms.
Bloated feeling in region of uterus ; pelvic organs feel swollen ; aching apparently around, not in, uterus.
Intermittent sharp pain across lower bowels.
Burning from groin to groin, with morning stool.
Aching over pubes, with pain in knees.
Intermittent, labor-like pains in lower part of back, with a thin, acrid excoriating leucorrhoea, leaving a brown stain ; worse afternoon until 12 P. M.
Menses : scanty, flow only when moving about ; dark, thick, smelling like lochia ; on second day after time to menstruate, cutting in bowels, limbs clammy, followed by profuse, bright yellow leucorrhoea, excoriating perineum ; accelerated, sometimes recurring in two weeks, though flow is scanty ; ceased to flow when she ceased to walk.
Dysmenorrhoea : from dislocations ; sensation of constriction from back around hips, ending in pubes.
Amenorrhoea : with cardiac distress or burning stinging ovarian pains ; complicated with prolapsus or anteversion.
Voluptuous itching in vagina, with feeling of fulness of parts ; stinging in left ovarian region.
Leucorrhoea : thin, acrid ; leaving brown stain on linen ; abundant, excoriating ; worse afternoon and evening.
Dry, mealy spots, about size of lentils, on mucous surface between labia majora and minora, causing intolerable itching ; awakes at night to find herself scratching these spots, feels like tearing away flesh, itching seems to be so deep in, generally worse before menses ; at times watery discharge from left nostril, coming away drop at a time and looking like clear water ; spot on septum of left nostril similar to eruption on vulva ; partial prolapsus of uterus ; seems as if everything would come out, great desire to place hand on vulva to keep parts up ; better from pressure of hand. θ Pruritus vulva.
Rash-like eruption on genitals ; swelling of parts.
Cutting in left mamma through to scapula ; sighing ; short breath.
Cramplike pain in left mamma, shoulder and fingers.
Характеристика растения
Morning sickness, frequent copious urination ; palpitation.
Slow recovery after confinement ; lochia too long ; must support vulva to prevent everything from escaping ; worse from motion ; subinvolution ; lochia profuse, excoriating ; dragging pains ; smarting in urethra after urination ; fears an internal incurable disease.
Confined four weeks ago ; has been always troubled with severe constipation ; hemorrhoids first week after labor, painful, sore to touch and itching ; profuse, irritating leucorrhoea or continued lochia, with pain in back and hips ; pain and smarting in urethra after passing urine ; bearing down when at stool, as if internal organs would pass out through vagina and had to be kept back by supporting vulva with hands ; dreads insanity ; fears incurable disease.
Slow recovery after confinement ; lochia too long ; must support vulva to prevent everything from escaping ; worse from motion ; subinvolution ; lochia profuse, excoriating ; dragging pains ; smarting in urethra after urination ; fears an internal incurable disease.
Confined four weeks ago ; has been always troubled with severe constipation ; hemorrhoids first week after labor, painful, sore to touch and itching ; profuse, irritating leucorrhoea or continued lochia, with pain in back and hips ; pain and smarting in urethra after passing urine ; bearing down when at stool, as if internal organs would pass out through vagina and had to be kept back by supporting vulva with hands ; dreads insanity ; fears incurable disease.
Органы грудной клетки
Breathing oppressed, with oppression in lower part of chest, worse 4 A. M. ; sighing ; frequent desire to take a long breath ; feeling of compression and weight.
Chest feels as if too full of blood ; slight relief from sighing ; oppressive heat, must go into open air ; worse in close room ; with taste of blood, faint feeling ; weak heartbeat, blurred sight, fear of falling.
Constant feeling of load or weight in left chest ; smothering sensation.
Dragging, as if all internal organs hung suspended from chest.
Full feeling in chest, with distended abdomen.
Constricted sensation in left side of chest, extending to right, with sharp pains running up to throat, clavicle, left axilla and scapula ; better from changing position.
Sharp and quick pain in left side of chest, with fluttering of heart.
Chest feels as if too full of blood ; slight relief from sighing ; oppressive heat, must go into open air ; worse in close room ; with taste of blood, faint feeling ; weak heartbeat, blurred sight, fear of falling.
