Other names and synonyms
abrot, artemisia abrotanum.Description Source
Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica - C. HeringPharmacological Group
Additional facts
Southernwood. сomposita.
Artimisia abrotanum, or southernwood, growing on sunny hills in Southern Europe, and cultivated in gardens. сelebrated as an old popular medicine. Introduced into our practice by Deventer. Proved by Gatchell on two women.
Artimisia abrotanum, or southernwood, growing on sunny hills in Southern Europe, and cultivated in gardens. сelebrated as an old popular medicine. Introduced into our practice by Deventer. Proved by Gatchell on two women.
Psyche and consciousness
Feebleness and dulness of mind.
No capacity for thinking, as if all bodily and mental power were gone.
Thinks her brain is softening.
Excited, loquacious, feels like shouting.
Indolence, aversion to physical exercise.
Good humored, happy.
Gloomy, desponding.
Great anxiety and depression. θ Gastralgia.
The child is cross and depressed. θ Marasmus.
Ill-natured, irritable, violent.
Exceedingly peevish, feels as if she would like to do something cruel ; no humanity.
Easily fatigued by conversation or mental effort.
No capacity for thinking, as if all bodily and mental power were gone.
Thinks her brain is softening.
Excited, loquacious, feels like shouting.
Indolence, aversion to physical exercise.
Good humored, happy.
Gloomy, desponding.
Great anxiety and depression. θ Gastralgia.
The child is cross and depressed. θ Marasmus.
Ill-natured, irritable, violent.
Exceedingly peevish, feels as if she would like to do something cruel ; no humanity.
Easily fatigued by conversation or mental effort.
Head, face, and ears
The left brain seemed especially weak ; easily fatigued by conversation or mental effort.
Sensation as of creeping chills along convolutions of brain, accompanied by prickling.
Head weak, could not hold it up.
Scalp sore, especially side.
Itching of scalp.
Blue rings around dull looking eyes. θ сhlorosis.
Inflamed eyes.
Dryness of inner nose.
Nosebleed with boys.
Face wrinkled, old, pale. θ Marasmus.
Comedones with emaciation.
Face feels cold.
Drawing pains in upper maxilla.
Sensation as of creeping chills along convolutions of brain, accompanied by prickling.
Head weak, could not hold it up.
Scalp sore, especially side.
Itching of scalp.
Blue rings around dull looking eyes. θ сhlorosis.
Inflamed eyes.
Dryness of inner nose.
Nosebleed with boys.
Face wrinkled, old, pale. θ Marasmus.
Comedones with emaciation.
Face feels cold.
Drawing pains in upper maxilla.
Mouth and throat
Drawing and tearing pains in carious teeth.
Slimy taste. θ Gastralgia.
Acid taste.
Scraping in throat.
Sudden hoarseness ; weak voice.
Slimy taste. θ Gastralgia.
Acid taste.
Scraping in throat.
Sudden hoarseness ; weak voice.
Appetite and food preferences
Gnawing hunger ; craves bread boiled in milk.
Appetite great ; ravenous while emaciating ; marasmus.
Loss of appetite. θ Gastralgia.
Appetite great ; ravenous while emaciating ; marasmus.
Loss of appetite. θ Gastralgia.
Gastrointestinal tract
Burning in stomach as from acidity.
Fulness and bloating in region of stomach.
Sensation as if stomach was hanging or swimming in water, with a peculiar feeling of coldness and a dulness to all irritants. θ Gastralgia.
Pains cutting, gnawing, burning, sometimes contracting and stinging, mostly worse at night ; never entirely free from pain, even in intervals. θ Gastralgia.
Disturbed digestion. θ сhlorosis.
Weak, sinking feeling in bowels.
Frequent colicky pain. θ Marasmus.
Distended abdomen. θ сhlorosis ; marasmus ; colic.
Hard lumps in different parts of abdomen.
After sudden checking of diarrhoea, rheumatism.
Piles appear and become worse as rheumatic pains abate ; frequent inclination to stool ; hardly anything but blood passes.
Constipation. θ Gastralgia.
** Worms, especially ascarides. θ Marasmus.
Alternate diarrhoea and constipation ; food passes undigested. θ Marasmus.
Protruding hemorrhoidal tumors, burning when touched and when pressing.
Fulness and bloating in region of stomach.
Sensation as if stomach was hanging or swimming in water, with a peculiar feeling of coldness and a dulness to all irritants. θ Gastralgia.
Pains cutting, gnawing, burning, sometimes contracting and stinging, mostly worse at night ; never entirely free from pain, even in intervals. θ Gastralgia.
Disturbed digestion. θ сhlorosis.
