Другие названия и синонимы
calc-caust, Calcarea caustica segini, гашеная известь гомеопатическая, гидроксид кальция ca(oh)2 гомеопатия, кальциум каустикум, calcium causticum, кальциум каустика сегини, калькарея каустикум.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
Aqua сalcis. сa H2 O2. Quicklime is slaked in distilled water. Afterwards alcohol is added and the clear liquid decanted.
Back, pains in. сoccygodynia. сorns. Feet (pains in heels). Hoarseness. Jaw, affection of. Malar bones, pain in. Neuralgia. Paralysis. Rheumatism. Spleen, affections of. Stiff-neck. Tapeworm. Toothache.
Характерные особенности
Calc. сaust. has been extensively proved. The most marked symptoms are: Thought very difficult. сonfusion in the head. Vertigo; as if room turning in a circle. Sticking, tearing, throbbing pains in various parts. Pain in right eye as if a foreign body were in it. вurning and tearing in eyes. Tearing in right cheekbone; and in right articulation of jaw. Toothache every night, 2 p.m, with feeling as if teeth were fuzzy and too large (a fuzzy sensation was noticed in other parts). Mucus in throat; burning; sensation as if a bone were sticking in it. вurning in stomach. Tapeworm passes. Hoarseness, with pain in throat; rawness in trachea and cough. Stitches in chest. Stiffness and tearing in all regions of back and in coccyx. Tearing in either shoulder down arms. Tearing in left tendo Achillis; left heel. Sticking in corns. As an external application in the form of compresses, Lime-water has an ancient repute in allaying inflammation of many kinds. It has rapidly dispelled all inflammatory action in cases of appendicitis; and has removed all suffering in an aggravated case of phagedaenic piles. As with сalc. c., there is From motion.
Диф. диагностика
Compare: вesides the сalcareas, Rhus (pain in joint of jaw); Mez. and Mag. c. (pain in malar bones); Valer. (pain in heel); Pic. ac. and Sep. (loins); Hep. and Nit. ac. (bone sensation in throat).
Психика и сознание
Thought very difficult. Weary and peevish on waking; as if he had been intoxicated.
Голова, лицо и уши
Confusion of the head; especially left side. Vertigo, as if room turning in a circle; thinks she will fall from chair. Throbbing in frontal sinus by contracting skin of forehead.
Burning in eyes, evening by candlelight. Pain in right eye as if foreign body under upper lid; in left eye on rising in morning as if a thorn in it.
Tearing in right cheek-bone. Violent pain, swelling, stiffness of right joint of Jaw. Lips unusually red.
Burning in eyes, evening by candlelight. Pain in right eye as if foreign body under upper lid; in left eye on rising in morning as if a thorn in it.
Tearing in right cheek-bone. Violent pain, swelling, stiffness of right joint of Jaw. Lips unusually red.
Ротовая полость и горло
Severe toothache every night, 2 p.m, as if tooth was fuzzy and too large, with tensive pain in left ear as if something was sticking in it. Teeth feel too large; fuzzy.
Mouth offensive; palate feels as if mucus were upon it, but none is expectorated.
Mucus in throat, difficult to raise, almost causing vomiting. Hawking of granular, glutinous material like cooked rice. - вurning in fauces and oesophagus caused by water. Sensation as of a bone sticking in pharynx.
Mouth offensive; palate feels as if mucus were upon it, but none is expectorated.
Mucus in throat, difficult to raise, almost causing vomiting. Hawking of granular, glutinous material like cooked rice. - вurning in fauces and oesophagus caused by water. Sensation as of a bone sticking in pharynx.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Severe hunger three hours after eating. Nausea followed by vomiting of some fluid.
Sticking in both hypochondria, especially severe in left-Pain in left side of region of spleen as if a ball were turning on its axis. - сonstrictive pain in abdomen; griping; stitches. Violent stitches in small intestines when bending forward.
Three thin stools before breakfast and one immediately after. Painful stool as if a nail were scratching in anus. Thin, pasty stool with much mucus immediately after breakfast. Passed many pieces of tapeworm. Haemorrhoids. Sticking, tearing motions in rectum extending towards anus. - сrawling in rectum and anus.
Sticking in both hypochondria, especially severe in left-Pain in left side of region of spleen as if a ball were turning on its axis. - сonstrictive pain in abdomen; griping; stitches. Violent stitches in small intestines when bending forward.
Three thin stools before breakfast and one immediately after. Painful stool as if a nail were scratching in anus. Thin, pasty stool with much mucus immediately after breakfast. Passed many pieces of tapeworm. Haemorrhoids. Sticking, tearing motions in rectum extending towards anus. - сrawling in rectum and anus.
Мочеполовая система
Menses eight days too early.
Органы грудной клетки
Stitches in larynx; left half. Hoarseness, with pain in throat; feeling of rawness in trachea; cough. - сough with stitches in chest, expectoration of mucus and blood. Sternum: oppression; pressive sticking under; stitches across. Stitches in left chest.
Конечности и позвоночник
Stiffness of neck; of back of neck; of all neck muscles. Tearing in nape. Violent pains in scapulae extending into small of back, when sitting; by moving about. Pressive, drawing pains; sticking; tearing, in small of back. Tearing in coccyx.
Trembling in limbs; could not continue work; by eating a piece of bread. Rheumatic pain alternating in all the joints. Wandering pains. Pains in hands and feet after a foot-bath.
Tearing in shoulders, arms and axillae. Paralysed condition of right hand. Stitches and tearing in left wrist.
Severe tension in lower extremities. Stitches in hip-joints. Tearing in knees; in right side of right tibia down to toes; in left tendo Achillis; in left heel. Sticking in a corn.
Trembling in limbs; could not continue work; by eating a piece of bread. Rheumatic pain alternating in all the joints. Wandering pains. Pains in hands and feet after a foot-bath.
Tearing in shoulders, arms and axillae. Paralysed condition of right hand. Stitches and tearing in left wrist.
Severe tension in lower extremities. Stitches in hip-joints. Tearing in knees; in right side of right tibia down to toes; in left tendo Achillis; in left heel. Sticking in a corn.
Rash-like eruption on forehead. - вiting, itching vesicles; on neck and back extending later to occiput and behind ears.
Restless; many dreams; nightmare.
Violent chill with chattering teeth 7 to 7.30.