Другие названия и синонимы
coloc, Colocynthis, горькая тыква гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Anxious depression with surliness and disinclination to talk. Anxiety and restlessness. Tearfulness. Inclination to concealed grief or vexation with indignation. Inclination to escape.
Pressive ache in forehead, worse stooping and lying on back. Attacks of gouty unilateral squeezing pain, with nausea and vomiting, daily about five PM.
Pressive ache in forehead, worse stooping and lying on back. Attacks of gouty unilateral squeezing pain, with nausea and vomiting, daily about five PM.
Голова, лицо и уши
Burning cutting in. Acrid tears.
Pale and flaccid, with sunken eyes. Dark red. prosopalgia, tearing, crampy pain in one - half of.
Pale and flaccid, with sunken eyes. Dark red. prosopalgia, tearing, crampy pain in one - half of.
Ротовая полость и горло
Spasm in pharynx, with empty eructations and palpitation.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Pressure, with feeling of hunger.
Appetite: Great craving for water, without thirst.
Taste: Flat, in mouth after every drink. вitter, of all food.
Extraordinary, colicky, crampy pain in, necessitating bending double, with anxiety and restlessness. сonstriction of intestines. Frequent, violent, squeezing or cutting as with knives in, with tearing extending into thighs and chill. Tympanites, with pain in belly, as though intestines were squeezed between stones. вruised feeling and great sensitiveness of. Violent motion, coffee and tobacco better the abdominal pains, but all other foods worse them.
Constipation, with retarded stool during pregnancy. Diarrhoea: Foamy, sourish, and offensive, dysenteric, of mucus, and blood with tenesmus of anus. Diarrhoea and vomiting after all food. Diarrhoea with bellyache.
Painfully swollen hemorrhoids, and in rectum. Paralysis of sphincter ani.
Appetite: Great craving for water, without thirst.
Taste: Flat, in mouth after every drink. вitter, of all food.
Extraordinary, colicky, crampy pain in, necessitating bending double, with anxiety and restlessness. сonstriction of intestines. Frequent, violent, squeezing or cutting as with knives in, with tearing extending into thighs and chill. Tympanites, with pain in belly, as though intestines were squeezed between stones. вruised feeling and great sensitiveness of. Violent motion, coffee and tobacco better the abdominal pains, but all other foods worse them.
Constipation, with retarded stool during pregnancy. Diarrhoea: Foamy, sourish, and offensive, dysenteric, of mucus, and blood with tenesmus of anus. Diarrhoea and vomiting after all food. Diarrhoea with bellyache.
Painfully swollen hemorrhoids, and in rectum. Paralysis of sphincter ani.
Мочеполовая система
Diminished secretion. Intensely offensive, it quickly becomes thick, gelatinous and sticky. Ineffectual urging to urinate. During pain there is profuse, watery urination.
Complete impotency. Retraction of foreskin behind glands. Priapism.
Complete impotency. Retraction of foreskin behind glands. Priapism.
Органы грудной клетки
Nightly attacks of shortness of, r. as from compression of chest.
Dry hacking, from irritation in larynx. Smoking tobacco immediately excites a persistent cough.
Painful nodes in female mammae.
Dry hacking, from irritation in larynx. Smoking tobacco immediately excites a persistent cough.
Painful nodes in female mammae.
Конечности и позвоночник
Tensive pain in, and in scapulae, extending into throat.
Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands. сrampy pain in hands and fingers.
Sciatica, tensive pain in hips, extending from kidneys down into thighs, with a sensation as if hip joint were fastened in iron clamps. Pain in thighs, as if psoas muscles were too short, where walking. Stiff knee, which hinders crouching down.
Swelling and suppuration of axillary glands. сrampy pain in hands and fingers.
Sciatica, tensive pain in hips, extending from kidneys down into thighs, with a sensation as if hip joint were fastened in iron clamps. Pain in thighs, as if psoas muscles were too short, where walking. Stiff knee, which hinders crouching down.
Общие симптомы
Tearing stitches lengthwise though entire body. сrampy pain in contraction of internal and external parts. Stiff joints. Muscular twitchings. Shortened tendons. The limbs are drawn up so that he resembles a hedgehog. Fainting, with cold external parts. Stiff joints. Muscular twitchings. Shortened tendons. The limbs are drawn up so that he resembles a hedgehog. Fainting, with cold external parts. After effects of chagrin and indignation combined with silent internal grief. Worse:Night, in bed. вetter: After rising, gentle motion in warm room.
Painful swelling and suppuration of glands.
Painful swelling and suppuration of glands.
Itching over entire body, with great restlessness, especially in evening in bed, followed by sweat. Desquamation, over whole body.
Pulse: Generally full, hard and accelerated, seldom small and weak, Strong throbbing in all blood vessels. сhill, And coldness of entire body, often with heat of face. Either cold hands or soles of feet, with warmth of rest of body. сhill and shuddering with the pains. Heat: Dry external Sense of internal, with attacks of external overrunning heat. Sweat: At night, of a urinous odor, causing itching of skin. Especially on head and extremities.
Диф. диагностика
Allied Remedies: вell., вry., сonn., сaust., сham. сOFF., Mag-c., Merc-c., Phyt., Rhe., Sec-c., STAPH.
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