Other names and synonyms
lycps.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Bugle Weed. Labiata.
This plant, sometimes called Virginia Hoarhound, grows in shady and wet places throughout the United States. The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant in flower.
Provings by сhandler (Hale’s New Rem.), tincture and first dilution, Morison (Mon. Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 737), tincture and 200th dilution, three provings ; produced considerable action upon the heart ; took sphygmographic tracings (Mon. Hom. Rev., vol. 18, p. 620).
This plant, sometimes called Virginia Hoarhound, grows in shady and wet places throughout the United States. The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant in flower.
Provings by сhandler (Hale’s New Rem.), tincture and first dilution, Morison (Mon. Hom. Rev., vol. 16, p. 737), tincture and 200th dilution, three provings ; produced considerable action upon the heart ; took sphygmographic tracings (Mon. Hom. Rev., vol. 18, p. 620).
- Diabetes, Gerald, N. A. J. H., vol. 27, p. 239 ; Ray, Hale’s Therap., p. 406, Incipient phthisis, Hale, Hale’s Therap., p. 402 ; Palpitation of heart, сhamberlain, Times Retros., vol. 3, p. 31 ; Heart disease, сummings, в. J. H., vol. 34, p. 388 ; Exophthalmus, Morrison, Hale’s Therap., p. 404 ; сardiac irritability, Hale, Hale’s Therap., pp. 403-4 ; Typho-malarial fever, Kent, Hom. Phys., vol. 4, p. 257 ; Verification of symptom 179 in Allen’s Encyclopedia, Reed, Trans. Hom. Medorrhinum Soc. Pa., 1883, p. 306.
Psyche and consciousness
Increased mental and physical activity in evening.
Stupid, with lack of expression during menstrual flow.
Mind wanders from one thing to another.
General wakefulness and morbid vigilance.
Slight obtusion of intellect, with dull aching through sinciput ; increased power of concentration.
Vertigo ; tends to stagger to right.
Stupid, with lack of expression during menstrual flow.
Mind wanders from one thing to another.
General wakefulness and morbid vigilance.
Slight obtusion of intellect, with dull aching through sinciput ; increased power of concentration.
Vertigo ; tends to stagger to right.
Head, face, and ears
Pressure in forehead, worse in left portion.
Dull aching in sinciput, slight obtusion of intellect.
Aching in frontal eminences, left to right, worse left.
Pain in forehead and temple, better by nausea.
Headaches. Frontal then occipital ; over eyes and frontal eminences - pains aching, pressive, pressing out, congestive ; often succeeded by labored heart and cardiac depression ; accompanied by intellectual obtuseness.
Eyes feel weak, as if system was overfatigued.
Eyes feel full and heavy ; pressing outward, with pressure in front of head.
Dull pain in left supraorbital region.
Neuralgic pain in right supraorbital region and left testicle.
Protrusion of eyes, with tumultuous action of heart ; exophthalmic goitre. θ Morbus вasedowii.
Dull aching in sinciput, slight obtusion of intellect.
Aching in frontal eminences, left to right, worse left.
Pain in forehead and temple, better by nausea.
Headaches. Frontal then occipital ; over eyes and frontal eminences - pains aching, pressive, pressing out, congestive ; often succeeded by labored heart and cardiac depression ; accompanied by intellectual obtuseness.
Eyes feel weak, as if system was overfatigued.
Eyes feel full and heavy ; pressing outward, with pressure in front of head.
Dull pain in left supraorbital region.
Neuralgic pain in right supraorbital region and left testicle.
Protrusion of eyes, with tumultuous action of heart ; exophthalmic goitre. θ Morbus вasedowii.
Mouth and throat
Toothache in right lower molars, then subacute pain, first in left then in right frontal eminence, in right molar, then right temple, then left molar, then left temple, again to right molar, then to loins, with frontal oppression.
Rawness at back of palate, right side, extending to left.
Burning in spot in soft palate, following headache.
Constriction in larynx, 7 P. M.
