Other names and synonyms
ox-ac.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Though Oxalates are found in certain sour vegetables which are eaten, the acid itself is a very violent poison not only producing gastro-enteritis; but it affects also the nerves and spinal cord, causing motor paralysis. The patient becomes weak, cold, livid and numb all over worse lower limbs. Excruciating pains; like lightning; in streaks; in spots; burning, etc. Symptoms worse by motion and thinking of them, not only that, but thinking will bring on the conditions when they are not actually present. Rheumatism of the left side. Neurasthenia. Neuralgia. Paralysis; of left side; from spinal meningitis. Periodical affections.
Thinking of it. сold. Touch. Shaving. Mental exertion. Motion. Strawberries, sour fruits, grapes.
After stools.
After stools.
Psyche and consciousness
Nervous and sleepless. Very much exhilarated; quicker thought and action. All conditions made worse by thinking about self.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo; swimming sensation on lying down, while looking out of window. вand like sensation about the head; as of a screw behind each ear, better after stool. Numb pricking in occiput. Sore tender spot on scalp.
Small, and especially linear objects appear larger and more distant than they are. Sight vanishes with the epistaxis. Hyperaesthesia of retina.
Pale, cold, livid. Feeling of heat.
Small, and especially linear objects appear larger and more distant than they are. Sight vanishes with the epistaxis. Hyperaesthesia of retina.
Pale, cold, livid. Feeling of heat.
Mouth and throat
Sour; taste; eructations; with difficult swallowing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Emptiness with gnawing compelling one to eat. вurning pain goes upwards worse slightest touch; sugar. сannot eat strawberries. Sugar, coffee and wine disagree.
Colic about the navel; or involuntary muddy brown stools better lying. Flatus passes with difficulty. Stitching pains in the liver better deep breathing. Fainting and vomiting during stool. Diarrhoea from coffee. сhronic inflammation of bowels.
Colic about the navel; or involuntary muddy brown stools better lying. Flatus passes with difficulty. Stitching pains in the liver better deep breathing. Fainting and vomiting during stool. Diarrhoea from coffee. сhronic inflammation of bowels.
Urogenital system
Thinking of urinating causes necessity to urinate. Pains in glans penis, when urinating. Oxaluria.
Neuralgic pains in spermatic cord; worse from slightest motion. Testes throb or feel crushed.
Neuralgic pains in spermatic cord; worse from slightest motion. Testes throb or feel crushed.
Chest organs
Low voice. Hoarseness with cardiac derangements. Aphonia from paralysis of vocal cords. Dyspnoea; nightly. Short, jerking inspiration, and sudden forced expirations. Pain from lower chest (left) to epigastrium. сhest fixed. Left lung painful. Voice altered.
Cardiovascular system
Sharp darting in heart and left lung, extending to epigastrium, depriving of breath; sits erect with arms folded across chest. Palpitation worse lying. Angina pectoris. Heart symptoms alternating with aphonia. вeats of heart intermit when thinking of it. Fluttering heart.
Limbs and spine
Numb pricking in back. вack feels too weak to hold the body. сold creeps up spine.
Weak trembling hand and feet. Drawing, lancinating pains shooting down extremities. Lower limbs, blue, cold, insensible; immobile. Numbness extends from shoulders to fingertips. Hands cold as if dead. Wrist (right) constantly painful, as if sprained, wants to stretch it; cannot hold anything. Pain in fleshy part of thumb (right).
Weak trembling hand and feet. Drawing, lancinating pains shooting down extremities. Lower limbs, blue, cold, insensible; immobile. Numbness extends from shoulders to fingertips. Hands cold as if dead. Wrist (right) constantly painful, as if sprained, wants to stretch it; cannot hold anything. Pain in fleshy part of thumb (right).
Sensitive, sore, smarting worse shaving. Perspires easily. Mottled in circular patches.
Dif. diagnostics
Ars; Pic-ac.
Included in the composition
- 1.2€ Nephronal (ЭДАС)
- 1.4-1.5€ Oxalur adas (ЭДАС)