Другие названия и синонимы
merc-s, Mercurius sulphuricus, сульфат ртути гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Adolf zur LippeФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Mind and Disposition.
Low-spirited ; with chilliness and yawning.
Ill-humor after eating.
Low-spirited ; with chilliness and yawning.
Ill-humor after eating.
Голова, лицо и уши
Sensation of giddiness while standing, after headache.
Fulness in the head with occasional stitches.
[5] Soreness and heaviness through the head (after breakfast and when walking about).
Burning in the ears and in the face, after a chill.
Swelling of the parotid gland.
Fluent coryza with sneezing.
Swelling and soreness of the tip of the nose.
[10] Itching of the nose.
Pale, anxious looking countenance.
Burning heat of the face and ears after the chill.
Mouth and Throat.
Gums black and ulcerated.
The mouth is clammy and full of mucus in the morning.
[15] вurning, smarting, stinging pain on the tip of the tongue (left side, in the evening).
Soreness, as if scalded on the tip of the tongue.
The tongue is coated white heavily, yellowish at the root or the tongue, the enlarged papillae stand up like red points, with flat taste in the mouth and a reduced pulse.
Heat and sensation of constriction in the throat.
Dryness of the tongue and throat.
[20] вurning in the mouth and throat.
Sensation of giddiness while standing, after headache.
Fulness in the head with occasional stitches.
[5] Soreness and heaviness through the head (after breakfast and when walking about).
Burning in the ears and in the face, after a chill.
Swelling of the parotid gland.
Fluent coryza with sneezing.
Swelling and soreness of the tip of the nose.
[10] Itching of the nose.
Pale, anxious looking countenance.
Burning heat of the face and ears after the chill.
Mouth and Throat.
Gums black and ulcerated.
The mouth is clammy and full of mucus in the morning.
[15] вurning, smarting, stinging pain on the tip of the tongue (left side, in the evening).
Soreness, as if scalded on the tip of the tongue.
The tongue is coated white heavily, yellowish at the root or the tongue, the enlarged papillae stand up like red points, with flat taste in the mouth and a reduced pulse.
Heat and sensation of constriction in the throat.
Dryness of the tongue and throat.
[20] вurning in the mouth and throat.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Stomach and Abdomen.
Vomiting and diarrhoea.
Coldness or burning in the abdomen.
Stool and Anus.
After drinking coffee, pain in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in.
[25] Stools soft and earlier in the morning than usual.
Sudden and violent pressing to stool while walking, compelling him to stand still, causing an anxious perspiration ; later the stools are forcibly gushing out in a hot burning stream of yellow water ; followed by great debility, hiccough and belching.
After the diarrhoeic stools sensation of fulness as from congestions to the legs, especially the feet, they feel numb when standing.
Vomiting and diarrhoea.
Coldness or burning in the abdomen.
Stool and Anus.
After drinking coffee, pain in the abdomen as if diarrhoea would set in.
[25] Stools soft and earlier in the morning than usual.
Sudden and violent pressing to stool while walking, compelling him to stand still, causing an anxious perspiration ; later the stools are forcibly gushing out in a hot burning stream of yellow water ; followed by great debility, hiccough and belching.
After the diarrhoeic stools sensation of fulness as from congestions to the legs, especially the feet, they feel numb when standing.
Мочеполовая система
Urinary Organs.
Diminished secretion of urine, does not micturate frequently but has constant pressure ; urine dark, becoming turbid with a scum on it.
Increased secretion of urine, without a sediment.
Sexual Organs.
[30] Gonorrhoea and syphilitic diseases, with great congestions to the parts.
Swelling of the testicles.
Diminished secretion of urine, does not micturate frequently but has constant pressure ; urine dark, becoming turbid with a scum on it.
Increased secretion of urine, without a sediment.
Sexual Organs.
[30] Gonorrhoea and syphilitic diseases, with great congestions to the parts.
Swelling of the testicles.
Органы грудной клетки
Respiratory Organs.
Roughness in the throat, and hoarseness.
Sensation of heat in the larynx.
Increased expectoration of mucus from the larynx and trachea.
[35] Pain in the chest prevents him from breathing.
Pain in the right side of the chest, extending to the scapula, can scarcely breathe, worse from 4 to 5.
Pressure on the chest.
Dyspnoea ; in children : Hydrothorax.
Roughness in the throat, and hoarseness.
Sensation of heat in the larynx.
Increased expectoration of mucus from the larynx and trachea.
[35] Pain in the chest prevents him from breathing.
Pain in the right side of the chest, extending to the scapula, can scarcely breathe, worse from 4 to 5.
Pressure on the chest.
Dyspnoea ; in children : Hydrothorax.
Конечности и позвоночник
Upper. Numbness in the left forearm and hand, later numbness in the right hand.
[40] Hands icy cold with blue nails.
Stiffness in the arms.
Lower. Pain in the knees and lameness, especially when walking.
Foot-sweat with soreness at the ends of the nails.
Ulcers on the ankles.
Upper. Numbness in the left forearm and hand, later numbness in the right hand.
[40] Hands icy cold with blue nails.
Stiffness in the arms.
Lower. Pain in the knees and lameness, especially when walking.
Foot-sweat with soreness at the ends of the nails.
Ulcers on the ankles.
Общие симптомы
[45] Most of the pains feel as if a dull stick pressed on the parts and were moving in diverse curved lines, feels as if this pain were in the bones.
Debility with sleepiness.
Rheumatic pains.
[45] Most of the pains feel as if a dull stick pressed on the parts and were moving in diverse curved lines, feels as if this pain were in the bones.
Debility with sleepiness.
Rheumatic pains.
Frequent yawning and great sleepiness in the afternoon.
Sleeplessness after midnight.
[50] Awakens with headache in the morning.
Frequent yawning and great sleepiness in the afternoon.
Sleeplessness after midnight.
[50] Awakens with headache in the morning.
Chilliness running up the back, with yawning and depression of spirits, followed by dull pain in the forehead, burning in the face and ears and slight fever.
Chilliness, restlessness and heaviness in the upper part of the abdomen, frequent yawning and diminished secretion of urine (in the afternoon).
Chill with nausea from 10 p.m till 2.
Chill every other day.
[55] The whole body feels cold externally.
Icy coldness of the hands.
Painful burning over the whole body, especially in the face but not on the feet, with violent thirst.
Chilliness running up the back, with yawning and depression of spirits, followed by dull pain in the forehead, burning in the face and ears and slight fever.
Chilliness, restlessness and heaviness in the upper part of the abdomen, frequent yawning and diminished secretion of urine (in the afternoon).
Chill with nausea from 10 p.m till 2.
Chill every other day.
[55] The whole body feels cold externally.
Icy coldness of the hands.
Painful burning over the whole body, especially in the face but not on the feet, with violent thirst.
Induration of the glands.
Psoriasis : Lepra.
Induration of the glands.
Psoriasis : Lepra.
[60] In the sunshine sneezing.
The dyspnoea and chest symptoms are worse in the afternoon.
In hydrothorax it has proved a successful remedy where the dyspnoea and swollen extremities had yielded to no other remedy.
[60] In the sunshine sneezing.
The dyspnoea and chest symptoms are worse in the afternoon.
In hydrothorax it has proved a successful remedy where the dyspnoea and swollen extremities had yielded to no other remedy.
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