Other names and synonyms
hyos.Description Source
Materia Medica - Adolf zur LippePharmacological Group
Psyche and consciousness
Mind and Disposition.
Jealousy, with rage and delirium.
Fright, followed by convulsions ; and starts from sleep.
Unfortunate love with jealousy, with rage and incoherent speech.
Delirium without consciousness ; does not know any body and has no wants (except thirst).
[5] Unconscious delirium, with closed eyes ; ; talks of business ; fears to be poisoned or to be sold ; scolds, raves.
Melancholy from unfortunate love, with rage or inclination to laugh at every thing.
Delirium tremens, with clonic spasms ; unconsciousness and aversion to light and company.
When spoken to, the answer is properly given, but immediately unconsciousness and delirium return.
Indomitable rage.
[10] Mania with lasciviousness ; and occasional muttering ; sings amorous and obscene songs ; uncovers his whole body.
Jealousy, with rage and delirium.
Fright, followed by convulsions ; and starts from sleep.
Unfortunate love with jealousy, with rage and incoherent speech.
Delirium without consciousness ; does not know any body and has no wants (except thirst).
[5] Unconscious delirium, with closed eyes ; ; talks of business ; fears to be poisoned or to be sold ; scolds, raves.
Melancholy from unfortunate love, with rage or inclination to laugh at every thing.
Delirium tremens, with clonic spasms ; unconsciousness and aversion to light and company.
When spoken to, the answer is properly given, but immediately unconsciousness and delirium return.
Indomitable rage.
[10] Mania with lasciviousness ; and occasional muttering ; sings amorous and obscene songs ; uncovers his whole body.
Head, face, and ears
Loss of memory.
Vertigo, with obscuration of sight, as from intoxication.
Unconsciousness, from congestion of blood to the head, with delirium ; answering all questions properly ; pupils dilated.
Congestion of blood to the head ; red, sparkling eyes ; face purple-red ; worse in the evening.
[15] Inflammation of the brain, with unconsciousness ; heat and tingling in the head ; violent pulsations in the head, like waves ; the head shakes ; worse from becoming cold and after eating ; relieved by bending the head forward (stooping) and from heat.
The brain feels as if it were loose.
Hydrocephalus, with stupor ; the head is shaken to and fro ; sensation of swashing in the head.
Pressing, stupefying pain in the forehead.
The head is shaken or is drawn to one side, with loss of consciousness and red, sparkling eyes.
[20] Heat of the head and face, with general coldness of the body, without thirst.
Liability to catch cold in the head, principally from dry, cold air.
Red, sparkling eyes.
Spasmodic closing of the lids ; inability to open the eyelids.
Staring, distorted eyes.
[25] Squinting.
Contortion of the eyes.
Pupils dilated.
Quivering in the eye.
Optical illusions ; every thing looks ; red as ; fire ; things look too large ; dim-sightedness ; double vision.
[30] Night-blindness.
Heat and redness of the face.
Swollen, brown-red face.
Distorted, bluish face, with the mouth wide open.
Mouth and Throat.
[35] Soreness ; sensation as ; if bruised in the soft parts between the gums and the cheeks.
Toothache, with congestion to the head.
Pulsating toothache, as from inflammation of the periosteum.
He closes the teeth tight.
Foam at the mouth.
[40] сonstriction of the throat with inability to swallow, especially fluids.
Saliva tasting salt ; bloody saliva.
Tongue red.
Loss of speech ; utters inarticulated, sounds.
Paralysis of the tongue.
Parching dryness of the fauces.
Elongation of the palate.
Loss of memory.
Vertigo, with obscuration of sight, as from intoxication.
Unconsciousness, from congestion of blood to the head, with delirium ; answering all questions properly ; pupils dilated.
Congestion of blood to the head ; red, sparkling eyes ; face purple-red ; worse in the evening.
[15] Inflammation of the brain, with unconsciousness ; heat and tingling in the head ; violent pulsations in the head, like waves ; the head shakes ; worse from becoming cold and after eating ; relieved by bending the head forward (stooping) and from heat.
The brain feels as if it were loose.
Hydrocephalus, with stupor ; the head is shaken to and fro ; sensation of swashing in the head.
Pressing, stupefying pain in the forehead.
The head is shaken or is drawn to one side, with loss of consciousness and red, sparkling eyes.
[20] Heat of the head and face, with general coldness of the body, without thirst.
Liability to catch cold in the head, principally from dry, cold air.
Red, sparkling eyes.
Spasmodic closing of the lids ; inability to open the eyelids.
Staring, distorted eyes.
[25] Squinting.
Contortion of the eyes.
Pupils dilated.
Quivering in the eye.
Optical illusions ; every thing looks ; red as ; fire ; things look too large ; dim-sightedness ; double vision.
