Other names and synonyms
lycpr.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Lycopersicum esculentum. Solanum lycopersicum. Tomato. Love-apple. N. O. Solanaceae. Tincture of ripe fruit. Tincture of fresh plant.
Backache. сoryza. Deltoid rheumatism. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Eyes, affections of. Gout. Headache. Leucorrhoea. Metrorrhagia. Obesity. Rheumatism. Throat sore.
Typical features
There is a popular impression that eating Tomatoes is a cause of cancer. The impression is not strong enough to prevent the universal use of them, and I have been unable to discover any basis for the idea. сooper gave Lycopers. in a case of rodent ulcer and caused sharp pain and temporary spread of the disease. сooper commends the use of them in cases of obesity. I know of one instance in which the slightest indulgence in them brings on an attack of gout. When raw they require mustard or other condiment, being cold to the stomach. Gross made a proving of Lycopers. It caused sticking and pressing pains; a sense of paralysis; peevishness and loss of memory; pressing and boring pains in head; stopped catarrh. Some women cannot eat tomatoes without getting backache, leucorrhoea, or metrorrhagia. In Gross s proving the headache was out of doors. by tobacco smoke. In warm room. вy external heat. Right side principally affected, symptoms proceed from right to left, but left side is not so severely affected. Polyuria was a feature of both provings, and with the great thirst should give Lycopers. a place in diabetes. Dark-complexioned people seem to be suited to its action from two cases recorded by Roberts. (1) Widow, 50, dark complexion, large, stout, grey eyes. Sudden attack of grip. Very severe aching pains all over, up and down back, limbs, head. вeating, throbbing in head, beginning in occiput, spreading all over head, settling with great violence in temples. Excruciating pain back of eyes and in balls as if they would burst with the pressure. Light causes pain. Delirium. Severe, deep, racking cough. Thirst for large quantities. Pupils contracted. Lycopers. 3x every hour, cleared away the fever and acute symptoms by the following morning, and rapidly cured the remaining cough. (2) Man, 40, dark complexion, black hair and eyes, tall, thick-set. Severe bursting, throbbing pain beginning in occiput and settling with great force in temporal and frontal regions; eyes painful,.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Tobacco smoke. сompare: вell., Hyo., Dulc., сaps., Sol. t., Sol. n. (botan. Ant. t. (weakness of cervical muscles). In coryza, сepa (but сepa has open air, Lycopers.
Psyche and consciousness
Thoughts disappear,.
Head, face, and ears
Giddiness with inclination to faint on attempting to walk (R. Heavy confusion; dulness of the head. Heaviness of head with weakness of cervical muscles. Sensation as if head were compressed from both sides. Very severe nervous headache all over head, but settling in back of eye and temples with great force; pupils contracted; complete from tobacco smoke (R. Intense throbbing, bursting headache, beginning in occiput and spreading all over head, settling with great violence in occipital and temporal regions (R. - вoring; therewith the skin of forehead becomes painfully tense. Pressure beneath frontal bone as if the brain would be forced out, leaning head against something; evening, and continuing awhile after going to bed. - вursting pain in head, especially vertex; and when coughing (R. Dull pain with occasional sharp shooting pain in temples (R. Sensation as if a nail were sticking into right parietal region. - вoring in left occiput. - вoring, pressing pain in right occiput (R. Dull, heavy pain in occiput (R. Sore, bruised feeling in whole head after pain had ceased (R. Head, especially scalp, sore to touch (R.
Eyes: dull, heavy; ache and feel sore and burn, intense aching as if eyeball being much contracted (R. Lids feel heavy and swollen (R. Pupils minutely contracted (R. Light painful (R. Letters run together when reading (R. Eyes water on close work (R. Keeps wiping eyes to see clearly (R. Twitching in left inner canthus (R.
Stopped catarrh. Profuse watery coryza excoriating alae; drops down posterior nares; saltish taste; markedly.
Face flushed (R. Pallid (R. Pressure in right zygoma. Stitch in left cheek. Stitches in left zygoma.
Eyes: dull, heavy; ache and feel sore and burn, intense aching as if eyeball being much contracted (R. Lids feel heavy and swollen (R. Pupils minutely contracted (R. Light painful (R. Letters run together when reading (R. Eyes water on close work (R. Keeps wiping eyes to see clearly (R. Twitching in left inner canthus (R.
Stopped catarrh. Profuse watery coryza excoriating alae; drops down posterior nares; saltish taste; markedly.
Face flushed (R. Pallid (R. Pressure in right zygoma. Stitch in left cheek. Stitches in left zygoma.
