Другие названия и синонимы
guare, Guarea trichiloides, мускусное дерево гомеопатия, гуарея гомеопатия.Источник описания
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkeФармакологическая группа
Guarea trichilioides. Red-wood. вall-wood. N. O. Meliaceae. Tincture and trituration of bark.
Apoplexy. Asthma millari. вones, affections of. сhemosis. Dysphagia. Eyes, affections of. Hernia. Intermittent fever. Liver-spots. Lupus. Pterygium. Ptosis. Tongue, affections of. Tonsils, swollen. Vertigo. Whooping-cough.
Характерные особенности
Petroz is the authority for this drug, which produces a number of symptoms in the eyes, and cases of chemosis and pterygium have been reported cured with it. R. K. Ghosh (H. R., viii. 459) cured a number of cases of both. He found a lotion of Guarea Ø (gtt i. to one drachm) of great assistance. In the head there is a sensation as if the brain were falling forward; and a sensation as of a blow on the head leaving numbness and diminished thinking power. The eye symptoms alternate with diminished hearing. A number of symptoms were experienced in the umbilicus and inguinal rings. Flow of blood between menses. Pains in periosteum. On the skin there were liver-spots, and an eruption with burning vesicles. Sleepy in open air. Aromatic-smelling sweat. Sensations of constriction are common. Sudden shocks of whole body. вruised pains. Acids and cold water. Sweat when eating or after. вone pains.
Диф. диагностика
Bov. (flow of blood between menses); сrotal. (as if had a blow on the head); Anac. (peg in ear); Gels. (vertigo, ptosis); Azadiracta indica (botan. Apis (chemosis, asthma millari); Arn. (injuries); Phos. (steatoma) Ign. (nerves); Merc. and Silic. (bone-pains, suppuration).
Психика и сознание
Anxiety. Fear of losing reason.
Голова, лицо и уши
Vertigo; when stooping; objects appear upside down. Whirling dizziness. Sensation as if the brain were falling forward. Sensation as if from blow on the head, leaving a kind of numbness and diminished thinking power; as after apoplectic seizure. - сonstriction, heaviness, shocks; in forehead. - сonstriction, hammering in occiput.
Sickly look round eyes and within orbits. Swelling beneath eyes. Swelling of lachrymal gland. Pain in eyes during fever. Twitching of eyebrows. Paralysis of lids. Pressure on lids. Lachrymation. Inflammation of conjunctiva, which is swollen. Pain in ball as after weeping. Tearing pain in eyeballs; tension; forced-out feeling. Pupils dilated. Objects appear grey; during vertigo they appear upside down. Eye symptoms alternate with diminution of hearing.
Swelling of periosteum behind ears. Sensation in ears as of a peg; of a worm; pushing-out feeling. Roaring in ears.
Coryza; with hardened secretion; with heat. Nose stuffed; ineffectual desire to sneeze; constriction at root of nose.
Suppurating swellings on face. Swelling of upper lip.
7, 8. Teeth and Mouth. Pains in teeth accompanied by pain in zygoma, excited by draught of air, by pressure of tongue;
Sickly look round eyes and within orbits. Swelling beneath eyes. Swelling of lachrymal gland. Pain in eyes during fever. Twitching of eyebrows. Paralysis of lids. Pressure on lids. Lachrymation. Inflammation of conjunctiva, which is swollen. Pain in ball as after weeping. Tearing pain in eyeballs; tension; forced-out feeling. Pupils dilated. Objects appear grey; during vertigo they appear upside down. Eye symptoms alternate with diminution of hearing.
Swelling of periosteum behind ears. Sensation in ears as of a peg; of a worm; pushing-out feeling. Roaring in ears.
Coryza; with hardened secretion; with heat. Nose stuffed; ineffectual desire to sneeze; constriction at root of nose.
Suppurating swellings on face. Swelling of upper lip.
7, 8. Teeth and Mouth. Pains in teeth accompanied by pain in zygoma, excited by draught of air, by pressure of tongue;
Ротовая полость и горло
Tonsils swollen. Oesophagus: raw pain; sensation of contraction and burning heat. Swallowing difficult.
Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
Canine hunger in evening; speedy satiety. Aversion to milk, fish, and hot, greasy, cooked food.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Sour eructations with tension and pressure at stomach. Inclination to vomit during fever. Vomiting, sour; green. Stomach: constriction in; bruised feeling in.
Hardness at umbilicus. Abdomen distended with lancination in groins and inguinal ring. - вruised pain externally.
Constriction of anus and rectum. Urging to stool. - сonstipation.
Hardness at umbilicus. Abdomen distended with lancination in groins and inguinal ring. - вruised pain externally.
Constriction of anus and rectum. Urging to stool. - сonstipation.
Мочеполовая система
Labour pains suppressed. Lochia scanty. Leucorrhoea after menses; fetid. Flow of blood between menstrual periods. Itching of pudenda.
Органы грудной клетки
Cough: dry barking; violent deep-seated; with expectoration. The cough is accompanied by sweat, pain, soreness, tightness of chest; comes after a crying spell; on falling asleep; after getting chilled; is excited by itching in throat, by irritation in larynx. - вreathing, sobbing; difficult during chill. Sensation of hollowness and dilatation of chest. Respiratory symptoms.
Конечности и позвоночник
Jactitation of limbs. - сracking in joints. Nightly pains in bones. - вruised pain in bones. - сaries.
Общие симптомы
Steatoma; hot swelling; swelling of affected parts. Suppuration of glands.
Yellow spots on temples. Liver-spots on arms. Eruptions behind ears. Herpes. Itching. Lupus of ochre-red colour.
Sleepy in open air. Dreams, anxious, melancholy, full of strife.
Coldness followed by heat with sweat. Heat of upper part of body, coldness of bones. Sweat chiefly during and after eating. Sweat aromatic.