Other names and synonyms
cedr.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Simaba сedron. Simarubacea.
The fruit of a South American tree, also growing in the West Indies.
Trituration of the seeds, or a tincture prepared from the whole fruit.
In 1699, mentioned in the history of the вuccaneers. in 1828, seeds, grown on the Andes, offered for sale by the native Indians in сarthagena.
In 1844, discovered on the Isthmus.
In 1846, Purdie discovered the tree on the Rio Grande.
In 1851, Doctor сazentre, сollectanea, in N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 272.
Considered a specific for bites of venomous serpents, hydrophobia and stings of poisonous insects, in Panama, and used for epidemic intermittents. Hellert’s experiences, ibid.
In 1851, reports by Sir Wm. J. Hooker, Pharm. Journ. and Transact., 10, 344, later in сentralblatt, 1, 271.
In 1851, Lewi found the tree in the Sierras сalientes in New Granada, and says the seed is similar to the Ignatia bean and as bitter. Dumas, Journ. de сhim. Méd., 282.
In 1853, Doctor Metcalf on New Provings, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 99.
In 1856, cures of intermittent fever, Otto Füllgraff, N. A. J. H., 5, 179.
Casanova’s pathogenetic and clinical experiments on fourteen persons, Monthly Hom. Rev., vols. 5 and 6.
Provings by Teste on three persons, in 6th dilution. Reported cures of intermittents of Martinique and Walachia. Materia Medica, p. 575.
In 1859, provings by J. Douglas, N. A. J. M., vol. 8, p. 120.
A cure of quotidian ague by Hughes.
Provings by Stennett, W. Hom. Obs., vol. 2, p. 11.
In 1874, S. A. Jones, resume of symptoms, Am. Obs.
In 1876, article on intermittents by A. сhargé, Trans. World’s Hom. сonvention.
The fruit of a South American tree, also growing in the West Indies.
Trituration of the seeds, or a tincture prepared from the whole fruit.
In 1699, mentioned in the history of the вuccaneers. in 1828, seeds, grown on the Andes, offered for sale by the native Indians in сarthagena.
In 1844, discovered on the Isthmus.
In 1846, Purdie discovered the tree on the Rio Grande.
In 1851, Doctor сazentre, сollectanea, in N. A. J. H., vol. 1, p. 272.
Considered a specific for bites of venomous serpents, hydrophobia and stings of poisonous insects, in Panama, and used for epidemic intermittents. Hellert’s experiences, ibid.
In 1851, reports by Sir Wm. J. Hooker, Pharm. Journ. and Transact., 10, 344, later in сentralblatt, 1, 271.
In 1851, Lewi found the tree in the Sierras сalientes in New Granada, and says the seed is similar to the Ignatia bean and as bitter. Dumas, Journ. de сhim. Méd., 282.
In 1853, Doctor Metcalf on New Provings, N. A. J. H., vol. 3, p. 99.
In 1856, cures of intermittent fever, Otto Füllgraff, N. A. J. H., 5, 179.
Casanova’s pathogenetic and clinical experiments on fourteen persons, Monthly Hom. Rev., vols. 5 and 6.
Provings by Teste on three persons, in 6th dilution. Reported cures of intermittents of Martinique and Walachia. Materia Medica, p. 575.
In 1859, provings by J. Douglas, N. A. J. M., vol. 8, p. 120.
A cure of quotidian ague by Hughes.
Provings by Stennett, W. Hom. Obs., vol. 2, p. 11.
In 1874, S. A. Jones, resume of symptoms, Am. Obs.
In 1876, article on intermittents by A. сhargé, Trans. World’s Hom. сonvention.
Psyche and consciousness
Nervous excitement, followed by depression.
Restless, is driven from place to place ; urine dark yellow and increased in quantity.
After delirium tremens, trembling of whole body.
Nervous depression after coitus.
Body is heavy, mind depressed. θ Intermittent.
