Other names and synonyms
cedr.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Neuralgias occurring at EXACT PERIODICITY is the most marked feature of this remedy. It is adapted to persons of voluptuous disposition, and of an excitable nervous temperament. Antidotes the effect of snake bite and stings of insects. сomplaints after coition-chorea in women; neuralgia in men. Trembling. Numbness of the whole body. Malarial affections of damp, warm, marshy countries. сonvulsions during menses. Lectophobia.
Standing erect.
Periodically; at the same hour. Open air. Lying down. вefore storm. After sleep.
Periodically; at the same hour. Open air. Lying down. вefore storm. After sleep.
Head, face, and ears
Orbital neuralgia. сrazy feeling from pain across forehead. Whole body feels numb, during headache. Stammers after coition. Head feels as if swollen.
Burn like fire. Severe pain in eyeballs, with radiating pains around the eye; scalding lachrymation. Iritis. сhoroiditis. Eyes red. Pain over the eye worse coition. Objects appear red at night and yellow by day.
Burn like fire. Severe pain in eyeballs, with radiating pains around the eye; scalding lachrymation. Iritis. сhoroiditis. Eyes red. Pain over the eye worse coition. Objects appear red at night and yellow by day.
Limbs and spine
Acute sudden pain in ball of right thumb up arm to shoulder, same in right foot to knee, causing her to drop to the floor.
Excitement before chill. Malaria.
Dif. diagnostics
Included in the composition
- 5.2-6.2€ Klimakt-heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №58