Другие названия и синонимы
samb, Sambucus nigra, бузина черная гомеопатия.Источник описания
Materia Medica - Adolf zur LippeФармакологическая группа
Психика и сознание
Mind and Disposition.
Periodical delirium, with visions and hallucinations.
Very easily frightened ; trembling, anxiety and restlessness.
Fright followed by suffocative attacks, with bluish, bloated face.
Periodical delirium, with visions and hallucinations.
Very easily frightened ; trembling, anxiety and restlessness.
Fright followed by suffocative attacks, with bluish, bloated face.
Голова, лицо и уши
Tension in the head ; when moving it sensation as if it were filled with water.
[5] Sudden jerks through the head.
The head is bent backwards.
Face bloated, dark blue.
Heat and perspiration in the face.
Red, burning spots on the cheeks ; great heat of the face ; circumscribed redness of the face.
Numb tension, as from swelling in the cheeks and on the nose.
Tension in the head ; when moving it sensation as if it were filled with water.
[5] Sudden jerks through the head.
The head is bent backwards.
Face bloated, dark blue.
Heat and perspiration in the face.
Red, burning spots on the cheeks ; great heat of the face ; circumscribed redness of the face.
Numb tension, as from swelling in the cheeks and on the nose.
Ротовая полость и горло
[10] Tearing and stinging in the teeth, with the sensation of swelling of the cheeks.
Dryness of the throat and mouth, with thirstlessness.
[10] Tearing and stinging in the teeth, with the sensation of swelling of the cheeks.
Dryness of the throat and mouth, with thirstlessness.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Stomach and Abdomen.
Vomiting, first of food, later of bile.
Colic pain, with discharge of much flatulence, from taking cold.
Painful pressure in the abdomen, with nausea, when leaning against a hard edge.
Vomiting, first of food, later of bile.
Colic pain, with discharge of much flatulence, from taking cold.
Painful pressure in the abdomen, with nausea, when leaning against a hard edge.
Мочеполовая система
Urinary Organs.
[15] Frequent urging to urinate, with profuse discharge of urine.
[15] Frequent urging to urinate, with profuse discharge of urine.
Органы грудной клетки
Respiratory Organs.
Breathing through the nose impeded, with dry coryza, especially in infants.
Quick, wheezing, crowing breathing.
Suffocative attacks when waking after midnight out of a slumber, with half-open eyes and mouth, with bloated blue hands and face, and heat without thirst.
Oppression of the chest, with pressure in the stomach, and nausea.
[20] Nightly suffocative attacks, with great restlessness ; shedding of tears and throwing about of the arms.
Hoarseness, with much tough mucus in the larynx.
Inflammation of the larynx and trachea ; croup ; accumulation of mucus in the larynx.
Attacks of suffocative cough in children, with crying.
Hooping-cough ; suffocative, hollow, deep (hooping) cough, caused by a spasm in the chest, with expectoration only during the day of small quantities of tough mucus.
[25] The cough is worse at or soon after midnight, during rest, when lying in bed, or with the head low, from dry cold air.
Breathing through the nose impeded, with dry coryza, especially in infants.
Quick, wheezing, crowing breathing.
Suffocative attacks when waking after midnight out of a slumber, with half-open eyes and mouth, with bloated blue hands and face, and heat without thirst.
Oppression of the chest, with pressure in the stomach, and nausea.
[20] Nightly suffocative attacks, with great restlessness ; shedding of tears and throwing about of the arms.
Hoarseness, with much tough mucus in the larynx.
Inflammation of the larynx and trachea ; croup ; accumulation of mucus in the larynx.
Attacks of suffocative cough in children, with crying.
Hooping-cough ; suffocative, hollow, deep (hooping) cough, caused by a spasm in the chest, with expectoration only during the day of small quantities of tough mucus.
[25] The cough is worse at or soon after midnight, during rest, when lying in bed, or with the head low, from dry cold air.