Constant feeling of load or weight in left chest ; smothering sensation.
Dragging, as if all internal organs hung suspended from chest.
Full feeling in chest, with distended abdomen.
Constricted sensation in left side of chest, extending to right, with sharp pains running up to throat, clavicle, left axilla and scapula ; better from changing position.
Sharp and quick pain in left side of chest, with fluttering of heart.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Sensation as if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice ; as if blood had all gone to heart, producing a feeling as if he must bend double ; inability to walk straight.
Heart as if violently grasped, then suddenly released, alternately.
Constrictive pain about heart, through to scapula.
Sensation as if heart was overloaded with blood and it would afford relief to bring up some.
Frequent sensation as if heart stopped, followed by rush of blood to heart and palpitation.
Pain, dull pressure and fulness, with feeling of coldness about heart, no organic lesion.
Dull, pressing pain in region of heart, nearly constant, but worse by eating, no matter how little ; frequent palpitation ; apprehension.
Heaviness in region of heart.
Cardiac irritability, nervous palpitation.
Palpitation, worse from lying on either side.
Fluttering : general faint feeling, hurried and forced feeling about apex, better sitting still ; awakens her at night ; cold hands and feet, covered with cold sweat ; sharp, quick pain in left chest ; with irregular pulse.
During attacks, which are brought on by excitement, heart feels as if squeezed, with dyspnoea, groaning from pain, cannot lie down ; after attacks, weakness, numbness of right leg from toes to above knee, cold shivering, with chattering of teeth, dryness of mouth and throat, and back feels drawn backwards ; also trembling feeling about heart on talking ; coldness from occiput down spine ; feeling as if heart stopped, followed by rush of blood and violent palpitation ; can lie best on left side ; lying on right side brings on palpitation and weight in left ; fingers numb at times, especially right ; excitement brings on palpitation. θ Functional disturbance of heart.
Conscious pulsations over whole body, and out pressing in hands and arms as if blood would burst through vessels.
Heart as if violently grasped, then suddenly released, alternately.
Constrictive pain about heart, through to scapula.
Sensation as if heart was overloaded with blood and it would afford relief to bring up some.
Frequent sensation as if heart stopped, followed by rush of blood to heart and palpitation.
Pain, dull pressure and fulness, with feeling of coldness about heart, no organic lesion.
Dull, pressing pain in region of heart, nearly constant, but worse by eating, no matter how little ; frequent palpitation ; apprehension.
Heaviness in region of heart.
Cardiac irritability, nervous palpitation.
Palpitation, worse from lying on either side.
Fluttering : general faint feeling, hurried and forced feeling about apex, better sitting still ; awakens her at night ; cold hands and feet, covered with cold sweat ; sharp, quick pain in left chest ; with irregular pulse.
During attacks, which are brought on by excitement, heart feels as if squeezed, with dyspnoea, groaning from pain, cannot lie down ; after attacks, weakness, numbness of right leg from toes to above knee, cold shivering, with chattering of teeth, dryness of mouth and throat, and back feels drawn backwards ; also trembling feeling about heart on talking ; coldness from occiput down spine ; feeling as if heart stopped, followed by rush of blood and violent palpitation ; can lie best on left side ; lying on right side brings on palpitation and weight in left ; fingers numb at times, especially right ; excitement brings on palpitation. θ Functional disturbance of heart.
Conscious pulsations over whole body, and out pressing in hands and arms as if blood would burst through vessels.
Конечности и позвоночник
Dull pain in nape of neck, with feeling of constriction ; glands on left side of neck swollen and painful ; pain in neck and left scapula, seemingly from left mamma.
Pain in dorsal vertebra, as if back would break.
Dull, heavy pain and great weakness in small of back. θ Uterine displacement.
Pain in back and hips ; dreads insanity.
Dull pain across loins and sacrum ; cold feeling and chills.
Sensation of pulling upward from tip of coccyx.
Dull pain in left shoulder.
Drawing pain in left shoulder and neck ; stitching in left mamma.
Right hand and arm stiff and painful during night, better after 8 A. M.
