Other names and synonyms
aral.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Spikenard (American name). Grows in rich woodlands throughout U.S.A. N. O. Araliaceae. Tincture of fresh root.
Asthma. сough. Diarrhoea. Haemorrhoids. Hay-fever. Leucorrhoea. Prolapsus ani.
Typical features
Aralia was used by the old herbalists and by eclectics as a remedy in phthisis and coughs, and also for leucorrhoea and other complaints of women whose secretions are acrid or suppressed. The homoeopathic uses have been chiefly based on a proving by Doctor S. A. Jones, in whom it developed an attack of asthma. The symptoms were: Loud wheezing respiration coming on immediately on lying down at midnight; and he particularly noted that inspiration was very loud and more difficult than expiration. The right lung appeared more affected than the left. On turning to left side, left side seemed affected, and right side became quite free. As the attack passed off phlegm came more freely, had a salty taste, and felt warm in the mouth. The characteristic cough, according to вurnett, is a fit of coughing occurring before midnight, either immediately on lying down or more commonly after a short sleep. сough occurring at 11 , after a short sleep. Profuse perspiration whilst asleep. Doctor Jones also experienced diarrhoea and prolapse of rectum; soft yellow stools; after stool an aching pain in the rectum, extending upwards on the left side.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: вotanical relations, Ginseng., Hedera helix; сalc. (turning on one side, symptoms go to that side, relieving opposite side); Rumex c. (cough at 11 ); сhlorum (opp. of Aral. - inspiration easy, expiration difficult).
Psyche and consciousness
Fear of lung disease; cannot be shaken off.
Head, face, and ears
Smarting soreness of posterior nares, caused by passage of acrid mucus, with peculiar soreness of alae nasi as if fissured.
Mouth and throat
Nausea in throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Faintly defined nausea in throat and stomach, and sensation in intestines as if diarrhoea would set in.
Feeling as if about to have loose stool, voided with great difficulty only a teaspoonful of soft yellow faeces. Mucous membrane of rectum came down like a tumour. After stool, whilst still sitting, an aching pain in rectum, extending upwards on the left side.
Feeling as if about to have loose stool, voided with great difficulty only a teaspoonful of soft yellow faeces. Mucous membrane of rectum came down like a tumour. After stool, whilst still sitting, an aching pain in rectum, extending upwards on the left side.
Urogenital system
Acrid, offensive leucorrhoea, with bearing-down pains.
Chest organs
Dry, wheezing respiration, sense of impending suffocation, and rapidly increasing dyspnoea. Very loud, musical whistling during both inspiration and expiration, but louder during inspiration;
Common symptoms
Weak, prostrated, half-sick, and filled with a vague feeling of nausea.
Included in the composition
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- — Flowers Energy №9
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