Другие названия и синонимы
mang, Manganum metallicum, металлический марганец гомеопатия.Источник описания
Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von LippeФармакологическая группа
Клиническая картина
This is a close analogue of Iron, and will be found adapted to similar diseases (Bt.
Violent tearing and drawing in the extremities.
Violent, nightly, digging pains in the joints.
After catching cold a red, shining swelling of the joints.
Rheumatism in the joints, with stinging and digging worse at night, often one- sided, or oblique, in association with which there is a glistening red swelling of the joints.
The whole body feels sore to contact (Arnica, вaptisia, Lachesis).
Insupportable nightly digging in the bones and periosteum (Aurum, Mercurius, Mezer., Acid nitricum, Syphilinum).
Inflammation of the bones and periosteum (Calcarea fluorica., Fluor-Ac., Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Phytolacca, Silicea).
Rhagades in the joints.
Burning heat and dryness of the eyes; lids pain on moving them, and become dry in bright light (N.
Skin does not heal readily (Calcarea sulph., Graphites, Hepar, Silicea, Sulphur).
Chronic suppuration of the skin, especially about the joints (Petroleum) (Bt.
Paralysis of the nerves of motion (Conium, Gelsemium, Nux vomica, Plb. (Bt.
Diagonal pains (B.
Headache, worse from straining at stool (Bryonia, сonium, Gloninum, Ind., Lycopodium, Nux vomica) (B.
Toothaches, with suddenly shifting painfulness to other parts of the body.
Many ailments change with the weather.
Difficult, dry, and knotty evacuation. (Mag-M., Plb., Sepia) (C.
Loud cracking noise in the ears, when blowing the nose or swallowing (Graphites) (C.
Congestion of blood to the head (Belladonna, Ferrum, Gloninum) (C.
Hoarse voice (Argentum nitricum, сarbo vegetabilis, Phosphorus, Rhus toxicodendron) (G. Raw, dry, larynx (Causticum) (B.
Expectorating a lump of mucus (Calcarea, Kali carb., Phosphorus, Silicea) (B.
Cough worse from reading or laughing (Phosphorus) (B.
Hemming all the time (Br.
Tuberculosis of larynx (Calcarea, сarbo vegetabilis, Kali bichromicum, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (Br.
Every cold rouses up a bronchitis (Hepar, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Nat-S., Silicea) (Br.
Haemoptysis (Causticum, Kali-P., Lachesis, Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia) (Br.
Greenish or yellow expectoration (K.
Menses too early and too scanty (Cyclamen, Ferrum, Pulsatilla) (C.
Violent tearing and drawing in the extremities.
Violent, nightly, digging pains in the joints.
After catching cold a red, shining swelling of the joints.
Rheumatism in the joints, with stinging and digging worse at night, often one- sided, or oblique, in association with which there is a glistening red swelling of the joints.
The whole body feels sore to contact (Arnica, вaptisia, Lachesis).
Insupportable nightly digging in the bones and periosteum (Aurum, Mercurius, Mezer., Acid nitricum, Syphilinum).
Inflammation of the bones and periosteum (Calcarea fluorica., Fluor-Ac., Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Phytolacca, Silicea).
Rhagades in the joints.
Burning heat and dryness of the eyes; lids pain on moving them, and become dry in bright light (N.
Skin does not heal readily (Calcarea sulph., Graphites, Hepar, Silicea, Sulphur).
Chronic suppuration of the skin, especially about the joints (Petroleum) (Bt.
Paralysis of the nerves of motion (Conium, Gelsemium, Nux vomica, Plb. (Bt.
Diagonal pains (B.
Headache, worse from straining at stool (Bryonia, сonium, Gloninum, Ind., Lycopodium, Nux vomica) (B.
Toothaches, with suddenly shifting painfulness to other parts of the body.
Many ailments change with the weather.
Difficult, dry, and knotty evacuation. (Mag-M., Plb., Sepia) (C.
Loud cracking noise in the ears, when blowing the nose or swallowing (Graphites) (C.
Congestion of blood to the head (Belladonna, Ferrum, Gloninum) (C.
Hoarse voice (Argentum nitricum, сarbo vegetabilis, Phosphorus, Rhus toxicodendron) (G. Raw, dry, larynx (Causticum) (B.
Expectorating a lump of mucus (Calcarea, Kali carb., Phosphorus, Silicea) (B.
Cough worse from reading or laughing (Phosphorus) (B.
Hemming all the time (Br.
Tuberculosis of larynx (Calcarea, сarbo vegetabilis, Kali bichromicum, Phosphorus, Sulphur) (Br.
Every cold rouses up a bronchitis (Hepar, Kali carb., Lycopodium, Nat-S., Silicea) (Br.
Haemoptysis (Causticum, Kali-P., Lachesis, Acid nitricum, Phosphorus, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia) (Br.
Greenish or yellow expectoration (K.
Menses too early and too scanty (Cyclamen, Ferrum, Pulsatilla) (C.
Острые состояния
At night; on stooping; from talking; from touch; in cold, damp weather; in feather bed; from motion; from straining at stool; from reading; and from laughing.
At night; on stooping; from talking; from touch; in cold, damp weather; in feather bed; from motion; from straining at stool; from reading; and from laughing.
From lying down; and in open air.
From lying down; and in open air.
Диф. диагностика
Химическое название
ANTIDOTES: сamph., сoffea and Mercurius.
Remedies following: Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron and Sulph.
Remedies following: Pulsatilla, Rhus toxicodendron and Sulph.
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