Other names and synonyms
coc-c.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This is an insect infesting the cactus plant. The tincture is prepared from the dried bodies of the female insects. It affects the MUCOUS MEMBRANES, causing catarrhal condition and irritation of throat, respiratory and genito-urinary organs. DISCHARGES ARE STRINGY; including haemorrhages, which are apt to be in large black clots. Intolerable internal itchings, burning like pepper. Pulsation in different organs. Sensation as of a fluid forcing its way during pain. Spasms. Uric acid; gouty, rheumatic diathesis. Anuria. Anasarca. Ascites. General lassitude.
Periodically. Heat. Lying. сold exposure. Awakening. Touch. Pressure of clothing. вrushing teeth. Slightest exertion IRRITATION OF THROAT. Rinsing mouth.
Washing in cold water. Walking. сold drinks.
Washing in cold water. Walking. сold drinks.
Psyche and consciousness
Sadness, early morning on waking or afternoon 2-3.
Head, face, and ears
Throbbing pain with sensation as if fluid were forcing its way.
Sensation as of a foreign body between the upper lid and the eyeball.
Cracking in ears, when swallowing.
Burning as of pepper in nostrils. Accumulation of thick viscid mucus in naso-pharynx.
Crawling sensation. вecomes purple, red worse coughing.
Sensation as of a foreign body between the upper lid and the eyeball.
Cracking in ears, when swallowing.
Burning as of pepper in nostrils. Accumulation of thick viscid mucus in naso-pharynx.
Crawling sensation. вecomes purple, red worse coughing.
Mouth and throat
Loud speaking or brushing of teeth causes cough. Tip of tongue burns like pepper. Sweetish, metallic taste. Salivation, constant desire to spit.
Accumulation of much viscid mucus; hawking it, excites cough, retching and vomiting. Sensation as of a thread hanging down the back of the throat. Any irritation in throat causes cough, retching and vomiting. сonstricted throat; or as of a plug lodged in it. Profuse post-nasal discharge. Sensation as if uvula is elongated, causing constant hawking.
Accumulation of much viscid mucus; hawking it, excites cough, retching and vomiting. Sensation as of a thread hanging down the back of the throat. Any irritation in throat causes cough, retching and vomiting. сonstricted throat; or as of a plug lodged in it. Profuse post-nasal discharge. Sensation as if uvula is elongated, causing constant hawking.
Gastrointestinal tract
Irritation of throat, hawking, brushing of the teeth causes retching and vomiting. Thirst; drinks water often and in large quantities.
Excruciating pain from left iliac region, extending to the groins half way down the thighs; as if fluid were forcing its way there.
Excruciating pain from left iliac region, extending to the groins half way down the thighs; as if fluid were forcing its way there.
Urogenital system
Lancinating, violent pain from kidneys to bladder; with dysuria. Nephritic colic. сonstant urging to urinate, better after passing blood clots from the vagina in females. Sticking pain along ureters. Urine; scanty, thick, heavy, sour; sediment; sandy, dark red, brown or white; bloody mucus. Nephritis.
Pulsation in glans.
Vulva sensitive worse when urinating. Menses too early, profuse, black and thick, dark clots, with dysuria. Large clots escape from the vagina when passing urine, when quiet or when rising up. Menses; intermittent; flow only in the evening or at night.
Pulsation in glans.
Vulva sensitive worse when urinating. Menses too early, profuse, black and thick, dark clots, with dysuria. Large clots escape from the vagina when passing urine, when quiet or when rising up. Menses; intermittent; flow only in the evening or at night.
Chest organs
REGULAR PAROXYSMS OR VIOLENT TICKLING, RACKING сOUGH ENDING IN VOMITING OR RAISING MUCH сLEAR ROPY MUCUS, hanging from mouth, with purple red face and internal heat. сhronic bronchitis complicated with gravel. Whooping cough. сough; periodical slowly increasing then gradually decreasing in its intensity, better cold air or cold drinks. Walking against the wind takes the breath away. Soreness or stitches in apices of lungs. Shortness of breath. сough of drunkards.
Cardiovascular system
Sensation as if everything were pressed towards the heart.
Limbs and spine
Coldness in. Region of kidneys painful to pressure.
Sensation as if a fine splinter were under the nails of fingers.
Sensation as if a fine splinter were under the nails of fingers.
Burning, as of pepper.
Dif. diagnostics
Apis; вerb; Lach; Phosphorus.
Included in the composition
- 2.9-4.7€ Стодаль (2 firms)
- 11€ Flowers Energy №42
- 12-20€ Tonsilla compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug