Other names and synonyms
gnaph.Description Source
Concise Materia Medica - S.R. PhatakPharmacological Group
Common symptoms
This remedy is mainly used in the affections of the Sciatic nerve; though it has some useful abdominal and female symptoms. Offensive diarrhoea with colic worse morning. Weight and heaviness in pelvis. Dysmenorrhoea, with scanty menses and very painful the first day. Intense sciatic pain; alternating with or followed by numbness worse lying down, motion, stepping; better by flexing the limbs on abdomen, by sitting in a chair. Lumbago with numbness of part and weight and heaviness in pelvis. Anterior crural neuralgia. Pain in joints as if they lacked oil.
Flexing limbs. Sitting; in a chair.
Walking. Lying. сold damp.
Walking. Lying. сold damp.
Dif. diagnostics
Included in the composition
- 3.2€ Crataegus-plus (2 firms)
- — Flowers Energy №75
- 13-218.8€ Discus compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Радикулосан (Аспектус фарма ООО )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug