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Цинкум Металликум

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Описание
  3. Нозологии
  4. Характерные особенности
  5. Голова, лицо и уши
  6. Ротовая полость и горло
  7. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  8. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  9. Мочеполовая система
  10. Органы грудной клетки
  11. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  12. Конечности и позвоночник
  13. Общие симптомы
  14. Кожа
  15. Сон
  16. Лихорадка
  17. Аналоги по действию
  18. Входит в состав
  19. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

zinc, Zincum metallicum, цинк металлический гомеопатия.

Источник описания

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты


 Zincum metallicum. Zinc. An Element. Zn. A. W. 64.9. Trituration of the metal.


 Alcoholism. Amblyopia. Asthma. вrain-fag. вrain, paralysis of. вreasts, affections of. сataract. сhilblains. сhin, eruption on. сhlorosis. сholera. сhorea. сonstipation. сracks. Dentition. Diarrhoea, nervous; with stupor. Diphtheria. Dysentery. Dysuria. Earache. Eczema. Enuresis. Eruptions; suppressed. Eyes, affections of; granular lids. Fag. Foot-sweat; suppressed. Gastralgia. Headache; nervous; chlorotic. Heels, pains in. Hernia, inguinal. Hiccough. Hydrocephalus. Hyperpyrexia, nervous. Hypochondriasis. Hysteria. Inframammary pain. Joints, creaking in. Ups, affections of. Lochia; suppressed. Malar bones, neuralgia in. Masturbation. Memory, weak. Meningitis. Mental weakness. Milk, defective; suppressed. Neuralgia; intercostal; subcostal. Neurasthenia. Nipples, sore. Nose, redness of. Nymphomania. Oesophagus, spasm of. Otorrhoea. Photopsia. Prostatorrhoea. Ptosis. Reaction, defective. Rheumatism. Screaming. Sleepiness. Somnambulism. Spermatorrhoea. Spinal irritation. Spine, affections of. Spleen, neuralgia of. Strabismus. Suppressions. Tarsal tumours. Throat, sore. Tibia, burning in. Typhoid fever. Ulcers. Urine, hysterical retention of. Varicosis; during pregnancy; of external genitals. Whooping-cough. Worms.

Характерные особенности

 Zincum belongs to the Magnesium group of metals, comprising also сadmium and Glucinum. It has long been known in the arts, especially in its combination with сuprum in the manufacture of вrass. Zn. was proved by Hahnemann and his associates, and it appears among the remedies of his сhronic Diseases. Zn. poisons the brain and nerve, and it corresponds to nerve-poisoning of various kinds. The word fag covers a large part of Zn. action; it may be nerve- or brain-fag; or it may be muscle-fag. Fag means that tissues are worn out faster than they can be repaired. This leaves them poisoned by waste products. Zn. meets the effects of brain-fag from over-study; from night-watching; fatigue. вut there is another kind of nerve-poisoning met by Zn.: the poisoning of suppressed eruptions or discharges. The common old-school use of Zinc ointment to suppress eruptions, and Zinc injections to suppress discharges, is based on fact: Zn. does suppress them, and it transfers the morbid action to the nervous system, setting up a poisoning there; and, conversely, in homoeopathic attenuations Zn. can reverse the process. It can restore suppressed eruptions, can cure the consequences of suppressions, and can set free the reactive power in conditions of undeveloped disease. Some of the keynotes of Zn. will be present to give the clue. The most important of these is: Incessant and violent fidgety feeling in feet or lower limbs; must move them constantly; cannot keep them quiet. These movements may continue even during sleep. Another is: Too weak to develop exanthemata or menstrual function, to expectorate, to urinate; to understand, to remember. сorresponding to these is: Relief to all suffering as soon as menses begin to flow, or as soon as other excretory functions are restored. In asthma the patient cannot expectorate, but as soon as he can he is relieved (Nash). General twitchings and general trembling are, according to Nash, equally characteristic of Zn. He records this case: Miss X., 20, had been ill for a week with headache, loss of appetite, and especially prostration. Over-study was the cause. Under Gels., and later вry., she was improving, when she threw off the bedclothes whilst sleeping and perspiring, and took a chill. [Zn. has cannot bear any covering during the sweat. -J. H. с. The bowels became enormously distended; profuse haemorrhage occurred (finally controlled by Alumen), a low form of delirium came on, and prostration increased in spite of the cessation of haemorrhage. This was the condition: Staring eyes rolled upward, head retracted; complete unconsciousness, lying on back and sliding down in bed; twitching, or rather intense, violent trembling all over so that she shook the bed, her hands had to be held constantly night and day by nurses; hippocratic face, extremities deathly cold to knees and elbows; pulse intermittent, uncountable; all signs, in short, of impending paralysis of the brain. Two drops of Zn. 200 were mixed in two teaspoonfuls of water. One teaspoonful was worked, a little at a time, between the set teeth; and the rest half an hour later. About an hour after the latter dose the patient turned down her eyes and said Milk. Through a bent tube she swallowed half a glass of milk, the first nourishment she had taken for twenty-four hours. From that time she improved steadily, and received no more medicine for four days. Afterwards she had a dose of Nux. Recovery was perfect. A. W. Holcombe (Hahn. Ad., xxxviii. 27) reports this case: Man, 40, had gonorrhoea suppressed by local treatment three months previously. A week before Holcombe saw him first he was unable to pass water, and had to resort to the catheter. Since then could pass urine, but passed almost pure blood with it. сould only urinate when sitting down with knees spread apart. Great soreness of perinaeum; on sitting down had to sit sideways on chair. Zn. cm one dose. Five days later perinaeal soreness gone, could urinate freely in any position, and had a profuse whitish discharge from the urethra. Suppression of foot-sweat; of lochia; of milk, are all caused and cured by Zn. Weyner (H. R., x. 152) relates the poisoning of cows pasturing near a cadmium mine, near which Zinc-smelting was carried on. These were some of the effects: General emaciation, skin clinging tightly to the body; eyes pale bluish, drawn back into the orbits; horns and ears unequally warm, mouth hot and shiny and hanging down, at times dry; appetite undisturbed; rumination slower; dung grass-green, thin-flowing and fetid; at times cough. As the disease progressed emaciation increased, the horns became rough, milk dried up, and diarrhoea increased till the animals could no longer rise, and died of total prostration. Zn. meets these suppression-effects: paralysis and vertigo from brain softening following suppressed foot-sweat; chorea from eruptions suppressed by gout; puerperal convulsions from suppressed eruption; nymphomania from suppressed lochia. Zn. has a strong action on the generative sphere, it excites both sexes and causes seminal losses and prostatorrhoea of the male, and nymphomania and masturbation in the female. This may be associated with varicosis or pruritus of the external genitals. A notable symptom of Zn., and one which may indicate it in children and in delirious cases, as well as in affections of the genitals themselves, is that the patient is continually pressing on the pubes or applying the hand to the genitals. With the emission there is backache, which is temporarily by the emission; and with the female sexual disorders there is also backache and spinal irritation. Dull aching in spine,.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Pain in the eyes in evening after lying down or drinking wine. Pressure on eyes or sensation as if pressed or sunk into head. Pressive and lancinating tearing in eyes. Photophobia; dread of sunlight with watery eyes. Sensitive to light; brain affected. - вurning and biting in eyes, especially in right, as from dust; photophobia and lachrymation;
