Other names and synonyms
ant-s, Antimonium sulphuratum aureum.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Golden Sulphuret of Antimony. Sb2. S5. Trituration.
Acne. Amaurosis. сatarrh. сonstipation. сornea, spots on. Diarrhoea. Indigestion. Iris, prolapse of. Itching. Nose-bleed. Lung, congestion of.
Typical features
Ant. sul. aur. has been proved. Its most notable effects were produced on the eye and chest. вurning in head (with eye complaints). Amaurosis (commencing). Spots on cornea and hypopion. Acute and chronic nasal and bronchial catarrh. Acne. Nose-bleed on washing. As with the other antimonies there is disordered digestion, pasty mouth and taste in morning. Increase of tough mucus in larynx and bronchi, respiration difficult. Dry, hard cough with passive congestion of upper lobe of left lung. Itching on hands and feet.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Other Antimonies; Aur. (chest), Ars., Ferr., Merc. sul., Sul., Amm. c. (nose-bleed after washing).
Head, face, and ears
Amaurosis, commencing. Spots on cornea. Iris protruding through cornea.
Bleeding from nose on washing. Increased mucus from nose and throat.
Pustular acne.
Bleeding from nose on washing. Increased mucus from nose and throat.
Pustular acne.
Mouth and throat
Pasty mouth and taste in morning.
Burning or heat in fauces. Mucus from throat becomes offensive to smell. Pressure in throat as if a plug stuck in it. Scratching, rough feeling in throat in morning.
11, 12. Stomach and Abdomen. Pressure and fulness in stomach and abdomen; umbilical region sensitive.
Burning or heat in fauces. Mucus from throat becomes offensive to smell. Pressure in throat as if a plug stuck in it. Scratching, rough feeling in throat in morning.
11, 12. Stomach and Abdomen. Pressure and fulness in stomach and abdomen; umbilical region sensitive.
Gastrointestinal tract
Passage of much flatus with sudden urging, followed by a stool solid at first then bright yellow and pasty; afterwards violent colic and rumbling round navel. - сonstipation, faeces hard and passed with difficulty.
Urogenital system
Urine increased, dark red.
Pustular eruption on scrotum with much itching.
Pustular eruption on scrotum with much itching.
Chest organs
Accumulation of tough mucus in bronchi and larynx. Increased mucous secretion with fulness in bronchi and full, hard breathing. Respiration difficult. Dry, hard cough, no expectoration. Increased mucous sputum, mixed with blood, of a sweetish taste. Passive congestion of upper lobe left lung, with hard, dry cough.
Common symptoms
Malaise, fatigue, lassitude, with nausea.
Itching on hands and feet. Pustular acne.
Sleep deep; dreamy with sudden waking. Sudden waking after midnight, with general aggravation of symptoms, heavy, confused head, slight sweat.