[30] Night-blindness.
Heat and redness of the face.
Swollen, brown-red face.
Distorted, bluish face, with the mouth wide open.
Mouth and Throat.
[35] Soreness ; sensation as ; if bruised in the soft parts between the gums and the cheeks.
Toothache, with congestion to the head.
Pulsating toothache, as from inflammation of the periosteum.
He closes the teeth tight.
Foam at the mouth.
[40] сonstriction of the throat with inability to swallow, especially fluids.
Saliva tasting salt ; bloody saliva.
Tongue red.
Loss of speech ; utters inarticulated, sounds.
Paralysis of the tongue.
Parching dryness of the fauces.
Elongation of the palate.
Gastrointestinal tract
Stomach and Abdomen.
[45] Voracious ; appetite and thirst, with inability to swallow.
Thirst, with drinking but little at a time.
After drinking, convulsions ; dread of drink.
Hiccough (with spasms and rumbling in the abdomen).
Bitter eructations.
[50] Vomiting of blood and bloody mucus.
Vomiting and retching after coughing.
Sensitiveness and tenderness of the pit of the stomach to the touch.
Burning in and inflammation of the stomach.
Colic relieved by vomiting.
[55] Distention of the abdomen, with pain when touched.
Pain, as from soreness in the abdominal walls, when coughing.
Stool and Anus.
Frequent urgent desire for stool, with but small discharge.
Involuntary stools, from paralysis ; of the sphincter ani.
Watery, painless diarrhoea.
[60] Diarrhoea of lying-in women.
The stool is small-shaped.
Haemorrhoids profusely bleeding.
[45] Voracious ; appetite and thirst, with inability to swallow.
Thirst, with drinking but little at a time.
After drinking, convulsions ; dread of drink.
Hiccough (with spasms and rumbling in the abdomen).
Bitter eructations.
[50] Vomiting of blood and bloody mucus.
Vomiting and retching after coughing.
Sensitiveness and tenderness of the pit of the stomach to the touch.
Burning in and inflammation of the stomach.
Colic relieved by vomiting.
[55] Distention of the abdomen, with pain when touched.
Pain, as from soreness in the abdominal walls, when coughing.
Stool and Anus.
Frequent urgent desire for stool, with but small discharge.
Involuntary stools, from paralysis ; of the sphincter ani.
Watery, painless diarrhoea.
[60] Diarrhoea of lying-in women.
The stool is small-shaped.
Haemorrhoids profusely bleeding.
Urogenital system
Urinary Organs.
Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharges.
Involuntary micturition, as from paralysis ; of the bladder.
[65] Retention of urine, with pressure in the bladder.
Frequent emission of urine (as clear as water).
Sexual Organs.
Menstruation too profuse (with delirium).
Before menstruation, hysterical spasms ; uninterrupted loud laughing.
During the menses, convulsive tremblings of the hands and feet ; seven, headache ; profuse perspiration.
[70] Metrorrhagia, the blood pale, with convulsions.
Suppressed menstruation ; suppressed lochia.
Spasms of pregnant women, especially during parturition.
Puerperal fever.
Frequent desire to urinate, with scanty discharges.
Involuntary micturition, as from paralysis ; of the bladder.
[65] Retention of urine, with pressure in the bladder.
Frequent emission of urine (as clear as water).
Sexual Organs.
Menstruation too profuse (with delirium).
Before menstruation, hysterical spasms ; uninterrupted loud laughing.
During the menses, convulsive tremblings of the hands and feet ; seven, headache ; profuse perspiration.
[70] Metrorrhagia, the blood pale, with convulsions.
Suppressed menstruation ; suppressed lochia.
Spasms of pregnant women, especially during parturition.
Puerperal fever.
Chest organs
Respiratory Organs.
Slow, rattling breathing.
[75] Spasms of the chest, with arrest of breathing, compelling one to lean forward.
Stitches in the sides of the chest. Inflammation of the lungs).
Violent, spasmodic cough ; short consecutive coughs, caused by a tickling sensation in the throat, as if some mucus were lodged in it ; during the day, expectoration of saltish tasting mucus, or of bright-red blood, mixed with clots.
Dry, spasmodic cough at night (in old persons), from continuous ; tickling in the throat (as if the palate were too long).
Haemoptysis, blood bright-red, with spasms.
[80] The cough is worse, at night (after midnight), when at rest, during sleep, in the cold air, from eating and drinking.
The cough is re eyed by sitting up.
Rough voice, from mucus in the trachea and larynx.
Slow, rattling breathing.
[75] Spasms of the chest, with arrest of breathing, compelling one to lean forward.
Stitches in the sides of the chest. Inflammation of the lungs).