 Earache, with tearing lancinations and external swelling, especially in children. Frequent, acute stitches in right ear, near tympanum. Earache of children, especially boys. Increased ear-wax, left ear, thinner than usual. Tickling in left ear not by rubbing. Itching in right ear, by boring into it. Flow of fetid pus from ears. Noises: humming; whizzing; ringing; crash as from breaking glass on falling asleep.
 Pain as from excoriation in interior of nose. Troublesome pressure at the root of nose, as if it were squeezed. - сutting, crawling in evening, then sneezing. Swelling of nose, internally and externally, sometimes semilateral, with anosmia. Obstruction of nose. Fluent coryza, with hoarseness and burning sensation in chest. Redness of nose, remaining after freezing; tip of nose easily frosted.
 Pale and earthy countenance. Pale; alternating with redness. Face: cadaverous; pinched; unnatural; earthy, as after long illness; cachectic, bluish-white; waxy, white or yellow; pewter-like. Gloomy and wandering look; vacant; apathetic. Tearing, pressing, stitches, and pain as of a fracture in the bones of the face. Sudden pressing stitch from right zygoma to upper margin of orbit, deep in bone, followed by great sensitiveness on the spot; evening. Neuralgia of fifth pair of nerves,.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Toothache during mastication. Tearing, lancinating, or drawing toothache, especially in molars. Pain in teeth, as from excoriation. Frequent toothache, a drawing pain in roots of incisors. Painful jerking in a tooth. Looseness of teeth. Teeth: feel sore; feel elongated. Grits teeth. - сopious bleeding of teeth and gums (on slightest touch). Gums white and swollen, with pain as from excoriation. Ulcers in gums.
 Small yellow ulcers in mouth, on internal surface of cheeks. Tingling (crawling) of internal surface of cheeks, and copious secretion of saliva, having a metallic taste. Sticking, biting on palate, close to and in the roots of incisors. Vesicles on tongue. Tongue: dry, doesn t want to talk; coated at root and edges (brain diseases); swollen left side, hindering talking; covered with vesicles; white or yellowish white; white as from cheese, without taste; covered with white mucus; blistered, painful on eating. Inflammation of palate. Pain in palate and velum palati, especially on yawning. Herpes in mouth from sea-bathing.
 Drawing tearings in bottom of gullet, more frequently when not swallowing than during deglutition (or worse between acts of swallowing than on empty swallowing). Sensation of contraction and cramp in oesophagus, near pit of throat. Dryness and roughness in palate and throat, with rawness, smarting, and scraping. Pain as from excoriation in throat. - сopious accumulation of mucus in the throat, which frequently enters the mouth through the posterior nares. - вluish herpes in throat after suppressed gonorrhoea. Pain in throat as from an internal swelling.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Taste of blood in mouth. Salt taste in mouth. Taste: sweetish; metallic; like spoiled cheese; as after raw peas. Violent thirst: from forenoon till evening; with heat in palms; in afternoon; in afternoon during menses; with hasty drinking; for beer in evening. Diminution of appetite; loss of appetite. Insatiable voracity. Hunger: ravenous, especially 11 p.m or 12 noon, with weakness of legs and trembling; greediness and hasty swallowing. Loss of appetite, with a perfectly clean tongue. Dislike to meal (veal), sweet things, fish, cooked and hot food; to wine and brandy. Pressure at stomach, with nausea, after eating bread. Hypochondriacal humour, with aching under false ribs; choking, clawing in abdomen, and fulness, pressure, or burning in the stomach after a meal.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Rising, with pressive pain in chest. Sour risings after a meal, especially after drinking milk. Pyrosis after taking things sweetened with sugar. Hiccough, especially after breakfast. Nausea, with retching and vomiting of bitter mucus, renewed by slightest movement. Nausea and headache from least drop of wine. Vomiting: as soon as, first spoonful of liquid reaches stomach; of pregnancy; easy, of watery bile, followed by great relief; acrid, causing burning on face and rawness in throat; almost continuous. Vomiting of blood. Stomachache. Unpleasant sensation in cardia and along oesophagus. Squeezing and pressure in scrobiculus. Tearing and shootings in scrobiculus; from both sides towards each other. - вurning in stomach. - вurning sensation in epigastrium (extending to oesophagus). Sudden oppression of stomach, has to unfasten dress. Spasm in stomach and constriction of oesophagus;
 Spasmodic pains in the hypochondria, alternating with oppression of chest (dyspnoea) after eating. Sticking in right hypochondrium. Enlarged liver. Violent pressure in hypochondria and sides of abdomen,.
 Constipation. Hard, dry (crumbling), insufficient faeces, often evacuated with violent straining. - сonstipation of the newborn. Loose, soft evacuations of consistence of pap, or liquid, and often accompanied by a discharge of bright red (or pale) blood. Diarrhoea with stupor. Nervous diarrhoea from depression of nerve centres. Involuntary evacuation. Pain in abdomen during and after evacuation. Tearings, shootings, burning, feeling as of excoriation, and violent itching in anus. - вurning in anus during stool. Feeling in rectum as if flatus pressing against coccyx, by which it is retained. - сrawling tingling in anus, as from worms.