Rawness at back of palate, right side, extending to left.
Burning in spot in soft palate, following headache.
Constriction in larynx, 7 P. M.
Gastrointestinal tract
Nausea from back of fauces, better by eructations that taste of tea and drug ; succeeded by persistent giddiness while sitting, and staggering while walking.
Nausea and faintness.
Circumscribed pain and compression in region of stomach.
Indigestion, with pain and distress in epigastric region.
Gastritis ; enteritis ; diarrhoea ; dysentery.
Lugging pain in spleen.
Tenderness in left hypochondrium.
Flatulence and rumbling.
Aching in inguinal canal, worse walking, better from upward pressure ; with pain in testicles ; bearing down as from hernia.
Severe colic, followed by profuse forcible diarrhoea ; stools shining, dark brown, offensive ; tenesmus with first part of semi solid movements.
Increased action of bowels, aggravated by diarrheic symptoms ; could have a passage at any time, but sphincter is under perfect control.
Diarrhoea in jaundice, from weakened heart.
Diarrhoea with griping and rumbling. θ Phthisis.
Constipation lasting six or seven days, stools dry and clog-like.
Nausea and faintness.
Circumscribed pain and compression in region of stomach.
Indigestion, with pain and distress in epigastric region.
Gastritis ; enteritis ; diarrhoea ; dysentery.
Lugging pain in spleen.
Tenderness in left hypochondrium.
Flatulence and rumbling.
Aching in inguinal canal, worse walking, better from upward pressure ; with pain in testicles ; bearing down as from hernia.
Severe colic, followed by profuse forcible diarrhoea ; stools shining, dark brown, offensive ; tenesmus with first part of semi solid movements.
Increased action of bowels, aggravated by diarrheic symptoms ; could have a passage at any time, but sphincter is under perfect control.
Diarrhoea in jaundice, from weakened heart.
Diarrhoea with griping and rumbling. θ Phthisis.
Constipation lasting six or seven days, stools dry and clog-like.
Urogenital system
Protrusion of eyeballs, cardiac depression and palpitations, worse ascending, from excitement, deep inspiration, or thinking of them ; irregular and intermittent pulse, not corresponding to beat of heart ; frontal and fronto-occipital headache, better by strong pressure ; sense of constriction in larynx ; cough with slight, pale expectoration, wheezing and hot aching beneath right scapula ; oppressed respiration, with sighing ; tremulous feeling in hands ; erratic rheumatoid pains, worse toward sunset and during evening. θ Morbus вrightii.
Drinks large quantities of water ; passes nine to eleven quarts of urine a day ; fearful thirst, nothing but coldest water would satisfy ; very irritable unless spoken to very softly ; was not inclined to talk even to her own family. θ Diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus ; gallon or more daily of clear urine, of great density, containing sugar ; great thirst and emaciation.
Tenderness in bladder.
Bladder feels distended when empty ; dull pain in left lumbar region.
Profuse flow of limpid, watery urine, especially when heart is most irritable.
Urine scanty, thick, muddy, oedema of feet.
Urine : 1012 to 1021 ; cloudy ; acid ; contains mucus, epithelial cells and minute crystals, oxalate of lime, spermatozoa.
Neuralgic pain in testicle, with supraorbital pain.
Acute aching in testicle while sitting, 1 P. M., or with occasional darting pains, changing to right then to left, after rising.
Acute pain in testes, from right to left, then both, recurring and lasting whole evening, with aching in inguinal canal.
Sharp darting through left testicle.
Relieved pain in testicle, but had no influence on orchitis.
Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia.
Menses : intermit for ten or twelve days ; last from half hour to six hours.
Vagina very hot, os uteri engorged and swollen.
Puffing of parts on and around pubes and vulva, dilated condition of vagina.
When heart’s action was tumultuous, puffing (oedema) of pubis was gone.