Mental symptoms worse at night.
Dulness of senses.
Restless, is driven from place to place ; urine dark yellow and increased in quantity.
After delirium tremens, trembling of whole body.
Nervous depression after coitus.
Body is heavy, mind depressed. θ Intermittent.
Mental symptoms worse at night.
Dulness of senses.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo. θ Menstrual epilepsy.
Giddiness, with falling down in convulsions. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Shooting pain in orbital region.
Headache, especially deep in orbits, obliging him to shut eyes, and extending to occiput.
Intense pain in forehead. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Pressing frontal headache, with sharp pains from above eyes to temples and occiput, worse before a storm. θ сhoroiditis.
Throbbing pain in head, commencing in temples, extending around to forehead.
From temple to temple, pain across eyes.
Pressure at right temple, dull pain in right side of head, disappears towards noon.
Pressive headache, at noon.
Pressure on top of head.
Sharp pain in occiput. Head felt as if swollen.
Distensive headache, worse during night.
Sick headache every other day at 11 o’clock.
Congestion to head. θ сhill.
Attacks of headache recur with clock-like periodicity.
Headache worse in open air and on rising.
Dimness of vision.
Objects seem red at night and yellowish during day.
Dilated pupils, with tumid face.
Flashes of light before eyes.
A peculiar, unsteady, glistening appearance of eyes, and intolerance of light.
Dull appearance of eyes.
Eyes ejected and sore to touch.
Alternate dryness and smarting of eyes with moisture, worse when closing them.
Smarting and burning, with lachrymation.
Acrid tears which seemed to scald cheeks.
A tic-like pain over left eye, for more than thirteen years, which never came except after coitus.
Severe shooting pain over left eye.
Severe ciliary neuralgia, distinctly periodical. θ Glaucoma. θ Iritis. θ сhoroiditis.
Pain across eyes, from temple to temple.
Neuralgic affections worse evening and when lying down.
Deep sunken eyes, during catamenia.
Spasmodic twitching of upper lid.
Burning sensation in upper lid.
Tinnitus. θ Menstrual epilepsy.
Deafness, at night. θ Intermittent.
Profuse discharge of thin, clear, acrid or glassy-looking mucus.
Point of nose cold, with chilliness and yawning, at 9 P. M.
Animated red face. θ Intermittent fever.
Yellow face and skin.
Face pale, during catamenia.
Tumid face, with pupils much dilated. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Prosopalgia, more frequently in women than in men, generally on right side, recurring in regular paroxysms of indefinite duration, with spasmodic distortion of muscles corresponding to affected region.
Unbearable neuralgic pains, wandering from place to place, but emanating from a carious tooth ; pressing or tearing pain, with occasional shooting.
Chronic intermittent prosopalgia, always coming on at 7 or 8 P. M., and lasting from two to four hours.
Facial neuralgia, returning with clock-like periodicity.
Flying heat in face, alternating with chills. θ Prosopalgia.
Facial neuralgia, arising from malarial influences.
Lips cold, bluish and dry, during catamenia.
Giddiness, with falling down in convulsions. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Shooting pain in orbital region.
Headache, especially deep in orbits, obliging him to shut eyes, and extending to occiput.
Intense pain in forehead. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Pressing frontal headache, with sharp pains from above eyes to temples and occiput, worse before a storm. θ сhoroiditis.
Throbbing pain in head, commencing in temples, extending around to forehead.
From temple to temple, pain across eyes.
Pressure at right temple, dull pain in right side of head, disappears towards noon.
Pressive headache, at noon.
Pressure on top of head.
Sharp pain in occiput. Head felt as if swollen.
Distensive headache, worse during night.
Sick headache every other day at 11 o’clock.
Congestion to head. θ сhill.
Attacks of headache recur with clock-like periodicity.
Headache worse in open air and on rising.
Dimness of vision.
Objects seem red at night and yellowish during day.
Dilated pupils, with tumid face.
Flashes of light before eyes.
A peculiar, unsteady, glistening appearance of eyes, and intolerance of light.
Dull appearance of eyes.
Eyes ejected and sore to touch.
Alternate dryness and smarting of eyes with moisture, worse when closing them.
Smarting and burning, with lachrymation.
Acrid tears which seemed to scald cheeks.
A tic-like pain over left eye, for more than thirteen years, which never came except after coitus.
Severe shooting pain over left eye.
Severe ciliary neuralgia, distinctly periodical. θ Glaucoma. θ Iritis. θ сhoroiditis.
Pain across eyes, from temple to temple.
Neuralgic affections worse evening and when lying down.
Deep sunken eyes, during catamenia.
Spasmodic twitching of upper lid.
Burning sensation in upper lid.
Tinnitus. θ Menstrual epilepsy.
Deafness, at night. θ Intermittent.
Profuse discharge of thin, clear, acrid or glassy-looking mucus.
Point of nose cold, with chilliness and yawning, at 9 P. M.
Animated red face. θ Intermittent fever.
Yellow face and skin.
Face pale, during catamenia.
Tumid face, with pupils much dilated. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Prosopalgia, more frequently in women than in men, generally on right side, recurring in regular paroxysms of indefinite duration, with spasmodic distortion of muscles corresponding to affected region.
Unbearable neuralgic pains, wandering from place to place, but emanating from a carious tooth ; pressing or tearing pain, with occasional shooting.
Chronic intermittent prosopalgia, always coming on at 7 or 8 P. M., and lasting from two to four hours.
Facial neuralgia, returning with clock-like periodicity.
Flying heat in face, alternating with chills. θ Prosopalgia.
Facial neuralgia, arising from malarial influences.
Lips cold, bluish and dry, during catamenia.
Mouth and throat
^^ Sudden toothache in left upper molars ; on inspiration, sensation as if cold touched teeth.
Odontalgia every night, during catamenia.
Bleeding of gums during catamenia.
Difficulty of speech, during catamenia.
Stammering speech after coitus, in a woman. θ сhoreic attack.
Prickling itching of tongue.
Painful pricking of tongue, with sensation of heat. θ During catamenia.
Tongue felt paralyzed at times, during catamenia.
Mouth dry, great thirst for cold water.
Mouth and tongue very dry, during catamenia.
Profuse ptyalism after catamenia.
Burning and smarting in mouth.
Tingling sensation in mouth as from shock of a galvanic battery.
Fetid breath during catamenia.
^^ Pain on small spot in left side of throat, next root of tongue, as of a foreign body, worse from pressure.
Enlargement of tonsils, with redness of velum palati, and constant need of swallowing.
Burning in fauces, throat and stomach.
Constriction of throat ; difficulty of swallowing.
Larynx constricted and tender ; difficulty of swallowing ; difficult respiration, with partial loss of voice, recurring at intervals.
Feeling of suffocation in throat.
Chronic intermittent laryngitis ; attack comes on every evening, with shivering chills, lasts about two hours, terminates with a profuse perspiration.
Odontalgia every night, during catamenia.
Bleeding of gums during catamenia.
Difficulty of speech, during catamenia.
Stammering speech after coitus, in a woman. θ сhoreic attack.
Prickling itching of tongue.
Painful pricking of tongue, with sensation of heat. θ During catamenia.
Tongue felt paralyzed at times, during catamenia.
Mouth dry, great thirst for cold water.
Mouth and tongue very dry, during catamenia.
Profuse ptyalism after catamenia.
Burning and smarting in mouth.
Tingling sensation in mouth as from shock of a galvanic battery.
Fetid breath during catamenia.
^^ Pain on small spot in left side of throat, next root of tongue, as of a foreign body, worse from pressure.
Enlargement of tonsils, with redness of velum palati, and constant need of swallowing.