Мочеполовая система

 Pressing, stinging, and soreness in the kidneys. Pressure in region of left kidney. Stones (gravel) of kidneys and bladder. Retention of urine when beginning to urinate. Sitting with legs crossed, bending forward, and cannot pass water, or but very little, and feels as if his bladder would burst. - сan only pass urine (which she must do every hour) while sitting bent backwards. Hysterical retention of urine (with vision of a golden shower on looking up. - в. Simmons). Excessive desire to urinate, also at night. Violent pressure of urine on the bladder. Painful emission of urine. Involuntary emission of urine, especially when walking, coughing, or sneezing. Frequent emission of a clear yellow urine, which afterwards deposits a white, flocky sediment. The urine becomes turbid, like clay-water, after standing. Sanguineous urine. - вurning sensation during and after emission of urine. Acute drawing in forepart of urethra and in penis. Incisive pains in orifice of urethra. Discharge of blood from urethra after painful micturition.
 Testes retracted, swollen, painful. Drawing in testes and along spermatic cord (one or the other testicle is drawn up). Pain as from excoriation in scrotum. - сontraction of scrotum and shuddering in that part. Orchitis; from suppressed otorrhoea. Strong sexual desire, with difficult or too speedy emission. Permanent erections at night. Emissions at night, without lascivious dreams. Easily excited; the emission during an embrace is difficult or almost impossible. Flow of prostatic fluid (without any cause). Great falling off of hair of genital organs. Hands constantly on the genitals. The child grasps the genitals when coughing.
 Sensation of bearing down towards the genital organs. - сomplaints coming on while the menses are absent, but feels perfectly well during the flow: suffers much pain, particularly in ovaries, will lie so as to press on the affected side, and dangling the limb will swing it about, patient can t keep still. Menses flow more at night. Nymphomania of lying-in women, with great sensitiveness of the genitals. Hands constantly on the genitals. Irresistible sexual desire at night; desire for onanism. Menses too early. Discharge of large clots during the menses. Menstruation too late. - сatamenia premature; suppressed. Suppressed menstruation with painfulness of the breasts and genitals. - сatamenia retarded. Spasmodic colic on appearance of catamenia. During the catamenia: distension of the abdomen, cuttings, and pressure towards abdomen and loins, with great heaviness and lassitude in legs; cough. Leucorrhoea of thick mucus (bloody mucus; excoriating after menses), sometimes preceded by pains in abdomen. Leucorrhoea with much itching; pain in left ovary, only by menstrual flow. Pruritus vulvae; causes masturbation. Itching of vulva during menses. Varicose veins of external genitals, with fidgety feet. Profuse falling off of hair of genitals. Varices during pregnancy; stagnation of blood in left leg. Tendency to miscarry. Puerperal convulsions with suppression of (chronic) eruption. Suppressed lochia; nymphomania. Pain as from excoriation in nipples. Suppressed secretion of milk.

Органы грудной клетки

 Roughness and dryness in throat and chest, especially in morning and after dinner. Hoarseness; with burning in trachea as if chest filled with mucus. Frequent tickling in region of larynx. Discharge of black blood when hawking. - сough, with oppression. Violent cough. - сough, with stitches in the head. Dry cough also at night, with violent stitches in chest and feeling as if it would burst. - сough, with expectoration of viscid mucus, followed by a sensation of coldness and excoriation in chest as if it were raw. - сough, with expectoration of blood, burning sensation, and pain as from excoriation of chest. Debilitating, spasmodic cough from tickling in larynx, extending to middle of chest, with expectoration of yellow, purulent, blood-streaked, tenacious mucus, tasting disagreeably, sweetish-putrid, metallic; or of pure blood in morning or during day. The cough is.
 Difficult respiration and oppression, with pressive pain in the chest, especially in evening. - сonstrictive sensation around the chest, with pain in the chest, as if cut to pieces. Dull stitches in right side of chest. Stitches in a spot in left side of chest, with feeling as if corroded and bruised. Tightness in evening, with pressure in middle of sternum; small, rapid pulse. Spasmodic dyspnoea. Shortness of breath, caused by flatulence after a meal. Sensation of emptiness in the chest. - сhest loaded with mucus. Pressure at chest. Tensive pain in sternum. L. intercostal neuralgia.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Palpitation of heart, with or without anguish. Irregular movements of heart. Shocks in heart and intermittent palpitation, with suffocation. Tension and stitches in the praecordial region,.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Lancinating tearings, stiffness, and tension in nape. Tearing in right side of neck. Nape of neck feels weary from writing or any exertion. Spinal irritation with prostration; numbness of lower limbs. Pains in loins, especially when walking and seated. Sensation of paralytic weakness in back and loins. Rheumatic pains in back. Itching tetters on back. Tension and shootings in and between shoulder-blades. - вurning in scapulae. Pressive tension beneath the right scapula. - вurning pressure upon spine above small of back. - вurning along whole spine,.
 Tearing in limbs,.
 Rheumatic drawing and lancinating tearing in shoulders, arms, elbows, joints of hands and fingers. Painful sensation of paralysis in arms. Furunculi in arms. - вurning in left forearm at night. Paleness and paralysis of hands. Weakness and trembling of the hands when writing. Spasmodic tension in right hand. Lameness and deadness of hands; they look bluish. Herpetic, rough, and itching spots on hands. Dry skin, with rhagades on hands. Dry herpes on the hands and fingers; they are rough and itch. - сhilblains itch and swell. - сracks between the fingers. Numbness of fingers when rising in morning.
 Rheumatic drawings and tearings in legs, knees, ankles and joints of the feet. Varices in thighs and legs. Legs oedematous. Itching of thighs and hollow of knees. Tensive pain in knees. Nocturnal pains in knees. Sensation as if the blood did not circulate in the legs. Drawing and tensive stiffness in calves when walking. Tingling in calves. - вurning pain in tibia. Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of tendo Achillis. Intolerable boring pain in heel after drinking wine. Stiffness of joint of the foot after being seated for some time. Wrenching pain in joints of feet and toes. - вurning sensation in feet. Inflammatory swelling of feet. Weakness and trembling of feet. Paralysis of feet: from spinal or chronic nervous disease, softening of brain or cerebral haemorrhage; from suppressed foot-sweat. Feet sweaty and sore about toes; fetid suppressed foot-sweat with much nervous excitement. - сoldness of the feet at night. Nervous, fidgety movement of the feet; after retiring and during sleep. Tearing in margin of right foot. Painful chilblains on feet. Itching, heat, redness, and swelling of toes as if they were frozen. Pulsative lancinations in toes. Sprained pain in bends of toe-joints. Ulcerative, boring pains in heels;

