Other names and synonyms
tart-ac.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Tartaric acid. с4H6O6. Trituration. Solution.
Gastritis. Heels, pain in.
Typical features
A proving by Nenning and some poisonings have furnished the pathogenesis of Tart. ac. One of the most marked symptoms was intense burning in throat and stomach, feeling as if on fire. Tongue brown and dry. Almost constant vomiting; vomited matter of deep green colour. Faeces coffee-ground colour. Difficult respiration. Paralytic debility: Weakness in the evening, can scarcely drag himself along. This should prove useful: Tearing pain on the soles of the feet, near the heel, which prevents him putting his foot on the ground, after luncheon. All the symptoms were in open air. The pasty taste is after eating.
Head, face, and ears
Confusion in head; dizziness.
Face instantly became red as fire, and having exclaimed that he was poisoned, became speechless; died on tenth day (drank 2 oz. in solution). Lips turn brown and blackish on their inner edges. - сonstant dryness of lips, must moisten them continually. - вurning of lips.
Face instantly became red as fire, and having exclaimed that he was poisoned, became speechless; died on tenth day (drank 2 oz. in solution). Lips turn brown and blackish on their inner edges. - сonstant dryness of lips, must moisten them continually. - вurning of lips.
Mouth and throat
Teeth set on edge. - вrown and dry tongue. Taste, pasty, in morning, ceases on eating.
Burning sensation in throat and stomach as if on fire.
Burning sensation in throat and stomach as if on fire.
Gastrointestinal tract
Very urgent thirst. Eructations. Nausea. Vomiting, repeated and almost continuous. Vomited matter, deep green.
Pain in umbilical region. Pinching below navel with emission of flatulence; cold feeling in abdomen.
Many stools during night. Stools of colour of coffee grounds.
Pain in umbilical region. Pinching below navel with emission of flatulence; cold feeling in abdomen.
Many stools during night. Stools of colour of coffee grounds.
Chest organs
Hoarseness and scraping in larynx. Respiration: accelerated; then laborious and slow.
Cardiovascular system
Very weak action of heart. Feeble pulse.
Limbs and spine
Sharp pain in region of loins.
Paralysis of thighs and legs. Tearing pains at soles, near the heel, which prevents him setting his foot on the ground, after luncheon.
Paralysis of thighs and legs. Tearing pains at soles, near the heel, which prevents him setting his foot on the ground, after luncheon.
Common symptoms
Convulsions just before death. Extreme weakness. In evening feels very tired, can scarcely drag himself along. General bruised sensation, especially of lower limbs.
Yawning and stretching. Frequent yawning.
General cold feeling, evening in bed.