Drinks large quantities of water ; passes nine to eleven quarts of urine a day ; fearful thirst, nothing but coldest water would satisfy ; very irritable unless spoken to very softly ; was not inclined to talk even to her own family. θ Diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus ; gallon or more daily of clear urine, of great density, containing sugar ; great thirst and emaciation.
Tenderness in bladder.
Bladder feels distended when empty ; dull pain in left lumbar region.
Profuse flow of limpid, watery urine, especially when heart is most irritable.
Urine scanty, thick, muddy, oedema of feet.
Urine : 1012 to 1021 ; cloudy ; acid ; contains mucus, epithelial cells and minute crystals, oxalate of lime, spermatozoa.
Neuralgic pain in testicle, with supraorbital pain.
Acute aching in testicle while sitting, 1 P. M., or with occasional darting pains, changing to right then to left, after rising.
Acute pain in testes, from right to left, then both, recurring and lasting whole evening, with aching in inguinal canal.
Sharp darting through left testicle.
Relieved pain in testicle, but had no influence on orchitis.
Menorrhagia and metrorrhagia.
Menses : intermit for ten or twelve days ; last from half hour to six hours.
Vagina very hot, os uteri engorged and swollen.
Puffing of parts on and around pubes and vulva, dilated condition of vagina.
When heart’s action was tumultuous, puffing (oedema) of pubis was gone.
Chest organs
Oppressed, with sighing breathing, 7 P. M. ; wheezing ; dyspnoea, as from bronchial cold, accelerated during exercise, especially when going up stairs.
Cough, with hamoptysis and feeble, weak heart action ; deep, violent in evening and night, without waking ; renewed by change to cold weather and by cold winds.
Expectoration pale, sweetish, unpleasant tasting, at times difficult, renewed same as cough.
Cough and irritation of lungs.
Sense of constriction across lower half of thorax, impeding respiration, with subacute pain ; worse lying on right side.
Cough, with hamoptysis, feeble, quick, irregular action of heart. θ Phthisis.
Febrile irritation ; quick, weak pulse ; occasional hamoptysis ; dyspepsia ; weakness ; deposit of tuberculous matter in apex of left lung ; irritable action of heart, palpitation occurring from least exercise. θ Incipient phthisis.
Pulmonary disease, associated with looseness of bowels.
Cough, with hamoptysis and feeble, weak heart action ; deep, violent in evening and night, without waking ; renewed by change to cold weather and by cold winds.
Expectoration pale, sweetish, unpleasant tasting, at times difficult, renewed same as cough.
Cough and irritation of lungs.
Sense of constriction across lower half of thorax, impeding respiration, with subacute pain ; worse lying on right side.
Cough, with hamoptysis, feeble, quick, irregular action of heart. θ Phthisis.
Febrile irritation ; quick, weak pulse ; occasional hamoptysis ; dyspepsia ; weakness ; deposit of tuberculous matter in apex of left lung ; irritable action of heart, palpitation occurring from least exercise. θ Incipient phthisis.
Pulmonary disease, associated with looseness of bowels.
Cardiovascular system
Constrictive sensation in cardiac region, tenderness ; pulse weak and irregular in force.
Acute darting pains in heart, with intermissions of pulse and heartbeat.
Throbbing pain : in cardia ; pressure in forehead and eyes.
Sensation of pressing outward in cardiac region.
Oppressed feeling in brain, followed by pain an inch below and to outer side of left nipple.
Rheumatoid aching in precordial region and at apex, followed by pains in left wrist, inner side of right calf, and in subclavicular region, and again in left wrist and region of apex.
Cardiac irritability with depressed force ; pulse very frequent, small, compressible, and often irregular and intermittent ; heart’s impulse feeble ; patient generally nervous, irritable, and his extremities cold ; slight hemorrhages from lungs ; cannot go up stairs or walk fast without rapid or weak action of heart, or heavy oppressed action.
Cardiac erethism ; debility of heart, marked by the influences of some smouldering inflammation, generally in lungs ; heart’s action quick ; pulse quick, hard, wiry, not easily compressible and not generally irregular or intermittent ; local congestion and irritation of lungs ; cough ; hamoptysis.
Cardiac irritability, profuse flow of watery, limpid urine.
Palpitation in cardiac hypertrophy, with dilatation.
Palpitation and cardiac distress, worse morning and evening, and when thinking of it.
Action of heart tumultuous and forcible, could be heard several feet from bed. θ Exophthalmus.
It renders beat of heart slower, fuller and more regular.
On lying down, cardiac depression with dull, heavy beating.
Palpitation from nervous irritation, with plethora.
Excessive flatulence, which aggravates the palpitations.
Labored action of heart ; oppression.
Heartbeats more distinct on right of sternum.
First sound replaced by a blowing sound of mitral regurgitation, heard upwards in clavicular region, and particularly between scapula ; second sound pointed, short, sharp.
Heartbeat slow and weak ; diminished blood pressure ; pulse 48, 58, weak, compressible.
Can walk only a few steps without having to stop and rest, as he gets short of breath ; left arm, hand, leg and foot oedematous and painful ; blowing sound over apex of heart ; instead of natural systolic sound, very loud sound over base of heart during diastole ; pulse quick, weak, frequent, about 90 per minute ; feels as though lungs were filled up ; panting respiration ; urine scanty and high colored ; constipation ; little appetite, but quite thirsty for cold water ; no sexual desire whatever ; sleep restless, with frequent starting and jumping ; sometimes can lie down, at other times must sit with head high ; tongue flabby, no marked coating ; occasionally a sharp shooting pain through from sternum to left shoulder blade. θ Heart disease.
Menses appear within three or four hours of same time every month, with a deep seated pain, with heat in occiput ; after a few hours, pain in forehead and temples, faintness and nausea in stomach, sensation of great weakness in lumbar region, general lassitude and debility, especially in limbs, followed by torpor and heaviness ; when nausea set in occipital pain ; aversion to smell of food ; protrusion of eyes, wild, strange expression ; menses usually appear in morning and flow until noon, then suddenly cease, or they would last from half an hour to six hours, intermitting in this manner for ten or twelve days ; during menses stupid, has lack of expression and a vacuity of ideas ; tympanitis, puffing of parts on and around pubis and vulva, dilated condition of vagina and bearing down sensation in rectum ; on examination vagina very hot, os uteri engorged and swollen ; these conditions and puffiness better by local use of ice ; constipation, stools every six or seven days, dry and clay-like ; when eyes seem protruded, heart seemed to act tumultuously and forcibly, and could be heard several feet from bed ; at these times puffing of pubis ; at times pulse small and quiet and could scarcely be counted ; urine scanty, thick and muddy ; oedema of feet ; dyspepsia ; all, or nearly all, above symptoms better after menses, or at expiration of ten or twelve days. θ Exophthalmus.
Aneurism of large vessels near heart.
Pulse : many symptoms increase and decrease, according to weakness or strength of heart’s action.
Pulse 80 (while standing), with intermissions, cardiac oppression.
Acute darting pains in heart, with intermissions of pulse and heartbeat.
Throbbing pain : in cardia ; pressure in forehead and eyes.
Sensation of pressing outward in cardiac region.
Oppressed feeling in brain, followed by pain an inch below and to outer side of left nipple.
Rheumatoid aching in precordial region and at apex, followed by pains in left wrist, inner side of right calf, and in subclavicular region, and again in left wrist and region of apex.
Cardiac irritability with depressed force ; pulse very frequent, small, compressible, and often irregular and intermittent ; heart’s impulse feeble ; patient generally nervous, irritable, and his extremities cold ; slight hemorrhages from lungs ; cannot go up stairs or walk fast without rapid or weak action of heart, or heavy oppressed action.
Cardiac erethism ; debility of heart, marked by the influences of some smouldering inflammation, generally in lungs ; heart’s action quick ; pulse quick, hard, wiry, not easily compressible and not generally irregular or intermittent ; local congestion and irritation of lungs ; cough ; hamoptysis.
Cardiac irritability, profuse flow of watery, limpid urine.
Palpitation in cardiac hypertrophy, with dilatation.
Palpitation and cardiac distress, worse morning and evening, and when thinking of it.
Action of heart tumultuous and forcible, could be heard several feet from bed. θ Exophthalmus.
It renders beat of heart slower, fuller and more regular.
On lying down, cardiac depression with dull, heavy beating.
Palpitation from nervous irritation, with plethora.
Excessive flatulence, which aggravates the palpitations.
Labored action of heart ; oppression.
Heartbeats more distinct on right of sternum.
First sound replaced by a blowing sound of mitral regurgitation, heard upwards in clavicular region, and particularly between scapula ; second sound pointed, short, sharp.
Heartbeat slow and weak ; diminished blood pressure ; pulse 48, 58, weak, compressible.
Can walk only a few steps without having to stop and rest, as he gets short of breath ; left arm, hand, leg and foot oedematous and painful ; blowing sound over apex of heart ; instead of natural systolic sound, very loud sound over base of heart during diastole ; pulse quick, weak, frequent, about 90 per minute ; feels as though lungs were filled up ; panting respiration ; urine scanty and high colored ; constipation ; little appetite, but quite thirsty for cold water ; no sexual desire whatever ; sleep restless, with frequent starting and jumping ; sometimes can lie down, at other times must sit with head high ; tongue flabby, no marked coating ; occasionally a sharp shooting pain through from sternum to left shoulder blade. θ Heart disease.
Menses appear within three or four hours of same time every month, with a deep seated pain, with heat in occiput ; after a few hours, pain in forehead and temples, faintness and nausea in stomach, sensation of great weakness in lumbar region, general lassitude and debility, especially in limbs, followed by torpor and heaviness ; when nausea set in occipital pain ; aversion to smell of food ; protrusion of eyes, wild, strange expression ; menses usually appear in morning and flow until noon, then suddenly cease, or they would last from half an hour to six hours, intermitting in this manner for ten or twelve days ; during menses stupid, has lack of expression and a vacuity of ideas ; tympanitis, puffing of parts on and around pubis and vulva, dilated condition of vagina and bearing down sensation in rectum ; on examination vagina very hot, os uteri engorged and swollen ; these conditions and puffiness better by local use of ice ; constipation, stools every six or seven days, dry and clay-like ; when eyes seem protruded, heart seemed to act tumultuously and forcibly, and could be heard several feet from bed ; at these times puffing of pubis ; at times pulse small and quiet and could scarcely be counted ; urine scanty, thick and muddy ; oedema of feet ; dyspepsia ; all, or nearly all, above symptoms better after menses, or at expiration of ten or twelve days. θ Exophthalmus.
Aneurism of large vessels near heart.
Pulse : many symptoms increase and decrease, according to weakness or strength of heart’s action.
Pulse 80 (while standing), with intermissions, cardiac oppression.
Limbs and spine
Acute pain at seventh cervical vertebra.
Slight rheumatoid pain in left suprascapular muscles.
Congestive pain in nape, with severe continuous dorsal and lumbar pain, worse lower left side.
Rheumatoid pains : scapular muscles, lower dorsal region ; from apex of heart by friction to left subscapular region, then to middorsal and later to apex.
Severe continuous aching in lumbar region.
Sharp pains first in lumbar region, then in left leg, extending up thigh, then in right ; feels weak as if overfatigued.
Severe aching down spine, worse from friction, passing off after rising, morning.
Flying pains in muscles, with persistent aching in loins and occiput, worse on movement.
Rheumatoid pains, forearms and wrists, with trembling of hands.
Hands unsteady, making writing difficult.
Rheumatoid pains knees, legs, thighs, wandering to back, slight lameness and unsteady gait.
Left leg feels shorter than right and so sounds when walking.
Unsteady feeling when walking.