Violent, spasmodic cough ; short consecutive coughs, caused by a tickling sensation in the throat, as if some mucus were lodged in it ; during the day, expectoration of saltish tasting mucus, or of bright-red blood, mixed with clots.
Dry, spasmodic cough at night (in old persons), from continuous ; tickling in the throat (as if the palate were too long).
Haemoptysis, blood bright-red, with spasms.
[80] The cough is worse, at night (after midnight), when at rest, during sleep, in the cold air, from eating and drinking.
The cough is re eyed by sitting up.
Rough voice, from mucus in the trachea and larynx.
Limbs and spine
Upper. Painful numbness of the hands.
Trembling of the arms.
[85] Rigor of the hands.
Swelling of the hands.
Hands closed, with clenched thumb.
Floccillation -picking of the bed-cover or of the face.
Lower. сramps in the anterior pad of the thigh.
Upper. Painful numbness of the hands.
Trembling of the arms.
[85] Rigor of the hands.
Swelling of the hands.
Hands closed, with clenched thumb.
Floccillation -picking of the bed-cover or of the face.
Lower. сramps in the anterior pad of the thigh.
[90] сoma vigil.
Deep, heavy sleep with convulsions.
Nightly sleeplessness, with convulsions and concussions, as if by fright ; starting from sleep.
Sleeplessness from nervous irritation.
[90] сoma vigil.
Deep, heavy sleep with convulsions.
Nightly sleeplessness, with convulsions and concussions, as if by fright ; starting from sleep.
Sleeplessness from nervous irritation.
Common symptoms
Spasms and convulsions ; (with watery diarrhoea).
[95] Epileptic attacks, ending with deep, heavy sleep.
Apoplexy with snoring.
Uncommon sinking of strength.
Fainting, repeated attacks of.
Subsultus ; tendinum.
Spasms and convulsions ; (with watery diarrhoea).
[95] Epileptic attacks, ending with deep, heavy sleep.
Apoplexy with snoring.
Uncommon sinking of strength.
Fainting, repeated attacks of.
Subsultus ; tendinum.
[100] Pulse full, hard, accelerated ; distended arteries.
Chilliness over the whole body, with heat in the face, ascending from the feet.
Nightly coldness, extending over the back from the small of the back.
Burning heat of the body every evening.
Heat (in the evening) with congestion of blood to the head and putrid taste.
[105] Debilitating perspiration during sleep.
Cold, sour-smelling perspirations.
Perspiration, principally on the legs.
Intermittent fever, quartan, with short, dry, hacking cough at night.
Afternoon fever ; coldness predominates, with pain in the back.
[100] Pulse full, hard, accelerated ; distended arteries.
Chilliness over the whole body, with heat in the face, ascending from the feet.
Nightly coldness, extending over the back from the small of the back.
Burning heat of the body every evening.
Heat (in the evening) with congestion of blood to the head and putrid taste.
[105] Debilitating perspiration during sleep.
Cold, sour-smelling perspirations.
Perspiration, principally on the legs.
Intermittent fever, quartan, with short, dry, hacking cough at night.
Afternoon fever ; coldness predominates, with pain in the back.
[110] Hot, dry, brittle skin.
Brown or gangrenous spots on the body (as in typhus).
Frequent large blood-boils.
Rash, from the abuse of вelladonna.
The ulcer is very painful and bleeds.
[110] Hot, dry, brittle skin.
Brown or gangrenous spots on the body (as in typhus).
Frequent large blood-boils.
Rash, from the abuse of вelladonna.
The ulcer is very painful and bleeds.
[115] вad effects from getting cold and cold air ; from the abuse of вelladonna ; from jealousy, unhappy love.
Aggravation in the evening ; after eating and drinking ; during menstruation.
Amelioration by stooping (head, breathing).
[115] вad effects from getting cold and cold air ; from the abuse of вelladonna ; from jealousy, unhappy love.
Aggravation in the evening ; after eating and drinking ; during menstruation.
Amelioration by stooping (head, breathing).
Included in the composition
- 1.7€ Sonit (Аспектус фарма ООО )
- 2.9€ Primula comp (Лекарственные средства ВАЛА-Р )
- 2.5€ Лингватон (Фитасинтекс)
- 2.5€ Энурезан (Фитасинтекс)
- 1.9€ КомплексА–L-аккорд (Вербена)
- — Valeriana-plus (Доктор Н)
- 4.5-5.8€ Bronchalis-heel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Flowers Energy №18
- — Flowers Energy №28
- — Flowers Energy №40
- 11€ Flowers Energy №41
- — Flowers Energy №70
- 13.8-16.1€ Cerebrum compositum n (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- — Aurum comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- — Primula/Onopordon composita
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug






