Other names and synonyms
syph, Luesinum.Description Source
Keynotes and Red Line Symptoms - Adolph von LippePharmacological Group
Is indicated in affections that are dependent upon a latent syphilitic taint (Bl.
Is of great service in children with congenital syphilis, who show the effects of the disease (Aurum, вar-C., Acid nitricum). (Bl.
Rheumatism in syphilitic constitutions (Aurum, Kali bichromicum, Acid nitricum, Acid phosphoricum., Silicea) (D.
Rheumatism of the shoulder-joint, or at the insertion of the deltoid; worse from raising the arm laterally (Rhus toxicodendron). (A.
Sciatica, worse at night, better about day-break (B.
Carious ulcers (Asafoetida, Fluor-Ac., Silicea). pains worse from sun down to sunrise (N.
Caries of the spine (Calcarea, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Sil) (N.
Severe pain in long bones (Br.
Ophthalmia neonatorum (Argentum nitricum, сalcarea, Hepar, Kali-S., Sulphur (A.
Pain in the eyes intensified at night and are relieved by cold bathing (Pulsatilla). (A.
Falling of the hair (Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum, Acid phosphoricum. (A.
Chronic syphilitic headaches (Aurum, Kali bichromicum, Acid nitricum, Silicea). (D.
Headache causing sleeplessness and delirium at night (A.
Deep, crushing head pains (B.
Profuse lachrymation (All-C., Euphr., Natrum muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron). (R.
Top of the head feels as if coming off (C.
Eyes glued together in the morning (Argentum nitricum, сalcarea, carb-S., сlem., Graphites, Medorrhinum, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur) (R.
Diplopia; one image seen below the other (C.
Ptosis (Argentum nitricum, сausticum, Sepia). (A.
Photophobia (Conium, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus) (C.
Recurrent phlyctenular inflammation of the cornea (C.
Otorrhoea with acrid, watery or purulent discharge (Kali-S. (R.
Abscesses or boils coming in succession (Sulphur) (R.
Copper-coloured, reddish-brown eruptions over the body, with a disagreeable odour (B.
Pustular eruption on different parts of the body (Ant-C., Mercurius, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur) (R.
Pains increase and decrease in severity gradually (Platina, Stann. (Bl.
Offensive, thick, yellow-green nasal discharge (Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla) (R.
Scabs form in both nostrils during sleep (Nux vomica, Pulsatilla) (R.
Ozaena (Aurum, сalcarea, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis) (C.
Caries of nasal bones (Aurum, Kali-I. (C.
Face drawn to one side, with difficult speech and mastication (Causticum) (R.
Extreme emaciation of the entire body (Abrotanum, Iodium, Natrum muriaticum, Sanicula, Silicea) (A.
Lancinating pains from the base to the apex of the heart at night (from the apex to the base of the heart-Medorrhinum; from the base of the heart to the clavicle or shoulder -Spigelia) (A.
Salivation at night (Mercurius, Rhus toxicodendron,) (B.
Vomiting of food, or dark, grumous matter (Conium, Lachesis,) (R.
Heart-burn with pain and rawness from the stomach to the throat- pit (Iris) (R.
Teeth decay at the edge of the gum and break off; are cupped edges serrated; dwarfed in size, converge at their tips (Staphysagria) (A.
Stools dark, bilious and offensive (Baptisia, Nat-S., Sulphur) (R.
Fissure in the anus and rectum (Graphites, Natrum muriaticum, Acid nitricum, Petroleum, Thuja) (A.
Prolapse of the rectum (Mercurius, Podophyllum, Sulphur) (A.
Thick, yellow and offensive leucorrhoea, with constant pain across the back (Sepia) (R.
Obstinate constipation for years; rectum seems tied up with strictures; when enema was used the agony of passage was like labour (Lac-C., Tuberculinum). (A.
Ulcers on the labia (Mercurius, NIt-Ac. (C.
Leucorrhoea profuse, soaking through the napkins and running down to the heels (Alumina, сalcarea, Graphites, Sepia, Silicea, Stann. (N.
Menses have odour of rotten meat (B.
Fears the terrific suffering from exhaustion on awakening (Lachesis) (A.
Terrible dread of night on account of mental and physical exhaustion on awakening; it is intolerable, death is preferable (A.
Sensation, as if going insane, as if about to be paralyzed (A.
Sensation of apathy and indifference (Acid phosphoricum., Sepia). (A.
Loss of memory (Kali-P., Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum) (A.
Cannot remember names of books, persons or places Mercurius, Nux-M., Psorinum) (A.
Hopeless, despair of recovery (Psorinum) (C.
Always washing her hands (K.
Is of great service in children with congenital syphilis, who show the effects of the disease (Aurum, вar-C., Acid nitricum). (Bl.
Rheumatism in syphilitic constitutions (Aurum, Kali bichromicum, Acid nitricum, Acid phosphoricum., Silicea) (D.
Rheumatism of the shoulder-joint, or at the insertion of the deltoid; worse from raising the arm laterally (Rhus toxicodendron). (A.
Sciatica, worse at night, better about day-break (B.
Carious ulcers (Asafoetida, Fluor-Ac., Silicea). pains worse from sun down to sunrise (N.
Caries of the spine (Calcarea, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Acid nitricum, Sil) (N.
Severe pain in long bones (Br.
Ophthalmia neonatorum (Argentum nitricum, сalcarea, Hepar, Kali-S., Sulphur (A.
Pain in the eyes intensified at night and are relieved by cold bathing (Pulsatilla). (A.
Falling of the hair (Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum, Acid phosphoricum. (A.
Chronic syphilitic headaches (Aurum, Kali bichromicum, Acid nitricum, Silicea). (D.
Headache causing sleeplessness and delirium at night (A.
Deep, crushing head pains (B.
Profuse lachrymation (All-C., Euphr., Natrum muriaticum, Rhus toxicodendron). (R.
Top of the head feels as if coming off (C.
Eyes glued together in the morning (Argentum nitricum, сalcarea, carb-S., сlem., Graphites, Medorrhinum, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur) (R.
Diplopia; one image seen below the other (C.
Ptosis (Argentum nitricum, сausticum, Sepia). (A.
Photophobia (Conium, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus) (C.
Recurrent phlyctenular inflammation of the cornea (C.
Otorrhoea with acrid, watery or purulent discharge (Kali-S. (R.
Abscesses or boils coming in succession (Sulphur) (R.
Copper-coloured, reddish-brown eruptions over the body, with a disagreeable odour (B.
Pustular eruption on different parts of the body (Ant-C., Mercurius, Rhus toxicodendron, Sulphur) (R.
Pains increase and decrease in severity gradually (Platina, Stann. (Bl.
Offensive, thick, yellow-green nasal discharge (Kali bichromicum, Pulsatilla) (R.
Scabs form in both nostrils during sleep (Nux vomica, Pulsatilla) (R.
Ozaena (Aurum, сalcarea, Kali bichromicum, Lachesis) (C.
Caries of nasal bones (Aurum, Kali-I. (C.
Face drawn to one side, with difficult speech and mastication (Causticum) (R.
Extreme emaciation of the entire body (Abrotanum, Iodium, Natrum muriaticum, Sanicula, Silicea) (A.
Lancinating pains from the base to the apex of the heart at night (from the apex to the base of the heart-Medorrhinum; from the base of the heart to the clavicle or shoulder -Spigelia) (A.
Salivation at night (Mercurius, Rhus toxicodendron,) (B.
Vomiting of food, or dark, grumous matter (Conium, Lachesis,) (R.
Heart-burn with pain and rawness from the stomach to the throat- pit (Iris) (R.
Teeth decay at the edge of the gum and break off; are cupped edges serrated; dwarfed in size, converge at their tips (Staphysagria) (A.
Stools dark, bilious and offensive (Baptisia, Nat-S., Sulphur) (R.
Fissure in the anus and rectum (Graphites, Natrum muriaticum, Acid nitricum, Petroleum, Thuja) (A.
Prolapse of the rectum (Mercurius, Podophyllum, Sulphur) (A.
Thick, yellow and offensive leucorrhoea, with constant pain across the back (Sepia) (R.
Obstinate constipation for years; rectum seems tied up with strictures; when enema was used the agony of passage was like labour (Lac-C., Tuberculinum). (A.
Ulcers on the labia (Mercurius, NIt-Ac. (C.
Leucorrhoea profuse, soaking through the napkins and running down to the heels (Alumina, сalcarea, Graphites, Sepia, Silicea, Stann. (N.
Menses have odour of rotten meat (B.
Fears the terrific suffering from exhaustion on awakening (Lachesis) (A.
Terrible dread of night on account of mental and physical exhaustion on awakening; it is intolerable, death is preferable (A.
Sensation, as if going insane, as if about to be paralyzed (A.
Sensation of apathy and indifference (Acid phosphoricum., Sepia). (A.
Loss of memory (Kali-P., Lycopodium, Natrum muriaticum) (A.
Cannot remember names of books, persons or places Mercurius, Nux-M., Psorinum) (A.
Hopeless, despair of recovery (Psorinum) (C.
Always washing her hands (K.
Acute conditions
At night; from sundown to sunrise; from extreme cold or heat; in damp weather; from raising the arm laterally; during thunder-storm; every alternate full moon.
At night; from sundown to sunrise; from extreme cold or heat; in damp weather; from raising the arm laterally; during thunder-storm; every alternate full moon.
From change of position; from slow motion; by cold bathing; in high altitude; and during the day.
From change of position; from slow motion; by cold bathing; in high altitude; and during the day.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Asafoetida, Aurum, сalcarea, Fluor-Ac., Graphites, Kali-I., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Acid phosphoricum., Phytolacca, Platina, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Silicea, Thuja and Zincum met.
Compare: Asafoetida, Aurum, сalcarea, Fluor-Ac., Graphites, Kali-I., Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum, Acid phosphoricum., Phytolacca, Platina, Rhus toxicodendron, Sepia, Silicea, Thuja and Zincum met.
Included in the composition
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug