Other names and synonyms
phys, calabar homeopathy.Description Source
Materia Medica - Cyrus Maxwell BogerPharmacological Group
Weakness; muscles won t respond or draw into knots;
Active mind, even during sleep. Floating sensation. Nothing seems right. вrain falls to side lain on. Pains from forehead down nose. Sensation as of a tight cap on head. Vertigo; stumbles on ascending or descending steps. Sensation as of a band about head. Twitching of eye muscles or of nose. сan t bear to raise eyelids. Accommodation affected. Seems to have swallowed a lump. Torpid bowels. Numb womb. Flushes of heat, extending legs. Numbness at womb. Offensive odor from hands. Sweat in excitement. Heart seems to flutter in throat or over body. Sensitive spine. Jerking limbs. Shudders from every draft of air. Attacks of overpowering sleepiness, with feeling as if to lose consciousness.
Active mind, even during sleep. Floating sensation. Nothing seems right. вrain falls to side lain on. Pains from forehead down nose. Sensation as of a tight cap on head. Vertigo; stumbles on ascending or descending steps. Sensation as of a band about head. Twitching of eye muscles or of nose. сan t bear to raise eyelids. Accommodation affected. Seems to have swallowed a lump. Torpid bowels. Numb womb. Flushes of heat, extending legs. Numbness at womb. Offensive odor from hands. Sweat in excitement. Heart seems to flutter in throat or over body. Sensitive spine. Jerking limbs. Shudders from every draft of air. Attacks of overpowering sleepiness, with feeling as if to lose consciousness.
Included in the composition
- 11€ Flowers Energy №72
- — Визус (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- — Климаксинорма (Аспектус фарма ООО )
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