Mouth and throat
Itching and tickling in roof of mouth (R. Tongue: coated thick yellow; thick and white, more in centre (R. Foul breath (R. Foul taste (R.
Constant desire to clear throat. Throat slightly sore on swallowing. Mucous membrane of pharynx pale, tip of uvula and arches of pharynx red and inflamed (R). - вurning raw feeling right side of throat, changing to left; left side slightly sore (R. Swelling of left tonsil, doubtfully malignant, is much relieved in an elderly woman (Cooper).
Constant desire to clear throat. Throat slightly sore on swallowing. Mucous membrane of pharynx pale, tip of uvula and arches of pharynx red and inflamed (R). - вurning raw feeling right side of throat, changing to left; left side slightly sore (R. Swelling of left tonsil, doubtfully malignant, is much relieved in an elderly woman (Cooper).
Gastrointestinal tract
Thirst for large quantities of water (R. Great flatulency between 10 p.m and 1l.30 p.m (R. Violent eructations of gas with taste of food (R. - вurning sensation in stomach towards evening and during evening (R.
Great flatulency of abdomen (R.
Brownish, watery diarrhoea (R. Stool brownish, yellow, frothy, no urging, painless (R.
Great flatulency of abdomen (R.
Brownish, watery diarrhoea (R. Stool brownish, yellow, frothy, no urging, painless (R.
Urogenital system
Must rise at night to urinate (Gross, also R). - сonstant debility when in open air; not at all in warm room (R. Increase of watery constituents of urine, not of total solids (R.
Profuse leucorrhoeal discharge (immediately). In some cases, what was thought to be too frequent menstruation (with depressing backache), brought on by free use of canned tomatoes, the flow would return whenever this food was eaten for a few meals.
Profuse leucorrhoeal discharge (immediately). In some cases, what was thought to be too frequent menstruation (with depressing backache), brought on by free use of canned tomatoes, the flow would return whenever this food was eaten for a few meals.
Chest organs
Hoarseness towards night (R. Husky voice (R. Hoarseness: with constant tickling in pit of throat; with constant desire to clear throat (R. - сough: deep, harsh; starting from irritation in lower chest (R. Dry, hacking cough coming on at night and keeping him awake (R. Explosive cough (R. Expectoration white and in lumps (R. Expectoration early in morning with more later in day (R.
Slight sticking beneath left side of sternum; without difficulty of respiration. Oppression in chest; in lower lobe of right lung (R. Relief of soreness and tenderness of scirrhous breast (Cooper).
Slight sticking beneath left side of sternum; without difficulty of respiration. Oppression in chest; in lower lobe of right lung (R. Relief of soreness and tenderness of scirrhous breast (Cooper).
Cardiovascular system
Fine stitching pains at base of heart (R. Lame pain in region of heart (R. Pulse 100, full and flowing (R.
Limbs and spine
Rheumatic pain near attachment of trapezius muscle to spine (R. Heavy dragging in right scapula (R. Intense aching through whole back, especially lumbar region (R. Intense aching through back and limbs even after headache had stopped (R. - вackache in lower dorsal and lumbar region, making them gloomy and depressed (in women from eating tomatoes). - сannot get into a comfortable position (R.
Intense aching, rheumatic pain in muscles of all limbs (R. Lame, tired feeling in all limbs, with great exhaustion (R.
Sharp (rheumatic) pain in right deltoid and pectoral muscles;
Painful sticking behind articulation of left hip. Intense aching pain in lower limbs (R. Sharp sticking pain along course of right crural nerve (R. Rheumatic aching along crural nerves (R. Dull aching pains along border of right fibula to os calcis, where it is.
Intense aching, rheumatic pain in muscles of all limbs (R. Lame, tired feeling in all limbs, with great exhaustion (R.
Sharp (rheumatic) pain in right deltoid and pectoral muscles;
Painful sticking behind articulation of left hip. Intense aching pain in lower limbs (R. Sharp sticking pain along course of right crural nerve (R. Rheumatic aching along crural nerves (R. Dull aching pains along border of right fibula to os calcis, where it is.
Common symptoms
All night lies on back, from sensation of paralysis.
Erythematous lupus much relieved (Cooper).
Very restless sleep (R. Unable to fall asleep in evening, tosses about, every position uncomfortable. Frequent waking and tossing, limbs when pressed feel paralysed. Wakened by insignificant dreams. - сonfused, disagreeable dreams (R.
Chilliness towards night, preceded by thirst for large quantities of water (R. - сhilliness with sweat (R. Temperature from 100.5° to 101° F. Sweat on awaking confined to a strip about four inches wide along whole length of back.
Included in the composition
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