Muscular rheumatoid pains, affecting articulations and tendons, worse by motion and cold air, not better by friction, or cold affusion, or direct warmth, but better in a warm room or in bed ; rheumatic pains around heart ; irregular and intermittent pulse ; worse towards sunset. θ Rheumatism.
Lying down : cardiac depression.
Lying on right side : constriction of thorax.
Sitting : giddiness ; acute aching in testicle ; head high, heart disease.
While standing : pulse 80.
Restless, change of position : in spite of weakness.
Motion : rheumatoid pains.
Exercise : dyspnoea.
Walking : staggering ; aching in inguinal canal.
Cannot go up stairs or walk fast : without rapid or weak action of heart.
Pressure : upward, aching in inguinal canal ; frontal headache .
Friction : sends pain from apex of heart to left subscapular region ; severe aching down spine.
Slight rheumatoid pain in left suprascapular muscles.
Congestive pain in nape, with severe continuous dorsal and lumbar pain, worse lower left side.
Rheumatoid pains : scapular muscles, lower dorsal region ; from apex of heart by friction to left subscapular region, then to middorsal and later to apex.
Severe continuous aching in lumbar region.
Sharp pains first in lumbar region, then in left leg, extending up thigh, then in right ; feels weak as if overfatigued.
Severe aching down spine, worse from friction, passing off after rising, morning.
Flying pains in muscles, with persistent aching in loins and occiput, worse on movement.
Rheumatoid pains, forearms and wrists, with trembling of hands.
Hands unsteady, making writing difficult.
Rheumatoid pains knees, legs, thighs, wandering to back, slight lameness and unsteady gait.
Left leg feels shorter than right and so sounds when walking.
Unsteady feeling when walking.
Muscular rheumatoid pains, affecting articulations and tendons, worse by motion and cold air, not better by friction, or cold affusion, or direct warmth, but better in a warm room or in bed ; rheumatic pains around heart ; irregular and intermittent pulse ; worse towards sunset. θ Rheumatism.
Lying down : cardiac depression.
Lying on right side : constriction of thorax.
Sitting : giddiness ; acute aching in testicle ; head high, heart disease.
While standing : pulse 80.
Restless, change of position : in spite of weakness.
Motion : rheumatoid pains.
Exercise : dyspnoea.
Walking : staggering ; aching in inguinal canal.
Cannot go up stairs or walk fast : without rapid or weak action of heart.
Pressure : upward, aching in inguinal canal ; frontal headache .
Friction : sends pain from apex of heart to left subscapular region ; severe aching down spine.
Nervous system
Weak, yet restless change of position.
Restless activity, notwithstanding nausea, giddiness, etc.
Vital depression, hence mental depression, tremulousness.
Faintness : slight nausea, walking in open air ; with cardiac depression.
Restless activity, notwithstanding nausea, giddiness, etc.
Vital depression, hence mental depression, tremulousness.
Faintness : slight nausea, walking in open air ; with cardiac depression.
Sleep restless, full of troubled dreams.
Wakeful on retiring, though fatigued.
Morning : palpitation and cardiac distress.
At 1 P. M. : acute aching in testicle.
Towards sunset : erratic rheumatoid pains.
At 7 P. M. : constriction in larynx ; oppressed, with sighing breathing.
Evening : increased mental and physical activity ; rheumatoid pains.
Night : cough violent.
In bed : muscular rheumatoid pains .
Open air : faintness and slight nausea.
Change to cold weather : renewed cough.
Cold air : muscular rheumatoid pains.
Cold winds : renew cough.
Coldest water : alone satisfies thirst.
Ice : local use of, better heat and puffiness of vagina.
Wakeful on retiring, though fatigued.
Morning : palpitation and cardiac distress.
At 1 P. M. : acute aching in testicle.
Towards sunset : erratic rheumatoid pains.
At 7 P. M. : constriction in larynx ; oppressed, with sighing breathing.
Evening : increased mental and physical activity ; rheumatoid pains.
Night : cough violent.
In bed : muscular rheumatoid pains .
Open air : faintness and slight nausea.
Change to cold weather : renewed cough.
