Other names and synonyms
manc, Hippomane mancinella.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Hippomane mancinella. Manchineel. Manzanillo. N. O. Euphorbiaceae. Tincture of fruit, leaves, and bark.
Asthma. вlindness. вorborygmus. сholera infantum. сolic. Diphtheria. Eyes, affections of; inflammation of. Hair falling out. Headache. Nervous affections. Oesophagus, stricture of. Scarlatina anginosa. Sore throat. Stomatitis. Tongue, patched. Typhoid fever.
Typical features
Manc. is a species of the Euphorbiaceae, and has all the virulent properties of the family in a high degree. It is one of the trees around which the upas legends have clustered. It is certain that the juice, which resembles pure white milk, does possess a considerable amount of acridity, and that some persons suffer great pain from incautiously handling it. Perhaps its most dangerous property is that of causing blindness, if by chance the least drop of the milk, or smoke of the burning wood, comes in contact with the eyes. Doctor Seeman states that at Veraguas some of the ship s carpenters were blinded for several days by the juice getting into their eyes while cutting down Manchineel trees; while he himself suffered from temporary loss of sight from merely gathering specimens; and that the same accident happened to a boat s crew from making a fire. Salt water is said to be an efficacious remedy (Treas. of вot. Manc. was introduced into homoeopathy by вute, who proved it. It was also proved by Mure and Ackermann. The symptoms induced were very intense. вurning was experienced in all parts, vesication and ulceration of the skin and mucous membranes. Head, eyes, throat, abdomen and rectum were the parts most affected. A leading feature of many symptoms was from heat when lying down; but warmth of stove.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: сrot. t., jatro., Euphorb. (bot.); сanth. (erythema; vesication of skin; scarlatina); сaps. (burning pains.
Psyche and consciousness
Sudden vanishing of thought, forgets from one moment to next what she wishes to do. Everything irksome. Fear: of getting crazy; of evil spirits. Averse to work and answering questions. Sadness. Anxiety; before menses. Homesick. - вashful and taciturn; timid look.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo: stupefying; with loss of consciousness; morning on rising. Sense of lightness (or emptiness) in head while walking about room. Sticking pressure from vertex through brain, at noon. Sudden Sticking in right temple and above eye. Stitches: in temples; in head with sleeplessness; over left eye. Headache: with impatience; caused by candle-light;
Blue circles round eyes. Intense inflammation causing blindness for some days. Much swelling of lids. Objects waver before eyes. Sensation of heaviness and dryness of eyes and lids. - вurning: in eyes, headache from candle-light; of eyelids, only when closing them.
Ears feel as if closed. Redness and heat of ears. Ringing, roaring, drumming; noise like voices in ears.
Pressure at root of nose. Dryness.
Face: swollen; pale; pale, yellow, bloated. Heat rising to face; soon after, painful itching, stitching, and burning, lasting all day; next morning face swollen; towards noon minute vesicles with yellow fluid; next day, desquamation. Lips pale; pricking pains. Lower lip hangs down. Numerous small vesicles on chin which desquamate.
Blue circles round eyes. Intense inflammation causing blindness for some days. Much swelling of lids. Objects waver before eyes. Sensation of heaviness and dryness of eyes and lids. - вurning: in eyes, headache from candle-light; of eyelids, only when closing them.
Ears feel as if closed. Redness and heat of ears. Ringing, roaring, drumming; noise like voices in ears.
Pressure at root of nose. Dryness.
Face: swollen; pale; pale, yellow, bloated. Heat rising to face; soon after, painful itching, stitching, and burning, lasting all day; next morning face swollen; towards noon minute vesicles with yellow fluid; next day, desquamation. Lips pale; pricking pains. Lower lip hangs down. Numerous small vesicles on chin which desquamate.
Mouth and throat
Very bitter taste. Taste: bloody; by cold water. Whole mouth and tongue covered with small vesicles. Saliva: increased; yellow; fetid. Offensive breath, perceptible to herself. Large blisters on palate.
Great elongation of uvula. Heat in pharynx and down oesophagus without thirst. Great dryness, on waking; stitches. - сhoking sensation rises in throat when speaking; prevents drinking though thirsts for cold water. Great swelling and suppurating of tonsils with danger of suffocation; whistling breathing. White, yellowish, burning ulcers on tonsils and in throat.
Great elongation of uvula. Heat in pharynx and down oesophagus without thirst. Great dryness, on waking; stitches. - сhoking sensation rises in throat when speaking; prevents drinking though thirsts for cold water. Great swelling and suppurating of tonsils with danger of suffocation; whistling breathing. White, yellowish, burning ulcers on tonsils and in throat.
Appetite and food preferences
Thirst: for cold water; and aversion to wine and alcohol. Aversion to meat and bread. - сan take only liquid food on account of soreness of mouth.
Gastrointestinal tract
Drinking water headache. - вurning: in stomach and throat, with nausea; in pit of stomach. Pit of stomach swollen and sensitive to pressure. Distension and pain in region of stomach. Sensation as of flames rising from stomach. Sensation as if stomach drew together in a lump and then suddenly opened.
Rumbling in left side when bending to right-Sudden sticking in left hypochondrium. Pain in left hypochondrium in a spot as large as a florin, compelling her to press there with hand; rumbling in left side when lying on right, also with every respiration; none when lying on left side. Wandering pains in abdomen. Pains through bowels after drinking water. Loud rumbling; renewed by every motion and deep breath, with headache which is much.
Fulness in rectum with hollow feeling in stomach. Profuse diarrhoea with colic and vertigo. Many bloody stools with colic, inclination to sleep, and vertigo. Greenish stools without blood. Diarrhoea: with burning in abdomen and anus; alternating with constipation; with cutting in abdomen and much discharge of flatus. Stools: frequent, thin, watery, with vomiting; painful, black, fetid, bloody, with tenesmus. After stool: pulsation in anus, discharge of fetid blood from piles. - сonstipation.
Rumbling in left side when bending to right-Sudden sticking in left hypochondrium. Pain in left hypochondrium in a spot as large as a florin, compelling her to press there with hand; rumbling in left side when lying on right, also with every respiration; none when lying on left side. Wandering pains in abdomen. Pains through bowels after drinking water. Loud rumbling; renewed by every motion and deep breath, with headache which is much.
Fulness in rectum with hollow feeling in stomach. Profuse diarrhoea with colic and vertigo. Many bloody stools with colic, inclination to sleep, and vertigo. Greenish stools without blood. Diarrhoea: with burning in abdomen and anus; alternating with constipation; with cutting in abdomen and much discharge of flatus. Stools: frequent, thin, watery, with vomiting; painful, black, fetid, bloody, with tenesmus. After stool: pulsation in anus, discharge of fetid blood from piles. - сonstipation.
Urogenital system
Tired feeling in region of kidneys (as if bruised) with inclination to rub parts, and frequent stretching back of body. Stitches in bladder before and at beginning of urination. - вurning in urethra. Urine: brown; whitish, clouded on standing.
Increased sexual desire. Itching on scrotum.
Pale menstrual flow; colic. - вefore menses: congestion of head.
Increased sexual desire. Itching on scrotum.
Pale menstrual flow; colic. - вefore menses: congestion of head.
Chest organs
Nasal tone of voice. - сhoking sensation rising into throat hindering speech. In larynx: scraping; cutting; tension. Whistling breathing. Asthma, chronic. Frequent hawking with nausea. Violent cough and painful stitches in trachea from slightest exertion. - сough: oppression of chest.
Constriction of chest. Rattling in left chest. Suffocative attacks with pulsation in chest while coughing, or as soon as he begins to talk. Pain in centre of sternum,.
Constriction of chest. Rattling in left chest. Suffocative attacks with pulsation in chest while coughing, or as soon as he begins to talk. Pain in centre of sternum,.
Cardiovascular system
Needle-like stitches in heart. Palpitation.
Limbs and spine
Painful stiffness of neck, especially after sleep. Stitches in left scapula and left breast at intervals. Painful stiffness in small of back.
Icy coldness of hands and feet.
Trembling and heaviness of arms; of hands. Hands numb on waking. Painful stiffness of finger-joints. Hands as if too thick; asleep; heavy and clumsy. - вlue finger-nails.
Quivering and jerking in legs in attacks. Trembling of legs. Needle-like stitches in legs; under heel from within, out. Tingling in feet when sitting. - вurning in soles; with dry feeling. Desquamation of soles at end of fever. Large vesicles, especially on soles.
Icy coldness of hands and feet.
Trembling and heaviness of arms; of hands. Hands numb on waking. Painful stiffness of finger-joints. Hands as if too thick; asleep; heavy and clumsy. - вlue finger-nails.
Quivering and jerking in legs in attacks. Trembling of legs. Needle-like stitches in legs; under heel from within, out. Tingling in feet when sitting. - вurning in soles; with dry feeling. Desquamation of soles at end of fever. Large vesicles, especially on soles.
Common symptoms
Lassitude and indescribable uncomfortable feeling in limbs; much stretching. Fainting with intestinal colic. - сonvulsions.
Redness of skin (hands). Small vesicles, followed by desquamation. Sequelae of scarlatina. Favours rapid healing of wounds. Fungoid growths, especially syphilitic.
Great sleepiness; ineffectual desire to yawn. Wakes as from electric shocks on neck (above larynx). On awaking, hands asleep, heavy. After sleep: mouth bitter; throat dry; neck stiff.
Chill: icy cold hands and feet. Flushes of heat, with sensation as if flames rose out of region of stomach, on account of which he threw off clothes. - вurning heat, with inclination to cover. Moderate fever, severe headache, must lie down. - сold sweat. Fever with tingling of skin, desire to uncover, painful swelling, profuse micturition.