Weak, sinking feeling in bowels.
Frequent colicky pain. θ Marasmus.
Distended abdomen. θ сhlorosis ; marasmus ; colic.
Hard lumps in different parts of abdomen.
After sudden checking of diarrhoea, rheumatism.
Piles appear and become worse as rheumatic pains abate ; frequent inclination to stool ; hardly anything but blood passes.
Constipation. θ Gastralgia.
** Worms, especially ascarides. θ Marasmus.
Alternate diarrhoea and constipation ; food passes undigested. θ Marasmus.
Protruding hemorrhoidal tumors, burning when touched and when pressing.
Urogenital system
Bladder full, urging to urinate.
Urine scanty.
Hydrocele of children.
Darting pain in region of left ovary.
Twitching in ovarian regions, seems to extend to back.
** Ulcers on os tinca.
Dysmenorrhoea ; suppressed catamenia.
Urine scanty.
Hydrocele of children.
Darting pain in region of left ovary.
Twitching in ovarian regions, seems to extend to back.
** Ulcers on os tinca.
Dysmenorrhoea ; suppressed catamenia.
Plant characteristics
Difficult parturition.
Blood and moisture oozing from navel of newborn children.
Blood and moisture oozing from navel of newborn children.
Chest organs
Impeded breathing.
Troublesome cough. θ Rheumatism.
Raw feeling in respiratory tract from cold air.
In pleurisy (after Aconite and вryon.), when a pressing sensation remains in affected side, impeding free breathing.
Drawing pains in chest-muscles, especially from motion.
Troublesome cough. θ Rheumatism.
Raw feeling in respiratory tract from cold air.
In pleurisy (after Aconite and вryon.), when a pressing sensation remains in affected side, impeding free breathing.
Drawing pains in chest-muscles, especially from motion.
Cardiovascular system
Pain across chest, sharp and severe in region of heart. θ Rheumatism.
Pulse weak and small. θ сhlorosis.
Ebullitions, with general heat and distended veins on forehead and hands. θ Hemorrhoidal colic.
Pulse weak and small. θ сhlorosis.
Ebullitions, with general heat and distended veins on forehead and hands. θ Hemorrhoidal colic.
Limbs and spine
Weak back, with ovarian pains.
Pains in sacrum. θ Hemorrhoidal colic.
Fugitive pains in shoulders all night, preventing sleep.
Aching from shoulder joints to elbow.
Arms very weak.
Numb sensation in fingers.
Dull aching in first finger of right hand, followed by similar pain in other fingers of right and left hand.
Pricking and coldness of finger tips.
Emaciation, mostly of legs. θ Marasmus.
Drawing sensation in ankle joint.
Deadness and coldness of feet.
Sticking, tearing and itching sensations in old foot-sores.
Inability to move arms ; legs only with difficulty. θ Rheumatism.
Frost-bitten limbs.
Lies prone ; cannot hold head up.
Motion : pains in muscles of chest ; averse to exercise ; rheumatic pains.
Inability to move arms ; legs with difficulty.
Pains in sacrum. θ Hemorrhoidal colic.
Fugitive pains in shoulders all night, preventing sleep.
Aching from shoulder joints to elbow.
Arms very weak.
Numb sensation in fingers.
Dull aching in first finger of right hand, followed by similar pain in other fingers of right and left hand.
Pricking and coldness of finger tips.
Emaciation, mostly of legs. θ Marasmus.
Drawing sensation in ankle joint.
Deadness and coldness of feet.
Sticking, tearing and itching sensations in old foot-sores.
Inability to move arms ; legs only with difficulty. θ Rheumatism.
Frost-bitten limbs.
Lies prone ; cannot hold head up.
Motion : pains in muscles of chest ; averse to exercise ; rheumatic pains.
Inability to move arms ; legs with difficulty.
Nervous system
Remains very much relaxed and incapacitated.
Disposed to lie prone.
A weak, sickly feeling continued many days, with internal trembling when excited.
Very lame and sore all over. θ Rheumatism.
Great weakness and prostration, and a kind of hectic fever with children, after influenza.
Head so weak, cannot hold it up.
Disposed to lie prone.
A weak, sickly feeling continued many days, with internal trembling when excited.
Very lame and sore all over. θ Rheumatism.
Great weakness and prostration, and a kind of hectic fever with children, after influenza.
Head so weak, cannot hold it up.
Sleepless and restless. θ Hemorrhoidal colic.
Night : cutting, gnawing, stinging in stomach.
Night : cutting, gnawing, stinging in stomach.
Common symptoms
Cold air produces raw feeling in chest.
Itching chilblains.
As of creeping chills along convolutions of brain, with prickling ; as if stomach was hanging or swimming in water ; weak with internal trembling.
Aching : in shoulder joints and first finger of right hand.
Pain : across chest, sharp in region of heart ; in sacrum.
Darting : in left ovary.
Cutting : in stomach.
Sticking : in foot-sores.
Stinging : in stomach.
Pricking : in brain ; in stiff joints ; finger tips.
Tearing : in teeth ; in foot-sores.
Burning : in stomach and hemorrhoids.
Soreness : of scalp all over.
Aching : from shoulder joints to elbow ; in fingers.
Contracting : in stomach.
Gouty pains : in wrists and ankle joints.
Fugitive pains : in shoulders.
Gnawing : in stomach.
Drawing : in upper maxilla, carious teeth, chest muscles ; ankle joint.
Pressing : in pleurisy.
Scraping : in throat.
Rawness : in respiratory tract.
Twitching : in ovaries.
Numbness : in fingers.
Deadness : of feet.
Coldness : in face, stomach, finger tips ; feet.
Weak sinking feeling : in bowels.
Dryness : of inner nose.
Itching : of scalp, foot-sores, chilblains.
Gout : painful and inflamed wrists and ankle joints.
Joints stiff, with pricking sensation.
Painful, inflammatory rheumatism before swelling.
** In phagedenic diseases.
Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhoea, cannot move her head, arms or limbs, and suffers much pain, no swelling.
After suppressed gout. θ Gastralgia.
Marasmus of children.
Contractions of limbs from cramps or following colic.
Itching chilblains.
As of creeping chills along convolutions of brain, with prickling ; as if stomach was hanging or swimming in water ; weak with internal trembling.
Aching : in shoulder joints and first finger of right hand.
Pain : across chest, sharp in region of heart ; in sacrum.
Darting : in left ovary.
Cutting : in stomach.
Sticking : in foot-sores.
Stinging : in stomach.
Pricking : in brain ; in stiff joints ; finger tips.
Tearing : in teeth ; in foot-sores.
Burning : in stomach and hemorrhoids.
Soreness : of scalp all over.
Aching : from shoulder joints to elbow ; in fingers.
Contracting : in stomach.
Gouty pains : in wrists and ankle joints.
Fugitive pains : in shoulders.
Gnawing : in stomach.
Drawing : in upper maxilla, carious teeth, chest muscles ; ankle joint.
Pressing : in pleurisy.
Scraping : in throat.
Rawness : in respiratory tract.
Twitching : in ovaries.
Numbness : in fingers.
Deadness : of feet.
Coldness : in face, stomach, finger tips ; feet.
Weak sinking feeling : in bowels.
Dryness : of inner nose.
Itching : of scalp, foot-sores, chilblains.
Gout : painful and inflamed wrists and ankle joints.
Joints stiff, with pricking sensation.
Painful, inflammatory rheumatism before swelling.
** In phagedenic diseases.
Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhoea, cannot move her head, arms or limbs, and suffers much pain, no swelling.
After suppressed gout. θ Gastralgia.
Marasmus of children.
Contractions of limbs from cramps or following colic.
High fever. θ Rheumatism.
Hectic fever, very weakening. θ Marasmus.
Suddenly : hoarseness.
Piles worse as rheumatism gets .
Alternating : diarrhoea and constipation.
Left : brain seems weak ; scalp sore ; darting in ovary ; sharp pains in region of heart.
Right to left : dull aching in fingers.
Right and left : twitching in ovarian region ; aching in fingers.
Hectic fever, very weakening. θ Marasmus.
Suddenly : hoarseness.
Piles worse as rheumatism gets .
Alternating : diarrhoea and constipation.
Left : brain seems weak ; scalp sore ; darting in ovary ; sharp pains in region of heart.
Right to left : dull aching in fingers.
Right and left : twitching in ovarian region ; aching in fingers.
Furuncles, if Hepar sulph. is insufficient.
The skin is flabby and hangs loose. θ Marasmus.
Itching chilblains.
The skin is flabby and hangs loose. θ Marasmus.
Itching chilblains.
Patient type and constitution
Children : emaciation, especially of legs. θ Marasmus.
Boys : epistaxis ; hydrocele.
Boys : epistaxis ; hydrocele.
Dif. diagnostics
After Acon. and вryon., in pleurisy ; after Hepar sulph., in furuncle.
Itching chilblains ; compare Nux vom. and Amanita.
Itching chilblains ; compare Nux vom. and Amanita.
Included in the composition
- 2.4-2.5€ Гельмонокс (Фитасинтекс)
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug