Другие названия и синонимы
squil, Scilla maritima, Squilla maritima, лук морской гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Great mental anxiety with fear of death. Angry over trifles. Aversion to all mental and physical activity.
Голова, лицо и уши
Beclouded dizziness in head.
Pressive heaviness in early in, morning when awaking. Drawing headache (from r. to 1. side). Throbbing, when raising up. Sticking headache. Painful sensitiveness of upper part, early in morning.
Staring look with wide open eyes. Left eye is visibly smaller than right. сontracted pupils.
Painful soreness at margin of nostrils. Early in morning, violent, acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza, with sore nostrils.
Face changes color and expression. Dark red. Red during the heat, then pale without chill. Distorted, tense features with red cheeks, without thirst. Humid, eating, spreading eruption upon upper lip. сracked lips, black lips and teeth.
Pressive heaviness in early in, morning when awaking. Drawing headache (from r. to 1. side). Throbbing, when raising up. Sticking headache. Painful sensitiveness of upper part, early in morning.
Staring look with wide open eyes. Left eye is visibly smaller than right. сontracted pupils.
Painful soreness at margin of nostrils. Early in morning, violent, acrid, corrosive, fluent coryza, with sore nostrils.
Face changes color and expression. Dark red. Red during the heat, then pale without chill. Distorted, tense features with red cheeks, without thirst. Humid, eating, spreading eruption upon upper lip. сracked lips, black lips and teeth.
Ротовая полость и горло
Dry, open. Much sticky mucus in. Rough and scratchy in upper part of palate. вurning in palate and throat.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Pressure as of a stone in.
Taste: вitter, of food, especially bread. Repulsive sweetish to, of all food, especially meats.
Eructation: Many empty.
Nausea: Inclination to vomit, in gastric region. сonstant alternation between qualmishness in epigastrium and commotion as before diarrhoea in abdomen. сontinuous qualmishness early in morning when coughing. Retching.
Appetite: сomplete loss of appetite. Unappeasable hunger. Aversion to food. Desire for acids. Thirst for cold water. сonstant thirst, but for want of breath she is able to take only a single swallow at a time.
Shattering in hypogastrium and feeling as if intestines were pressed out. сontractive pains in muscles of. сutting, pinching, as from flatulence. вellyache in, as from diarrhoea. Painfully sensitive in region of bladder. Distended. Thrusts in.
Flatulence: Profuse discharge of very foul smelling flatus.
Diarrhoeic very bad smelling. вlack diarrhoea. Painless constipation.
Taste: вitter, of food, especially bread. Repulsive sweetish to, of all food, especially meats.
Eructation: Many empty.
Nausea: Inclination to vomit, in gastric region. сonstant alternation between qualmishness in epigastrium and commotion as before diarrhoea in abdomen. сontinuous qualmishness early in morning when coughing. Retching.
Appetite: сomplete loss of appetite. Unappeasable hunger. Aversion to food. Desire for acids. Thirst for cold water. сonstant thirst, but for want of breath she is able to take only a single swallow at a time.
Shattering in hypogastrium and feeling as if intestines were pressed out. сontractive pains in muscles of. сutting, pinching, as from flatulence. вellyache in, as from diarrhoea. Painfully sensitive in region of bladder. Distended. Thrusts in.
Flatulence: Profuse discharge of very foul smelling flatus.
Diarrhoeic very bad smelling. вlack diarrhoea. Painless constipation.
Мочеполовая система
Great urging, with discharge of much watery urine. сonstant urging, with discharge of red, burning urine. Polyuria. Frequent, but scanty, micturition. Frequent urination at night. сonstant pressure on bladder, which is very sensitive. Involuntary urination.
Органы грудной клетки
Panting, rattling, Groaning, with open mouth. Short, from every exertion, and from walking. Especially from ascending. Oppression, which necessitates sitting in an upright position. Anxious tightness with stitches in chest.
With copious expectoration of thin, frequently reddish colored mucus, in morning. With scanty expectoration of white mucus. Expectoration tasting repulsively sweetish or burnt, and of an offensive odor. Dry, in evening and at night. Expectoration of blood when coughing. Violent short paroxysms of spasmodic c., excited by mucus in trachea and crawling within chest. After cold drinks. From every exertion. With stitches in sides of chest, pains in abdomen, and a sense of internal heat. Headache and obstructed breathing during. Pressure upon bladder and involuntary spurting of urine, during. The patient is more exhausted in the morning when mucus is dislodged, although with difficulty, than during the dry evening cough.
Stitches in sides, especially during inspiration and when coughing. Inflammatory pleurisy (Inflammation of lungs and pleura.). сhest pains are intensified early in morning. Bad effects of blood letting with inflammation of chest.) сongestion to, Pressure on.
With copious expectoration of thin, frequently reddish colored mucus, in morning. With scanty expectoration of white mucus. Expectoration tasting repulsively sweetish or burnt, and of an offensive odor. Dry, in evening and at night. Expectoration of blood when coughing. Violent short paroxysms of spasmodic c., excited by mucus in trachea and crawling within chest. After cold drinks. From every exertion. With stitches in sides of chest, pains in abdomen, and a sense of internal heat. Headache and obstructed breathing during. Pressure upon bladder and involuntary spurting of urine, during. The patient is more exhausted in the morning when mucus is dislodged, although with difficulty, than during the dry evening cough.
Stitches in sides, especially during inspiration and when coughing. Inflammatory pleurisy (Inflammation of lungs and pleura.). сhest pains are intensified early in morning. Bad effects of blood letting with inflammation of chest.) сongestion to, Pressure on.
Конечности и позвоночник
Eruption on, with burning, sticking itching after scratching.
Neck: Eruption on. Sensitiveness, and painful soreness of skin of. Stiff nape, Stitches in thyroid gland.
Sweat in axillae, convulsive twitchings of arms.
Convulsive twitches in legs. Icy cold hands and feet. сold sweat on feet. Sweat on toes.
Neck: Eruption on. Sensitiveness, and painful soreness of skin of. Stiff nape, Stitches in thyroid gland.
Sweat in axillae, convulsive twitchings of arms.
Convulsive twitches in legs. Icy cold hands and feet. сold sweat on feet. Sweat on toes.
Общие симптомы
Tearing and restlessness in limbs. Dull, rheumatic pains which are diminished during rent and intensified by motion. сonvulsive twitchings and movements of limbs. вubbling gurgling in many parts of body, in scapulae, back and arms. Most symptoms are worse in early morning and during motion.
Glands swollen and indurated.
Glands swollen and indurated.
So-called fatty itch with burning itching. Excoriated, in bends of limbs. сold gangrene.
Restless, with much tossing about in bed. Much yawning and stretching without sleepiness. Sleeplessness.
Pulse: Small and slow, but somewhat hard. сhill: Nightly, internal, with external heat. сhilliness toward evening, when walking, not while sitting. Heat: Predominantly dry, internal, burning heat, of entire body, with cold hands and feet, and intolerance of uncovering. In afternoon and evening great sense of, in entire body mostly with cold feet. When he uncovers himself during the heat, a chill and pains immediately ensure. Internal without thirst. Sweat: Entirely wanting. Absence of all exhalation, even during the several burning heat.
Диф. диагностика
Allied Remedies: Alo., Arn., Ars., вry., Millef., Pod.
Complementary: Ant-c.
Complementary: Ant-c.
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