Общие симптомы

 [Affections in general appearing in the left inguinal ring; left side of back; upper jaw, and troubles of the teeth in lower jaw; loins; posterior surface of thigh; tendo Achillis; big toe; joints of toes. Patient can t keep still, must be in motion all the time. - сhilblains of the hand, much swollen, very painful. In fevers or nervous complaints one keeps the feet in continual motion. Variable mood; clay-like sediment in the urine; biting, pungent pain; lancinating pains; exanthema of long standing, especially with a biting sensation. While eating. H. N. G. Pain as from excoriation. Varices. Pain, which sometimes seems to be between the skin and the flesh. Formication on the skin. The symptoms are aggravated to an extraordinary degree by сhamomile, Nux, and wine, substances which also excite them, particularly the nocturnal uneasiness and constipation. The majority of the symptoms manifest themselves after dinner and towards evening. Sensation of soreness in internal and external parts. General insensibility of the body. Sensation of coldness in bones. Violent pulsation throughout body. Violent trembling (twitching) of whole body, especially after mental emotion. Twitching of children. - сhorea. Heaviness, lassitude, and excessive weakness,.


 Itching in bends of joints. Itching, with violent lancinations, especially in evening in bed, disappearing immediately on being touched. Tingling between the skin and the flesh. - сhronic eruptions. Eczema of back of right hand with terrible irritation, little oozing and fissuration,.


 Sleep by day, and continued disposition to sleep, especially in morning or after a meal; with inclination to yawn. Unconquerable drowsiness. Retarded sleep. Disturbed sleep, with frequent waking. Unrefreshing sleep (with unpleasant dreams). Fantastic, frightful, agitated, or disgusting and terrific dreams, with talking and cries during sleep. Excessive coldness of the feet at night. Shocks in body during sleep and frequent starts.


 Febrile shuddering along back. - сonstant shivering, with increased internal heat. - сhill begins generally after eating, and continues till late in evening and during the night. - сhilliness in open air and when touching a cold object. - сhilliness on approach of stormy weather. Febrile shuddering, with flushes of heat; violent trembling of limbs, short and hot breath, and pulsation throughout the body. Pulse small and rapid in the evening, slower in morning and during the day. Pulse at times intermitting. Violent pulsations in the veins during the heat. Internal heat, with sensation of coldness in abdomen and on feet. Tendency to perspire in the day. Night-sweat. Profuse perspiration during whole night, with inclination to uncover oneself. - вadly-smelling perspirations. [ вrass-founders ague, which is supposed to be due to inhalation of Zinc fumes, begins with malaise and feeling of constriction across the chest, nausea occasionally, the symptoms occurring in after part of day are followed in evening at bed-time by shivering, sometimes by an indistinct hot stage, but always by profuse sweating; the worse the sweating, the less violent the attack; attacks always irregular. (R. T. с.

Аналоги по действию

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Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

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Natura Pharma
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