Cold air : muscular rheumatoid pains.
Cold winds : renew cough.
Coldest water : alone satisfies thirst.
Ice : local use of, better heat and puffiness of vagina.
Common symptoms
Warmth : direct, does not better muscular rheumatoid pains.
Warm room : better muscular rheumatoid pains.
Eyes feel weak as if system was overfatigued ; prickings, as if bitten by insects ; as if lungs were filling up.
Pain : in forehead and temples ; in epigastric region ; in testicles ; in supraorbital region ; an inch below and to outer side of left nipple ; in left wrist ; inner side of right calf and in subclavicular region.
Severe continuous pain : in dorsal and lumbar region.
Sharp pain : in lumbar region, then in left leg, extending up to thigh, then in right.
Acute pain : in testes ; at seventh cervical vertebra.
Subacute pain : across thorax.
Deep seated pain : in occiput.
Acute, darting pains : in heart.
Darting pain : in testicles.
Flying pains : in muscles.
Sharp, shooting pain : through from sternum to left shoulder blade.
Throbbing pain : in cardia.
Neuralgic pain : in right supraorbital region and left testicle.
Severe colic : in abdomen.
Severe aching : down spine.
Acute aching : in testicle.
Rheumatoid aching : in precordial region and at apex ; in left suprascapular muscles ; lower dorsal region ; from apex of heart to left subscapular region, then to middorsal ; in forearm and wrists ; knees, legs, thighs, then to back.
Hot aching : beneath right scapula.
Aching : in frontal eminences ; in right lower molars, then temples and again molars ; in inguinal canal ; in loins and occiput.
Dull aching : through sinciput.
Rheumatic pains : around heart.
Circumscribed pain : in stomach.
Dull pain : in left supraorbital region ; in left lumbar region.
Lugging pain : in spleen.
Congestive pain : in nape.
Bearing down : as from hernia ; in rectum.
Burning : in spot in soft palate.
Heat : in vagina ; in occiput.
Tenderness : in left hypochondrium ; in bladder ; in cardiac region.
Constriction : in larynx ; across lower half of thorax.
Constrictive sensation : in cardiac region.
Compression : in region of stomach.
Pressing outward : in eyes ; in cardiac region.
Pressure : in forehead ; in eyes.
Full, heavy feeling : in eyes.
Oppressed feeling : in brain.
Distress : in epigastric region.
Trembling feeling : in hands.
Tumultuous action of heart.
Great weakness : in lumbar region.
Lassitude : in limbs.
Rawness : at back of palate.
Prickings : in skin.
Rheumatoid pains ; erratic, but returning to original location ; better from warmth ; worse from cold air and movement.
Flying pains in various parts.
Lowers temperature.
Lessens tonicity of bloodvessels, with consequent congestions ; heart muscle weakened.
Warm room : better muscular rheumatoid pains.
Eyes feel weak as if system was overfatigued ; prickings, as if bitten by insects ; as if lungs were filling up.
Pain : in forehead and temples ; in epigastric region ; in testicles ; in supraorbital region ; an inch below and to outer side of left nipple ; in left wrist ; inner side of right calf and in subclavicular region.
Severe continuous pain : in dorsal and lumbar region.
Sharp pain : in lumbar region, then in left leg, extending up to thigh, then in right.
Acute pain : in testes ; at seventh cervical vertebra.
Subacute pain : across thorax.
Deep seated pain : in occiput.
Acute, darting pains : in heart.
Darting pain : in testicles.
Flying pains : in muscles.
Sharp, shooting pain : through from sternum to left shoulder blade.
Throbbing pain : in cardia.
Neuralgic pain : in right supraorbital region and left testicle.
Severe colic : in abdomen.
Severe aching : down spine.
Acute aching : in testicle.
Rheumatoid aching : in precordial region and at apex ; in left suprascapular muscles ; lower dorsal region ; from apex of heart to left subscapular region, then to middorsal ; in forearm and wrists ; knees, legs, thighs, then to back.
