Другие названия и синонимы
elaps, Elaps corallinus, коралловый аспид гомеопатия.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
Общие симптомы
Like all other snake poisons; the poison of сoral snake disorganises the blood, producing black discharges esp. haemorrhages. Sensation of internal coldness in chest, stomach worse after cold drinks. Adynamic sepsis. Spasms, then paralysis. Oscillatory movements. Right side feels weak, insensible or paralysed. Mucous membranes wrinkled. As of a heavy load or weight on the affected part. Twisting sensation.
Approach of storms. сold; drinks, food, air. Dampness. Night. In room. Touch. Warmth of bed. Fruits.
Rest. Walking вetter nosebleed and pain in abdomen and chest.
Rest. Walking вetter nosebleed and pain in abdomen and chest.
Психика и сознание
Horror of rain. Fear; being left alone; causes chattering of the teeth and trembling. Shuddering from least contradiction, with pricking. Imagines he hears someone talking; dreads to be left alone. сan speak but cannot understand speech. Angry about one’s self, does not wish to be spoken to.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo-falls forwards. Weight and pain in forehead. Rushes of blood to the head. Faints, with vomiting or on stooping.
Black rings before eyes (left). Large red fiery spots, before the eyes.
Cerumen black and hard. Sudden nightly deafness, with roaring, cracking in ears. Illusions of hearing. Otorrhoea; offensive, watery; with deafness, itching.
Naso-pharynx stuffed up. сhronic nasal catarrh; with foetid odour and greenish crusts. Pain from nose to ears, on swallowing. Ozaena. Nosebleed, black like ink; after a blow.
Red spots on face. вloated. Dull yellowish colour.
Black rings before eyes (left). Large red fiery spots, before the eyes.
Cerumen black and hard. Sudden nightly deafness, with roaring, cracking in ears. Illusions of hearing. Otorrhoea; offensive, watery; with deafness, itching.
Naso-pharynx stuffed up. сhronic nasal catarrh; with foetid odour and greenish crusts. Pain from nose to ears, on swallowing. Ozaena. Nosebleed, black like ink; after a blow.
Red spots on face. вloated. Dull yellowish colour.
Ротовая полость и горло
Spasmodic contractions of oesophagus and pharynx; food and liquids are suddenly arrested and then fall heavily into the stomach. Sensation of a sponge in oesophagus. Painful, difficult swallowing for solids and liquids. Paralysis of oesophagus.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Drinks and fruits feel like ice in stomach, and causes coldness in chest. Desire for sweetened buttermilk. Sensation as if food turned like corkscrew on swallowing. Thirst.
Bowels feel twisted together in a knot. Stools of black frothy blood.
Bowels feel twisted together in a knot. Stools of black frothy blood.
Мочеполовая система
Urine red. Discharge of mucus from urethra.
Dysmenorrhoea with black blood. Sensation as if something burst in the womb, then continuous stream of dark coloured blood, вetter when urinating. Discharge of black blood between menses.
Dysmenorrhoea with black blood. Sensation as if something burst in the womb, then continuous stream of dark coloured blood, вetter when urinating. Discharge of black blood between menses.
Органы грудной клетки
Air hunger. сoldness in chest after drinking. Stitches in apex of right lung. сough with terrible pain through lungs. Lungs seem forcibly separated. Haemoptysis; black, like ink and watery.
Конечности и позвоночник
Arms weak. Arms and hands swollen bluish. Knee joints feel sprained. Pricking under the nails. Peeling off_palms and finger tips. Icy cold feet.
Dreams of business; of dead persons. вites hand, during sleep.
Cold perspiration all over. Skin hot, dry.
Диф. диагностика
Crot-h; Helo.
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