Arms and hands stiff and hot, as if parched.
Cold hands, cold perspiration on back of hands.
Stiffness of fingers almost like paralysis ; difficult to guide pencil ; pricking in fingers and hands ; sensation of electric current, first in fingers of left hand then of right hand.
Stitching pains from ilium to ilium, or from pubes to sacrum.
Pain in right hip extending down thigh.
Boring, soreness, stitching, or drawing pain in right hip joint.
Sensation as though cool wind was blowing on lower extremities, with smarting of right leg more particularly ; loss of appetite, headache, dulness of head, indisposition to labor ; grasping pain or heavy aching in knees.
Trembling of knees, abdomen, back and hands.
Dull, heavy pain, from knees to toes, moving suddenly from place to place.
Legs ache ; cannot keep them still ; worse when giving up control of herself, as when trying to go to sleep.
Burning, beginning in soles and palms, thence over body ; worse in bed, constant desire to find a cool place.
Pains severe, fleeting, quick, sharp, or circumscribed ; coldness or cold perspiration ; left leg affected most.
Burning in palms and soles.
Limbs cold, clammy, more when excited or nervous.
Whole body feels bruised and sore, even pressure of clothing is painful ; hands and feet as if pounded ; soles sore, worse when stooping.
Desire to lie down.
Can lie best on left side.
Lying on either side : palpitation.
Cannot lie down : pain at heart.
Sitting still : faint feeling about apex.
On sitting up : great pelvic distress.
Is compelled to cross her legs : for fear everything would be pressed out.
Standing : faint ; as if hard body was pressing backwards and downwards ; bearing down in ovaries ; must support abdomen.
Supporting head with hands : pain .
Supporting abdomen with hands : pain .
Unable to move : fearing her womb would drop from her.
Morning : menses only flow ; worse feeling as if everything would escape through vulva.
Changing position : pains in shoulder .
Inability : to walk, straight from pain at heart.
Walking : vertigo ; bearing down in uterine region.
When stepping : soles sore.
Touch : on epigastrium, makes her feel like vomiting ; hemorrhoids sore ; uterus tender.
Weight of bedclothes : unbearable on sensitive uterus.
Pressure : abdomen sensitive ; ovaries sensitive ; better bearing down in uterus.
Jarring : abdomen sensitive.
Pain in dorsal vertebra, as if back would break.
Dull, heavy pain and great weakness in small of back. θ Uterine displacement.
Pain in back and hips ; dreads insanity.
Dull pain across loins and sacrum ; cold feeling and chills.
Sensation of pulling upward from tip of coccyx.
Dull pain in left shoulder.
Drawing pain in left shoulder and neck ; stitching in left mamma.
Right hand and arm stiff and painful during night, better after 8 A. M.
Arms and hands stiff and hot, as if parched.
Cold hands, cold perspiration on back of hands.
Stiffness of fingers almost like paralysis ; difficult to guide pencil ; pricking in fingers and hands ; sensation of electric current, first in fingers of left hand then of right hand.
Stitching pains from ilium to ilium, or from pubes to sacrum.
Pain in right hip extending down thigh.
Boring, soreness, stitching, or drawing pain in right hip joint.
Sensation as though cool wind was blowing on lower extremities, with smarting of right leg more particularly ; loss of appetite, headache, dulness of head, indisposition to labor ; grasping pain or heavy aching in knees.
Trembling of knees, abdomen, back and hands.
Dull, heavy pain, from knees to toes, moving suddenly from place to place.
Legs ache ; cannot keep them still ; worse when giving up control of herself, as when trying to go to sleep.
Burning, beginning in soles and palms, thence over body ; worse in bed, constant desire to find a cool place.
Pains severe, fleeting, quick, sharp, or circumscribed ; coldness or cold perspiration ; left leg affected most.
Burning in palms and soles.
Limbs cold, clammy, more when excited or nervous.
Whole body feels bruised and sore, even pressure of clothing is painful ; hands and feet as if pounded ; soles sore, worse when stooping.
Desire to lie down.
Can lie best on left side.
Lying on either side : palpitation.
Cannot lie down : pain at heart.
Sitting still : faint feeling about apex.
On sitting up : great pelvic distress.
Is compelled to cross her legs : for fear everything would be pressed out.
Standing : faint ; as if hard body was pressing backwards and downwards ; bearing down in ovaries ; must support abdomen.
Supporting head with hands : pain .
Supporting abdomen with hands : pain .
Unable to move : fearing her womb would drop from her.
Morning : menses only flow ; worse feeling as if everything would escape through vulva.
Changing position : pains in shoulder .
Inability : to walk, straight from pain at heart.
Walking : vertigo ; bearing down in uterine region.
When stepping : soles sore.
Touch : on epigastrium, makes her feel like vomiting ; hemorrhoids sore ; uterus tender.
Weight of bedclothes : unbearable on sensitive uterus.
Pressure : abdomen sensitive ; ovaries sensitive ; better bearing down in uterus.
Jarring : abdomen sensitive.
Нервная система
Nervous system irritable ; weak, trembling, nervous.
Aimless hurry and motion ; walks to and fro ; cannot be amused by thinking or reading.
Convulsive contractions of almost all muscles of body, and a feeling as if she would be crazy if she did not hold tightly upon herself.
Aimless hurry and motion ; walks to and fro ; cannot be amused by thinking or reading.
Convulsive contractions of almost all muscles of body, and a feeling as if she would be crazy if she did not hold tightly upon herself.
Sleepy before bedtime.
Inability to sleep, worse before midnight.
Restless sleep : wild feeling in head ; frightful, laborious dreams ; everything seems too hot ; seminal emissions, dull headache, palpitation ; mammary pain.
Morning : diarrhoea ; heavy feeling in head ; urging to urinate.
At 3 A. M. : awakes.
At 4 A. M. : breathing oppressed.
After 8 A. M. : right hand and arm .
Forenoon : chilly feeling in face.
Through day : frequent urination.
Afternoon : fever, congestion to chest, till 12 P. M. ; labor-like pains in back.
At sunset : headache .
Evening : blinding pain in forehead ; leucorrhoea.
Night : awakes, scratching spots on labia ; arm and hand painful.
Before midnight : inability to sleep.
Inability to sleep, worse before midnight.
Restless sleep : wild feeling in head ; frightful, laborious dreams ; everything seems too hot ; seminal emissions, dull headache, palpitation ; mammary pain.
Morning : diarrhoea ; heavy feeling in head ; urging to urinate.
At 3 A. M. : awakes.
At 4 A. M. : breathing oppressed.
After 8 A. M. : right hand and arm .
Forenoon : chilly feeling in face.
Through day : frequent urination.
Afternoon : fever, congestion to chest, till 12 P. M. ; labor-like pains in back.
At sunset : headache .
Evening : blinding pain in forehead ; leucorrhoea.
Night : awakes, scratching spots on labia ; arm and hand painful.
Before midnight : inability to sleep.
Общие симптомы
Open air : eyes always ; oppressed breathing .
In fresh air : chilly, but vertigo ; when walking headache .
In cool, open air : chilly, but .
Constant desire to find a cool place.
In close room : vertigo.
In warm room : faint.
As if intoxicated ; as of rubber band stretched over forehead ; as if contents of head would be forced through every aperture ; as if blood would issue through nose when blowing it ; as though she would be crazy with pain in head ; as if whole head would be torn to pieces ; as of hunger along spine and in occiput ; as of a lump in stomach ; as if contents of abdomen were pushing down into a funnel ; as if everything was coming into world through vagina ; as if diarrhoea would come on ; after stool, feeling as if more would pass ; as if everything would come out at vulva ; as if she must hold herself up in region of vulva when at stool ; as if hard body was pressing backwards and downwards against rectum and anus ; as if all would protrude through vagina ; as if uterus fell from right to left ; felt as though she would drop asunder ; as though menstruation would come on ; as if to have a passage from bowels ; as if internal organs would pass out through vagina ; chest as if too full of blood ; as if all internal organs hung suspended from chest ; as if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice ; as if blood had all gone to heart ; as if he must bend double ; heart as if violently grasped and then suddenly released ; as if heart was overloaded with blood ; as if heart stopped ; back as if drawn backwards ; as if blood would burst through vessels of hands and arms ; as if back would break ; as of pulling upward from tip of coccyx ; arms and hands as if parched ; as of electric current in fingers and hand ; as though cool wind was blowing on lower extremities ; hands and feet as if pounded ; as if she would be crazy if she did not hold tightly upon herself.
