Другие названия и синонимы
ferr, Ferrum metallicum, железо металлическое гомеопатия.Источник описания
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Iron. The Element.
Triturations of pure metallic iron ; solution of the acetate and triturations of the carbonate.
Provings by Hahnemann, Gross, the American Provers’ Union, etc. See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 4, p. 303.
Triturations of pure metallic iron ; solution of the acetate and triturations of the carbonate.
Provings by Hahnemann, Gross, the American Provers’ Union, etc. See Allen’s Encyclopedia, vol. 4, p. 303.
- Hydrocephalus in anamic children, Liedbeck, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 43 ; Headache, Sorge, Hah. Mo., vol. 10, p. 482 ; Megrim, Müller, в. J. H., vol. 21, p. 17 ; Exophthalmic goitre, Norton, Ophth. Therap., p. 196 ; Facial neuralgia, Schrön, Stens, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 185 ; Toothache, Saeger, Times Retrospect, 1875, p. 110 ; вerridge, Times Retrospect, 1875, p. 110 ; Influenza, Hartman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 41 ; Vomiting after eating (3 cases), Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 557 ; Vomiting of infants, Hartmann, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 112 ; Swelling and painfulness of liver, Kallenbach, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 696 ; Diarrhoea, A. R. Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 415 ; Gross, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 834 ; Werber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 1, p. 835 ; сhronic diarrhoea, Saeger, Times Retrospect, 1875, p. 76 ; сholerine (5 cases), Pemerl, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 47 ; Prolapsus recti, сooper, Raue’s Rec., 1871, p. 123 ; Incontinence of urine, Price, Organon, vol. 2, p. 121 ; Enuresis diurna (2 cases), Richards, Raue’s Rec., 1873 ; p. 141 ; Gonorrhoea, Rosenberg, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 84 ; Uterine hemorrhage, Hrg., вigel, Attomyr, Scholz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 310 ; Vomiting during pregnancy, Schrön, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 382 ; Threatened abortion, Schüler, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 310 ; Premature labor, Scholz, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 310 ; Aphonia, Rückert, Hom. сlin., vol. 3, p. 58 ; Spasmodic cough after influenza, Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 41 ; Whooping cough, вoenninghausen, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 719. сonstriction of chest, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 189 ; Hamoptysis, вathman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 264 ; Hartman, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, 5, 216 ; Hrg., Kreuss, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 216 ; Pneumonia, сate, Times Retrospect, 1876, p. 11 ; Tuberculosis, H. V., Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 838 ; Phthisis after pneumonia, H. in Z. Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 368 ; Lobeth, Hartmann, H. in Z. Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 367-9 ; Palpitation of heart, Griess, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 445 ; Hypertrophy of heart with attacks of palpitation (2 cases), вillig, Lirsch, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 857-9 ; Anamia, Werber, Rück. Kl. Erf. vol. 2, p. 273 ; Jahr., в. J. H., vol. 12, p. 445 ; Debility after hemorrhage, Werber, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 273 ; Debility with chlorosis, Eidherr, в. J. H., vol. 27, p. 303 ; сhlorosis, Knorre, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 271 ; Stapf, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 73 ; Goullon, Knorre, Lobeth, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 2, p. 271-3 ; Hofrichter, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 310 ; Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 602 ; Lameness of shoulder, Saeger, Times Retrospect, 1875, p. 110 ; Omodynia, Miller, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 253 ; Rheumatism of deltoid muscle, Plate, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 898 ; Rheumatismus humeri, Ide, Allg. Hom. Ztg., vol. 101, p. 27, Ischias, Goullon, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 517 ; сramp in legs and feet, Hirsch, Raue’s Rec., 1874, p. 261 ; ehme, Raue’s Rec., 1875, p. 248 ; сramps in calves, ehme, Hah. Mo., vol. 9, p. 318 ; Intermittent fever (2 cases), сl. Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 919 ; Pearson, Organon, vol. 3, p. 99 ; (from Rückert), see Allen’s Int. Fever, p. 131 ; Hrg., вaertl, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 4, p. 917 ; Hectic fever, Müller, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 837 ; Rheumatism, вerridge, Times Retrospect, 1875, p. 110 ; Hartmann, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 3, p. 517 ; вolle, Rück. Kl. Erf., vol. 5, p. 899.
Психика и сознание
Mind confused, cannot collect his thoughts.
Prone to weep or laugh immoderately ; with a choking sensation in throat, as if swollen outside.
Lively in evening.
Not inclined to talk or study ; nervous, restless.
Great indifference.
Changeable disposition, one evening low-spirited and melancholy, next excessively cheerful.
Depression of spirits ; also after menses.
Mental depression, gloomy foreboding thoughts.
Mind in highest degree oppressed ; despondent ; great solicitude about those belonging to him, with constant thoughts of death. θ Aphonia.
Anxiety as after committing a crime.
From slightest cause, anxiety, with throbbing in pit of stomach.
Nervous, hysterical feeling ; fear of apoplexy.
Irritability ; little noises, such as crackling of a newspaper, drive him to despair.
Pettish, quarrelsome, disputative, easily excited, least contradiction angers.
Excited by slightest opposition ; everything irritates or depresses her.
Vehement ; quarrelsome ; anxious.
Haughtiness ; proud, self-contented look.
Ailments from anger.
Moderate mental exertion improves many symptoms.
Head confused, muddled ; with cold feet and stiff fingers.
Gloomy feeling in head, which feels heavy and confused.
Dulness of head, want of disposition to think.
Confusion of head.
Anxiety : at pit of stomach ; in chest.
Bruised feeling : of abdomen ; in chest ; in neck ; in hip-joint ; in calves.
Constriction : of chest.
Contraction : of limbs.
Drawing : from nape of neck to heel ; in region of heart ; in chest ; painful in legs.
Choking sensation : in throat.
Tickling : in urethra ; in larynx ; in trachea.
Prickling : in brain.
Pricking : in right instep.
Soreness : of throat ; of abdomen ; of bowels ; of urethra ; in chest ; below clavicle ; below left nipple ; of pharynx.
Roughness : in larynx.
Dryness : of mouth ; of vagina ; in chest.
Crowded sensation : in chest.
Heavy feeling in head ; in eyelids ; in upper part of left lung ; in legs.
Paralytic heaviness : in shoulder-joint.
Fulness : in pit of stomach ; in region of liver ; in right side of abdomen ; in chest.
Bearing down feeling : in uterus.
Painful weight : of viscera.
Weight : in back of head ; in sacrum.
Pressure : on top of head ; in eyes ; at stomach ; in pit of stomach ; in abdomen ; in sacrum ; under sternum.
Tension : in abdomen ; between shoulders.
Tightness : in right hypochondriac region ; in chest.
Oppression : of chest.
Palpitation : in stomach.
Trembling : of whole body.
Restlessness : of limbs.
Uneasiness : at splenic end of stomach.
Weakness : of legs ; of knees ; of calves ; of whole body.
Weariness : of feet.
Dulness : of head.
Roaring : in head ; in brain.
Murmur : in left jugular vein.
Humming : in ears.
Singing or ringing : in ears.
Buzzing : in brain.
Cracking : in shoulder-joint ; in limbs.
Rumbling : in abdomen.
Burnt sensation : on back and middle of tongue.
Pithy feeling : of tongue.
Stiffness : of legs.
Numb feeling : of tongue ; in arms ; in fingers ; in feet ; in thighs.
Formication : of scalp.
Itching : on scalp ; at anus ; of vulva.
A cachectic state from faulty nutrition and assimilation.
Tendency to get fat.
Relaxation and weakness of entire musculature with emaciation ; muscles feeble and easily exhausted from slight exertion.
Pseudo-plethora ; congestions, etc., yet anemic ; face is earthy, flushing easily.
Hemorrhages ; blood light or lumpy ; coagulates easily.
Blood-vessels distended, especially those of head, face and feet.
Red parts become white.
Increase of watery elements of blood and decrease of solids.
Anemia, from whatever cause ; chlorosis of defective menstruation, or simple poverty of blood induced by hemorrhages, deficiency of air, light, and suitable food, or of exhausting diseases.
After severe, hemorrhages ; pale, bloated appearance ; skin cool, and pitting upon pressure, particularly about joints ; great lassitude and debility ; cries easily ; loss of appetite with aversion to food ; indications of acidity of stomach ; constipation ; menses too frequent and too profuse. θ Anemia.
Erethic chlorosis, worse during cold weather.
Chlorosis after great loss of blood.
Anemia and asthenia of Addison’s disease.
Dropsy after loss of fluids, abuse of сinchona, intermittent fever ; anasarca.
Dropsy of scrotum, legs and feet.
Dropsy acute or chronic in liver complaints.
Body bloated ; pressure with finger leaves indentations.
Swelling of cutaneous veins ; varices.
Glands swollen, with rending, tearing pains.
Bonds disposed to soften or bend ; fracture unites slowly.
Atrophy of children.
Sudden emaciation ; muscles lax, limbs cold ; weak digestion.
Prone to weep or laugh immoderately ; with a choking sensation in throat, as if swollen outside.
Lively in evening.
Not inclined to talk or study ; nervous, restless.
Great indifference.
Changeable disposition, one evening low-spirited and melancholy, next excessively cheerful.
Depression of spirits ; also after menses.
Mental depression, gloomy foreboding thoughts.
Mind in highest degree oppressed ; despondent ; great solicitude about those belonging to him, with constant thoughts of death. θ Aphonia.
Anxiety as after committing a crime.
From slightest cause, anxiety, with throbbing in pit of stomach.
Nervous, hysterical feeling ; fear of apoplexy.
Irritability ; little noises, such as crackling of a newspaper, drive him to despair.
Pettish, quarrelsome, disputative, easily excited, least contradiction angers.
Excited by slightest opposition ; everything irritates or depresses her.
Vehement ; quarrelsome ; anxious.
Haughtiness ; proud, self-contented look.
Ailments from anger.
Moderate mental exertion improves many symptoms.
Head confused, muddled ; with cold feet and stiff fingers.
Gloomy feeling in head, which feels heavy and confused.
Dulness of head, want of disposition to think.
Confusion of head.
Anxiety : at pit of stomach ; in chest.
Bruised feeling : of abdomen ; in chest ; in neck ; in hip-joint ; in calves.
Constriction : of chest.
Contraction : of limbs.
Drawing : from nape of neck to heel ; in region of heart ; in chest ; painful in legs.
Choking sensation : in throat.
Tickling : in urethra ; in larynx ; in trachea.
Prickling : in brain.
Pricking : in right instep.
Soreness : of throat ; of abdomen ; of bowels ; of urethra ; in chest ; below clavicle ; below left nipple ; of pharynx.
Roughness : in larynx.
Dryness : of mouth ; of vagina ; in chest.
Crowded sensation : in chest.
Heavy feeling in head ; in eyelids ; in upper part of left lung ; in legs.
Paralytic heaviness : in shoulder-joint.
Fulness : in pit of stomach ; in region of liver ; in right side of abdomen ; in chest.
Bearing down feeling : in uterus.
Painful weight : of viscera.
Weight : in back of head ; in sacrum.
Pressure : on top of head ; in eyes ; at stomach ; in pit of stomach ; in abdomen ; in sacrum ; under sternum.
Tension : in abdomen ; between shoulders.
Tightness : in right hypochondriac region ; in chest.
Oppression : of chest.
Palpitation : in stomach.
Trembling : of whole body.
Restlessness : of limbs.
Uneasiness : at splenic end of stomach.
Weakness : of legs ; of knees ; of calves ; of whole body.
Weariness : of feet.
Dulness : of head.
Roaring : in head ; in brain.
Murmur : in left jugular vein.
Humming : in ears.
Singing or ringing : in ears.
Buzzing : in brain.
Cracking : in shoulder-joint ; in limbs.
Rumbling : in abdomen.
Burnt sensation : on back and middle of tongue.
Pithy feeling : of tongue.
Stiffness : of legs.
Numb feeling : of tongue ; in arms ; in fingers ; in feet ; in thighs.
Formication : of scalp.
Itching : on scalp ; at anus ; of vulva.
A cachectic state from faulty nutrition and assimilation.
Tendency to get fat.
Relaxation and weakness of entire musculature with emaciation ; muscles feeble and easily exhausted from slight exertion.
Pseudo-plethora ; congestions, etc., yet anemic ; face is earthy, flushing easily.
Hemorrhages ; blood light or lumpy ; coagulates easily.
Blood-vessels distended, especially those of head, face and feet.
Red parts become white.
Increase of watery elements of blood and decrease of solids.
Anemia, from whatever cause ; chlorosis of defective menstruation, or simple poverty of blood induced by hemorrhages, deficiency of air, light, and suitable food, or of exhausting diseases.
After severe, hemorrhages ; pale, bloated appearance ; skin cool, and pitting upon pressure, particularly about joints ; great lassitude and debility ; cries easily ; loss of appetite with aversion to food ; indications of acidity of stomach ; constipation ; menses too frequent and too profuse. θ Anemia.
Erethic chlorosis, worse during cold weather.
Chlorosis after great loss of blood.
Anemia and asthenia of Addison’s disease.
Dropsy after loss of fluids, abuse of сinchona, intermittent fever ; anasarca.
Dropsy of scrotum, legs and feet.
Dropsy acute or chronic in liver complaints.
Body bloated ; pressure with finger leaves indentations.
Swelling of cutaneous veins ; varices.
Glands swollen, with rending, tearing pains.
Bonds disposed to soften or bend ; fracture unites slowly.
Atrophy of children.
Sudden emaciation ; muscles lax, limbs cold ; weak digestion.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo : on rising suddenly, things grew black, had to lean against something or fall ; with nausea, prostration lethargy ; as if balancing to and fro ; as when on water when walking over water, like when crossing a bridge when descending, with disposition to fall forward.
Whilst walking, giddy as if drunk, as though she would fall over obstacles.
On looking at running water dizzy and giddy in head as if everything went round with her.
Staggering in walking, as if intoxicated ; reeling sensation and vertigo on seeing flowing water ; vertigo with sickness at stomach in walking ; momentary shock, with giddiness in brain.
Sensation as if head would constantly incline to right side.
Pressive headache in forehead as if it would burst.
Pressure in frontal eminences, after rising and dressing in morning, after quarter of an hour, extending over whole forehead to vertex and becoming more intense and after twenty minutes changing to a pressive pain from within outward ; on going down stairs pain.
Dull, pressive sensation in frontal eminence, afterward spreading over whole forehead and finally to vertex better by pressure of hands ; in open air ; worse descending.
Severe frontal headache all day, with cold feet.
Lancination in forehead.
Awake 3 A. M. with severe stitches, as from a pen-knife in both temples, gradually extending over whole ford head, with chilliness, rendering her unable to go to sleep again.
Headache every evening above root of nose.
Sticking pain over left eye, coming suddenly.
Hammering, boring pain beginning mostly in left temple with sensation of expansion of blood-vessels in the temples.
Violent shooting headache in left side, in afternoon.
Headache : occupying left side of head ; with coryza ; after menses.
Tearing from lambda to temporal bone.
Headache on top of head, as if skull was pushed upward.
Throbbing pain in top of head when moving suddenly.
Beating in back of head and neck, gradually extending to sides and forehead, worse stooping or moving.
Drawing from nape of neck into head, with stinging hammering and roaring in head.
Drawing, from nape upward into head, in which there is then shooting, roaring and humming.
Pain in back of head when coughing.
Weight in back of head, from ear to ear.
Confusion of mind, with hammering, beating sensation in head.
Sensation in head as of the beatings of the pulse, with slight sticking.
Rush of blood to head, with swelling of veins of head, and slight flushes of heat.
Rush of blood to head, with throbbing pains, roaring, buzzing and prickling in brain.
Hammering and throbbing headache, obliging one to lie down, or as if brain were rent asunder.
Hammering, pulsating pain ; humming in ears ; congestion of head, with pale face ; intolerance of all spirituous liquors ; dread of movement, with loss of muscular tone and debility.
Headache : for two, three, or four days, every two or three weeks ; hammering, beating, pulsating pains, must lie down in bed ; with aversion to eating and drinking.
Hammering, pulsating headache ; ulcerative pain of scalp, with loss of hair ; bruit du diable in vessels of neck ; paleness of mucous membranes of mouth and eyes ; vigorous, healthy appearance, the general condition simulating a plethoric rather than an anemic habit. θ Megrim.
Congestion of blood to head, with pulsation and hammering in head, heat and redness of face, enlarged veins, sensitiveness of head to touch ; worse after midnight and towards morning ; returning periodically ; better external pressure.
Head dull and full, eyelids heavy, apt to sleep, while sitting reading.
Writing causes headache to re-appear.
Headaches of anemic, debilitated persons, especially with congestion of head or chest.
Head hot, feet cold.
Apoplexia sanguinea.
Hydrocephalus with open fontanelles and great anemia.
Pressure on top of head when cold air touched it.
Great sensitiveness of scalp to touch.
Scalp and hair feel sore ; falling out of hair.
Formication or slight itching in scalp ; cold feet.
Cannot keep head quiet.
Distended veins on temples.
At night capability to see in dark, with hysteric persons ; pupils can be dilated but little ; red eyes with burning pains.
Dark before eyes ; giddy.
Darkness before eyes in evening, with aching pains and slight epistaxis.
Letters run together when reading or writing.
Weak eyes with lachrymation.
Pupils contracted.
Blue rings around eyes, which are dull, lustreless.
Bloated appearance about eyes ; face pale. θ Intermittent.
Face fiery red ; red spots on cheeks ; puffiness of face around eyes ; livid, jaundiced complexion ; pale face and lips.
Inflamed eyes, burning, stinging ; suppurating sties.
Pressure in eye as of a grain of sand.
Pressure in eyes as if they would protrude ; the right worse.
Sticking pain over left eye coming very suddenly and lasting a short time.
Can scarcely open eyes ; lids pressed down.
Redness and swelling of both lids.
Marked muscular debility ; redness of eyes, swelling of lids ; slimy pus-like discharge from Meibomian glands ; sweet taste in mouth ; circumscribed dark or violet spots on skin. θ Intermittent.
Suppurating stye on upper lid and nightly agglutination.
Morbus вasedowii ; especially after suppression of menses ; protruding eyes ; enlarged thyroid ; palpitation of heart ; excessive nervousness.
Over-sensitive to sounds.
Discharge from left ear ; chlorotic complexion ; impaired hearing ; murmur in left jugular vein ; palpitation of heart.
Ringing in ears, particularly the right.
Stitches in ears in morning.
Ulcerative pain in outer ear ; singing, humming in ears ; better laying head on table.
Bleeding from nose in morning on stooping.
Epistaxis in anemic children, with frequent changing of color of face.
Epistaxis in anemic patients subject to ebullitions.
Epistaxis alternating with spitting of blood.
Nose continuously filled with clotted blood ; especially with coryza.
Dropping of fluid from posterior nares or frontal sinuses ; headache. θ Nasal catarrh.
Bloody, puruloid greenish, whey-like, slimy, acrid discharge ; cold in head.
Scabs come out of nose or are coughed up every few weeks.
Extreme paleness of face, which becomes red and flushed on least emotion, pain or exertion.
Face pale, collapsed, or expressionless, stiff and stupid.
Face ashy pale or greenish ; pale and wan.
Pale, earthy color of face. θ Aphonia.
Pale, livid face, sometimes bloated, with blue margins around eyes.
Pale face, with red spots on each cheek.
Livid, or pale face and lips.
Cadaverous, jaundiced complexion.
Face yellow, or yellow in spots.
Face flushes easily on least excitement or exertion.
Flushed face with burning cheeks.
Face fiery red, veins large ; congestion to head.
Face becomes suddenly fiery red, with vertigo ; ringing in ears ; great palpitation of heart, and dyspnoea.
Very red face of children.
Face feels as if swollen and bloated.
Edema of feet and face, especially upper and lower eyelids.
Pain in face worse to an intense degree by lying down ; better sitting up. θ Neuralgia.
Neuralgia after cold washing and overheating ; during paroxysm face fiery red, sometimes only in one spot ; cannot keep head quiet ; at intervals face looks pale and earthy.
Eruption on face followed by bluish spots.
Lips pale, dry. θ Intermittent fever.
Swelling of gums and cheeks ; with bleeding ; pale lips.
Headache : above root of nose, left side ; on top of head.
Dull pain : across upper part of chest.
Burning : in stomach ; at anus ; in urethra ; in larynx ; in upper part of sternum.
Heat : of face ; of head ; in stomach ; in chest ; in soles ; all over body.
Flushes of heat : in head.
Whilst walking, giddy as if drunk, as though she would fall over obstacles.
On looking at running water dizzy and giddy in head as if everything went round with her.
Staggering in walking, as if intoxicated ; reeling sensation and vertigo on seeing flowing water ; vertigo with sickness at stomach in walking ; momentary shock, with giddiness in brain.
Sensation as if head would constantly incline to right side.
Pressive headache in forehead as if it would burst.
Pressure in frontal eminences, after rising and dressing in morning, after quarter of an hour, extending over whole forehead to vertex and becoming more intense and after twenty minutes changing to a pressive pain from within outward ; on going down stairs pain.
Dull, pressive sensation in frontal eminence, afterward spreading over whole forehead and finally to vertex better by pressure of hands ; in open air ; worse descending.
Severe frontal headache all day, with cold feet.
Lancination in forehead.
Awake 3 A. M. with severe stitches, as from a pen-knife in both temples, gradually extending over whole ford head, with chilliness, rendering her unable to go to sleep again.
Headache every evening above root of nose.
Sticking pain over left eye, coming suddenly.
Hammering, boring pain beginning mostly in left temple with sensation of expansion of blood-vessels in the temples.
Violent shooting headache in left side, in afternoon.
Headache : occupying left side of head ; with coryza ; after menses.
Tearing from lambda to temporal bone.
Headache on top of head, as if skull was pushed upward.
Throbbing pain in top of head when moving suddenly.
Beating in back of head and neck, gradually extending to sides and forehead, worse stooping or moving.
Drawing from nape of neck into head, with stinging hammering and roaring in head.
Drawing, from nape upward into head, in which there is then shooting, roaring and humming.
Pain in back of head when coughing.
Weight in back of head, from ear to ear.
Confusion of mind, with hammering, beating sensation in head.
Sensation in head as of the beatings of the pulse, with slight sticking.
Rush of blood to head, with swelling of veins of head, and slight flushes of heat.
Rush of blood to head, with throbbing pains, roaring, buzzing and prickling in brain.
Hammering and throbbing headache, obliging one to lie down, or as if brain were rent asunder.
Hammering, pulsating pain ; humming in ears ; congestion of head, with pale face ; intolerance of all spirituous liquors ; dread of movement, with loss of muscular tone and debility.
Headache : for two, three, or four days, every two or three weeks ; hammering, beating, pulsating pains, must lie down in bed ; with aversion to eating and drinking.
Hammering, pulsating headache ; ulcerative pain of scalp, with loss of hair ; bruit du diable in vessels of neck ; paleness of mucous membranes of mouth and eyes ; vigorous, healthy appearance, the general condition simulating a plethoric rather than an anemic habit. θ Megrim.
Congestion of blood to head, with pulsation and hammering in head, heat and redness of face, enlarged veins, sensitiveness of head to touch ; worse after midnight and towards morning ; returning periodically ; better external pressure.
Head dull and full, eyelids heavy, apt to sleep, while sitting reading.
Writing causes headache to re-appear.
Headaches of anemic, debilitated persons, especially with congestion of head or chest.
Head hot, feet cold.
Apoplexia sanguinea.
Hydrocephalus with open fontanelles and great anemia.
Pressure on top of head when cold air touched it.
Great sensitiveness of scalp to touch.
Scalp and hair feel sore ; falling out of hair.
Formication or slight itching in scalp ; cold feet.
Cannot keep head quiet.
Distended veins on temples.
At night capability to see in dark, with hysteric persons ; pupils can be dilated but little ; red eyes with burning pains.
Dark before eyes ; giddy.
Darkness before eyes in evening, with aching pains and slight epistaxis.
Letters run together when reading or writing.
Weak eyes with lachrymation.
Pupils contracted.
Blue rings around eyes, which are dull, lustreless.
Bloated appearance about eyes ; face pale. θ Intermittent.
Face fiery red ; red spots on cheeks ; puffiness of face around eyes ; livid, jaundiced complexion ; pale face and lips.
Inflamed eyes, burning, stinging ; suppurating sties.
Pressure in eye as of a grain of sand.
Pressure in eyes as if they would protrude ; the right worse.
Sticking pain over left eye coming very suddenly and lasting a short time.
Can scarcely open eyes ; lids pressed down.
Redness and swelling of both lids.
Marked muscular debility ; redness of eyes, swelling of lids ; slimy pus-like discharge from Meibomian glands ; sweet taste in mouth ; circumscribed dark or violet spots on skin. θ Intermittent.
Suppurating stye on upper lid and nightly agglutination.
Morbus вasedowii ; especially after suppression of menses ; protruding eyes ; enlarged thyroid ; palpitation of heart ; excessive nervousness.
Over-sensitive to sounds.
Discharge from left ear ; chlorotic complexion ; impaired hearing ; murmur in left jugular vein ; palpitation of heart.
Ringing in ears, particularly the right.
Stitches in ears in morning.
Ulcerative pain in outer ear ; singing, humming in ears ; better laying head on table.
Bleeding from nose in morning on stooping.
Epistaxis in anemic children, with frequent changing of color of face.
Epistaxis in anemic patients subject to ebullitions.
Epistaxis alternating with spitting of blood.
Nose continuously filled with clotted blood ; especially with coryza.
Dropping of fluid from posterior nares or frontal sinuses ; headache. θ Nasal catarrh.
Bloody, puruloid greenish, whey-like, slimy, acrid discharge ; cold in head.
Scabs come out of nose or are coughed up every few weeks.
Extreme paleness of face, which becomes red and flushed on least emotion, pain or exertion.
Face pale, collapsed, or expressionless, stiff and stupid.
Face ashy pale or greenish ; pale and wan.
Pale, earthy color of face. θ Aphonia.
Pale, livid face, sometimes bloated, with blue margins around eyes.
Pale face, with red spots on each cheek.
Livid, or pale face and lips.
Cadaverous, jaundiced complexion.
Face yellow, or yellow in spots.
Face flushes easily on least excitement or exertion.
Flushed face with burning cheeks.
Face fiery red, veins large ; congestion to head.
Face becomes suddenly fiery red, with vertigo ; ringing in ears ; great palpitation of heart, and dyspnoea.
Very red face of children.
Face feels as if swollen and bloated.
Edema of feet and face, especially upper and lower eyelids.
Pain in face worse to an intense degree by lying down ; better sitting up. θ Neuralgia.
Neuralgia after cold washing and overheating ; during paroxysm face fiery red, sometimes only in one spot ; cannot keep head quiet ; at intervals face looks pale and earthy.
Eruption on face followed by bluish spots.
Lips pale, dry. θ Intermittent fever.
Swelling of gums and cheeks ; with bleeding ; pale lips.
Headache : above root of nose, left side ; on top of head.
Dull pain : across upper part of chest.
Burning : in stomach ; at anus ; in urethra ; in larynx ; in upper part of sternum.
Heat : of face ; of head ; in stomach ; in chest ; in soles ; all over body.
Flushes of heat : in head.
Ротовая полость и горло
Great paleness of gums. θ Intermittent fever.
Toothache all morning.
Toothache, momentarily better by cold water.
Persistent diarrhoea the result of morbid dentition ; stools composed of mucus and undigested food ; face flushed or has a red spot on each side ; dentition advances slowly.
Unbearable taste of blood ; children complain of it.
Taste like rotten eggs.
Sweet or bitter taste in mouth. θ Intermittent fever.
Bread tastes dry and bitter.
Earthy, putrid taste, all food has a dry, woody, insipid taste ; no appetite ; no thirst ; vomiting of blood.
Bad taste, mouth dry, tongue coated white.
Numb and pithy feeling of tongue, as if burned.
Burnt sensation on back and middle portion of tongue.
Lips, gums, tongue and mucous membrane of entire buccal cavity pale and bloodless.
Mouth dry in the morning.
Cankered sore mouth ; mucous membrane very pale ; vomiting after coughing.
Sensation of a lump in left side of throat below tonsil ; worse when swallowing empty, not when eating or drinking.
Aching, pressing pain in throat during deglutition, with heat in fauces.
Constrictive sensation in throat.
Throat sore ; feels dull and heavy all day ; lively in evening.
Exophthalmic goitre, especially after suppression of menses ; protruding eyes, enlargement of thyroid, palpitation of heart and excessive nervousness.
Eructations : sour ; foul ; burning ; relieving burning in stomach.
Regurgitation of food.
Voice hoarse, almost extinct, utterance difficult and panting. θ Intermittent.
Complete aphonia, causing much anxiety.
Can talk only in a toneless whisper, and only that which is absolutely required from him ; pain in larynx and trachea ; after talking, burning ; sensation as if something was in larynx, which he wished to remove by hawking or coughing ; sensation, externally, as if throat was being squeezed ; tickling in larynx, producing violent attacks of cough, loses breath, blood mounts to head, tears run from eyes, he sinks down exhausted ; easily vexed ; least thing excites him ; pulse accelerated toward evening ; cannot get to sleep in evening, and after he does fall asleep, sweat awakens him ; some nights, congestion to chest ; palpitation of heart ; pulsations in all the arteries, and anxiousness ; despondent ; solicitude about those belonging to him, with constant thoughts of death ; pale, earthy color of face. θ Aphonia.
Low tone of voice ; pain in larynx and trachea ; burning sensation after talking ; laryngeal hemorrhages ; asthmatic symptoms with hamoptysis. θ Aphonia.
Hoarseness, with sensation of roughness in larynx.
General weakness, caused by speaking.
Influenza, cough and vomiting of food immediately after eating.
Toothache all morning.
Toothache, momentarily better by cold water.
Persistent diarrhoea the result of morbid dentition ; stools composed of mucus and undigested food ; face flushed or has a red spot on each side ; dentition advances slowly.
Unbearable taste of blood ; children complain of it.
Taste like rotten eggs.
Sweet or bitter taste in mouth. θ Intermittent fever.
Bread tastes dry and bitter.
Earthy, putrid taste, all food has a dry, woody, insipid taste ; no appetite ; no thirst ; vomiting of blood.
Bad taste, mouth dry, tongue coated white.
Numb and pithy feeling of tongue, as if burned.
Burnt sensation on back and middle portion of tongue.
Lips, gums, tongue and mucous membrane of entire buccal cavity pale and bloodless.
Mouth dry in the morning.
Cankered sore mouth ; mucous membrane very pale ; vomiting after coughing.
Sensation of a lump in left side of throat below tonsil ; worse when swallowing empty, not when eating or drinking.
Aching, pressing pain in throat during deglutition, with heat in fauces.
Constrictive sensation in throat.
Throat sore ; feels dull and heavy all day ; lively in evening.
Exophthalmic goitre, especially after suppression of menses ; protruding eyes, enlargement of thyroid, palpitation of heart and excessive nervousness.
Eructations : sour ; foul ; burning ; relieving burning in stomach.
Regurgitation of food.
Voice hoarse, almost extinct, utterance difficult and panting. θ Intermittent.
Complete aphonia, causing much anxiety.
Can talk only in a toneless whisper, and only that which is absolutely required from him ; pain in larynx and trachea ; after talking, burning ; sensation as if something was in larynx, which he wished to remove by hawking or coughing ; sensation, externally, as if throat was being squeezed ; tickling in larynx, producing violent attacks of cough, loses breath, blood mounts to head, tears run from eyes, he sinks down exhausted ; easily vexed ; least thing excites him ; pulse accelerated toward evening ; cannot get to sleep in evening, and after he does fall asleep, sweat awakens him ; some nights, congestion to chest ; palpitation of heart ; pulsations in all the arteries, and anxiousness ; despondent ; solicitude about those belonging to him, with constant thoughts of death ; pale, earthy color of face. θ Aphonia.
Low tone of voice ; pain in larynx and trachea ; burning sensation after talking ; laryngeal hemorrhages ; asthmatic symptoms with hamoptysis. θ Aphonia.
Hoarseness, with sensation of roughness in larynx.
General weakness, caused by speaking.
Influenza, cough and vomiting of food immediately after eating.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Appetite voracious, double amount of an ordinary meal in evening hardly sufficient.
Canine hunger, alternating with loss of appetite.
Anorexia ; extreme dislike to all food.
Anorexia, without bad taste or thirst.
Has no appetite, always feels full ; drinks are relished.
Unquenchable thirst or thirstlessness.
Insatiable thirst. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Appetite for bread.
Improved by wine, except such as are termed acid wines.
Desire for raw tomatoes.
Can only eat bread and butter ; meat disagrees ; children accustomed to meat suddenly become disgusted with it.
Aversion to : meat, which disagrees ; eggs ; beer and ale ; hot things ; sour things.
All food tastes bitter.
Solid food is dry and insipid while masticating.
After eating eructation and regurgitation of food, without nausea or inclination to vomit.
Taste putrid, bitter, or dry and insipid ; loss of appetite, owing to a constant feeling of repletion ; meat disagrees ; after eating, heat and anxiety, dulness of head, preventing mental exertion ; vomiting after eating.
After eating. Heat in stomach ; nausea ; regurgitation of food.
After least food or drink, especially after meat, spasmodic pressure at stomach.
After fat food, bitter eructations.
After eggs, vomiting.
Worse from meat ; sour fruit ; drinking milk ; tobacco, tea and beer.
Beer rises to head ; stomach disordered after drinking beer.
Wine agrees, if not acid.
Bad effects from drinking tea ; toothache, etc.
Worse on an empty stomach, better after breakfast.
Canine hunger, alternating with loss of appetite.
Anorexia ; extreme dislike to all food.
Anorexia, without bad taste or thirst.
Has no appetite, always feels full ; drinks are relished.
Unquenchable thirst or thirstlessness.
Insatiable thirst. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Appetite for bread.
Improved by wine, except such as are termed acid wines.
Desire for raw tomatoes.
Can only eat bread and butter ; meat disagrees ; children accustomed to meat suddenly become disgusted with it.
Aversion to : meat, which disagrees ; eggs ; beer and ale ; hot things ; sour things.
All food tastes bitter.
Solid food is dry and insipid while masticating.
After eating eructation and regurgitation of food, without nausea or inclination to vomit.
Taste putrid, bitter, or dry and insipid ; loss of appetite, owing to a constant feeling of repletion ; meat disagrees ; after eating, heat and anxiety, dulness of head, preventing mental exertion ; vomiting after eating.
After eating. Heat in stomach ; nausea ; regurgitation of food.
After least food or drink, especially after meat, spasmodic pressure at stomach.
After fat food, bitter eructations.
After eggs, vomiting.
Worse from meat ; sour fruit ; drinking milk ; tobacco, tea and beer.
Beer rises to head ; stomach disordered after drinking beer.
Wine agrees, if not acid.
Bad effects from drinking tea ; toothache, etc.
Worse on an empty stomach, better after breakfast.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Constant eructation as soon as she has eaten.
Nausea : with headache ; with nightly diarrhoea ; with vertigo.
Reeling and staggering as if intoxicated, with sickness in stomach when walking.
Vomiting of food, and a flow of water from mouth.
Vomiting after breakfast.
Vomiting after eating, coming each time with new force ; vomiting of infants.
Spasmodic vomiting of food during pregnancy.
Vomiting as often as food has been taken, never at other times ; not as a symptom of other disease, nor depending on organic affections of stomach.
Vomiting of ingesta with constant pressure in pit of stomach and weariness of feet.
Vomiting with pain in stomach.
Vomiting of everything eaten without being digested.
Vomiting of food, particularly after breakfast.
Vomiting of food immediately after midnight, by aversion to food and dread of open air.
Everything vomited tasted sour and acid.
Frequent vomiting of food with children ; easy vomiting.
Vomiting of food with a fiery red face.
Vomiting of of ingesta after every cough ; after exercise.
Better after vomiting.
Distension of epigastric region.
Anxiety from slight causes, with throbbing in pit of stomach.
Palpitating in stomach and through oesophagus, as if a nerve was quivering, with an occasional suffocating feeling, as if a valve rose in throat.
Pit of stomach sensitive to touch.
Feeling of fulness and pressure in pit of stomach.
Stomach feels full and bloated after eating a few mouthfuls, with burning heat in it.
Spasmodic pressure at stomach after taking least food or drink, especially after eating meat.
Pressure in stomach after eating. θ Intermittent fever.
Pressure at stomach with vomiting of food, followed by nausea and vomiting of water ; pain in stomach better after vomiting ; worse drinking mild. θ сhlorosis.
Pressure in stomach and acidity. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Pressure in stomach and head.
Heat rising from pit of stomach.
Heat and burning in stomach, with momentary, cramp-like pain in splenic region.
Occasional uneasiness at splenic end of stomach.
Cramp-like stomachache.
Neuralgic and anemic cardialgia ; atony of digestion ; vomiting of food immediately after eating, without any preceding nausea, also when coughing or moving about ; cardiac uneasiness.
Gastralgia after drinking.
Pit of stomach sensitive to touch, and soreness all over abdomen ; pulse full, excited ; face pale ; greatly exhausted. θ Hematemesis.
Hemorrhage from stomach and pain in stomach through to spine.
Swelling and hardness in hypochondriac regions.
Tightness in right hypochondriac region and shooting pains in left.
Fulness in region of liver.
Liver enlarged, sensitive to pressure.
Marked swelling of liver which is very sensitive to touch ; pains along back particularly in places upon which she must lie ; cannot lie long upon either side.
Pain in small of back and liver, all day.
** Dropsy of liver.
Cramp-like sensation in splenic region.
Splenic region swollen and sore on pressure ; spleen large.
Chronic affections, and swellings of spleen and liver, with infractions of liver.
Painful weight of viscera when walking, as if they would drop.
Congestion to head, blood-vessels dilated ; swelling about eyes ; pressure in stomach and abdomen after smallest quantity of food, vomiting of food, tension in abdomen causing shortness of breath, weakness almost to paralysis, hardness and fulness in right side of abdomen, beginning dropsy, swelling of feet. θ Intermittent.
Bowels feel sore when touched, as if bruised, or weakened by cathartics.
On feeling abdomen and on coughing, bowels are sore as if beaten, or as if they had been acted upon by purgatives.
Abdomen feels sore and bruised when walking.
Soreness all over abdomen ; better by warmth. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Stitching in abdomen.
Hardness and distension of abdomen, without flatulence.
Rumbling, with pain in small of back and kidneys, and slight urethral soreness when urinating.
Rumbling in bowels, with constant feeling as though they were going to move.
Flatulent colic at night ; violent rumbling.
Colic with watery diarrhoea.
Pale face and lips, or fiery redness, with scanty discharge of pale blood with violent colic. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
At 8 A. M. very sudden discharge from bowels, watery, painless and odorless.
Diarrhoea worse mornings ; bad sleep before midnight.
Sudden, gushing diarrhoea.
Sudden, watery, painless stool, without smell.
Frequent diarrhoea ; stools watery, with or without tenesmus, and preceded or not by pain, but always with much flatulence and more frequent after taking food or water.
Acrid watery diarrhoea, excoriating the anus, with vomiting of food soon after eating.
Frequent diarrheic with burning at anus.
Obstinate diarrhoea, stools composed of slime and undigested food ; painless, excoriating and exhausting.
Chronic, watery, painless diarrhoea, coming regularly every afternoon.
Painless diarrhoea, involuntary during a meal.
Painless stools like from a spout. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Chronic watery diarrhoea in children, usually soon after eating and drinking, without pain or effort, mostly containing undigested substances.
Undigested stools at night, or while eating or drinking.
Diarrhoea ; pale, miserable complexion ; emaciation ; abdomen hard and distended without flatulency ; bulimia alternating with anorexia ; thirst.
Slimy, watery, painless diarrhoea, worse at night ; abdomen painless to pressure ; face pale ; marked swelling of body which pits upon pressure ; skin cold ; no appetite ; great thirst ; great weakness : slight fever towards evening ; peevish and tearful.
Painless, large, watery discharge, with a good appetite.
Watery diarrhoea, brown, painless and weakening.
Colliquative diarrhoea in phthisical subjects ; passages very frequent and finally become almost involuntary ; great debility.
Diarrhoea during pregnancy.
Summer complaint of children with emaciation.
Rice-water discharges ; cold, with cold, sour sweat.
Profuse discharge of flakes of mucus, or formed into lumpy balls.
Cholerine where the enteric symptoms are particularly severe ; extreme sensitiveness of intestinal tract, so that the least motion, or smallest amount of food or drink, renews or worse diarrhoea ; intestinal scrapings discharged in large quantities ; vox cholera present ; blue rings around eyes ; pulse beginning to fail.
Slimy, bloody stools with tenesmus.
Straining for stool all day, sick at stomach, disagreeable taste, worse drinking cold water.
Constipation from intestinal atony.
Costive. Stools hard and difficult, followed by backache.
Chronic constipation ; ineffectual urging ; anemia ; easily flushed head and face, with cold hands and feet.
Hard, difficult stools, followed for hours by cramping pain in rectum. θ Intermittent.
Constipation with hot urine.
Contractive spasm in the rectum.
Prolapsus recti, particularly with children.
Itching at anus at night, from ascarides ; tenia.
Discharge of ascarides with slimy stool.
Helminthiasis ; wretched complexion ; itching in anus at night, from seat worms.
Piles, copious bleeding or ichorous oozing ; tearing pains with itching and gnawing.
Protrusion of large varices at anus.
Profuse hemorrhoidal flux from anus and bladder.
Nausea : with headache ; with nightly diarrhoea ; with vertigo.
Reeling and staggering as if intoxicated, with sickness in stomach when walking.
Vomiting of food, and a flow of water from mouth.
Vomiting after breakfast.
Vomiting after eating, coming each time with new force ; vomiting of infants.
Spasmodic vomiting of food during pregnancy.
Vomiting as often as food has been taken, never at other times ; not as a symptom of other disease, nor depending on organic affections of stomach.
Vomiting of ingesta with constant pressure in pit of stomach and weariness of feet.
Vomiting with pain in stomach.
Vomiting of everything eaten without being digested.
Vomiting of food, particularly after breakfast.
Vomiting of food immediately after midnight, by aversion to food and dread of open air.
Everything vomited tasted sour and acid.
Frequent vomiting of food with children ; easy vomiting.
Vomiting of food with a fiery red face.
Vomiting of of ingesta after every cough ; after exercise.
Better after vomiting.
Distension of epigastric region.
Anxiety from slight causes, with throbbing in pit of stomach.
Palpitating in stomach and through oesophagus, as if a nerve was quivering, with an occasional suffocating feeling, as if a valve rose in throat.
Pit of stomach sensitive to touch.
Feeling of fulness and pressure in pit of stomach.
Stomach feels full and bloated after eating a few mouthfuls, with burning heat in it.
Spasmodic pressure at stomach after taking least food or drink, especially after eating meat.
Pressure in stomach after eating. θ Intermittent fever.
Pressure at stomach with vomiting of food, followed by nausea and vomiting of water ; pain in stomach better after vomiting ; worse drinking mild. θ сhlorosis.
Pressure in stomach and acidity. θ сhronic diarrhoea.
Pressure in stomach and head.
Heat rising from pit of stomach.
Heat and burning in stomach, with momentary, cramp-like pain in splenic region.
Occasional uneasiness at splenic end of stomach.
Cramp-like stomachache.
Neuralgic and anemic cardialgia ; atony of digestion ; vomiting of food immediately after eating, without any preceding nausea, also when coughing or moving about ; cardiac uneasiness.
Gastralgia after drinking.
Pit of stomach sensitive to touch, and soreness all over abdomen ; pulse full, excited ; face pale ; greatly exhausted. θ Hematemesis.
Hemorrhage from stomach and pain in stomach through to spine.
Swelling and hardness in hypochondriac regions.
Tightness in right hypochondriac region and shooting pains in left.
Fulness in region of liver.
Liver enlarged, sensitive to pressure.
Marked swelling of liver which is very sensitive to touch ; pains along back particularly in places upon which she must lie ; cannot lie long upon either side.
Pain in small of back and liver, all day.
** Dropsy of liver.
Cramp-like sensation in splenic region.
Splenic region swollen and sore on pressure ; spleen large.
Chronic affections, and swellings of spleen and liver, with infractions of liver.
Painful weight of viscera when walking, as if they would drop.
Congestion to head, blood-vessels dilated ; swelling about eyes ; pressure in stomach and abdomen after smallest quantity of food, vomiting of food, tension in abdomen causing shortness of breath, weakness almost to paralysis, hardness and fulness in right side of abdomen, beginning dropsy, swelling of feet. θ Intermittent.
Bowels feel sore when touched, as if bruised, or weakened by cathartics.
On feeling abdomen and on coughing, bowels are sore as if beaten, or as if they had been acted upon by purgatives.
Abdomen feels sore and bruised when walking.
Soreness all over abdomen ; better by warmth. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Stitching in abdomen.
Hardness and distension of abdomen, without flatulence.
Rumbling, with pain in small of back and kidneys, and slight urethral soreness when urinating.
Rumbling in bowels, with constant feeling as though they were going to move.
Flatulent colic at night ; violent rumbling.
Colic with watery diarrhoea.
Pale face and lips, or fiery redness, with scanty discharge of pale blood with violent colic. θ Dysmenorrhoea.
At 8 A. M. very sudden discharge from bowels, watery, painless and odorless.
Diarrhoea worse mornings ; bad sleep before midnight.
Sudden, gushing diarrhoea.
Sudden, watery, painless stool, without smell.
Frequent diarrhoea ; stools watery, with or without tenesmus, and preceded or not by pain, but always with much flatulence and more frequent after taking food or water.
Acrid watery diarrhoea, excoriating the anus, with vomiting of food soon after eating.
Frequent diarrheic with burning at anus.
Obstinate diarrhoea, stools composed of slime and undigested food ; painless, excoriating and exhausting.
Chronic, watery, painless diarrhoea, coming regularly every afternoon.
Painless diarrhoea, involuntary during a meal.
Painless stools like from a spout. θ Intestinal catarrh.
Chronic watery diarrhoea in children, usually soon after eating and drinking, without pain or effort, mostly containing undigested substances.
Undigested stools at night, or while eating or drinking.
Diarrhoea ; pale, miserable complexion ; emaciation ; abdomen hard and distended without flatulency ; bulimia alternating with anorexia ; thirst.
Slimy, watery, painless diarrhoea, worse at night ; abdomen painless to pressure ; face pale ; marked swelling of body which pits upon pressure ; skin cold ; no appetite ; great thirst ; great weakness : slight fever towards evening ; peevish and tearful.
Painless, large, watery discharge, with a good appetite.
Watery diarrhoea, brown, painless and weakening.
Colliquative diarrhoea in phthisical subjects ; passages very frequent and finally become almost involuntary ; great debility.
Diarrhoea during pregnancy.
Summer complaint of children with emaciation.
Rice-water discharges ; cold, with cold, sour sweat.
Profuse discharge of flakes of mucus, or formed into lumpy balls.
Cholerine where the enteric symptoms are particularly severe ; extreme sensitiveness of intestinal tract, so that the least motion, or smallest amount of food or drink, renews or worse diarrhoea ; intestinal scrapings discharged in large quantities ; vox cholera present ; blue rings around eyes ; pulse beginning to fail.
Slimy, bloody stools with tenesmus.
Straining for stool all day, sick at stomach, disagreeable taste, worse drinking cold water.
Constipation from intestinal atony.
Costive. Stools hard and difficult, followed by backache.
Chronic constipation ; ineffectual urging ; anemia ; easily flushed head and face, with cold hands and feet.
Hard, difficult stools, followed for hours by cramping pain in rectum. θ Intermittent.
Constipation with hot urine.
Contractive spasm in the rectum.
Prolapsus recti, particularly with children.
Itching at anus at night, from ascarides ; tenia.
Discharge of ascarides with slimy stool.
Helminthiasis ; wretched complexion ; itching in anus at night, from seat worms.
Piles, copious bleeding or ichorous oozing ; tearing pains with itching and gnawing.
Protrusion of large varices at anus.
Profuse hemorrhoidal flux from anus and bladder.
Острые состояния
Aggravation : after abuse of cinchona ; while eating or drinking ; at night.
Мочеполовая система
Pains in bladder.
Urging to urinate, with tickling in urethra extending to neck of bladder.
Continual desire to urinate, with pain in liver, chest and kidneys.
Involuntary urination at night, and also when walking about by day.
Incontinence of urine, more frequent by day than by night, but floods bed five or six times at night ; urine smells like strong ammonia, stains sheets very dark ; yellowish clay-colored sediment sticks to sides and bottom of vessel.
Nocturnal enuresis ; urine dark red, sometimes with mucous sediment.
Urine blood-red, and plentifully charged with blood corpuscles.
Urine clear as water. θ Anemia.
Urine more copious and clear ; with relaxation and prostration, making him very nervous.
Urine alkaline.
Hot urine ; metrorrhagia.
Burning in urethra during micturition, as if urine were hot.
Slight soreness in urethra.
Albuminuria, with chronic fatty degeneration, much anemia and excessive prostration, with anasarca.
Chronic vesical catarrh and gleet.
Erections night and day ; nocturnal emissions ; sterility ; sexual desire increased.
Discharge of mucus from urethra after a cold.
Copious, slimy, painless discharge from urethra, remaining after an attack of gonorrhoea.
Gonorrhoea of long standing with milky discharge.
Chronic gleet with anemia.
Sexual desire lessened, sterility.
Anemia of ovaries, with amenorrhoea and general anemia.
Dropsy of uterus ; face flushes red ; great debility.
Sticking, shooting pains in uterus.
Pain in os tinca on lying down ; bearing down feeling, at same time dryness in vagina.
Sharp pains in abdomen, bearing down in uterus, with aching below it.
Before menses, stinging headache, ringing in ears, discharge of long pieces of mucus from uterus.
Labor-like colicky pains.
Anemia, with uterine congestion, burning pain or pressure and weight in sacrum ; dragging pains in loins, pelvis and thighs ; cold hands and feet.
Menses : too late, long lasting and profuse ; flow watery, or in lumps ; preceded by labor-like pains ; varices in legs.
Menses. Too soon, too profuse, too long lasting, with fiery red face, ringing in ears ; flow pale, watery, debilitating.
During menses, must keep perfectly still, least movement greatly worse the flow.
Copious discharge of partly fluid and partly black and coagulated blood, with pains in loins and labor-like colic in weakly persons, with fiery red face and vascular excitement ; headache and vertigo ; constipation and hot urine. θ Hemorrhage.
Uterine hemorrhage with labor-like pains in abdomen and small of back, and hard, full pulse.
Passive hemorrhage dark grumous in character. θ Menorrhagia.
Metrorrhagia, especially when accompanied by a very red face ; menses profuse ; acrid leucorrhoea ; miscarriage ; sterility ; painfulness of vagina during an embrace.
Face pale and bloated in appearance ; skin cold and pits upon pressure, especially about ankles, great lassitude, cries easily, want of appetite, aversion to food, indication of acidity of stomach, constipation, stool often absent a whole week, menses too frequent and too copious. θ After severe hemorrhages.
The menses intermit and then re-appear.
Scanty pale catamenial discharge, with violent colic.
Menses pale, watery, debilitating.
Amenorrhoea or watery menses ; women who flush easily ; especially after drinking wine, with dyspnoea and palpitation.
Amenorrhoea with chlorosis ; congestive headache ; fiery red face ; they feel weary and tired all the time, with desire to lie down.
Suppression of menses with extreme nervousness.
Mucous discharge in place of menses. θ сhlorosis.
Headache and singing in ears after menses.
Displacement of uterus ; hysteralgia ; metritis.
Swellings and indurations in vagina.
Prolapsus of vagina.
Vagina too dry.
Insensible or painful during coitus.
Much itching of vulva in weakly, delicate women with red face.
Leucorrhoea before menses.
Leucorrhoea resembling watery milk, smarting and corroding when first appearing, not afterwards ; dragging pains in loins, pelvis and thighs.
Leucorrhoea mild and milky, or acrid and sharp, with soreness. θ сhlorosis.
Eruption on genitals or inflamed ; ascarides in vulva.
Gonorrhoea of women.
Urging to urinate, with tickling in urethra extending to neck of bladder.
Continual desire to urinate, with pain in liver, chest and kidneys.
Involuntary urination at night, and also when walking about by day.
Incontinence of urine, more frequent by day than by night, but floods bed five or six times at night ; urine smells like strong ammonia, stains sheets very dark ; yellowish clay-colored sediment sticks to sides and bottom of vessel.
Nocturnal enuresis ; urine dark red, sometimes with mucous sediment.
Urine blood-red, and plentifully charged with blood corpuscles.
Urine clear as water. θ Anemia.
Urine more copious and clear ; with relaxation and prostration, making him very nervous.
Urine alkaline.
Hot urine ; metrorrhagia.
Burning in urethra during micturition, as if urine were hot.
Slight soreness in urethra.
Albuminuria, with chronic fatty degeneration, much anemia and excessive prostration, with anasarca.
Chronic vesical catarrh and gleet.
Erections night and day ; nocturnal emissions ; sterility ; sexual desire increased.
Discharge of mucus from urethra after a cold.
Copious, slimy, painless discharge from urethra, remaining after an attack of gonorrhoea.
Gonorrhoea of long standing with milky discharge.
Chronic gleet with anemia.
Sexual desire lessened, sterility.
Anemia of ovaries, with amenorrhoea and general anemia.
Dropsy of uterus ; face flushes red ; great debility.
Sticking, shooting pains in uterus.
Pain in os tinca on lying down ; bearing down feeling, at same time dryness in vagina.
Sharp pains in abdomen, bearing down in uterus, with aching below it.
Before menses, stinging headache, ringing in ears, discharge of long pieces of mucus from uterus.
Labor-like colicky pains.
Anemia, with uterine congestion, burning pain or pressure and weight in sacrum ; dragging pains in loins, pelvis and thighs ; cold hands and feet.
Menses : too late, long lasting and profuse ; flow watery, or in lumps ; preceded by labor-like pains ; varices in legs.
Menses. Too soon, too profuse, too long lasting, with fiery red face, ringing in ears ; flow pale, watery, debilitating.
During menses, must keep perfectly still, least movement greatly worse the flow.
Copious discharge of partly fluid and partly black and coagulated blood, with pains in loins and labor-like colic in weakly persons, with fiery red face and vascular excitement ; headache and vertigo ; constipation and hot urine. θ Hemorrhage.
Uterine hemorrhage with labor-like pains in abdomen and small of back, and hard, full pulse.
Passive hemorrhage dark grumous in character. θ Menorrhagia.
Metrorrhagia, especially when accompanied by a very red face ; menses profuse ; acrid leucorrhoea ; miscarriage ; sterility ; painfulness of vagina during an embrace.
Face pale and bloated in appearance ; skin cold and pits upon pressure, especially about ankles, great lassitude, cries easily, want of appetite, aversion to food, indication of acidity of stomach, constipation, stool often absent a whole week, menses too frequent and too copious. θ After severe hemorrhages.
The menses intermit and then re-appear.
Scanty pale catamenial discharge, with violent colic.
Menses pale, watery, debilitating.
Amenorrhoea or watery menses ; women who flush easily ; especially after drinking wine, with dyspnoea and palpitation.
Amenorrhoea with chlorosis ; congestive headache ; fiery red face ; they feel weary and tired all the time, with desire to lie down.
Suppression of menses with extreme nervousness.
Mucous discharge in place of menses. θ сhlorosis.
Headache and singing in ears after menses.
Displacement of uterus ; hysteralgia ; metritis.
Swellings and indurations in vagina.
Prolapsus of vagina.
Vagina too dry.
Insensible or painful during coitus.
Much itching of vulva in weakly, delicate women with red face.
Leucorrhoea before menses.
Leucorrhoea resembling watery milk, smarting and corroding when first appearing, not afterwards ; dragging pains in loins, pelvis and thighs.
Leucorrhoea mild and milky, or acrid and sharp, with soreness. θ сhlorosis.
Eruption on genitals or inflamed ; ascarides in vulva.
Gonorrhoea of women.
Характеристика растения
Sterility ; insensibility during coition.
Prevents abortion ; promotes expulsion of moles.
Prolapsus of vagina, only during pregnancy.
Suddenly leaves table and with one effort vomits all the food taken, appetite not thereby impaired, can sit down and eat again. θ Pregnancy.
Varicose veins during pregnancy.
Great nervous erethism, flowing, and pain, with fiery red face ; she is weak and pale. θ Miscarriage.
Uterine hemorrhage with threatened premature labor, at end of eighth month.
Uterine hemorrhage with labor-like pains, glowing face ; flow watery, or containing lumps ; pulse full, hard.
Spasmodic labor pains.
Violent pains in loins and abdomen, like those of labor, with discharge of partly fluid and partly clotted blood ; full, hard pulse ; frequent short shuddering ; headache and vertigo ; hot urine ; feeble ; fiery red face. θ Excessive or too long lasting after-pains.
Prevents abortion ; promotes expulsion of moles.
Prolapsus of vagina, only during pregnancy.
Suddenly leaves table and with one effort vomits all the food taken, appetite not thereby impaired, can sit down and eat again. θ Pregnancy.
Varicose veins during pregnancy.
Great nervous erethism, flowing, and pain, with fiery red face ; she is weak and pale. θ Miscarriage.
Uterine hemorrhage with threatened premature labor, at end of eighth month.
Uterine hemorrhage with labor-like pains, glowing face ; flow watery, or containing lumps ; pulse full, hard.
Spasmodic labor pains.
Violent pains in loins and abdomen, like those of labor, with discharge of partly fluid and partly clotted blood ; full, hard pulse ; frequent short shuddering ; headache and vertigo ; hot urine ; feeble ; fiery red face. θ Excessive or too long lasting after-pains.
Органы грудной клетки
Hot breath.
Uneasy breathing, from pain across chest.
Breathing dry, loud, anxious ; sometimes rattling in children.
Oppressed, short breathing.
Continued shortness of breath.
Difficult inspiration, as from heaviness of chest.
Difficult breathing, oppression of chest, as if some one pressed with hand upon it.
Cannot get any air ; even when seated his breathing is difficult.
Oppression from orgasm of blood ; chest scarcely moves when breathing ; nostrils dilated during expiration.
Difficult inspiration, want of air in coughing out, want of air in drawing in.
Breath fails at end of coughing fit.
Suffocative fits in evening, in bed, with warmth of neck and trunk, limbs cold. θ Spasmodic asthma.
Asthma, with oppression of chest and anxiety at pit of stomach, preventing free respiration.
Catarrhal asthma every morning from 10 to 11.
Asthma worse after 12 P. M., must sit up ; better walking about slowly and talking ; better uncovering chest ; after itch.
Asthma, with difficult, slow breathing, better by walking and talking or by constant reading or writing ; worse when sitting still, and most violent when lying down, especially in evening.
Dyspnoea increases slowly. θ Pneumonia.
Pneumonia epidemica. Dyspnoea gradually increased ; no pressure under sternum ; pale face ; stupid ; roof of mouth white ; skin neither burning nor cold and damp ; pulse never hard and full.
Dyspnoea. θ Intermittent fever.
Spasmodic, from tickling in trachea ; at night, must sit up to raise sputa ; spasmodic, after eating, with vomiting of food ; after drinking ; with stitches in chest and soreness.
Cough with expectoration only in morning of blood-streaked, purulent, albuminous mucous, greenish or frothy, tasting sweetish, putrid or sour.
Constant tickling irritation to cough, with copious, greenish, blood-streaked, purulent expectoration, great debility, emaciation and hectic fever ; complete cessation of menstrual flow which is replaced by a blenorrhagia.
Catarrhal cough, with aching pain in upper part of sternum.
Spasmodic cough with expectoration of transparent, tenacious mucous, and vomiting of ingesta.
Spasmodic cough after meals with vomiting of all the food taken.
Cough with gagging and vomiting.
Spasmodic cough, in evening without, in morning with blood-streaked, purulent, slimy, sometimes frothy expectoration, of a sweetish, putrid or sour taste, worse in evening till midnight ; during this period the sputa are not dislodged, but in daytime, during motion, they are loosened ; suitable for drinkers of brandy, excessive tea-drinkers, or for persons who have taken much сinchona.
Spasmodic whooping cough, dry in evening, in morning, copious, purulent, blood-streaked expectoration, and sour vomiting of food ; at once better by eating a small quantity of food.
Whooping cough ; child vomits food with every coughing spell ; great pallor and weakness.
Cough : worse from abuse of tea, quinine, brandy ; tobacco smoke ; loss of fluids ; when moving ; violent exertion ; after talking ; at night.
Cough with oppression of chest and pale face.
Cough excited by drinking, often better by eating.
Cough only in daytime.
Gastric cough, eased by vomiting.
So-called galloping consumption with pus-like expectoration ; vomiting of ingesta ; swollen feet ; leucorrhoea ; diarrhoea.
Chronic blenorrhoea pulmonum.
Sputa. сopious, putrid, purulent, greenish or frothy, bloody ; worse morning ; copious when moving ; scanty, thin, frothy, with streaks of blood.
Hawking up of bloody phlegm.
Scanty, thin, frothy expectoration, with streaks of blood.
Coughing up of blood in morning on rising from bed.
Dry, tickling cough with blood-spitting.
Cough with expectoration of blood, in lean people with yellowish color of face, who cannot sleep well at night.
Patients of venous constitution, who have for some time had bloody expectoration and complain of shortness of breath without any particular pain in chest, and suffer occasionally from palpitation of heart.
Hamoptysis : of onanists and consumptives ; from severe exertion ; after loss of fluids ; from suppressed menses.
Hamoptysis in a laborer whose work compelled him to receive constant light blows on pit of stomach ; blood watery and coagulated ; precordial region sensitive to touch and painful, pain spreading from thence over nearly whole abdomen ; pulse full, hard and excited ; face pale ; great weakness.
Blood scanty, clear and bright red, escaping with an easy effort at vomiting pain between shoulders ; constriction of chest, worse at night ; cannot sit, but is better by slowly walking about, must frequently lie down, is very weak, particularly after talking ; must cough after any exertion. θ Hamoptysis.
Hamoptysis morning and night ; blood bright, coagulated, scanty during slight cough with inter-scapular pains ; heavy breathing ; must sip up ; better walking slowly about ; notwithstanding weakness obliges lying down ; palpitation.
Slight heaviness in upper part of left lung, making breathing rather difficult ; sore feeling below clavicle and left nipple, cannot take a long breath.
Slight, dull, heavy pain across upper part of chest, rendering breathing uneasy.
Fulness and tightness in chest as if constricted, worse walking.
Pain in left side with dyspnoea. θ Intermittent fever.
Fugitive pains in chest, flying from one point to another.
Women who blush easily ; worse after wine ; epistaxis in alternation with spitting of blood ; pains in chest fugitive, cannot be located ; menses watery or absent. θ Pulmonary consumption.
Shooting stinging in chest.
Sticking and bruised sensation in chest.
When coughing, stitches in chest ; sensation of soreness.
Feeling of dryness and heat in chest.
Burning in upper part of sternum after coughing.
Pressure superiorly under sternum, with catarrh and cough.
Contractive cramp in chest, and cough only when moving and walking.
Constriction of chest at night due to erethism of vascular system and congestion of blood to chest ; worse from least covering of bed clothing ; better lying with chest elevated ; boring in chest ; not noticeable during day while going about.
Congestion to chest. θ Aphonia.
Congestion of blood to lungs, with hamoptysis, attended by palpitation of heart, obliging patient to sit up.
Rush of blood to head and chest, with cold hands and feet, followed by debility.
Hamoptysis, especially when tickling cough and oppression of chest are present.
Hamoptysis ; morning and at night ; better by walking slowly.
Incipient tuberculosis, with transient pains in chest and discolored sputa ; in later stages when there is vomiting of food ; constant pressure in epigastrium, and crowded sensation in chest.
Tuberculosis with flying pain in chest, and hectic fever.
Pulmonary tuberculosis ; especially in young, florid subjects, with a remarkable erethism of vascular system, and inclination to congestion to chest.
Anemia in chlorotic, or tuberculous subjects with profuse serous effusion, with ascites and oedematous feet, scanty urination ; bruised feeling in chest, orthopnea ; want of air ; worse in walking, preventing inspiration and compelling them to sit up in bed ; worse after midnight ; pains in chest, with stitching and tension between shoulders, allowing no motion.
Consumption in consequence of erethic chlorosis.
Whole body emaciated and covered with a clammy colliquative, sweat ; face hippocratic, sunken, earthy in color with circumscribed redness of right cheek ; eyes sunken, dull, yellowish and filled with tears ; pale lips ; tongue pale and flabby ; whole throat and pharynx sore and ulcerated ; voice rough, hoarse, scarcely audible ; constriction of chest ; difficult respiration (mainly accomplished, by abdominal muscles, the thorax being motionless, with great expansion of ala nasi during expiration) ; stitching pain in chest extending back into shoulder blades ; tickling in larynx with anxious irritation to cough, copious, greenish, blood-streaked, foul-tasting expectoration ; great debility and lassitude ; stitching pain here and there in limbs ; colliquative diarrhoea excoriating the rectum ; chilliness, particularly over back, worse evenings, with cold extremities and hot palms of hands ; loss of appetite ; thirst and sleeplessness ; scalp painful to touch with falling out of the hair. θ Phthisis florida after pneumonia.
No ailments previous to chill ; dyspnoea increases slowly ; face pale, and in adults collapsed, hippocratic or expressionless, stiff and stupid ; roof of mouth always white ; skin neither cold nor burning hot ; pulse neither full nor hard ; stool consistent, brown. θ Pneumonia.
Inflammation of lungs with roof of mouth white ; dry skin and gradually increasing oppression.
Pneumonia senilis ; laxity of fibre ; pulse soft and quick, occasionally slow and easily compressible ; dyspnoea slowly increasing ; bloody expectoration.
Neglected pleuro-pneumonia ; absorbs exudation.
Sensation in clavicle as if gone to sleep.
Pain in outer parts of chest.
Drawing in chest and around heart ; scalp sore.
Uneasy breathing, from pain across chest.
Breathing dry, loud, anxious ; sometimes rattling in children.
Oppressed, short breathing.
Continued shortness of breath.
Difficult inspiration, as from heaviness of chest.
Difficult breathing, oppression of chest, as if some one pressed with hand upon it.
Cannot get any air ; even when seated his breathing is difficult.
Oppression from orgasm of blood ; chest scarcely moves when breathing ; nostrils dilated during expiration.
Difficult inspiration, want of air in coughing out, want of air in drawing in.
Breath fails at end of coughing fit.
Suffocative fits in evening, in bed, with warmth of neck and trunk, limbs cold. θ Spasmodic asthma.
Asthma, with oppression of chest and anxiety at pit of stomach, preventing free respiration.
Catarrhal asthma every morning from 10 to 11.
Asthma worse after 12 P. M., must sit up ; better walking about slowly and talking ; better uncovering chest ; after itch.
Asthma, with difficult, slow breathing, better by walking and talking or by constant reading or writing ; worse when sitting still, and most violent when lying down, especially in evening.
Dyspnoea increases slowly. θ Pneumonia.
Pneumonia epidemica. Dyspnoea gradually increased ; no pressure under sternum ; pale face ; stupid ; roof of mouth white ; skin neither burning nor cold and damp ; pulse never hard and full.
Dyspnoea. θ Intermittent fever.
Spasmodic, from tickling in trachea ; at night, must sit up to raise sputa ; spasmodic, after eating, with vomiting of food ; after drinking ; with stitches in chest and soreness.
Cough with expectoration only in morning of blood-streaked, purulent, albuminous mucous, greenish or frothy, tasting sweetish, putrid or sour.
Constant tickling irritation to cough, with copious, greenish, blood-streaked, purulent expectoration, great debility, emaciation and hectic fever ; complete cessation of menstrual flow which is replaced by a blenorrhagia.
Catarrhal cough, with aching pain in upper part of sternum.
Spasmodic cough with expectoration of transparent, tenacious mucous, and vomiting of ingesta.
Spasmodic cough after meals with vomiting of all the food taken.
Cough with gagging and vomiting.
Spasmodic cough, in evening without, in morning with blood-streaked, purulent, slimy, sometimes frothy expectoration, of a sweetish, putrid or sour taste, worse in evening till midnight ; during this period the sputa are not dislodged, but in daytime, during motion, they are loosened ; suitable for drinkers of brandy, excessive tea-drinkers, or for persons who have taken much сinchona.
Spasmodic whooping cough, dry in evening, in morning, copious, purulent, blood-streaked expectoration, and sour vomiting of food ; at once better by eating a small quantity of food.
Whooping cough ; child vomits food with every coughing spell ; great pallor and weakness.
Cough : worse from abuse of tea, quinine, brandy ; tobacco smoke ; loss of fluids ; when moving ; violent exertion ; after talking ; at night.
Cough with oppression of chest and pale face.
Cough excited by drinking, often better by eating.
Cough only in daytime.
Gastric cough, eased by vomiting.
So-called galloping consumption with pus-like expectoration ; vomiting of ingesta ; swollen feet ; leucorrhoea ; diarrhoea.
Chronic blenorrhoea pulmonum.
Sputa. сopious, putrid, purulent, greenish or frothy, bloody ; worse morning ; copious when moving ; scanty, thin, frothy, with streaks of blood.
Hawking up of bloody phlegm.
Scanty, thin, frothy expectoration, with streaks of blood.
Coughing up of blood in morning on rising from bed.
Dry, tickling cough with blood-spitting.
Cough with expectoration of blood, in lean people with yellowish color of face, who cannot sleep well at night.
Patients of venous constitution, who have for some time had bloody expectoration and complain of shortness of breath without any particular pain in chest, and suffer occasionally from palpitation of heart.
Hamoptysis : of onanists and consumptives ; from severe exertion ; after loss of fluids ; from suppressed menses.
Hamoptysis in a laborer whose work compelled him to receive constant light blows on pit of stomach ; blood watery and coagulated ; precordial region sensitive to touch and painful, pain spreading from thence over nearly whole abdomen ; pulse full, hard and excited ; face pale ; great weakness.
Blood scanty, clear and bright red, escaping with an easy effort at vomiting pain between shoulders ; constriction of chest, worse at night ; cannot sit, but is better by slowly walking about, must frequently lie down, is very weak, particularly after talking ; must cough after any exertion. θ Hamoptysis.
Hamoptysis morning and night ; blood bright, coagulated, scanty during slight cough with inter-scapular pains ; heavy breathing ; must sip up ; better walking slowly about ; notwithstanding weakness obliges lying down ; palpitation.
Slight heaviness in upper part of left lung, making breathing rather difficult ; sore feeling below clavicle and left nipple, cannot take a long breath.
Slight, dull, heavy pain across upper part of chest, rendering breathing uneasy.
Fulness and tightness in chest as if constricted, worse walking.
Pain in left side with dyspnoea. θ Intermittent fever.
Fugitive pains in chest, flying from one point to another.
Women who blush easily ; worse after wine ; epistaxis in alternation with spitting of blood ; pains in chest fugitive, cannot be located ; menses watery or absent. θ Pulmonary consumption.
Shooting stinging in chest.
Sticking and bruised sensation in chest.
When coughing, stitches in chest ; sensation of soreness.
Feeling of dryness and heat in chest.
Burning in upper part of sternum after coughing.
Pressure superiorly under sternum, with catarrh and cough.
Contractive cramp in chest, and cough only when moving and walking.
Constriction of chest at night due to erethism of vascular system and congestion of blood to chest ; worse from least covering of bed clothing ; better lying with chest elevated ; boring in chest ; not noticeable during day while going about.
Congestion to chest. θ Aphonia.
Congestion of blood to lungs, with hamoptysis, attended by palpitation of heart, obliging patient to sit up.
Rush of blood to head and chest, with cold hands and feet, followed by debility.
Hamoptysis, especially when tickling cough and oppression of chest are present.
Hamoptysis ; morning and at night ; better by walking slowly.
Incipient tuberculosis, with transient pains in chest and discolored sputa ; in later stages when there is vomiting of food ; constant pressure in epigastrium, and crowded sensation in chest.
Tuberculosis with flying pain in chest, and hectic fever.
Pulmonary tuberculosis ; especially in young, florid subjects, with a remarkable erethism of vascular system, and inclination to congestion to chest.
Anemia in chlorotic, or tuberculous subjects with profuse serous effusion, with ascites and oedematous feet, scanty urination ; bruised feeling in chest, orthopnea ; want of air ; worse in walking, preventing inspiration and compelling them to sit up in bed ; worse after midnight ; pains in chest, with stitching and tension between shoulders, allowing no motion.
Consumption in consequence of erethic chlorosis.
Whole body emaciated and covered with a clammy colliquative, sweat ; face hippocratic, sunken, earthy in color with circumscribed redness of right cheek ; eyes sunken, dull, yellowish and filled with tears ; pale lips ; tongue pale and flabby ; whole throat and pharynx sore and ulcerated ; voice rough, hoarse, scarcely audible ; constriction of chest ; difficult respiration (mainly accomplished, by abdominal muscles, the thorax being motionless, with great expansion of ala nasi during expiration) ; stitching pain in chest extending back into shoulder blades ; tickling in larynx with anxious irritation to cough, copious, greenish, blood-streaked, foul-tasting expectoration ; great debility and lassitude ; stitching pain here and there in limbs ; colliquative diarrhoea excoriating the rectum ; chilliness, particularly over back, worse evenings, with cold extremities and hot palms of hands ; loss of appetite ; thirst and sleeplessness ; scalp painful to touch with falling out of the hair. θ Phthisis florida after pneumonia.
No ailments previous to chill ; dyspnoea increases slowly ; face pale, and in adults collapsed, hippocratic or expressionless, stiff and stupid ; roof of mouth always white ; skin neither cold nor burning hot ; pulse neither full nor hard ; stool consistent, brown. θ Pneumonia.
Inflammation of lungs with roof of mouth white ; dry skin and gradually increasing oppression.
Pneumonia senilis ; laxity of fibre ; pulse soft and quick, occasionally slow and easily compressible ; dyspnoea slowly increasing ; bloody expectoration.
Neglected pleuro-pneumonia ; absorbs exudation.
Sensation in clavicle as if gone to sleep.
Pain in outer parts of chest.
Drawing in chest and around heart ; scalp sore.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Drawing constrictive pain in region of heart.
Congestion to chest ; anxiety ; palpitation of heart ; pulsation in all the arteries. θ Aphonia.
Palpitation, with fear ; has to move about, can neither sit nor stand.
Palpitation ; beats of heart worse from least motion.
Palpitation. вetter walking slowly ; in onanists ; after loss of fluids ; with blood-spitting ; in chlorosis.
Anxiety in chest, heat rising from pit of stomach upward, after bodily exercise ; palpitation. θ Heart disease.
Rapid action of heart.
Hard, strong beating of heart ; pseudo-plethora.
Bellows-sound of heart, and anemic murmur of the arteries and veins ; muscles feeble, and easily exhausted from slight exertion ; oedema of body. θ Anemia.
Consecutive heart disease ; chlorosis.
Hypertrophy of heart.
Endocarditis with chlorotic symptoms.
Fatty degeneration of heart.
Pulse accelerated towards evening. θ Aphonia.
Violent ebullitions.
Pulse full, hard ; increased by exertion.
Pulse hard and full at beginning of paroxysm ; or weak, small and scarcely perceptible during apyrexia. θ Intermittent fever.
Soft, quick, occasionally slow pulse ; weak, easily compressible. θ Pneumonia.
Small, weak pulse, sometimes intermittent, sometimes uneven.
Chlorosis with vertigo on moving, stooping, etc., pressing pain in forepart of head and in stomach, anorexia, constipation, skin of face and body of waxy appearance, lips and tongue pale, menses scanty, watery and at times entirely absent, emaciation, great debility, as if her knees would sink under her, occasionally swelling of face, hands and particularly of feet, urine clear as water, constant chilliness and coldness, pulse weak.
Chlorosis in consequence of retarded puberty ; after loss of blood.
Erethic chlorosis, worse in winter.
Anemia masked behind plethora and congestions ; pale color of mucous membranes, with nun’s murmur.
Great erethism of the circulation ; red face and full pulse ; blood partly fluid and partly clotted, with labor-like pains in abdomen ; feels worse in the night, particularly after midnight, from fat food, abuse of Peruvian bark ; very weak. θ Hemorrhage.
Throbbing in all the blood-vessels ; soft bellows-sound at apex.
Nun’s murmur in the veins.
Congestion to chest ; anxiety ; palpitation of heart ; pulsation in all the arteries. θ Aphonia.
Palpitation, with fear ; has to move about, can neither sit nor stand.
Palpitation ; beats of heart worse from least motion.
Palpitation. вetter walking slowly ; in onanists ; after loss of fluids ; with blood-spitting ; in chlorosis.
Anxiety in chest, heat rising from pit of stomach upward, after bodily exercise ; palpitation. θ Heart disease.
Rapid action of heart.
Hard, strong beating of heart ; pseudo-plethora.
Bellows-sound of heart, and anemic murmur of the arteries and veins ; muscles feeble, and easily exhausted from slight exertion ; oedema of body. θ Anemia.
Consecutive heart disease ; chlorosis.
Hypertrophy of heart.
Endocarditis with chlorotic symptoms.
Fatty degeneration of heart.
Pulse accelerated towards evening. θ Aphonia.
Violent ebullitions.
Pulse full, hard ; increased by exertion.
Pulse hard and full at beginning of paroxysm ; or weak, small and scarcely perceptible during apyrexia. θ Intermittent fever.
Soft, quick, occasionally slow pulse ; weak, easily compressible. θ Pneumonia.
Small, weak pulse, sometimes intermittent, sometimes uneven.
Chlorosis with vertigo on moving, stooping, etc., pressing pain in forepart of head and in stomach, anorexia, constipation, skin of face and body of waxy appearance, lips and tongue pale, menses scanty, watery and at times entirely absent, emaciation, great debility, as if her knees would sink under her, occasionally swelling of face, hands and particularly of feet, urine clear as water, constant chilliness and coldness, pulse weak.
Chlorosis in consequence of retarded puberty ; after loss of blood.
Erethic chlorosis, worse in winter.
Anemia masked behind plethora and congestions ; pale color of mucous membranes, with nun’s murmur.
Great erethism of the circulation ; red face and full pulse ; blood partly fluid and partly clotted, with labor-like pains in abdomen ; feels worse in the night, particularly after midnight, from fat food, abuse of Peruvian bark ; very weak. θ Hemorrhage.
Throbbing in all the blood-vessels ; soft bellows-sound at apex.
Nun’s murmur in the veins.
Конечности и позвоночник
Neck sore as if bruised ; stiff.
Neck and shoulder painful when lying on right side.
Pains between shoulders.
Constant pains along back, worse in those parts she bad to lie on. θ Enlargement of liver.
Lumbago all night, goes off on rising.
Pain in region of kidneys, with desire to make water ; urine albuminous, feet and legs dropsical.
Stitch-like jerks in small of back when walking, extending toward hips rather than upper parts ; more painful after sitting or standing (almost as after straining the parts by lifting).
Paralytic heaviness in shoulder-joint.
Omodynia, either side ; pain especially in deltoid muscle, of a constant, drawing, tearing, laming nature, worse in bed, must get up and slowly move about ; also worse from being too lightly covered for any length of time ; face pale, flushing easily ; no swelling.
Omodynia in Spring, affecting both deltoid muscles ; in Fall a recurrence, but only in left deltoid ; violent lancinating pain when moving arm, making her cry out.
Constant dull tearing or quick darting pain in deltoid, particularly at insertion of biceps muscle, and extending with decreasing severity to elbow ; worse holding arm quiet, warmth of bed, uncovering for any length of time ; cannot move elbow from body without severe pain ; lifting arm, or lifting hand to head, or putting hand behind back utterly impossible.
Pain, shooting and tearing, from shoulder-joint into upper arm and farther downward, which makes it impossible to raise it.
Downward shooting pains (in shoulders and arms) more severe than the shooting upward.
Slight gnawing pain in left arm, finally becoming so severe as to compel her to keep arm quietly at side ; pain constant, preventing sleep ; least movement of fingers causes pain in arm ; arm heavy as lead ; pressure upon head of humerus very painful ; chilliness, heat, thirst and sweat present. θ Rheumatismus humeri.
Flesh of right arm and shoulder sore to touch, feels bruised, worse from motion, pain better by external heat.
Pinching in right deltoid.
Boring in right shoulder, and from biceps to elbow ; worse from motion ; better from heat ; worse from weight of bedclothes.
Paralytic tearing pain from shoulder-joint into upper arm (left) ; he cannot raise arm ; slow movement improves it gradually.
Nightly tearing and stinging in arms.
Cracking in shoulder-joint.
Right arm lame.
Arms nearly rigid.
Irresistible desire to bend arm, with intense pain ; drives out of bed, 2 A. M. ; better walking slowly about.
Swelling and stiffness of arm and hand.
When writing hand trembles, better when writing fast.
Hands cold, stiff, numb ; palms hot.
Fingers stiff, numb, contracted.
Violent pain in hip-joint, worse evening until 12 P. M. ; must get out of bed and walk about ; can hardly put foot down, but pain lessens while walking.
Shooting and tearing in hip-joint, which pains as if bruised when touched ; down along tibia ; worse evening, in bed ; must get up and walk about.
Remitting pains ; worse in night ; although at first scarcely able to stand on affected limb, by continued motion and walking about, pain gradually becomes milder ; pain in l. shoulder ; face pale, emaciated, but flushes easily. θ Sciatica.
Numbness of thighs.
Varicose veins inside of right thigh, then of left.
Neuralgia, throbbing at night ; worse in rest ; better moving.
Painful drawing in legs, with heaviness and stiffness.
Legs feel weak.
Great weakness of knees, almost sinks to the ground.
Calves weak as if bruised.
Cramps in calves, worse at rest, especially at night.
Sore throat and chronic enlargement of tonsils ; great weakness in joints, especially in ankles ; ligaments became so relaxed that she could not walk or stand, on attempting to do so her legs seemed to slip off the feet and she would drop upon her external ankles. θ Anemia.
Feet cold, numb, stiff.
Edema of feet. θ Intermittent fever.
Varices on feet.
Shooting pricking in right instep.
Cramps in soles of feet and toes, with painful contraction of toes ; cramps in calves of legs at night.
Soles feel hot.
Heel pains.
Easily fatigued by walking ; better from moving and walking slowly about, but weakness obliges to lie down.
Nightly tearing in arms and legs.
Stitching tearing pains, worse at night ; must constantly change position of limbs ; face pale and emaciated.
Neuralgia in limbs, throbbing, worse at night, by lying down, in rest, in sitting ; better on moving.
Restlessness in limbs.
Contraction of limbs.
Cramps in limbs (during the day).
Cracking in joints.
Swelling of hands and of legs up to knees.
Hands and feet almost continually cold.
Rest : neuralgia.
Laying head on table : better singing and humming in ears.
Holding arm quiet : worse pain.
Lying with chest elevated : constriction .
Lying down : desire to ; hammering pain in head compels one to ; pain in face.
Pain worse from lying down, better from rising.
Sitting up : better pain in face ; asthma ; cough compels him to sit up to raise sputa ; congestion of blood to lungs, with palpitation, obliges patient to sit up.
Sitting up after sleeping : sweat goes off suddenly.
Pain worse in part of back she lies on.
Can only lie on back at night.
Cannot lie long on either side.
Must change position to relieve pains in limbs.
Sitting still : asthma.
Standing : stitch-like jerks in back.
Better walking slowly about.
Motion : sudden, brings on throbbing headache ; beating pain in head ; pains in chest and between shoulders allow no motion ; must move about, cannot sit or stand ; palpitation ; heat ; sweat.
Talking : burning in larynx ; asthma ; cough.
Rising : vertigo ; after rising and dressing pressure in frontal eminence ; coughing up blood on rising from bed ; lumbago .
Cannot move elbow from body without severe pain ; cannot raise arm.
Irresistible desire to bend arm.
Stooping : worse beating pain in head ; nosebleed ; vertigo with chlorosis.
Must get up and slowly move about.
After getting out of bed : chill .
Going down stairs : headache.
Fall forward : must lean against something to prevent falling ; danger of falling when descending.
Walking : giddy, as if drunk ; vertigo, with sickness of stomach ; painful weight of viscera ; abdomen feels sore and bruised ; involuntary urination ; asthma ; heavy breathing ; tightness in chest ; palpitation better from slow ; stitch-like jerks in small of back ; slowly better pain in arms ; pain in hip-joint ; must get out of bed and walk slowly.
Touch : head sensitive to ; scalp very sensitive ; pit of stomach very sensitive ; bowels sore to ; flesh of right arm and shoulder sore to touch ; burning sensation with pain in skin when touched.
Pressure : better headache ; liver sensitive to ; splenic region sore on pressure ; abdomen painless ; swelling of body pits upon pressure ; upon head of humerus very painful.
Weight of bed clothes : boring in shoulder.
Constant light blows on pit of stomach : cause hamoptysis.
Neck and shoulder painful when lying on right side.
Pains between shoulders.
Constant pains along back, worse in those parts she bad to lie on. θ Enlargement of liver.
Lumbago all night, goes off on rising.
Pain in region of kidneys, with desire to make water ; urine albuminous, feet and legs dropsical.
Stitch-like jerks in small of back when walking, extending toward hips rather than upper parts ; more painful after sitting or standing (almost as after straining the parts by lifting).
Paralytic heaviness in shoulder-joint.
Omodynia, either side ; pain especially in deltoid muscle, of a constant, drawing, tearing, laming nature, worse in bed, must get up and slowly move about ; also worse from being too lightly covered for any length of time ; face pale, flushing easily ; no swelling.
Omodynia in Spring, affecting both deltoid muscles ; in Fall a recurrence, but only in left deltoid ; violent lancinating pain when moving arm, making her cry out.
Constant dull tearing or quick darting pain in deltoid, particularly at insertion of biceps muscle, and extending with decreasing severity to elbow ; worse holding arm quiet, warmth of bed, uncovering for any length of time ; cannot move elbow from body without severe pain ; lifting arm, or lifting hand to head, or putting hand behind back utterly impossible.
Pain, shooting and tearing, from shoulder-joint into upper arm and farther downward, which makes it impossible to raise it.
Downward shooting pains (in shoulders and arms) more severe than the shooting upward.
Slight gnawing pain in left arm, finally becoming so severe as to compel her to keep arm quietly at side ; pain constant, preventing sleep ; least movement of fingers causes pain in arm ; arm heavy as lead ; pressure upon head of humerus very painful ; chilliness, heat, thirst and sweat present. θ Rheumatismus humeri.
Flesh of right arm and shoulder sore to touch, feels bruised, worse from motion, pain better by external heat.
Pinching in right deltoid.
Boring in right shoulder, and from biceps to elbow ; worse from motion ; better from heat ; worse from weight of bedclothes.
Paralytic tearing pain from shoulder-joint into upper arm (left) ; he cannot raise arm ; slow movement improves it gradually.
Nightly tearing and stinging in arms.
Cracking in shoulder-joint.
Right arm lame.
Arms nearly rigid.
Irresistible desire to bend arm, with intense pain ; drives out of bed, 2 A. M. ; better walking slowly about.
Swelling and stiffness of arm and hand.
When writing hand trembles, better when writing fast.
Hands cold, stiff, numb ; palms hot.
Fingers stiff, numb, contracted.
Violent pain in hip-joint, worse evening until 12 P. M. ; must get out of bed and walk about ; can hardly put foot down, but pain lessens while walking.
Shooting and tearing in hip-joint, which pains as if bruised when touched ; down along tibia ; worse evening, in bed ; must get up and walk about.
Remitting pains ; worse in night ; although at first scarcely able to stand on affected limb, by continued motion and walking about, pain gradually becomes milder ; pain in l. shoulder ; face pale, emaciated, but flushes easily. θ Sciatica.
Numbness of thighs.
Varicose veins inside of right thigh, then of left.
Neuralgia, throbbing at night ; worse in rest ; better moving.
Painful drawing in legs, with heaviness and stiffness.
Legs feel weak.
Great weakness of knees, almost sinks to the ground.
Calves weak as if bruised.
Cramps in calves, worse at rest, especially at night.
Sore throat and chronic enlargement of tonsils ; great weakness in joints, especially in ankles ; ligaments became so relaxed that she could not walk or stand, on attempting to do so her legs seemed to slip off the feet and she would drop upon her external ankles. θ Anemia.
Feet cold, numb, stiff.
Edema of feet. θ Intermittent fever.
Varices on feet.
Shooting pricking in right instep.
Cramps in soles of feet and toes, with painful contraction of toes ; cramps in calves of legs at night.
Soles feel hot.
Heel pains.
Easily fatigued by walking ; better from moving and walking slowly about, but weakness obliges to lie down.
Nightly tearing in arms and legs.
Stitching tearing pains, worse at night ; must constantly change position of limbs ; face pale and emaciated.
Neuralgia in limbs, throbbing, worse at night, by lying down, in rest, in sitting ; better on moving.
Restlessness in limbs.
Contraction of limbs.
Cramps in limbs (during the day).
Cracking in joints.
Swelling of hands and of legs up to knees.
Hands and feet almost continually cold.
Rest : neuralgia.
Laying head on table : better singing and humming in ears.
Holding arm quiet : worse pain.
Lying with chest elevated : constriction .
Lying down : desire to ; hammering pain in head compels one to ; pain in face.
Pain worse from lying down, better from rising.
Sitting up : better pain in face ; asthma ; cough compels him to sit up to raise sputa ; congestion of blood to lungs, with palpitation, obliges patient to sit up.
Sitting up after sleeping : sweat goes off suddenly.
Pain worse in part of back she lies on.
Can only lie on back at night.
Cannot lie long on either side.
Must change position to relieve pains in limbs.
Sitting still : asthma.
Standing : stitch-like jerks in back.
Better walking slowly about.
Motion : sudden, brings on throbbing headache ; beating pain in head ; pains in chest and between shoulders allow no motion ; must move about, cannot sit or stand ; palpitation ; heat ; sweat.
Talking : burning in larynx ; asthma ; cough.
Rising : vertigo ; after rising and dressing pressure in frontal eminence ; coughing up blood on rising from bed ; lumbago .
Cannot move elbow from body without severe pain ; cannot raise arm.
Irresistible desire to bend arm.
Stooping : worse beating pain in head ; nosebleed ; vertigo with chlorosis.
Must get up and slowly move about.
After getting out of bed : chill .
Going down stairs : headache.
Fall forward : must lean against something to prevent falling ; danger of falling when descending.
Walking : giddy, as if drunk ; vertigo, with sickness of stomach ; painful weight of viscera ; abdomen feels sore and bruised ; involuntary urination ; asthma ; heavy breathing ; tightness in chest ; palpitation better from slow ; stitch-like jerks in small of back ; slowly better pain in arms ; pain in hip-joint ; must get out of bed and walk slowly.
Touch : head sensitive to ; scalp very sensitive ; pit of stomach very sensitive ; bowels sore to ; flesh of right arm and shoulder sore to touch ; burning sensation with pain in skin when touched.
Pressure : better headache ; liver sensitive to ; splenic region sore on pressure ; abdomen painless ; swelling of body pits upon pressure ; upon head of humerus very painful.
Weight of bed clothes : boring in shoulder.
Constant light blows on pit of stomach : cause hamoptysis.
Нервная система
Over-sensitiveness to pain.
Nervous excitability and anxiety.
Increased bodily irritability.
Restless, must walk slowly about.
Great nervousness and debility ; great disposition to lie or sit ; red face ; weak, chlorotic.
Weak and nervous, suffers much, has very red cheeks.
Very weak and tired, but always better walking slowly about.
Tired, aching, as from lying long in one position.
Relaxation and debility after excitation which might be mistaken for exuberance of life.
After an attack of pneumonia, debility and chlorosis ; paleness of face and mucous membranes ; swelling of spleen ; want of muscular power ; anemic murmurs.
Great weakness and prostration ; very easily fatigued.
Laxness and weakness of whole musculature, with emaciation, weakness of digestion, and coldness of extremities.
General weakness, even from talking.
Great languor, with emaciation.
Prostration, debility and great loss of muscular power.
Prostration, with slow, weak pulse.
Prostration, lethargic dulness, vertigo.
Weakness of body almost paralytic ; she is so weak that she must lie down.
Paralysis from loss of fluids.
Consecutive paralysis ; generally one-sided.
Frequent attacks of tremor, alternating with a sensation of weakness, as if very weary ; trembling of whole body.
Frequent and sudden attacks of trembling throughout body, with great weakness, lassitude and desire to sleep, which does not relieve.
Fainting spells, with subsequent weakness.
Light spasms, with numbness of limbs.
Tetanic spasms with cataleptic condition of upper portion of body.
Nervous excitability and anxiety.
Increased bodily irritability.
Restless, must walk slowly about.
Great nervousness and debility ; great disposition to lie or sit ; red face ; weak, chlorotic.
Weak and nervous, suffers much, has very red cheeks.
Very weak and tired, but always better walking slowly about.
Tired, aching, as from lying long in one position.
Relaxation and debility after excitation which might be mistaken for exuberance of life.
After an attack of pneumonia, debility and chlorosis ; paleness of face and mucous membranes ; swelling of spleen ; want of muscular power ; anemic murmurs.
Great weakness and prostration ; very easily fatigued.
Laxness and weakness of whole musculature, with emaciation, weakness of digestion, and coldness of extremities.
General weakness, even from talking.
Great languor, with emaciation.
Prostration, debility and great loss of muscular power.
Prostration, with slow, weak pulse.
Prostration, lethargic dulness, vertigo.
Weakness of body almost paralytic ; she is so weak that she must lie down.
Paralysis from loss of fluids.
Consecutive paralysis ; generally one-sided.
Frequent attacks of tremor, alternating with a sensation of weakness, as if very weary ; trembling of whole body.
Frequent and sudden attacks of trembling throughout body, with great weakness, lassitude and desire to sleep, which does not relieve.
Fainting spells, with subsequent weakness.
Light spasms, with numbness of limbs.
Tetanic spasms with cataleptic condition of upper portion of body.
Falls asleep : from weariness or debility ; while sewing ; sitting and studying.
Excessive and drowsy fatigue, with restless sleep at night.
Sleepy at night, with inability to sleep.
Restless sleep at night ; cannot get to sleep in evening : after he does fall asleep, a sweat breaks out which awakens him, and he has to lie a long time before he can go to sleep again, and so on until morning ; some nights, congestion to chest ; palpitation of heart ; pulsation in all the arteries, with anxiousness. θ Aphonia.
Bad sleep before midnight.
Anxious tossing in bed before 12 P. M. ; has to get up and walk.
Child does not sleep because of itching from ascarides.
Can lie only on back at night.
The pain forces him to get up out of bed at night and walk slowly about.
Is worse from being too lightly covered for any length of time.
Weariness and drowsiness in daytime, with light sleep at night, full of dreams, attended with seminal emissions ; vivid dreams of being engaged in war, or that he fell into water.
Disturbed by dreams ; much weariness on rising in morning.
Dreams : vivid ; confused ; unpleasant.
Morning : pressure in frontal eminence, extending over whole forehead to vertex and becoming more intense ; headache worse towards ; stitches in ears ; nosebleed ; toothache ; mouth dry ; diarrhoea.
At 2 A. M. : driven out of bed by pain.
At 3 A. M. : severe stitches in temples.
At 8 A. M. : sudden discharge from bowels.
At 12 P. M. : asthma worse after.
All day : frontal headache ; dull and heavy ; pain in small of back and liver ; straining for stool.
By day : involuntary urination ; incontinence of urine more frequent ; erections ; sputa dislodged ; cough and boring in chest ; sweat.
Afternoon : shooting headache ; violent chill lasting half hour.
Evening : lively ; headache ; darkness before eyes ; appetite voracious ; fever towards ; pulse accelerated towards ; cannot get to sleep ; suffocating fits ; asthma.
Night : capability to see in dark ; diarrheic flatulent colic ; undigested stool ; slimy, watery diarrhoea.
Midnight : headache worse after ; vomiting of food immediately after ; bad sleep before ; after, anemia.
Excessive and drowsy fatigue, with restless sleep at night.
Sleepy at night, with inability to sleep.
Restless sleep at night ; cannot get to sleep in evening : after he does fall asleep, a sweat breaks out which awakens him, and he has to lie a long time before he can go to sleep again, and so on until morning ; some nights, congestion to chest ; palpitation of heart ; pulsation in all the arteries, with anxiousness. θ Aphonia.
Bad sleep before midnight.
Anxious tossing in bed before 12 P. M. ; has to get up and walk.
Child does not sleep because of itching from ascarides.
Can lie only on back at night.
The pain forces him to get up out of bed at night and walk slowly about.
Is worse from being too lightly covered for any length of time.
Weariness and drowsiness in daytime, with light sleep at night, full of dreams, attended with seminal emissions ; vivid dreams of being engaged in war, or that he fell into water.
Disturbed by dreams ; much weariness on rising in morning.
Dreams : vivid ; confused ; unpleasant.
Morning : pressure in frontal eminence, extending over whole forehead to vertex and becoming more intense ; headache worse towards ; stitches in ears ; nosebleed ; toothache ; mouth dry ; diarrhoea.
At 2 A. M. : driven out of bed by pain.
At 3 A. M. : severe stitches in temples.
At 8 A. M. : sudden discharge from bowels.
At 12 P. M. : asthma worse after.
All day : frontal headache ; dull and heavy ; pain in small of back and liver ; straining for stool.
By day : involuntary urination ; incontinence of urine more frequent ; erections ; sputa dislodged ; cough and boring in chest ; sweat.
Afternoon : shooting headache ; violent chill lasting half hour.
Evening : lively ; headache ; darkness before eyes ; appetite voracious ; fever towards ; pulse accelerated towards ; cannot get to sleep ; suffocating fits ; asthma.
Night : capability to see in dark ; diarrheic flatulent colic ; undigested stool ; slimy, watery diarrhoea.
Midnight : headache worse after ; vomiting of food immediately after ; bad sleep before ; after, anemia.
Общие симптомы
Overheating produces neuralgia.
External heat : better pain in arms ; boring in shoulder.
Warmth of bed : pain in arm.
Warmth : better soreness of abdomen.
Uncovering chest : asthma .
Too lightly covered : omodynia.
Least covering : constriction.
Open air : better headache ; dread of.
Cold water : better momentarily toothache ; taste in mouth.
Cold washing produces neuralgia.
Cold air : pressure on top of head caused by.
In July, sleeping with window open : intestinal catarrh.
Generally worse in cold weather, better in warm air.
Winter : erethic chlorosis.
Giddy, as if drunk ; as if everything went around with her ; as if balancing to and fro ; staggering as if intoxicated ; as if head would constantly incline to right side ; as if skull were pushed upward ; as if brain were rent asunder ; as if grain of sand were in eyes ; pressure in eyes as if they would protrude ; face as if swollen or bloated ; tongue as if burnt ; as of a lump in left side of throat ; throat as if swollen outside ; as if a nerve was quivering in stomach ; as if a valve rose in throat ; as if viscera would drop ; bowels as if bruised ; bowels as if beaten, as if they had been acted upon by purgatives ; bowels as though they were going to move ; as if something was in larynx ; as if throat was being squeezed ; chest as if constricted ; clavicles as if gone to sleep.
Pain : in back of head ; in face ; in stomach ; in stomach through to spine ; in back ; small of back and liver ; in kidneys ; in chest ; in bladder ; in os tinca ; in loins ; in vagina ; in larynx and trachea ; across chest ; between shoulders ; in left shoulder ; between scapula ; in left side ; in outer parts of chest ; in neck and shoulders ; in deltoid muscle ; in heels.
Intense pain : in arms.
Severe frontal headache.
Violent pains : in loins and abdomen ; in hip-joint.
Violent shooting : headache in left side.
Lancinating : in forehead ; when moving arm.
Tearing : from lambda to temporal bone ; at anus ; in deltoid, extending to elbow ; from shoulder-joint to upper arm ; from shoulder-joint into upper arm ; in arms ; in hip-joint ; in legs.
Shooting pains : in left hypochondriac region, in uterus ; in chest ; from shoulder-joint into upper arm ; downward in shoulder and arms ; in hip-joint ; in right instep.
Stitches : severe in both temples ; in ears ; in abdomen ; in chest.
Stitch-like jerks : in small of back ; to hips.
Stitching pain : between shoulders ; in chest ; into shoulder-blades ; in limbs.
Sticking pain : over left eye ; in head ; in uterus ; in chest.
Stinging : in head ; in eyes ; in chest ; in arms.
Pulsating pain : in head.
Beating : in back of head and neck, extending to sides and forehead ; of pulse in head.
Hammering : in temples ; in head.
Throbbing : in pit of stomach ; pain in top of head ; in brain ; in all arteries ; in limbs.
Boring : in left temple ; in chest ; in right shoulder ; from biceps to elbow.
Pinching : in right deltoid.
Sharp pains : in abdomen.
Labor-like pains : in abdomen.
Remitting pains : in lower limbs.
Fugitive pains : in chest.
Flying pains : in chest.
Darting : in deltoid, extending to elbow.
Neuralgia : in face ; neuralgic cardialgia in limbs.
Cramps : in calves ; in soles of feet and toes ; in limbs.
Cramping pain : in rectum.
Contractive cramp : in chest.
Cramp-like pains : in splenic region ; stomachache.
Constrictive pain : in region of heart.
Colicky pains : in abdomen.
Gnawing : at anus ; in left arm.
Burning pains : in eyes ; in sacrum.
Constant pains along back.
Aching pains : in eyes ; in throat ; below uterus ; upper part of sternum.
Paralytic pain from shoulder-joint to upper arm.
Ulcerative pain : of scalp ; in outer ear.
Pressing pain : in forehead ; in throat ; in forepart of head ; in stomach ; in head of humerus.
Dragging pain : in loins ; in pelvis ; in thigh.
Heavy pain : across upper part of chest.
External heat : better pain in arms ; boring in shoulder.
Warmth of bed : pain in arm.
Warmth : better soreness of abdomen.
Uncovering chest : asthma .
Too lightly covered : omodynia.
Least covering : constriction.
Open air : better headache ; dread of.
Cold water : better momentarily toothache ; taste in mouth.
Cold washing produces neuralgia.
Cold air : pressure on top of head caused by.
In July, sleeping with window open : intestinal catarrh.
Generally worse in cold weather, better in warm air.
Winter : erethic chlorosis.
Giddy, as if drunk ; as if everything went around with her ; as if balancing to and fro ; staggering as if intoxicated ; as if head would constantly incline to right side ; as if skull were pushed upward ; as if brain were rent asunder ; as if grain of sand were in eyes ; pressure in eyes as if they would protrude ; face as if swollen or bloated ; tongue as if burnt ; as of a lump in left side of throat ; throat as if swollen outside ; as if a nerve was quivering in stomach ; as if a valve rose in throat ; as if viscera would drop ; bowels as if bruised ; bowels as if beaten, as if they had been acted upon by purgatives ; bowels as though they were going to move ; as if something was in larynx ; as if throat was being squeezed ; chest as if constricted ; clavicles as if gone to sleep.
Pain : in back of head ; in face ; in stomach ; in stomach through to spine ; in back ; small of back and liver ; in kidneys ; in chest ; in bladder ; in os tinca ; in loins ; in vagina ; in larynx and trachea ; across chest ; between shoulders ; in left shoulder ; between scapula ; in left side ; in outer parts of chest ; in neck and shoulders ; in deltoid muscle ; in heels.
Intense pain : in arms.
Severe frontal headache.
Violent pains : in loins and abdomen ; in hip-joint.
Violent shooting : headache in left side.
Lancinating : in forehead ; when moving arm.
Tearing : from lambda to temporal bone ; at anus ; in deltoid, extending to elbow ; from shoulder-joint to upper arm ; from shoulder-joint into upper arm ; in arms ; in hip-joint ; in legs.
Shooting pains : in left hypochondriac region, in uterus ; in chest ; from shoulder-joint into upper arm ; downward in shoulder and arms ; in hip-joint ; in right instep.
Stitches : severe in both temples ; in ears ; in abdomen ; in chest.
Stitch-like jerks : in small of back ; to hips.
Stitching pain : between shoulders ; in chest ; into shoulder-blades ; in limbs.
Sticking pain : over left eye ; in head ; in uterus ; in chest.
Stinging : in head ; in eyes ; in chest ; in arms.
Pulsating pain : in head.
Beating : in back of head and neck, extending to sides and forehead ; of pulse in head.
Hammering : in temples ; in head.
Throbbing : in pit of stomach ; pain in top of head ; in brain ; in all arteries ; in limbs.
Boring : in left temple ; in chest ; in right shoulder ; from biceps to elbow.
Pinching : in right deltoid.
Sharp pains : in abdomen.
Labor-like pains : in abdomen.
Remitting pains : in lower limbs.
Fugitive pains : in chest.
Flying pains : in chest.
Darting : in deltoid, extending to elbow.
Neuralgia : in face ; neuralgic cardialgia in limbs.
Cramps : in calves ; in soles of feet and toes ; in limbs.
Cramping pain : in rectum.
Contractive cramp : in chest.
Cramp-like pains : in splenic region ; stomachache.
Constrictive pain : in region of heart.
Colicky pains : in abdomen.
Gnawing : at anus ; in left arm.
Burning pains : in eyes ; in sacrum.
Constant pains along back.
Aching pains : in eyes ; in throat ; below uterus ; upper part of sternum.
Paralytic pain from shoulder-joint to upper arm.
Ulcerative pain : of scalp ; in outer ear.
Pressing pain : in forehead ; in throat ; in forepart of head ; in stomach ; in head of humerus.
Dragging pain : in loins ; in pelvis ; in thigh.
Heavy pain : across upper part of chest.
Vomiting of ingesta as chill is coming on ; loose stool in early morning.
Frequent short attacks of shivering or shuddering.
Chilliness with trembling all over.
Chilly ; want of animal heat.
Chilliness, with headache in morning.
Chill with thirst ; headache ; hot, red face ; chilly all night.
Chilliness, with great thirst, preceded and succeeded by headache.
During chill face is glowing hot.
Chilly every evening ; hectic fever.
General coldness of body, hands and feet very cold.
General coldness in evening, in bed, often lasting all night.
Hands and feet cold and numb, chilly all over, not better by walking.
Feel very cold, toes cold as ice, fingers stiff.
Feet cold and numb all night, as after skating.
Chill, lessened after getting out of bed.
Chill better after eating.
Sensation of heat all over body, which is cold to touch, with sensation in face and around eyes, as if swollen and bloated.
Heat, with very red face and inclination to uncover.
Heat in body, with red cheeks, but head is free.
Head hot, feet cold.
Great heat of palms of hands and soles of feet.
Heat in stomach ( by eating), vomiting of ingesta.
Dry heat, worse towards evening ; inclination to uncover ; better by moving about, eating and speaking.
Heat, without thirst.
Fever, without chill, 3 to 8 P. M.
Heat abating when moving about.
Flushes over body as if perspiration would break out.
The perspiration is immediately preceded by headache.
Sweat profuse, long lasting and debilitating, by day at every motion, at night and morning in bed.
Sweat from early morning until noon, every other day, preceded by headache.
At times anxious cold sweat (with cramps of different parts).
Nausea during sweat.
Clammy, generally debilitating sweat.
Strong smelling night-sweat.
Sweat stains yellow, is fetid on going to sleep.
Viscid, exhausting sweats.
Sweat often confined to lower part of body.
Sweat lessened : while speaking ; after meals.
All the symptoms worse while sweating.
Cold perspiration with convulsions.
During apyrexia profound disturbance of digestive organs, fulness and pressure in stomach, regurgitation and vomiting of food, slimy or watery diarrhoea ; oppression of chest, tendency to mucorrhoea and hemorrhage, palpitation of heart, vertigo and headache, great paleness of lips and gums ; anemic murmur ; paroxysms not severe but protracted and irregular ; sweat profuse and debilitating ; type of fever easily changing ; marked swelling of spleen. θ Intermittent.
Prostration, debility and great loss of muscular power ; anemia ; oedema of feet and face, especially upper and lower eyelids ; headache ; vertigo ; swelling of cutaneous veins ; splenic region swollen and sore on pressure ; vomiting of everything eaten ; constipation or chronic diarrhoea with lienteria ; cadaverous, jaundiced complexion ; yellow spots on face ; very weak and tired, but always better walking slowly about ; cases maltreated by quinine. θ Intermittent.
Chill lasting one hour, 7 to 8 A. M., one day, and from 9 to 10 the next, first in feet, extending to back, worse right side ; nails blue ; very little thirst, nausea or pain ; slight temporal headache ; paroxysm preceded by one loose stool early in morning, and great nervousness ; ill-humor, scolds about everything and everybody ; fever lasts two hours, feet continuing cold some time after fever sets in ; sweat profuse and debilitating on falling asleep, but goes off suddenly on sitting up ; dreads sweat more than chill or fever ; nausea during sweat ; sleep restless and disturbed ; no appetite ; face sallow, light leather-color ; right cheek slightly swollen, though not sore ; weak, can only sit up a short time in evening. θ Intermittent.
Complete aphonia, great prostration, skin pale, puffiness about eyes, lips and gums colorless, anemic murmur, constant dyspnoea, oedema of feet, loss of appetite with pressure in stomach after least food, hard, difficult stool followed by cramping pains in rectum, lasting several hours, profuse, offensive smelling sweat on going to sleep ; cough ; spleen enlarged. θ Tertian intermittent.
Paroxysm every other day ; headache ; pressing in forehead, followed by violent chilliness, lasting three-quarters of an hour, with increased headache and much thirst, afterwards moderate heat and sweat ; bitter taste, loss of appetite, constipation, yellowish complexion ; great weakness ; moderate headache during apyrexia. θ Intermittent.
In afternoon violent chill for half an hour, then thirst, must go to bed, followed by heat with perspiration.
Intermittent fever after abuse of quinine ; congestion to head ; veins distended ; vomiting ingesta ; swelling of spleen ; anemia, masked by pseudo-plethora ; skin transparent when it is not earthy.
Intermittent fever of long duration and maltreated by quinine, where there is complete prostration with great anemia, face and lips pale, body cold, particularly extremities, digestion impaired, lassitude and weakness of whole musculature, and great emaciation, lungs affected, circulation disturbed and tendency to hemorrhages ; tuberculosis threatens.
Edematous swelling of body ; cool skin ; constant chilliness, evening fever, simulating hectic fever.
The skin becomes paler and paler ; well-marked black or dark purplish spots on skin. θ Intermittent.
Type : tertian ; morning chill ; afternoon fever.
Frequent short shuddering.
Periodical headaches.
Quarter of an hour ; headache in morning, grows.
During 20 minutes : headaches changing to pressive pain from within outward.
Three quarters of an hour : chilliness.
Stools followed for hours by cramping pain in rectum.
Chill lasting one hour from 7 to 8 A. M., one day, and from 8 to 10 the next.
Every morning from 10 to 11 : catarrhal asthma.
Every afternoon : chronic watery, painless diarrhoea.
Every evening : chilly.
Every other day, from early morning until noon ; sweat, preceded by headache ; paroxysm.
Every two or three days : menses intermit and then return.
Every two weeks : for a few days headache.
Every few weeks : scabs come out of nose or are coughed up.
Right : as if head would incline to side ; eye feels as though it would protrude ; ringing in ear ; tightness in hypochondriac region ; hardness and fulness on side of abdomen ; circumscribed redness of cheek ; neck and shoulder painful when lying on side ; flesh of arm and shoulder sore to touch ; pinching in deltoid ; boring in shoulder ; arm lame ; varicose veins inside of thigh ; pricking in instep ; chill worse right side ; cheek slightly swollen.
Left : sticking pain over eye ; hammering boring pain in temple ; shooting headache in side ; headache on side ; sudden pain over eye ; discharge from ear ; murmur in jugular vein ; sensation of lump in side of throat ; shooting pains in hypochondriac region ; heaviness in upper part of lung ; sore feeling below nipple ; pain in side ; omodynia in deltoid ; gnawing pain in arm ; paralytic tearing pain from shoulder-joint to upper arm ; varicose veins inside of thigh.
From within outward : headache.
Frequent short attacks of shivering or shuddering.
Chilliness with trembling all over.
Chilly ; want of animal heat.
Chilliness, with headache in morning.
Chill with thirst ; headache ; hot, red face ; chilly all night.
Chilliness, with great thirst, preceded and succeeded by headache.
During chill face is glowing hot.
Chilly every evening ; hectic fever.
General coldness of body, hands and feet very cold.
General coldness in evening, in bed, often lasting all night.
Hands and feet cold and numb, chilly all over, not better by walking.
Feel very cold, toes cold as ice, fingers stiff.
Feet cold and numb all night, as after skating.
Chill, lessened after getting out of bed.
Chill better after eating.
Sensation of heat all over body, which is cold to touch, with sensation in face and around eyes, as if swollen and bloated.
Heat, with very red face and inclination to uncover.
Heat in body, with red cheeks, but head is free.
Head hot, feet cold.
Great heat of palms of hands and soles of feet.
Heat in stomach ( by eating), vomiting of ingesta.
Dry heat, worse towards evening ; inclination to uncover ; better by moving about, eating and speaking.
Heat, without thirst.
Fever, without chill, 3 to 8 P. M.
Heat abating when moving about.
Flushes over body as if perspiration would break out.
The perspiration is immediately preceded by headache.
Sweat profuse, long lasting and debilitating, by day at every motion, at night and morning in bed.
Sweat from early morning until noon, every other day, preceded by headache.
At times anxious cold sweat (with cramps of different parts).
Nausea during sweat.
Clammy, generally debilitating sweat.
Strong smelling night-sweat.
Sweat stains yellow, is fetid on going to sleep.
Viscid, exhausting sweats.
Sweat often confined to lower part of body.
Sweat lessened : while speaking ; after meals.
All the symptoms worse while sweating.
Cold perspiration with convulsions.
During apyrexia profound disturbance of digestive organs, fulness and pressure in stomach, regurgitation and vomiting of food, slimy or watery diarrhoea ; oppression of chest, tendency to mucorrhoea and hemorrhage, palpitation of heart, vertigo and headache, great paleness of lips and gums ; anemic murmur ; paroxysms not severe but protracted and irregular ; sweat profuse and debilitating ; type of fever easily changing ; marked swelling of spleen. θ Intermittent.
Prostration, debility and great loss of muscular power ; anemia ; oedema of feet and face, especially upper and lower eyelids ; headache ; vertigo ; swelling of cutaneous veins ; splenic region swollen and sore on pressure ; vomiting of everything eaten ; constipation or chronic diarrhoea with lienteria ; cadaverous, jaundiced complexion ; yellow spots on face ; very weak and tired, but always better walking slowly about ; cases maltreated by quinine. θ Intermittent.
Chill lasting one hour, 7 to 8 A. M., one day, and from 9 to 10 the next, first in feet, extending to back, worse right side ; nails blue ; very little thirst, nausea or pain ; slight temporal headache ; paroxysm preceded by one loose stool early in morning, and great nervousness ; ill-humor, scolds about everything and everybody ; fever lasts two hours, feet continuing cold some time after fever sets in ; sweat profuse and debilitating on falling asleep, but goes off suddenly on sitting up ; dreads sweat more than chill or fever ; nausea during sweat ; sleep restless and disturbed ; no appetite ; face sallow, light leather-color ; right cheek slightly swollen, though not sore ; weak, can only sit up a short time in evening. θ Intermittent.
Complete aphonia, great prostration, skin pale, puffiness about eyes, lips and gums colorless, anemic murmur, constant dyspnoea, oedema of feet, loss of appetite with pressure in stomach after least food, hard, difficult stool followed by cramping pains in rectum, lasting several hours, profuse, offensive smelling sweat on going to sleep ; cough ; spleen enlarged. θ Tertian intermittent.
Paroxysm every other day ; headache ; pressing in forehead, followed by violent chilliness, lasting three-quarters of an hour, with increased headache and much thirst, afterwards moderate heat and sweat ; bitter taste, loss of appetite, constipation, yellowish complexion ; great weakness ; moderate headache during apyrexia. θ Intermittent.
In afternoon violent chill for half an hour, then thirst, must go to bed, followed by heat with perspiration.
Intermittent fever after abuse of quinine ; congestion to head ; veins distended ; vomiting ingesta ; swelling of spleen ; anemia, masked by pseudo-plethora ; skin transparent when it is not earthy.
Intermittent fever of long duration and maltreated by quinine, where there is complete prostration with great anemia, face and lips pale, body cold, particularly extremities, digestion impaired, lassitude and weakness of whole musculature, and great emaciation, lungs affected, circulation disturbed and tendency to hemorrhages ; tuberculosis threatens.
Edematous swelling of body ; cool skin ; constant chilliness, evening fever, simulating hectic fever.
The skin becomes paler and paler ; well-marked black or dark purplish spots on skin. θ Intermittent.
Type : tertian ; morning chill ; afternoon fever.
Frequent short shuddering.
Periodical headaches.
Quarter of an hour ; headache in morning, grows.
During 20 minutes : headaches changing to pressive pain from within outward.
Three quarters of an hour : chilliness.
Stools followed for hours by cramping pain in rectum.
Chill lasting one hour from 7 to 8 A. M., one day, and from 8 to 10 the next.
Every morning from 10 to 11 : catarrhal asthma.
Every afternoon : chronic watery, painless diarrhoea.
Every evening : chilly.
Every other day, from early morning until noon ; sweat, preceded by headache ; paroxysm.
Every two or three days : menses intermit and then return.
Every two weeks : for a few days headache.
Every few weeks : scabs come out of nose or are coughed up.
Right : as if head would incline to side ; eye feels as though it would protrude ; ringing in ear ; tightness in hypochondriac region ; hardness and fulness on side of abdomen ; circumscribed redness of cheek ; neck and shoulder painful when lying on side ; flesh of arm and shoulder sore to touch ; pinching in deltoid ; boring in shoulder ; arm lame ; varicose veins inside of thigh ; pricking in instep ; chill worse right side ; cheek slightly swollen.
Left : sticking pain over eye ; hammering boring pain in temple ; shooting headache in side ; headache on side ; sudden pain over eye ; discharge from ear ; murmur in jugular vein ; sensation of lump in side of throat ; shooting pains in hypochondriac region ; heaviness in upper part of lung ; sore feeling below nipple ; pain in side ; omodynia in deltoid ; gnawing pain in arm ; paralytic tearing pain from shoulder-joint to upper arm ; varicose veins inside of thigh.
From within outward : headache.
Dry skin. θ Pneumonia.
Skin pale, yellow, sallow, dirty, withered, flabby.
Burning sensation, with pain as if excoriated when touched.
Yellow-brown spots, sore to touch.
Inflammation and suppuration of dark hepatic spots.
Dirty brownish discoloration of skin.
Sharply defined black, or dark violet spots on skin.
Skin peels off on shoulders and left hand.
Scarlatina during desquamation.
Swelling of cutaneous veins.
Ulcers pale, oedematous.
Warts on fingers and backs of hands.
Skin pale, yellow, sallow, dirty, withered, flabby.
Burning sensation, with pain as if excoriated when touched.
Yellow-brown spots, sore to touch.
Inflammation and suppuration of dark hepatic spots.
Dirty brownish discoloration of skin.
Sharply defined black, or dark violet spots on skin.
Skin peels off on shoulders and left hand.
Scarlatina during desquamation.
Swelling of cutaneous veins.
Ulcers pale, oedematous.
Warts on fingers and backs of hands.
Тип пациента и конституция
Adapted to persons of sanguine, choleric temperament ; pettish, quarrelsome, disputative, easily excited, least contradiction angers ; women are weak, delicate, chlorotic, yet have a very red face.
Very weak and thin.
General hemorrhagic diathesis.
Dark hair.
Child, at. 2 1/2 years, marked lymphatic constitution ; diarrhoea.
Child, at. 3 ; enuresis diurna.
Boy, at. 14 years, of rapid growth, very pale and thin ; diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 15, not yet menstruated ; anemia.
Boy, at. 16 ; gonorrhoea.
Girl, at. 20 ; chlorosis.
Man, at. 24, sanguine, choleric temperament, after pneumonia ; phthisis.
Man, at. 24, light complexioned, strong, had intermittent fever of tertian type suppressed by quinine, and then reappeared as a quartan with marked symptoms of сinchonism.
Girl, at. 25 ; blonde, chlorosis.
Woman, at. 26, mother of two children, lymphatic constitution, phlegmatic temperament, after loss of much blood ; anemia.
Man, at. 27, tall, pale, while at work in factory receives constantly a slight blow in epigastric region ; hamoptysis.
Plump. strong, butcher’s widow, aged 28 ; anemia with migraine.
Mrs. в., at. 28, lymphatic temperament ; enuresis diurna.
Man, lively disposition, dark complexioned, after washing face in cold water while overheated ; neuralgia.
Man, at. 34 ; intermittent fever.
Man, at. 37 ; aphonia.
Man, at. 45, dyer, thin, muscular, choleric, dark complexion ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 53, after inflammation of liver ; pain and swelling of liver.
Adapted to persons of sanguine, choleric temperament ; pettish, quarrelsome, disputative, easily excited, least contradiction angers ; women are weak, delicate, chlorotic, yet have a very red face.
Very weak and thin.
General hemorrhagic diathesis.
Dark hair.
Child, at. 2 1/2 years, marked lymphatic constitution ; diarrhoea.
Child, at. 3 ; enuresis diurna.
Boy, at. 14 years, of rapid growth, very pale and thin ; diarrhoea.
Girl, at. 15, not yet menstruated ; anemia.
Boy, at. 16 ; gonorrhoea.
Girl, at. 20 ; chlorosis.
Man, at. 24, sanguine, choleric temperament, after pneumonia ; phthisis.
Man, at. 24, light complexioned, strong, had intermittent fever of tertian type suppressed by quinine, and then reappeared as a quartan with marked symptoms of сinchonism.
Girl, at. 25 ; blonde, chlorosis.
Woman, at. 26, mother of two children, lymphatic constitution, phlegmatic temperament, after loss of much blood ; anemia.
Man, at. 27, tall, pale, while at work in factory receives constantly a slight blow in epigastric region ; hamoptysis.
Plump. strong, butcher’s widow, aged 28 ; anemia with migraine.
Mrs. в., at. 28, lymphatic temperament ; enuresis diurna.
Man, lively disposition, dark complexioned, after washing face in cold water while overheated ; neuralgia.
Man, at. 34 ; intermittent fever.
Man, at. 37 ; aphonia.
Man, at. 45, dyer, thin, muscular, choleric, dark complexion ; rheumatism.
Woman, at. 53, after inflammation of liver ; pain and swelling of liver.
Диф. диагностика
Antidoted by : Arsen., сinchona, Hepar, Ipecac., Pulsat.
It antidotes : Arsen., сinchona, Iodium, Mercur., Prus. acid, tea, and alcoholic drinks.
Compatible : Aconite, Arnica, вellad., сinchona, сonium, Lycop., Mercur., Phosphor., Veratr.
Incompatible : Thea, beer.
Complimentary : to Alumina, сinchona.
Compare : вorax (vertigo when descending), Anacardium, Spongia (cough better after eating), Arsen., сinchona (intermittent fever), Phosphor. (cholerine), Selenium, Thuja (bad effects of tea).
It antidotes : Arsen., сinchona, Iodium, Mercur., Prus. acid, tea, and alcoholic drinks.
Compatible : Aconite, Arnica, вellad., сinchona, сonium, Lycop., Mercur., Phosphor., Veratr.
Incompatible : Thea, beer.
Complimentary : to Alumina, сinchona.
Compare : вorax (vertigo when descending), Anacardium, Spongia (cough better after eating), Arsen., сinchona (intermittent fever), Phosphor. (cholerine), Selenium, Thuja (bad effects of tea).
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