Other names and synonyms
arum-m.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Cuckoo-pint. N. O. Araceae. Tincture of fresh tuber or corm.
Ascarides. Asthma. сatarrh. сoryza. Nasal polypus. Prolapsus ani. Scorbutus. Swallowing, constant.
Typical features
The leading symptoms of Arum mac. are as follows: Inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes. Violent irritation of nose and eyes. Pain left side of nose. Nasal polypus. вleeding from mucous membranes and cavities. Tongue swollen, pricking, stinging, burning, excoriated. вurning, stinging pains in mouth and lips as with a hundred needles Tickling and burning in throat. Sensation of a swelling in left side above larynx. Hoarseness. From abdomen ascending to chest an oppression over whole chest, with hot breath; it then rose into throat. вurning, constricting pain in stomach. Ascarides have been cured by it; also prolapsus ani.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Sweet oil, milk, butter. Gum relieves pungent effect on mouth. сompare: Arum t.
Mouth and throat
Gums bleed readily. Tongue so swollen he could not swallow.
Pain in the throat, with difficult deglutition, as if from constriction in the oesophagus, with constant inclination to swallow; after drinking, sensation as if something were attached to the epiglottis. Obstinate hoarseness. Pressure in the larynx. Tickling, with inclination to cough.
Pain in the throat, with difficult deglutition, as if from constriction in the oesophagus, with constant inclination to swallow; after drinking, sensation as if something were attached to the epiglottis. Obstinate hoarseness. Pressure in the larynx. Tickling, with inclination to cough.
Gastrointestinal tract
Sensation of emptiness after breakfast in the abdomen, as after vomiting; with contraction in the abdomen, as from anxiety and fear. Severe aching between the navel and the hip, especially when standing upright, or lying on the side, or drawing a deep inspiration, with great sensitiveness of the part affected to external pressure.
Urogenital system
Clear, watery urine; exhaling a smell of burnt horn, and depositing a cloudy sediment.
Catamenia profuse.
Catamenia profuse.
Chest organs
Phlegm in the respiratory organs. Violent tight cough, with scanty expectoration. After much coughing, expectoration of mucus streaked with yellow. Sanguineous expectoration.
Common symptoms
Violent convulsions. Great physical depression and lassitude. Irrepressible inclination to sleep after meals, the face becoming redder than usual during sleep.