Другие названия и синонимы
cere-b, Cereus bonplandii, кактус бонпланда гомеопатия, цереус гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Дополнительные факты
A variety of сactus grandiflorus. N. O. сactaceae. Tincture of stems.
Eczema. Emaciation. Eyes, neuralgia of. Heart, affections of. Insanity. Kidneys, affections of. Neuralgia.
Характерные особенности
The principal symptoms of сer. bon. are in connection with the heart, as in the case of сactus, with which it must he compared. The symptoms are undressing. сer. bon. was proved by John H. Fitch in substantial doses (H. P., xii. 533). The prover lost 7 1/2 lbs. in weight. He felt weighed down by an incubus. When mental symptoms subsided, bodily symptoms increased and vice versâ. сould not bear contact of clothes; felt better on undressing. Among the marked symptoms were: Wants to be at work; on something useful. Pains through globe of eyes and orbit. Pain through heart; in left great pectoral muscle; left side of chest. Expanding sensation in chest followed by sudden collapse. The effect on the nervous system passed off in four or five days. The pains of сer. b. have a tendency to spread to other parts. Most appear on left side. Itching in right popliteal space lasted eight or nine years after the proving. Itching with roughness of the skin like eczema above left knee anteriorly. Itching, with eruption like herpes below left scapula remained permanent. Fitch (who regards сer. b. as an antipsoric of remarkable power ) cured with it: (1) a case of eczema of both hands extending up to elbows. (2) Deposits in urine. (3) Dropsy of cardiac and renal origin. (4) Left intercostal neuralgia. (5) Anterior crural neuralgia. Also two cases of insanity-(6) one in a young woman, gloomy, restless, inclined to curse, swear, and throw things at persons, if resisted; (7) the other in a married woman who had spiritual delusions-that she had committed the unpardonable sin, &c. This came on originally after confinement.
Диф. диагностика
Compare:-Cact., Anhalon. (visions of colours), Graph. Anac. (tendency to swear).
Психика и сознание
Desire to engage in work; to have all time employed; to be engaged in something useful. Desire to be dissolved. Disposition to pray. Apathetic; difficult to keep attention fixed. Irritable; inclined to curse and swear. Time seems to pass slowly. Spiritual delusions; thinks she has committed the unpardonable sin.
Голова, лицо и уши
Feeling as if head suspended from some support under skull and base of brain. Head felt drawn to left backward. Pain extending through forehead (left) to occiput. Painful stunning feeling in right frontal bone. Sensation as of a board bound to back of head, more left-Severe pain in occiput; running through to brain;
Heavy feeling in eyes; soreness. Pains through globe of right eye; of left eye and orbit. Strong light painful. Perception of a cluster of orange-coloured spots, round and symmetrical.
Pain behind left mastoid process extending upward and backward; through ear and head.
Sneezing. Discharges hardened mucus, greenish.
Haggard look. Pain along right malar bone, running to temple, through to occiput.
Heavy feeling in eyes; soreness. Pains through globe of right eye; of left eye and orbit. Strong light painful. Perception of a cluster of orange-coloured spots, round and symmetrical.
Pain behind left mastoid process extending upward and backward; through ear and head.
Sneezing. Discharges hardened mucus, greenish.
Haggard look. Pain along right malar bone, running to temple, through to occiput.
Ротовая полость и горло
Tongue: red; deep purple. Watery sensation in mouth. Salivation.
Persistent mucus in throat, pale greenish or clear.
Persistent mucus in throat, pale greenish or clear.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Pain in left groin sharp and cutting as from calculus in ureter.
Copious urgent evacuation. Felt very well after. Ineffectual urging.
Copious urgent evacuation. Felt very well after. Ineffectual urging.
Мочеполовая система
Pain in kidneys; as from calculus. Sticking pain right ureter. Deep-coloured, strong-smelling urine.
Priapism in presence of opposite sex. Anaesthesia of genitals.
Priapism in presence of opposite sex. Anaesthesia of genitals.
Органы грудной клетки
Clearing the larynx of mucus. - вreath fetid. Long, deep, uneasy respirations,.
Chest expands itself seemingly to its utmost capacity, in an instant collapsing, to be repeated. Deep inspiration at intervals; as from oppression. Intercostal neuralgia. Somewhat persistent pain in cartilages of lower left false ribs. - сhest feels empty.
Chest expands itself seemingly to its utmost capacity, in an instant collapsing, to be repeated. Deep inspiration at intervals; as from oppression. Intercostal neuralgia. Somewhat persistent pain in cartilages of lower left false ribs. - сhest feels empty.
Сердечно-сосудистая система
Irritable heart. Heart symptoms.
Конечности и позвоночник
Pain on left side of neck; and along clavicle; at night. Pain in upper portion of spine and medulla, running upwards and expanding to surface of brain,.
Pain in both upper arms. Pain with numbness in arms and hands.
Pain in right hip. Pain inner side left knee. Itching in right popliteal space.
Pain in both upper arms. Pain with numbness in arms and hands.
Pain in right hip. Pain inner side left knee. Itching in right popliteal space.
Общие симптомы
Lost 7 1/2 lbs. in weight. Ill at ease, restless. When mental symptoms subside, bodily ones are.
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