Hot aching : beneath right scapula.
Aching : in frontal eminences ; in right lower molars, then temples and again molars ; in inguinal canal ; in loins and occiput.
Dull aching : through sinciput.
Rheumatic pains : around heart.
Circumscribed pain : in stomach.
Dull pain : in left supraorbital region ; in left lumbar region.
Lugging pain : in spleen.
Congestive pain : in nape.
Bearing down : as from hernia ; in rectum.
Burning : in spot in soft palate.
Heat : in vagina ; in occiput.
Tenderness : in left hypochondrium ; in bladder ; in cardiac region.
Constriction : in larynx ; across lower half of thorax.
Constrictive sensation : in cardiac region.
Compression : in region of stomach.
Pressing outward : in eyes ; in cardiac region.
Pressure : in forehead ; in eyes.
Full, heavy feeling : in eyes.
Oppressed feeling : in brain.
Distress : in epigastric region.
Trembling feeling : in hands.
Tumultuous action of heart.
Great weakness : in lumbar region.
Lassitude : in limbs.
Rawness : at back of palate.
Prickings : in skin.
Rheumatoid pains ; erratic, but returning to original location ; better from warmth ; worse from cold air and movement.
Flying pains in various parts.
Lowers temperature.
Lessens tonicity of bloodvessels, with consequent congestions ; heart muscle weakened.
Stupid, will not answer questions ; is waxy, cold ; pulse very low, yet full and large, soft and compressible ; hemorrhage from bowels ; tawny, expressionless face ; veins full and face bloated ; eyes expressionless and seem to project from sockets ; fever not high ; chokes and swallows. θ Typhoid malaria.
Daily : nine to eleven quarts of urine ; a gallon or more of clear urine.
Every six or seven days : dry, clay-like stools.
For ten or twelve days : menses intermit, last from half hour to six hours.
Every month : menses appear within three or four hours of same time.
Right : tends to stagger to right ; neuralgic pain in supraorbital region ; toothache in lower molars ; pain in temple ; rawness at back of palate ; hot aching beneath scapula ; pain inner side of calf ; heartbeats more distinct on side of sternum ; pain in leg ; urticaria on leg.
Left : pressure in forehead.
Right to left : rawness of palate ; darting pains in testes.
Left to right : aching in frontal eminence ; pain in molars.
Pains pass from left to right, usually, then they cease or return to left.
Daily : nine to eleven quarts of urine ; a gallon or more of clear urine.
Every six or seven days : dry, clay-like stools.
For ten or twelve days : menses intermit, last from half hour to six hours.
Every month : menses appear within three or four hours of same time.
Right : tends to stagger to right ; neuralgic pain in supraorbital region ; toothache in lower molars ; pain in temple ; rawness at back of palate ; hot aching beneath scapula ; pain inner side of calf ; heartbeats more distinct on side of sternum ; pain in leg ; urticaria on leg.
Left : pressure in forehead.
Right to left : rawness of palate ; darting pains in testes.
Left to right : aching in frontal eminence ; pain in molars.
Pains pass from left to right, usually, then they cease or return to left.
Prickings as if bitten by insects.
Troublesome urticaria, especially on left forearm and right leg, before retiring.
Troublesome urticaria, especially on left forearm and right leg, before retiring.
Patient type and constitution
Woman, at. 33, teacher, nervous temperament, cheerful, sprightly, talkative, inclined to hysteria, mother afflicted with cardiac trouble ; exophthalmus.
Woman, mother of two children, suffering about a year ; diabetes.
Man, at. 43, half breed Indian and Hawaiian, cook on whaling vessel, suffering two or three years ; heart disease.
Woman, mother of two children, suffering about a year ; diabetes.
Man, at. 43, half breed Indian and Hawaiian, cook on whaling vessel, suffering two or three years ; heart disease.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare : сactus, Digit., Hydrastis ac., Iber., Lauroc., Prun. virg., Sanguin., Spigel.
Included in the composition
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug