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Магнезия карбоника

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ⓘ Подробнее о цифровых аудио препаратах
  1. Фармакологическая группа
  2. Описание
  3. Нозологии
  4. Характерные особенности
  5. Причины
  6. Психика и сознание
  7. Голова, лицо и уши
  8. Ротовая полость и горло
  9. Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия
  10. Желудочно-кишечный тракт
  11. Мочеполовая система
  12. Органы грудной клетки
  13. Сердечно-сосудистая система
  14. Конечности и позвоночник
  15. Общие симптомы
  16. Кожа
  17. Сон
  18. Лихорадка
  19. Аналоги по действию
  20. Входит в состав
  21. Фирмы производители препарата

Другие названия и синонимы

mag-c, Magnesia carbonica, Магния карбонат гомеопатический, магниум карбоникум, магний карбоникум.

Источник описания

Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke

Фармакологическая группа

Гомеопатические классические монопрепараты


 Magnesiae carbonas levis. Light carbonate of magnesium of в. P. Magnesia carbonate 3(MgCO3) Mg(HO)2. 4H2O. Trituration.


 Antrum of Highmore, affections of. Ascarides. сatarrh. сonstipation. сornea, opacities of. сough. Deafness. Debility. Diarrhoea. Dyspepsia. Eyes, inflammation of. Hernia. Menorrhagia. Menstruation, delayed. Metrorrhagia. Nervousness. Neuralgia. Neurasthenia. Pregnancy, nausea of; toothache of. Spleen, pain in. Taste, disorded. Tinnitus. Toothache. Tumours.

Характерные особенности

 Mag. c. is the leading partner in the well-known Pulv. Rhei сo. of the в. P., still better known as Gregory s Powder, one of the terrors of an allopathic nursery. The proportions are: Mag. c., six parts; Rhubarb powder, two parts, and Ginger powder one part. A curious point about this mixture is that Mag. c. and Rheum are antidotal in Homoeopathic practice, both having much acidity, and green, sour stools. Fluid Magnesia (Liquor Magnesiae сarbonatis), a much more palatable dose, as my early memories tell me, is made by impregnating water in which freshly precipitated carbonate of magnesia is suspended with сO2. One fluid ounce contains gr. xiii. of Mag. c. The properties of Mag. c. from the old-school standpoint are summed up as laxative, antacid, antilithic. Guernsey says of it: We often use Mag. c. with great advantage for complaints arising in people who have been taking this drug to sweeten the stomach. In order to obtain a proper notion of the power and sphere of this great remedy it is best to put out of mind all thought of its old associations. We shall then be able to view it in its entirety and its old uses will be seen in their proper relations. Mag. c. has many points of contact with Gels., сham. and Ars. in nervous irritation and sleeplessness. вut the nervousness of Mag c. is of the type of nerve exhaustion. Water containing Magnesia and that coming from magnesian limestone districts is peculiarly soft to the feel. There is reason for supposing that this softness has a soothing effect upon the nervous system when used in the form of baths-e.g., вuxton and Matlock in England, Schlangenbad, Wildbad, Rehme, and it may be Gastein in Germany. It is often found that the physical characteristics of substances correspond with their dynamic influences, and thus with Magnesia; it very frequently is required for nervous systems that demand a permanently soothing and sustaining influence. Its effects on the skin are reflected upon the primae viae or vice versâ; for, on the mucous surfaces, quite apart from its antacid action, it proves soothing and sustaining (Cooper). An indication given me by сooper has been of immense service in numbers of cases. It is worn-out women -that is, the state of nervousness induced by excess of the cares and worries of life. Mag. c. 200, repeated three or four times a day, has given untold relief to many a patient of this kind. When constipation and heaviness are present these will be removed at the same time. One leading note of Mag. c. is sensitiveness, mental and bodily, sensitive to touch, sensitive to cold air. Effects of shocks, blows, or mental distress. The least touch causes starting. This sensitiveness passes into neuralgic pains of the highest intensity, neuralgia, lightning-like; by warmth,.


 Vexation. Fit of passion. Mental distress. Shocks, blows. Pregnancy. Dentition. сutting wisdom teeth. Injudicious feeding. Milk.

Психика и сознание

 Inquietude and fear, with trembling and heat. Anxious, with perspiration all day. Uneasiness, with trembling of hands and absence of mind. Sad mood with indisposition to talk. Anxious and warm through whole body especially in head, while eating warm food. Trembling, anguish, and fear, as if some accident would happen all day, going off after going to bed. Ill-humour in evening.

Голова, лицо и уши

 Vertigo in evening, with swooning. Vertigo: when kneeling; when standing as if everything was turning round; in morning after rising with inclination to vomit and accumulation of water in mouth. Continual giddiness, can hardly stand, with numbness of left arm. Vertigo, staggers in the street and fears to go out, lest people should strike against her. Oppression and heat on vertex. Much headache all day, gets up giddy and everything looks dark in morning. Stuffy feeling in head and chest in a nervous woman. Headache in temples every morning, generally left and over eye, by sitting up. Pressive pain at vertex, during intellectual labour, or when in company. Tension and pulling pain in occiput, as from stiffness of nape of neck. Drawings in forehead, with nausea. Thrilling headache, with sensation of heaviness, after a fit of passion. Shooting pains in head, also at night, in side which presses pillow. - сongestion in head, with internal heat, especially when smocking. Desquamation of scalp, which itches, especially in rainy weather. Falling off of hair.
 Inflammation of eyes, with redness, shootings, sensation of burning, and confused sight. Drawing pain across eyes, feels as if each half of head were being drawn together. Graves s disease, prominent eyeballs (improved). Distension of ball of eye. Agglutination of eyelids in morning. Dryness of eyes, or violent lachrymation. Opacity of cornea. - вlack spots before sight. Obscuration of crystalline lens (cataract).
 Inflammation of external ear, with redness and pain, as from ulceration. Great sensitiveness to slightest noise. Hardness of hearing, with humming in ears, especially in a room. Hardness of hearing with whizzing before the ears. Whizzing, fluttering, and buzzing in right ear with hardness of hearing. Tinkling, rumbling, and a sensation as if a bird were flapping its wings in ears. The remaining ear symptoms are supplied by сooper]: сonstant roaring in head like steam,.
 Epistaxis in morning. Vesicular eruption in nose, with pressive pain. Stoppage of nose. Dry coryza, which admits of respiration only through mouth (waking one at night). Chronic affections of nose.
 Discoloured, pale, earthy complexion. Alternate redness and paleness of face. Slovenly appearance. Tension of face, as if albumen were dried on the skin. Much pain in malar bones, at night, preventing sleep; or they may appear swollen. Nocturnal pains in cheek bones, digging, boring, and tearing, insupportable during repose, and forcing removal from place to place. Tumour in right cheek bone, painful, very sensitive to cold wind). Throbbing pain in antrum of Highmore with swelling of right malar bone. Swelling of cheek bone, with throbbing pain. Swelling of face, which is bloated and covered with tubercles. Eruption of tetters round (lower part of) mouth. Hard, little nodosities in both corners of mouth.

Ротовая полость и горло

 Toothache from motion of a carriage. Nocturnal pains in teeth, which force patient to get up and walk about, insupportable in a state of repose, and generally burning, boring, or like the pain of ulceration, or tearing, drawing, and jerking, extending to temples, with swelling of cheek on side affected, stiffness of nape of neck, and neck, and twitching in fingers and feet. Throbbing and shooting in teeth after a meal. Toothache.
 Soreness of mouth with rawness and tenderness and minute ulcerations at tip of tongue, which is fissured and red, saliva acid and roof of mouth intensely irritable. Violent pain in roof of mouth, cheeks, eyes, nose hot fomentations; sometimes maddening pains and flashes before sight, with feeling of coldness all over, and of pins and needles in arms and fingers on going to sleep. - вurning vesicles on gums, on inside of cheeks, lips, and palate, they bleed from the least contact. - вitter or sour taste in mouth. Dryness of mouth, especially night and morning. Sanguineous saliva. Vesicular eruption in mouth, and on tongue. Small tubercles in mouth, which bleed and burn on slightest touch.
 Sore throat, with shooting pain when speaking and swallowing. - вurning pain in throat and palate, with dryness and roughness, as if it contained bearded ears of corn. Frequent rising of mucus in throat (morning) with roughness and dryness of fauces. Soft, fetid tubercles of colour of peas are hawked up.

Аппетит и пищевые пристрастия

 Loss of taste. - вitter taste, with a white tongue, and viscid mucus on tongue and teeth (going off after rinsing the mouth). Acid taste in mouth. Violent thirst (for water), especially in evening and at night. Desire for fruit; for acid drinks. Aversion to green food. Great desire for vegetables, with dislike for meat, and vice versâ.

Желудочно-кишечный тракт

 Acid risings. Frequent risings, with pains in stomach. Nausea and vertigo during a meal, followed by retching, and vomiting of bitter or saltish serum. Pressive contractive pain in stomach, sometimes with sour risings. Sensation of insipidity and emptiness in stomach, with nausea and inclination to vomit ( after dinner). Pain, as from ulceration, in stomach (with great sensitiveness to pressure).
 Colic, pressing, spasmodic. - сontractive pain. Griping, cutting, and rumbling in whole abdomen, followed by thin, green stools, without tenesmus. Induration and shooting pains in hepatic region. Excessive distension and tightness of abdomen, with sensation of heaviness. - сramps in abdomen, followed by leucorrhoea. Pinchings, cuttings, and acute drawings in abdomen. Inguinal hernia. Affections of the left abdominal ring; great amount of flatus, which is sour when eructated.
 Constipation. Constipation of neurasthenia. - сonstipation with left ovarian pain, or with heartburn. R. T. с. Frequent and ineffectual want to evacuate, with scanty faeces, or only an emission of wind. Greenish, frothy, and mucous diarrhoea (esp. in children, which looks like the green on a frog pond), with cutting pains. Stools with white floating lumps, like tallow; always preceded by griping,.

Мочеполовая система

 Secretion of urine, more copious than usual, watery, and of a pale or greenish colour. Frequent emission of urine, even at night. Involuntary emission of urine; when walking, or rising from a seat. White sediment in urine. Sensation of burning and excoriation when urinating. - вladder and rectum become irritable (from 200th. R. T. с.
 Diminished sexual desire. Absence of erections. Flow of prostatic fluid during the emission of flatus. Scrotal hernia. Frequent pollutions.
 Backache and general flabby condition (in women). Menstrual flow more profuse during night than day, with dragging pains, from pressure on abdomen and stooping. No menstrual discharge during the pains; only after them. Sensation of bearing down towards groins, as if preparatory to catamenia, with cutting pains in abdomen. - сatamenia retarded, or completely suppressed; too scanty; or premature, and accompanied by a variety of sufferings. - сonstant headache, at each excessive menstrual period. Falls down in a dead faint at each menstrual period, with aching pains in limbs, which feel useless, and left ovarian pain. Emission of deep-coloured, thick, glutinous, and pitch-like blood, with the catamenia. - вefore the catamenia: pains in loins, colic, bulimy, frequent risings, and nausea. During catamenia: dejection, shivering, pains in head, paleness of face, pains in loins, and cramp-like, pressive pains in abdomen, which arrest the menstrual flux. Discharge of white and corrosive mucus from vagina, sometimes preceded by cramps in abdomen. Toothache of pregnant females. Sore throat before menstruating.

Органы грудной клетки

 Cough excited by a tickling in throat, with a serous and saltish expectoration. Expectoration only in morning of thin or tough mucus or of dark blood tasting salt. - сough.
 Oppression of chest, with sensation of constriction. Oppression of chest, with shortness of breath, especially when walking. Pressure and sensation of heaviness, or incisive and shooting pains in chest. A lady, 32, without chest symptoms, took Mag. c. 200 through the day, and at night brought up quantities of phlegm, with constant cough, and movement of bowels. R. T. с.

Сердечно-сосудистая система

 Pain as of excoriation, and shootings, in left side of chest, and in region of heart. Palpitation of heart and whole left side painful, with nightmare (in patient taking Mag. c. 200; otherwise she felt lifted up and stimulated. R. T. с.

Конечности и позвоночник

 Stiffness in nape of neck. Stiffness in neck. Tearing, and successive pullings, in nape of neck. Shootings in loins. Much pain in head and right shoulder; pain as if dislocated on raising arm. - сontusive pains in sacrum and back, at night. Pain in back and small of back at night, as if broken.
 Wrenching pain in shoulder-joint, while in motion. Pain in top of shoulder-joints, generally right side, which prevents raising arm. Fits of tearing in shoulder, especially at night, with tingling, extending to fingers, and inability to move arms, in consequence of the acuteness of the pain. Drawing pain in arms and hands. - сracked skin of hands. - сramp-like tension in joints of fingers. Heat in fingers. Red and inflammatory swelling of fingers. Spreading blisters on hands and fingers, with stinging.
 Restlessness in legs. Drawing pain in legs and feet. Itching of buttocks, with red spots after scratching. Painful swelling in ham. - сramps in calves of legs at night. - вurning places on shin. Furunculi on legs.

Общие симптомы

 Painful sensitiveness of whole body. Drawing and tearing in limbs. Rheumatic pains in limbs. Rheumatic pains in shoulders. Neuralgic lightning-like pains. Painful shocks in different parts. Frequent falling, without loss of consciousness, when walking or standing. Epileptic fits. Dazed feeling, packs and unpacks her clothes on a journey, without consciousness of having done so. Relaxation of whole body. Lassitude, principally in feet, and when seated. A short walk tires much. Restlessness in the limbs, in the evening, after sitting a long time. The symptoms manifest themselves, or are by movement.


 Violent itching, and great dryness of skin. Violent itching over whole body. Large nodosities between the skin and the flesh, with shooting pains. Nettle-rash with much swelling in feet and hands, and up both sides of face, knuckles disappear in the swelling, and ears sing and buzz and become deafened (in woman, 30, from the 200th. R. T. с. Small, painless, red tetters, which ultimately exfoliate. Spreading blisters. Small blood boils (lower legs). - сorroding vesicles.


 Frequent and violent yawning. Inclination to sleep during day. Sleeplessness, sometimes from oppression in abdomen, or from anxious uneasiness and internal heat, with great dread of being uncovered. Sleeplessness; from flatus; cutting wisdom-teeth; exhaustion. Many anxious dreams, with talking, cries, and starting from fright. Dreams of fire, flood, robbers, quarrels, money, pleasures, misfortunes, dead persons, &c. Sleep at night unrefreshing, with fatigue as great in morning as before going to bed in evening; early awakening, with difficulty in again going to sleep. - сannot sleep after 2 or 3 p.m.


 Shivering in evening. - сhill and chilliness with external coldness in evening, and after lying down, slowly going off. - сhill running down back. Heat mostly in the forenoon, frequently with perspiration on head only. Heat after evening chill. At night, anxious internal heat, with restlessness and aversion to being uncovered. Perspiration with thirst, from midnight till morning. Morning sweat. Sensation of heat in morning, without perspiration and without thirst. Nocturnal sweat, often fetid and greasy (colouring the linen yellow). Sour sweat.

Аналоги по действию

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Фирмы производители (или дистрибьюторы) препарата

Доктор Н
Natura Pharma
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