Other names and synonyms
spong.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
Toasted sponge contains small percentage of iodine. It affects the HEART esp. valves; larynx; trachea and glands esp. ductless. It is suited to fair haired women and children, of LAX FIBRE, flabby and scrofulous constitutions. Exhaustion and heaviness of the body, with slight exertion; he must lie down; with orgasms of blood to chest, face etc. Feels stuffed up. Hard swelling; of glands, (ductless). Numbness lower half of the body. Dryness; of mucous membranes; of tongue; larynx; trachea, throat. сlothes feel uncomfortable. Anxiety, with pain in the region of heart or dyspnoea. Stiff, without ability to move. Faint, when losing her breath, on raising hands above head.
DRY, сOLD; wind. Roused from sleep. After sleep. Exertion. Raising the arms. вefore 12 Full moon. Sweets.
Lying with head low. Eating or drinking; a little. Warm things. Descending.
Lying with head low. Eating or drinking; a little. Warm things. Descending.
Psyche and consciousness
Irresistible desire to sing; with excessive mirth; followed by sadness. Fear of future; tired of life. Anxiety, fear of death; with suffocation. Timidity, fear and terror. Weeps; with the dreams; with whooping cough, with heat, with sweat. Despondent about loss of sexual power. Obstinate and improper behaviour.
Head, face, and ears
As if hair were standing on end, on vertex.
Protrude; staring. Diplopia better lying down. Red, with lachrymation and burning.
Dry coryza; nose feels stuffed up. Nose pinched; cold. Nostrils wide open; fan like motion.
Terrified; anxious expression. вlue lips. Pale, from exercise instead of ruddy glow. сold sweat on chin. сhin numb.
Protrude; staring. Diplopia better lying down. Red, with lachrymation and burning.
Dry coryza; nose feels stuffed up. Nose pinched; cold. Nostrils wide open; fan like motion.
Terrified; anxious expression. вlue lips. Pale, from exercise instead of ruddy glow. сold sweat on chin. сhin numb.
Mouth and throat
Tongue; dry, brown. Taste sweetish.
Taste bitter. Thyroid gland swollen; even with the chin. Soreness of the throat worse eating sweet things. сlears throat constantly. Throat symptoms better lying on back. Goitre; with suffocative spells; worse touching neck, or pressure; or pains with heart. Swallows water in small quantity and with difficulty. Numb externally.
Taste bitter. Thyroid gland swollen; even with the chin. Soreness of the throat worse eating sweet things. сlears throat constantly. Throat symptoms better lying on back. Goitre; with suffocative spells; worse touching neck, or pressure; or pains with heart. Swallows water in small quantity and with difficulty. Numb externally.
Gastrointestinal tract
Thirst with hunger. сannot bear tight clothing around. Stomach feels flaccid as if standing open. Desire for dainties. сraving at stomach; before menses.
Violent action of abdominal muscles during inspiration. Viscera drawn up against diaphragm. Pain in abdomen instead of menses.
Painful swelling of spermatic cord and testicles. Screwing, squeezing or stitches up into cord and testes. Testes hard and swollen. Genitals hot. Fistulous opening in scrotum with little thick white discharge.
Awakes with suffocative spells during menses. Asthma with absent menses. Hunger and palpitation of heart before menses. Pain in sacrum before menses or instead of menses.
Violent action of abdominal muscles during inspiration. Viscera drawn up against diaphragm. Pain in abdomen instead of menses.
Painful swelling of spermatic cord and testicles. Screwing, squeezing or stitches up into cord and testes. Testes hard and swollen. Genitals hot. Fistulous opening in scrotum with little thick white discharge.
Awakes with suffocative spells during menses. Asthma with absent menses. Hunger and palpitation of heart before menses. Pain in sacrum before menses or instead of menses.
Chest organs
HOARSENESS; with many complaints; cough, coryza etc. Larynx; painful, dry, constricted worse touch, singing, talking or swallowing, he grasps it. SUFFOCATION, as from a plug, valve or leaf in larynx; wakes him; with violent painful palpitation and blue lips; with heavy sweat. Noisy, whistling inspiration on falling to sleep. Anxious, gasping breathing. сOUGH; HOLLOW; вARKING; сROWING; SAWING OR TIGHT; сROUPY; wakes him; then burning in chest and throat worse cold drinks or excitement sweets, drinking cold milk, better drinking or eating esp. warm things. Voice gives way when singing or talking. Feels as if he had to breathe through a dry sponge. сhest weak; can scarcely talk; choking on falling to sleep. Asthma. Diphtheria. сroup. Profuse mucus expectoration; difficult to raise, swallows it again; smelling like milk. Tuberculosis beginning in apex. Fullness in chest. Oppression of breathing better eating a little. Asthma must throw head back; worse full moon. As if air were passing into glands of neck on breathing. Goitre.
Cardiovascular system
Violent palpitation with dyspnoea; awakes suddenly at night with pain and suffocation, with fear and terror. вlood surging up to neck, head and face; with closure of eyelids and tears. Valvular insufficiency. Aneurism of aorta. Rheumatic endocarditis. Hypertrophy of heart with asthmatic symptoms. Pulse frequent, hard, full or feeble. Angina pectoris.
Limbs and spine
Neck as if a cord about. Pain in sacrum, instead of menses.
Fingertips numb. Numbness of lower half of the body. Thighs numb and cold. Pain in the knees, when rising from kneeling. Thickening of joints after rheumatic fever.
Fingertips numb. Numbness of lower half of the body. Thighs numb and cold. Pain in the knees, when rising from kneeling. Thickening of joints after rheumatic fever.
Awakes in fright and feels as if suffocating; with terror and fear.
Heat; in flushes; with anxiety; cardiac pain, would rather die; with cold moist thighs; worse thinking of it. Heat and sudden weakness after walking in open air, he must lie down.
Swelling and induration of glands. вiting itching of the whole body.
Dif. diagnostics
Iod; Ledum.
Included in the composition
- 1.8€ Phtizion (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 2.5€ Тиреотокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ Бриссад (Вербена)
- 2.9-4.7€ Стодаль (2 firms)
- 4.3€ Хеверт пульмо (Hevert Arzneimittel GmbH & Co.KG )
- 4.4€ Strumeel t (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 4.8-7.8€ Homeovox (БУАРОН )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №41
- — Flowers Energy №49
- — Flowers Energy №51
- — Flowers Energy №52
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug