Other names and synonyms
cast-v.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Chestnut. N. O. сupuliferae. Tincture of leaves gathered in summer.
Diarrhoea. Whooping-cough.
Typical features
Castan. has been proved by Doctor H. с. Houghton and three others. The following are the principal symptoms observed: Slight acrid feeling in throat. Desire for warm drinks. Abdominal walls sensitive. Soft stools of short, small pieces like chopped tape; accompanied with severe pain and rumbling; pain by stool. It has cured whooping-cough, early stage, violent, spasmodic; very dry ringing cough. Very free sweat after drinking.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Am. bro., Mephit., Naphthal.
Included in the composition
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug