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mag-p, Magnesia phosphorica, магниум фосфорикум, фосфат магния гомеопатический, магний фосфорикум.Источник описания
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakФармакологическая группа
Общие симптомы
Doctor Schuessler’s remedy for cramps, convulsions, neuralgic pains and spasmodic effects; showing its influence on NERVES and muscles. Suitable to tall, slender, dark and neurotic persons; or tired, languid exhausted subjects. Nervous, tense, and subject to sudden violent paroxysms of neuralgic pains; sharp, shooting like lightning, suddenly changing places; radiating, boring, constricting; extorting cries; causing restlessness and prostration etc. Twitchings. Tic. Spasmodic effects; hiccough, yawning, chorea; writer’s, piano, violin player’s cramps etc. Much pain. Ill effects of standing in cold water, cold bathing; working in cold clay; catheterism; dentition; study. сomplaints of teething children. сhorea better during sleep worse at stool and emotions. Palsy, paralysis agitans.
COLD; AIR, drafts, uncovering, water. Lying on right side. Touch. Periodicity. NIGHT. Milk. Exhaustion.
Warmth. Hot bathing. Pressure. Doubling up. Rubbing.
Warmth. Hot bathing. Pressure. Doubling up. Rubbing.
Психика и сознание
Always talking of her pains. Indisposition to study; to mental work. Drowsiness on every attempt to study. Talks to himself constantly, or sits in moody silence, or carrying things from one place to another and back again.
Голова, лицо и уши
Aches after mental labour; better by warmth. Sensation as if contents were liquid; as if parts of brain were changing places; as if a cap on head. As of an electric shock in the head extending to all parts of the body.
Supra-orbital pains better warmth. Twitching of eyelids. Eyes; hot, aching; tired. Nystagmus; strabismus, ptosis, Photophobia.
Severe neuralgic pain worse going into cold air; washing face and neck with cold water; worse behind right ear.
Neuralgia worse when body gets cold; from washing or standing in cold water, on opening mouth to eat or drink.
Supra-orbital pains better warmth. Twitching of eyelids. Eyes; hot, aching; tired. Nystagmus; strabismus, ptosis, Photophobia.
Severe neuralgic pain worse going into cold air; washing face and neck with cold water; worse behind right ear.
Neuralgia worse when body gets cold; from washing or standing in cold water, on opening mouth to eat or drink.
Ротовая полость и горло
Cracks in angles of lips. Toothache better heat and hot liquids. Tongue, clean; with colic. Painful contraction of jaw joint with backward jerking. Taste of bananas. Food does not taste right. Spasmodic stammering.
Stiff sore; parts seem puffy (right); with chilliness and aching all over. Nervous angina.
Stiff sore; parts seem puffy (right); with chilliness and aching all over. Nervous angina.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Hiccough day and night. вurning pain, vomiting and hiccough better hot drinks; cancer of stomach. Thirst for very cold drinks.
Enteralgia; flatulent colic; better bending double; rubbing; warmth; pressure; with eructations which may or may not relieve. вloated full sensation in abdomen; must loosen the clothes; walk about, and constantly pass flatus. сutting into thighs. Abdomen contracted. Diarrhoea ceases; spasms or other brain troubles set.
Enteralgia; flatulent colic; better bending double; rubbing; warmth; pressure; with eructations which may or may not relieve. вloated full sensation in abdomen; must loosen the clothes; walk about, and constantly pass flatus. сutting into thighs. Abdomen contracted. Diarrhoea ceases; spasms or other brain troubles set.
Мочеполовая система
Nocturnal enuresis from nervous irritation. Vesical neuralgia after use of catheter.
Menstrual colic better by flow. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Menses; too early, dark, stringy, tarry, flowing at night leaving a fast stain. Ovarian neuralgia. Vaginismus.
Menstrual colic better by flow. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Menses; too early, dark, stringy, tarry, flowing at night leaving a fast stain. Ovarian neuralgia. Vaginismus.
Органы грудной клетки
Spasmodic, whooping cough better cool air. Spasmodic nervous asthma.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Angina pectoris. Pulse irritable. Nervous palpitation.
Конечности и позвоночник
Stiffness of neck and back. сramps. One vertebra seems absent.
Skin of fingers tight. Pains in lower limbs; alternating sides. Paralysis agitans. Trembling of hands. Writer’s, player’s cramps. сramps from prolonged exertion, from the prolonged use of tools. сrampy contraction of fingers. Sciatica with tender feet.
Skin of fingers tight. Pains in lower limbs; alternating sides. Paralysis agitans. Trembling of hands. Writer’s, player’s cramps. сramps from prolonged exertion, from the prolonged use of tools. сrampy contraction of fingers. Sciatica with tender feet.
Barber’s itch. Herpetic eruptions with white scales.
Sleepy when attempting to study_ Spasmodic yawning as if it would dislocate the jaw, with tears.
Chill runs up and down the back, with shivering followed by suffocation.
Диф. диагностика
Coloc; Dioscorea.
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- 165₽ Артон-ГФ
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- 190₽ Холелитин-гомео (Вербена)
- 481-616₽ Спаскупрель (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №10
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №38
- — Flowers Energy №4
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №41
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №61
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