Pain : in back ; in forehead ; over eyes and vertex ; in neck ; in temples ; in eyes ; about heart ; running through scapula ; in limbs ; in right side of face ; at top of sacrum ; in l. ovary ; in left mamma ; in small of back, right and left ovarian region, down outside of thighs ; in sacrum ; in knees ; in urethra ; about heart ; in left scapula ; in dorsal vertebra ; in hip.
Unbearable pain : in head.
Intense pain : in eyes, extending back into head.
Terrible, tearing, crazy pain : in head.
Crazy feeling : on top of head ; runs up back of head.
Wild feeling : in head.
Agonizing distress and pressure : in rectum.
Distress : in pelvic region.
Blinding pain : in forehead.
Sharp pain : over eyes ; in ovarian region ; running from chest to throat ; in left side of chest.
Stabbing : in occiput.
Cutting : in bowels ; in left mamma, shoulder and fingers.
Stitching : in left mamma ; from ilium to ilium, or from pubes to sacrum.
Boring soreness, stitching, drawing pain : in right hip joint.
Grasping pain : in knees.
Griping pain : in abdomen.
Shooting : in right temple passing to left ; from left ovary across pubes.
Severe neuralgic pains : in uterus.
Dragging pains : in female sexual organs.
Intermittent sharp pain : across lower bowels.
Intermittent labor-like pains : in lower part of back.
Drawing pain : in left shoulder and neck.
Drawing, hot pain : through head and eyes.
Very distressing dull pains : in left ovary.
Dull, pressing aching : from left temple to occiput ; in region of heart.
Constant aching : in sacral region into thighs.
Aching : apparently around uterus ; over pubes.
Dull pain : in forehead ; over left eye ; moving from sinciput to occiput ; settling in left temple ; about heart ; in nape of neck ; across sacrum and loins ; in left shoulder.
Bearing down pains : in region of womb and anus ; in pelvis ; in uterine region ; in uterus ; in pelvic region.
Severe burning pain : in head.
Burning stinging, cutting, grasping pain : across hypogastrium, to groin, down leg.
Stinging, burning pain : in forehead ; from ovary up into abdomen and down thigh.
Stinging : in left ovarian region.
Burning, smarting : of lids ; of anus.
Smarting : in urethra ; of right leg.
Burning : in eyes ; of rectum ; from groin to groin ; beginning in soles and palms, thence over body.
Hot, sandy feeling : in conjunctiva.
Hot pricking : in skin of forehead.
Heat : in eyelids and eyes.
Dull, heavy sensation in whole front of head ; in small of back ; pain from knees to toes, moving suddenly from place to place.
Funnel shaped pressure : beginning at throat and converging upon uterus.
Drawing down : of whole abdominal contents ; in left side Pressure : in vagina ; in rectum ; in region of bladder.
Heavy feeling : in head ; in left ovary.
Heaviness : in region of heart.
Fulness : of head, with pressure outward of stomach ; about вloated feeling : of face and head ; in region of uterus to hips ; in abdomen.
Stretched, stiff feeling : in skin of abdomen.
Tenesmus : in bladder and rectum.
Tenderness : in hypogastric region ; over region of left ovary.
Sensitiveness : of uterus.
Strange, muddled feeling : in head.
Smothered sensation : in chest.
Constrictive pain : about heart.
Constriction : from back around hips ; in left chest.
Full feeling : in chest ; in heart.
Numbness : of right leg.
Compression and weight : in chest.
Trembling : about heart ; of knees, abdomen, back and hands.
Conscious pulsations : over whole body and out pressing in hands and arms.
Weak, tremulous feeling : extending to anus.
Fluttering : of heart.
Great weakness : in small of back.
Hollow, empty sensation : in bowels and stomach ; of abdomen.
Stiffness : of right hand and arm.
Crawling : in vertex.
Intolerable itching : on mucous surface between labia majora and minora ; of hemorrhoids.
Chilly feeling : in face.
Coldness : from occiput down spine, across sacrum ; cool wind blowing on legs.
Headaches depending on uterine troubles, menstrual irregularities and irritable condition of heart.
Subacute and chronic ovaritis and neuralgia of ovaries.
Prolapsus uteri, bearing down sensation, accompanied by palpitation of heart and ovaralgia, uterine inflammation, subacute endo-cervicitis.
Heart feels full to bursting, from congestion ; much fluttering ; reflex heart symptoms.
In fresh air : chilly, but vertigo ; when walking headache .
In cool, open air : chilly, but .
Constant desire to find a cool place.
In close room : vertigo.
In warm room : faint.
As if intoxicated ; as of rubber band stretched over forehead ; as if contents of head would be forced through every aperture ; as if blood would issue through nose when blowing it ; as though she would be crazy with pain in head ; as if whole head would be torn to pieces ; as of hunger along spine and in occiput ; as of a lump in stomach ; as if contents of abdomen were pushing down into a funnel ; as if everything was coming into world through vagina ; as if diarrhoea would come on ; after stool, feeling as if more would pass ; as if everything would come out at vulva ; as if she must hold herself up in region of vulva when at stool ; as if hard body was pressing backwards and downwards against rectum and anus ; as if all would protrude through vagina ; as if uterus fell from right to left ; felt as though she would drop asunder ; as though menstruation would come on ; as if to have a passage from bowels ; as if internal organs would pass out through vagina ; chest as if too full of blood ; as if all internal organs hung suspended from chest ; as if heart was grasped or squeezed in a vice ; as if blood had all gone to heart ; as if he must bend double ; heart as if violently grasped and then suddenly released ; as if heart was overloaded with blood ; as if heart stopped ; back as if drawn backwards ; as if blood would burst through vessels of hands and arms ; as if back would break ; as of pulling upward from tip of coccyx ; arms and hands as if parched ; as of electric current in fingers and hand ; as though cool wind was blowing on lower extremities ; hands and feet as if pounded ; as if she would be crazy if she did not hold tightly upon herself.
Pain : in back ; in forehead ; over eyes and vertex ; in neck ; in temples ; in eyes ; about heart ; running through scapula ; in limbs ; in right side of face ; at top of sacrum ; in l. ovary ; in left mamma ; in small of back, right and left ovarian region, down outside of thighs ; in sacrum ; in knees ; in urethra ; about heart ; in left scapula ; in dorsal vertebra ; in hip.
Unbearable pain : in head.
Intense pain : in eyes, extending back into head.
Terrible, tearing, crazy pain : in head.
Crazy feeling : on top of head ; runs up back of head.
Wild feeling : in head.
Agonizing distress and pressure : in rectum.
Distress : in pelvic region.
Blinding pain : in forehead.
Sharp pain : over eyes ; in ovarian region ; running from chest to throat ; in left side of chest.
Stabbing : in occiput.
Cutting : in bowels ; in left mamma, shoulder and fingers.
Stitching : in left mamma ; from ilium to ilium, or from pubes to sacrum.
Boring soreness, stitching, drawing pain : in right hip joint.
Grasping pain : in knees.
Griping pain : in abdomen.
Shooting : in right temple passing to left ; from left ovary across pubes.
Severe neuralgic pains : in uterus.
Dragging pains : in female sexual organs.
Intermittent sharp pain : across lower bowels.
Intermittent labor-like pains : in lower part of back.
Drawing pain : in left shoulder and neck.
Drawing, hot pain : through head and eyes.
Very distressing dull pains : in left ovary.
Dull, pressing aching : from left temple to occiput ; in region of heart.
Constant aching : in sacral region into thighs.
Aching : apparently around uterus ; over pubes.
Dull pain : in forehead ; over left eye ; moving from sinciput to occiput ; settling in left temple ; about heart ; in nape of neck ; across sacrum and loins ; in left shoulder.
Bearing down pains : in region of womb and anus ; in pelvis ; in uterine region ; in uterus ; in pelvic region.
Severe burning pain : in head.
Burning stinging, cutting, grasping pain : across hypogastrium, to groin, down leg.
Stinging, burning pain : in forehead ; from ovary up into abdomen and down thigh.
Stinging : in left ovarian region.
Burning, smarting : of lids ; of anus.
Smarting : in urethra ; of right leg.
Burning : in eyes ; of rectum ; from groin to groin ; beginning in soles and palms, thence over body.
Hot, sandy feeling : in conjunctiva.
Hot pricking : in skin of forehead.
Heat : in eyelids and eyes.
Dull, heavy sensation in whole front of head ; in small of back ; pain from knees to toes, moving suddenly from place to place.
Funnel shaped pressure : beginning at throat and converging upon uterus.
Drawing down : of whole abdominal contents ; in left side Pressure : in vagina ; in rectum ; in region of bladder.
Heavy feeling : in head ; in left ovary.
Heaviness : in region of heart.
Fulness : of head, with pressure outward of stomach ; about вloated feeling : of face and head ; in region of uterus to hips ; in abdomen.
Stretched, stiff feeling : in skin of abdomen.
Tenesmus : in bladder and rectum.
Tenderness : in hypogastric region ; over region of left ovary.
Sensitiveness : of uterus.
Strange, muddled feeling : in head.
Smothered sensation : in chest.
Constrictive pain : about heart.
Constriction : from back around hips ; in left chest.
Full feeling : in chest ; in heart.
Numbness : of right leg.
Compression and weight : in chest.
Trembling : about heart ; of knees, abdomen, back and hands.
Conscious pulsations : over whole body and out pressing in hands and arms.
Weak, tremulous feeling : extending to anus.
Fluttering : of heart.
Great weakness : in small of back.
Hollow, empty sensation : in bowels and stomach ; of abdomen.
Stiffness : of right hand and arm.
Crawling : in vertex.
Intolerable itching : on mucous surface between labia majora and minora ; of hemorrhoids.
Chilly feeling : in face.
Coldness : from occiput down spine, across sacrum ; cool wind blowing on legs.
Headaches depending on uterine troubles, menstrual irregularities and irritable condition of heart.
Subacute and chronic ovaritis and neuralgia of ovaries.
Prolapsus uteri, bearing down sensation, accompanied by palpitation of heart and ovaralgia, uterine inflammation, subacute endo-cervicitis.
Heart feels full to bursting, from congestion ; much fluttering ; reflex heart symptoms.
Chills run downwards ; violent beating of heart ; congestion to chest and burning heat all over ; constriction about heart.
Chills from face downwards ; chilly when in cool, open air, yet otherwise .
Great heat and lassitude in afternoon, throbbing all over.
Every half hour : stools.
On second day after time to menstruate, cutting in bowels.
Every few days : sick headache.
In two weeks : flow recurring.
Every two or three months : mere show of menstrual flow.
Right : shooting in temple passing to left ; pain in iliac region ; pain in side of face ; nostril stopped up ; dull pain in ovary ; numbness of right leg ; fingers numb.
Left : frontal headache worse over eye ; shooting in temple ; dull pain from temple to occiput ; pain from heart to scapula ; turns head to side when reading ; tenderness over region of ovary ; pain in temple ; dull pain in ovary ; drawing down sensation in side ; sensation of heaviness in ovary ; shooting pain from ovary across pubes ; pain in mamma ; mouth of uterus ; fundus inclined to side of pelvis ; hernial sac in inguinal region, size of walnut ; stinging in ovarian region ; watery discharge from nostril ; spot on septum of nostril ; cramplike pain in mamma ; feeling of load and weight in chest ; constricted feeling in side of chest ; pain in axilla ; sharp quick pain in side of chest ; glands of neck swollen and painful ; dull pain in shoulder ; stitching in mamma ; leg cold.
From right to left : crazy feeling in head ; as if uterus fell ; hand and arm stiff and painful ; pain in hip ; soreness and drawing pain in hip joint ; smarting of leg.
From left to right side of chest : like electric current in fingers.
Chills from face downwards ; chilly when in cool, open air, yet otherwise .
Great heat and lassitude in afternoon, throbbing all over.
Every half hour : stools.
On second day after time to menstruate, cutting in bowels.
Every few days : sick headache.
In two weeks : flow recurring.
Every two or three months : mere show of menstrual flow.
Right : shooting in temple passing to left ; pain in iliac region ; pain in side of face ; nostril stopped up ; dull pain in ovary ; numbness of right leg ; fingers numb.
Left : frontal headache worse over eye ; shooting in temple ; dull pain from temple to occiput ; pain from heart to scapula ; turns head to side when reading ; tenderness over region of ovary ; pain in temple ; dull pain in ovary ; drawing down sensation in side ; sensation of heaviness in ovary ; shooting pain from ovary across pubes ; pain in mamma ; mouth of uterus ; fundus inclined to side of pelvis ; hernial sac in inguinal region, size of walnut ; stinging in ovarian region ; watery discharge from nostril ; spot on septum of nostril ; cramplike pain in mamma ; feeling of load and weight in chest ; constricted feeling in side of chest ; pain in axilla ; sharp quick pain in side of chest ; glands of neck swollen and painful ; dull pain in shoulder ; stitching in mamma ; leg cold.
From right to left : crazy feeling in head ; as if uterus fell ; hand and arm stiff and painful ; pain in hip ; soreness and drawing pain in hip joint ; smarting of leg.
From left to right side of chest : like electric current in fingers.
Тип пациента и конституция
Girl, at. 17 ; asthenopic symptoms.
Woman, at. 30, single ; chronic metritis.
Woman, at. 30, has one child, has been much doctored ; prolapsus uteri.
Woman, at. 31, one child by former husband, six years married, no children ; anteversion of uterus.
Woman, at. 31, married, light complexion, nervous, easily affected by potentized drugs, suffering twelve years ; pruritus vulva.
Woman, at. 35, ill for ten years ; headache.
Woman, at. 38, four children, suffering six years ; retroversion.
Man, dentist, at. 38, temperament nervous, sensation of cold wind blowing upon extremities.
Woman, at. 40, light hair and eyes, restless, nervous temperament, doubts her salvation ; uterine dementia.
Woman, at. 45, married ; kopyopia hysterical.
Man, at. 45, asthenopic symptoms.
Woman, at. 48 ; teacher, mother of three children, stout, nervous bilious temperament, suffering many years ; palpitation of heart.
Woman, subject to attacks, first coming on after confinement thirteen years ago ; functional disturbance of heart.
Woman, dysentery.
Woman, at. 30, single ; chronic metritis.
Woman, at. 30, has one child, has been much doctored ; prolapsus uteri.
Woman, at. 31, one child by former husband, six years married, no children ; anteversion of uterus.
Woman, at. 31, married, light complexion, nervous, easily affected by potentized drugs, suffering twelve years ; pruritus vulva.
Woman, at. 35, ill for ten years ; headache.
Woman, at. 38, four children, suffering six years ; retroversion.
Man, dentist, at. 38, temperament nervous, sensation of cold wind blowing upon extremities.
Woman, at. 40, light hair and eyes, restless, nervous temperament, doubts her salvation ; uterine dementia.
Woman, at. 45, married ; kopyopia hysterical.
Man, at. 45, asthenopic symptoms.
Woman, at. 48 ; teacher, mother of three children, stout, nervous bilious temperament, suffering many years ; palpitation of heart.
Woman, subject to attacks, first coming on after confinement thirteen years ago ; functional disturbance of heart.
Woman, dysentery.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by : Helon. (anteversion) ; Nux vom. (colic) ; Pulsat.
Compare : Actea rac., Agaricus, вellad., сactus, сanthar., Helonias, Murex, Natr. phos., Nux vomica, Platina, Podoph., Pulsat., Sepia, Spigel., Sulphur, Tarent.
Compare : Actea rac., Agaricus, вellad., сactus, сanthar., Helonias, Murex, Natr. phos., Nux vomica, Platina, Podoph., Pulsat., Sepia, Spigel., Sulphur, Tarent.
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