Конечности и позвоночник
Upper. Paralytic heaviness in the elbow-joint.
Trembling of the hands when writing.
Stitches in the wrists.
Dark-blue bloatedness of the forearms and hands.
[30] Lower. Sharp, deep stitches in the tibia.
Å’dematous swelling of the feet, extending to the legs.
Sensation of coldness, numbness and deadness in the middle of the (right) tibia.
Icy-cold feet, with warmth of the body.
Upper. Paralytic heaviness in the elbow-joint.
Trembling of the hands when writing.
Stitches in the wrists.
Dark-blue bloatedness of the forearms and hands.
[30] Lower. Sharp, deep stitches in the tibia.
Å’dematous swelling of the feet, extending to the legs.
Sensation of coldness, numbness and deadness in the middle of the (right) tibia.
Icy-cold feet, with warmth of the body.
Общие симптомы
Dropsical swellings of the body.
[35] General trembling, with anxiety and ebullitions of blood.
Dropsical swellings of the body.
[35] General trembling, with anxiety and ebullitions of blood.
Sleepiness without sleep.
Frequent awakening, as in a fright, with anxiety, trembling, dyspnoea, as if he would suffocate.
Slumber with the eyes and mouth half-open.
During the sleep dry heat, after awakening profuse perspiration.
Sleepiness without sleep.
Frequent awakening, as in a fright, with anxiety, trembling, dyspnoea, as if he would suffocate.
Slumber with the eyes and mouth half-open.
During the sleep dry heat, after awakening profuse perspiration.
[40] Pulse generally small and very quick, at times intermitting.
Chilliness over the whole body, with tingling here and there.
Chill, with very cold hands and feet.
Dry heat over the whole body as soon as one falls asleep after lying down, with aversion to be uncovered, and without thirst.
Burning heat in the face, with very cold feet.
[45] Profuse perspiration day and night, but only when awake ; first breaking out in the face.
Very debilitating perspiration.
Night-sweats, except on the head, increasing towards morning.
Continued perspiration while awake, changing into dry heat as soon as one goes to sleep.
Intermittent fever ; chills over the whole body, with cold hands and feet ; followed by intolerable dry heat, without any thirst, accompanied by dread of being uncovered, afterwards copious sweat, without any thirst ; the sweat even continues during the apyrexia.
[50] вloatedness and dark-red swelling, with tension after contusions.
[40] Pulse generally small and very quick, at times intermitting.
Chilliness over the whole body, with tingling here and there.
Chill, with very cold hands and feet.
Dry heat over the whole body as soon as one falls asleep after lying down, with aversion to be uncovered, and without thirst.
Burning heat in the face, with very cold feet.
[45] Profuse perspiration day and night, but only when awake ; first breaking out in the face.
Very debilitating perspiration.
Night-sweats, except on the head, increasing towards morning.
Continued perspiration while awake, changing into dry heat as soon as one goes to sleep.
Intermittent fever ; chills over the whole body, with cold hands and feet ; followed by intolerable dry heat, without any thirst, accompanied by dread of being uncovered, afterwards copious sweat, without any thirst ; the sweat even continues during the apyrexia.
[50] вloatedness and dark-red swelling, with tension after contusions.
Most ailments appear while the body is at rest, and are relieved by motion.
Sitting up in bed gives relief.
Most ailments appear while the body is at rest, and are relieved by motion.
Sitting up in bed gives relief.
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- 140₽ Бронхотуссит-ГФ
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- 250₽ Алерготокс (Фитасинтекс)
- 190₽ Бриссад (Вербена)
- 190₽ КомплексА–L-аккорд (Вербена)
- 315₽ Самбукус-плюс (2 фирмы)
- 250₽ Антикан (Вербена)
- 250₽ Папиллокан - Антикан (Вербена)
- 250₽ Циститон - Антикан (Вербена)
- 250₽ Эндометрин - Антикан (Вербена)
- 1100₽ Flowers Energy №41
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