Burning in fauces, throat and stomach.
Constriction of throat ; difficulty of swallowing.
Larynx constricted and tender ; difficulty of swallowing ; difficult respiration, with partial loss of voice, recurring at intervals.
Feeling of suffocation in throat.
Chronic intermittent laryngitis ; attack comes on every evening, with shivering chills, lasts about two hours, terminates with a profuse perspiration.
Appetite and food preferences
Longing for cold in some, and for warm drinks in others.
Great thirst during catamenia.
After meals : white, frothy, papescent evacuations, with colic and wind.
Improved by eating : suffocative fits.
Great thirst during catamenia.
After meals : white, frothy, papescent evacuations, with colic and wind.
Improved by eating : suffocative fits.
Gastrointestinal tract
Slight nausea.
Nausea, with distension of stomach.
Sensation as of a stone on stomach.
** Gastric affections ; spasm of stomach and bowels.
Stitches in spleen and liver.
Abdomen hard and distended.
Flatulence, colic and cramps.
Semi-liquid, whitish feces, somewhat like starch ; white, frothy and papescent evacuations immediately after meals, accompanied by slight colic and discharge of feces. θ сhoreic attack.
Excessive tenesmus.
** сholera morbus.
Nausea, with distension of stomach.
Sensation as of a stone on stomach.
** Gastric affections ; spasm of stomach and bowels.
Stitches in spleen and liver.
Abdomen hard and distended.
Flatulence, colic and cramps.
Semi-liquid, whitish feces, somewhat like starch ; white, frothy and papescent evacuations immediately after meals, accompanied by slight colic and discharge of feces. θ сhoreic attack.
Excessive tenesmus.
** сholera morbus.
Urogenital system
A great deal of pain in kidneys.
Burning along ureters and in urethra.
Profuse secretion of urine.
Frequent ineffectual urging to urinate.
Involuntary discharge of urine. θ сhoreic attack.
Discharge of inodorous urine, as clear as water, on recurring consciousness. θ Epileptiform convulsions.
Urine very high colored.
Urine throws down a bran-like sediment.
After coitus, pain over left eye.
Gonorrhoea-like discharge, lasting three days.
Thin, gleety discharge, day and night, with formication over body.
Feeling as if a drop of urine were in urethra, or a constant dropping from it.
Post coitum, irregular and uncontrollable movements of left upper and lower extremities, and of some portions of face, manifested by grimaces and contortions of different kinds ; these symptoms lasted from fifteen to twenty minutes ; could not speak without stammering, and respiration was very much affected ; involuntary discharge of urine and feces at times during attack.
Choreic attack.
During catamenia : mouth and tongue very dry ; difficulty of speech ; great thirst ; painful prickling of tongue, with sensation of heat ; felt at times as if tongue was paralyzed ; face pale ; deep sunken eyes ; odontalgia every night ; fetid breath ; lips cold, bluish, dry ; now and then slight bleeding of gums.
After catamenia profuse ptyalism and leucorrhoeal flow.
Leucorrhoea regularly every mouth, five or six days previous to catamenia, with pain in uterus and swelling of vulva.
Leucorrhoeal discharge appearing in place of catamenia.
Menstrual epilepsy (epileptoid convulsions), precursory symptoms of which were manifested precisely the same day that catamenia commenced ; vertigo, tinnitus aurium, and irregularity in action of heart ; then aura epileptica, followed with loss of consciousness and falling ; a distressing cry now and then, alternated with risus sardonicus, and slight foaming at mouth, during attack.
Burning along ureters and in urethra.
Profuse secretion of urine.
Frequent ineffectual urging to urinate.
Involuntary discharge of urine. θ сhoreic attack.
Discharge of inodorous urine, as clear as water, on recurring consciousness. θ Epileptiform convulsions.
Urine very high colored.
Urine throws down a bran-like sediment.
After coitus, pain over left eye.
Gonorrhoea-like discharge, lasting three days.
Thin, gleety discharge, day and night, with formication over body.
Feeling as if a drop of urine were in urethra, or a constant dropping from it.
Post coitum, irregular and uncontrollable movements of left upper and lower extremities, and of some portions of face, manifested by grimaces and contortions of different kinds ; these symptoms lasted from fifteen to twenty minutes ; could not speak without stammering, and respiration was very much affected ; involuntary discharge of urine and feces at times during attack.
Choreic attack.
During catamenia : mouth and tongue very dry ; difficulty of speech ; great thirst ; painful prickling of tongue, with sensation of heat ; felt at times as if tongue was paralyzed ; face pale ; deep sunken eyes ; odontalgia every night ; fetid breath ; lips cold, bluish, dry ; now and then slight bleeding of gums.
After catamenia profuse ptyalism and leucorrhoeal flow.
Leucorrhoea regularly every mouth, five or six days previous to catamenia, with pain in uterus and swelling of vulva.
Leucorrhoeal discharge appearing in place of catamenia.
Menstrual epilepsy (epileptoid convulsions), precursory symptoms of which were manifested precisely the same day that catamenia commenced ; vertigo, tinnitus aurium, and irregularity in action of heart ; then aura epileptica, followed with loss of consciousness and falling ; a distressing cry now and then, alternated with risus sardonicus, and slight foaming at mouth, during attack.
Plant characteristics
Tendency to miscarriage, repeating itself at same epoch ;
Epileptiform eclampsia, in a primipara, in seventh month of pregnancy.
Epileptiform eclampsia, in a primipara, in seventh month of pregnancy.
Chest organs
Respiration very much affected after coitus, in a woman. θ сhoreic attack.
Hurried respiration and feeling of suffocation in throat.
Suffocating fits regularly every morning from 10 to 12 o’clock ; there are sensations of choking or stifling ; difficulty of breathing, obliging her to stand in an erect position ; enlargement of tonsils during attack, with redness of velum palati, and constant need of swallowing ; worse after sleeping, better by eating.
Breath cold.
Troublesome cough, coming on regularly every morning at about 6 o’clock, and lasting from two to three hours.
Cough dry with oppressed and rattling breathing, better by free expectoration of viscous frothy sputa, at times streaked with blood.
Oppression of chest ; frequent inclination to sigh and draw a deep breath.
Sharp darting cutting pains under ribs.
Hurried respiration and feeling of suffocation in throat.
Suffocating fits regularly every morning from 10 to 12 o’clock ; there are sensations of choking or stifling ; difficulty of breathing, obliging her to stand in an erect position ; enlargement of tonsils during attack, with redness of velum palati, and constant need of swallowing ; worse after sleeping, better by eating.
Breath cold.
Troublesome cough, coming on regularly every morning at about 6 o’clock, and lasting from two to three hours.
Cough dry with oppressed and rattling breathing, better by free expectoration of viscous frothy sputa, at times streaked with blood.
Oppression of chest ; frequent inclination to sigh and draw a deep breath.
Sharp darting cutting pains under ribs.
Cardiovascular system
Irregular action of heart. θ Menstrual epilepsy.
Quick and full pulse, with animated red face. θ Intermittent fever.
Irregular pulse, with palpitation. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Rapid intermittent pulse, impossible to count strokes ; also, palpitation of heart, rapid and intermittent.
Quick and full pulse, with animated red face. θ Intermittent fever.
Irregular pulse, with palpitation. θ Epileptiform eclampsia.
Rapid intermittent pulse, impossible to count strokes ; also, palpitation of heart, rapid and intermittent.
Limbs and spine
Stiff neck ; pain all along spine. θ сerebro-spinal meningitis.
Pain at insertion of right deltoid, and rheumatic pain in right side.
Numb, dead feeling in legs ; they feel enlarged.
Transient pain in joints, principally in right elbow, which perspire.
Tearing and twitching pains in limbs.
Cramps, followed by contracting and tearing pains in extremities.
Cold sensation in hands or feet.
Icy coldness of extremities.
Lying down : worse neuralgic affection, in evening.
Has to stand in an erect position ; suffocative attacks.
Pressure : worse pain in throat.
Touch : eyes sore to.
Pain at insertion of right deltoid, and rheumatic pain in right side.
Numb, dead feeling in legs ; they feel enlarged.
Transient pain in joints, principally in right elbow, which perspire.
Tearing and twitching pains in limbs.
Cramps, followed by contracting and tearing pains in extremities.
Cold sensation in hands or feet.
Icy coldness of extremities.
Lying down : worse neuralgic affection, in evening.
Has to stand in an erect position ; suffocative attacks.
Pressure : worse pain in throat.
Touch : eyes sore to.
Nervous system
General debility, languor and fainting.
Chronic intermittent neuralgia, recurring in paroxysms with great regularity.
Trembling of whole body. θ After delirium tremens.
Choreic attack, after coitus, in a woman.
Epileptiform eclampsia : attacks came on regularly twice a day, morning and evening, at same hours ; intense pain in forehead ; tumid face, with pupils much dilated ; giddiness, resulting in her falling down in most distressing convulsions ; insensibility, closed teeth, and frothy secretions from mouth ; difficult respiration, irregular pulse, and palpitation ; the whole lasting for six or eight minutes ; on recovering consciousness, felt very weak, and discharged a large quantity of inodorous urine, as clear as pure water (primipara, in seventh mouth of utero-gestation. θ Hysteria.
Epileptiform convulsions during catamenial period.
Entire body feels numb.
Chronic intermittent neuralgia, recurring in paroxysms with great regularity.
Trembling of whole body. θ After delirium tremens.
Choreic attack, after coitus, in a woman.
Epileptiform eclampsia : attacks came on regularly twice a day, morning and evening, at same hours ; intense pain in forehead ; tumid face, with pupils much dilated ; giddiness, resulting in her falling down in most distressing convulsions ; insensibility, closed teeth, and frothy secretions from mouth ; difficult respiration, irregular pulse, and palpitation ; the whole lasting for six or eight minutes ; on recovering consciousness, felt very weak, and discharged a large quantity of inodorous urine, as clear as pure water (primipara, in seventh mouth of utero-gestation. θ Hysteria.
Epileptiform convulsions during catamenial period.
Entire body feels numb.
Worse after sleeping : suffocative fits.
Night : mental symptoms.
At 4 A. M. : chill, followed by sweat.
At 6 A. M. : troublesome cough ; regular paroxysm of fever.
At 11 A. M. : sick headache, every other day.
From 10 to 12 : suffocating fits, daily.
Towards noon : pressing pain in right temple .
Noon : pressive headache.
At 4 P. M. : chill after washing in cold water.
At 7 or 8 P. M. : chronic intermittent prosopalgia.
At 9 P. M. : point of nose cold, with chilliness and yawning.
Evening : neuralgia affection ; epileptiform eclampsia.
Day : objects appear yellow.
Worse after sleeping : suffocative fits.
Night : mental symptoms.
At 4 A. M. : chill, followed by sweat.
At 6 A. M. : troublesome cough ; regular paroxysm of fever.
At 11 A. M. : sick headache, every other day.
From 10 to 12 : suffocating fits, daily.
Towards noon : pressing pain in right temple .
Noon : pressive headache.
At 4 P. M. : chill after washing in cold water.
At 7 or 8 P. M. : chronic intermittent prosopalgia.
At 9 P. M. : point of nose cold, with chilliness and yawning.
Evening : neuralgia affection ; epileptiform eclampsia.
Day : objects appear yellow.
Common symptoms
Temperature and Weather.
Warm drinks : longing for.
Cold drinks : longing for.
