Other names and synonyms
com.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
It is an irritant poison like Rhus-t, causing malignant inflammation of the skin, with enormous swelling or OEDEMA; of left leg and foot. вurning, itching of the eyes, which feel too large. Right eye very painful, feels large, protruded than left. сiliary neuralgia. вurning itching of the nose with violent sneezing. Pain under the left breast or nipple extending to left scapula, when coughing. Wandering rheumatic pains. Deep ulcers, with hard edges. Leprosy. Skin red all over. Recurrent eczema.
Open air. Motion. Scratching.
Touch. Warmth. Rest. Night.
Touch. Warmth. Rest. Night.