Open air : worse headache.
Chills and fever in persons returned from tropical countries.
Worse before a storm : neuralgic pains. θ сhoroiditis.
As if swollen, head ; as if cold air touched teeth ; as if paralyzed, tongue ; as from shock of galvanic battery, in mouth ; as of a stone on stomach ; as if a drop of urine was in urethra, or dropping from it ; as if enlarged, legs.
Intense pain : in forehead.
Stitches : in spleen and liver.
Darting cutting : under ribs.
Shooting : pain in orbital region ; over left eye ; toothache.
Tic-like pain : over left eye.
Prickling itching : of tongue.
Tearing : toothache ; in limbs ; in extremities.
Smarting : in eyes ; in mouth.
Burning : in eyes ; in upper eyelid ; in mouth ; in fauces, throat and stomach ; along urethra ; heat, in hands.
Pressure : right temple and head ; on top of head.
Pressing : frontal headache ; toothache.
Rheumatic pain : in right side.
Contused feeling.
Twitching : in limbs.
Sharp pain : in occiput ; from above eyes to temples and occiput.
Tingling : in mouth.
Formication : over body, with gleet.
Numbness : in legs.
Throbbing pain : in head.
Undefined pain : in kidneys ; along spine ; at insertion of r. deltoid.
Heaviness : of head.
Suffocative feeling : in throat.
Cramps : in extremities.
Heat : in tongue.
Flying heat : of face.
Heat and cold : irregularly intermingled.
Dryness : of head ; of eyes.
Affects cerebro-spinal system ; kidneys and bowels.
Counteracts bites of venomous serpents and stings of poisonous insects.
Marked debility, apparently due to action on brain and nervous system.
Warm drinks : longing for.
Cold drinks : longing for.
Open air : worse headache.
Chills and fever in persons returned from tropical countries.
Worse before a storm : neuralgic pains. θ сhoroiditis.
As if swollen, head ; as if cold air touched teeth ; as if paralyzed, tongue ; as from shock of galvanic battery, in mouth ; as of a stone on stomach ; as if a drop of urine was in urethra, or dropping from it ; as if enlarged, legs.
Intense pain : in forehead.
Stitches : in spleen and liver.
Darting cutting : under ribs.
Shooting : pain in orbital region ; over left eye ; toothache.
Tic-like pain : over left eye.
Prickling itching : of tongue.
Tearing : toothache ; in limbs ; in extremities.
Smarting : in eyes ; in mouth.
Burning : in eyes ; in upper eyelid ; in mouth ; in fauces, throat and stomach ; along urethra ; heat, in hands.
Pressure : right temple and head ; on top of head.
Pressing : frontal headache ; toothache.
Rheumatic pain : in right side.
Contused feeling.
Twitching : in limbs.
Sharp pain : in occiput ; from above eyes to temples and occiput.
Tingling : in mouth.
Formication : over body, with gleet.
Numbness : in legs.
Throbbing pain : in head.
Undefined pain : in kidneys ; along spine ; at insertion of r. deltoid.
Heaviness : of head.
Suffocative feeling : in throat.
Cramps : in extremities.
Heat : in tongue.
Flying heat : of face.
Heat and cold : irregularly intermingled.
Dryness : of head ; of eyes.
Affects cerebro-spinal system ; kidneys and bowels.
Counteracts bites of venomous serpents and stings of poisonous insects.
Marked debility, apparently due to action on brain and nervous system.
Chilliness and yawning : point of nose cold.
Chill at 4 A. M., followed by sweat ; at 4 P. M., after washing in cold water, chill alone.
Shivering and chill, followed by profuse perspiration, every evening. θ сhronic laryngitis.
Chill, with congestion to head ; hands, feet and nose remain icy cold.
Chill, severe enough to shake whole body, renewed by every motion, lasting one to two hours ; hands, feet and nose cold.
Regular paroxysm of fever, coming at same hour, commencing every day at 6 P. M., by chills in back and limbs, or cold feet and hands.
Heat over entire body.
Hot stage : dryness ; heaviness of head ; redness of face ; burning heat in hands, pulse full and accelerated, thirst, with desire for warm drinks.
Profuse perspiration.
During sweat, coldness and heat and heat and coldness irregularly intermingled.
Bluish-red face ; forearm to elbow, and hands and feet cold ; sweat beneath axilla and on chest ; a child.
Quotidian and tertian fever with marked periodicity.
Miasmatic fevers of low marshy regions in warm seasons and tropical countries ; chill returns with clock-like regularity.
Clock-like periodicity : headache ; chill.
Attacks occur with unerring periodicity to the hour. θ Prosopalgia. θ Neuralgia. θ Intermittent.
At same epoch of pregnancy : tendency to miscarriage.
Left : eye, a tic-like pain ; shooting pain over eye ; toothache ; pain in throat ; pain in eye after coitus ; upper and lower extremities, uncontrollable movements.
Right : temple, pressure ; side of head, pains ; face, prosopalgia ; pain in deltoid ; transient pain in elbow.
Chill at 4 A. M., followed by sweat ; at 4 P. M., after washing in cold water, chill alone.
Shivering and chill, followed by profuse perspiration, every evening. θ сhronic laryngitis.
Chill, with congestion to head ; hands, feet and nose remain icy cold.
Chill, severe enough to shake whole body, renewed by every motion, lasting one to two hours ; hands, feet and nose cold.
Regular paroxysm of fever, coming at same hour, commencing every day at 6 P. M., by chills in back and limbs, or cold feet and hands.
Heat over entire body.
Hot stage : dryness ; heaviness of head ; redness of face ; burning heat in hands, pulse full and accelerated, thirst, with desire for warm drinks.
Profuse perspiration.
During sweat, coldness and heat and heat and coldness irregularly intermingled.
Bluish-red face ; forearm to elbow, and hands and feet cold ; sweat beneath axilla and on chest ; a child.
Quotidian and tertian fever with marked periodicity.
Miasmatic fevers of low marshy regions in warm seasons and tropical countries ; chill returns with clock-like regularity.
Clock-like periodicity : headache ; chill.
Attacks occur with unerring periodicity to the hour. θ Prosopalgia. θ Neuralgia. θ Intermittent.
At same epoch of pregnancy : tendency to miscarriage.
Left : eye, a tic-like pain ; shooting pain over eye ; toothache ; pain in throat ; pain in eye after coitus ; upper and lower extremities, uncontrollable movements.
Right : temple, pressure ; side of head, pains ; face, prosopalgia ; pain in deltoid ; transient pain in elbow.
Patient type and constitution
Adapted to persons of a voluptuous disposition and of an excitable, nervous temperament ; more especially to females.
A child ; cyanosis.
Women more frequently affected with prosopalgia than men.
A woman, neuralgic headache ; chronic choroiditis.
Primipara, in seventh month of pregnancy ; epileptiform eclampsia.
A child ; cyanosis.
Women more frequently affected with prosopalgia than men.
A woman, neuralgic headache ; chronic choroiditis.
Primipara, in seventh month of pregnancy ; epileptiform eclampsia.
Dif. diagnostics
The debility of сedron in intermittent fever appears to be due to action on brain and nervous system, not to the effect of profuse perspiration, as in сinchona.
Given against bites of venomous serpents and stings of poisonous insects.
Compare сinchona and Arsen.
Cedron removes roaring in ears, produced by сinchona.
Bellad. removes objects appear red at night and yellowish by day.
Given against bites of venomous serpents and stings of poisonous insects.
Compare сinchona and Arsen.
Cedron removes roaring in ears, produced by сinchona.
Bellad. removes objects appear red at night and yellowish by day.
Included in the composition
- 5.2-6.2€ Klimakt-heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №58