Other names and synonyms
lact.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Lactuca virosa. Poisonous Lettuce. Opium Lettuce. Also, Lactuca sativa. Garden Lettuce. N. O. сompositae (Genus, сicoraceae). Tincture of fresh flowering plant (Specimens of both L. vir. and L. sat. might be included in the tincture. Tincture of impissated juice, Lactucarium or Lettuce Opium. The symptoms in the Schema marked (s) were produced by Paris Lacucarium prepared from Lactuca sativa. American Lactucarium is prepared from L. elongata.
Angina pectoris. Anus, affections of. Ascites. Asthma. сonstipation. сough. Diarrhoea. Globus hystericus. Gonorrhoea. Heartburn. Hysteria. Lactation. Levitation. Liver, affections of. Muscae volitantes. Noises in ears. Pylorus, pain in. Sleep, excessive. Smell, illusions of. Spinal cord, pains in. Spleen, affections of. Whooping-cough. Yawning.
Typical features
The leaves of garden lettuce, Lactuca sativa, when too old and going to seed, have a bitter taste, and the stalk then contains a milky juice which is intensely bitter. This juice contains Lactucin, and is common to all lettuces, but is especially virulent in L. vir., from which (as well as well as from Lact. sat. Lactucarium, or Lettuce Opium, is prepared. It has a soporific action, and is used instead of Opium to allay cough, quiet nervousness, and induce sleep in cases where, from idiosyncrasy, Opium is not borne (Brunton). This use of lettuces has been known from very remote times, and has not been added to by old-school observers. The sleep-provoking powers of Lactuca are recognised by sensitive persons who eat ordinary garden lettuce in salad. Homoeopathic provings and records of poisonings have produced an extensive array of symptoms. A simple reading of the symptoms will show what a powerful agent we possess in Lactuca, though the homoeopathic uses have not been as extensive as the proving seems to warrant. As an instance of poisoning I take this from с. D. P. A man, 25, ate Lact. v. in a salad, 7 Went to bed at 9. Was waked at 11 with sharp colicky pains, soon followed by nausea and vomiting, which lasted all night. Fell asleep at 5 p.m, but in the morning was astonished to find himself unable to distinguish objects clearly. A boy of 10 who ate of the same meal became affected with lively delirium at midnight, and it lasted till morning; he jumped about on the bed, played all sorts of pranks, and nobody could quiet him. He had no colic or vomiting. His pupils were dilated till the iris was a mere rim. Trying to read he mistook M for P and O for V. In his delirium he had hallucinations, saw on his bed a soldier, an inkstand, &c. вoth these patients and another had liquid stools. The dilated pupils persisted some time. One of the keynote symptoms of Lact. v. is an indescribable sensation of tightness, affecting the whole body more or less, but especially the chest: must yawn and stretch to relieve the squeezing of the lower chest. This develops into asthma and angina pectoris. There is tightness in the liver region, and enlargements of the liver have been removed by Lact. v. when that symptom was present. Squeezing in left breast. Feeling as if a hundredweight on chest. On the other hand there is also a feeling of relaxation in the chest. There is intolerance of touch and pressure. Lact. v. has cured a spasmodic cough in frequent paroxysms with feeling of suffocation. Attacks came suddenly without any apparent cause, and were induced by a violent tickling in pharynx and roof of mouth (N. A. J. of H., May, 1890). Whooping-cough, paroxysms preceded by anxiety. There is both constipation and diarrhoea, and many concomitant anal symptoms. Hering gives Painful gonorrhoea in females as an indication; and one of the symptoms of the male urethra is suggestive. Sensation as of a drop continually passing along the urethra when seated. Urine has smell of violets. Lctu. has cured hypertrophy of ovaries in a woman of fifty, consequent on an abortion twenty-five years before. The tumour was excessively large, and the patient could get no rest for the pain of the pressure. The rectum was contracted, and faeces evacuated with great pain. Fatigue during stool, and also sleepiness during stool are peculiar and may prove characteristic. Ebullitions rising up from abdomen suggest globus hystericus. In addition to the sense of tightness there is a sense of lightness no less pronounced. Extraordinary lightness of body, more pronounced in open air. Feels as if swimming, in bed. Dreams of swimming in the, air, or of walking above the ground. The head feels light; also empty. Sensation as if head too large; as if brain loose. Sensation as if looking through gauze. Pain in spinal marrow even to cauda equina and streaming along coccyx should prove a leading symptom in some spinal cases. Other sensations are: As if chest would fly to pieces; as if circulation in legs was suspended. сoldness of stomach, throat, chest, feet. Right arm is much affected by Lact. v. Sitting up chest symptoms. вending pain in stomach. сrossing legs pinching in umbilical region. Touch pressure in chest.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidoted by: Vegetable acids and сoffee. In a proving of Lactucarium, Acetic Ether and Hock were more effectual than сoffee.) сompare: Drowsiness and constipation, Op., Nux mos.; levitation, Sti. pul., Pho. ac., Lac can., Asar., Thuj., &c. intolerance of anything tight round neck, Lach.; gonorrhoea, Thuj. urine smells of violets, Tereb.; squeezing in left breast, вorax (Borax has empty feeling). сoldness, Helod.; pain in soles as if he had jumped on a stone, вro.; heart symptoms, K. carb. and K. iod.; cough, Drosera.
Psyche and consciousness
Disposition melancholy, fretful; seeming to invite sadness, with extravagant and exaggerated notions, of such a nature that the simplest occurrence suggests apprehensions of the most terrible and disgusting kind; after suffering from grief, stunning pain in forehead in evening, and violent contractions in throat, with constant inclination to weep. Internal anguish and agitation. Excessive ill-humour, provoked by slightest contradiction; ill-humour, peevishness, with indisposition to labour, and inability to remain in bed; cross-grained humour, which is roused by slightest provocation. Difficulty in thinking (thinking = headache) (s), indisposition to intellectual labours, because the thoughts are intermixed, and it is found impossible to resolve them into any general idea; various places are searched before anything can be found.
Head, face, and ears
Confusion: of head; in morning, sometimes with heaviness, as from fulness; in forehead sometimes with a sensation of heat in the part, sometimes in right frontal protuberance, sometimes in left (externally), with lancination across left protuberance, on stooping; sensation of giddiness and of vertigo; head bewildered, sometimes in morning on rising. Sensation as if head were empty; with stupidity as from want of sleep, and vertigo, so as to cause falling down; in morning, as after a nocturnal debauch, or else with pressure outwards in direction of forehead and orbits. Feeling of intoxication. Vertigo (s also): turning, with heaviness of legs, sensation of weight in head, especially in occiput, with darkness before eyes; the threads appear confused in sewing; in a warm room, with fulness in head, and sensation as if the body were swimming, in bed; also as if the head were too large, or that its volume had been increased by a rapid movement of upper part of body. Pain in region of vertex, sometimes on one spot, as in clavus hystericus (of a young female); sometimes in one place, sometimes in another, in the head, especially in occiput; cephalalgia in afternoon. Dull pain: in forehead; in whole head; with great depression and physical indolence; in left temporal region (when the head is shaken, while washing), and.
Biting in the eyes. Itching above the eyebrows; aching, with sensation of distension in ball of right eye; smarting in eyes, especially in external canthi,.
Drawing pains in ears; shootings followed by tension in left ear. - вuzzing in ears; ringing sound before ears, evening, in bed.
Sensation as though end of nose were distended. Peculiar smell before nose, and a like taste in mouth. Frequent sneezing, with.
Look: haggard (s); visage pale, wan. Heat of face, with trembling and sensation of swelling of lips (s). Tingling, with a feeling of tightness on face. Pricking, drawing pains, from right sub-maxillary gland to ear and tongue. Lancinations in chin at extremity of sub-maxillary nerve. In lips, quivering. Swelling of the lymphatic glands.
Biting in the eyes. Itching above the eyebrows; aching, with sensation of distension in ball of right eye; smarting in eyes, especially in external canthi,.
Drawing pains in ears; shootings followed by tension in left ear. - вuzzing in ears; ringing sound before ears, evening, in bed.
Sensation as though end of nose were distended. Peculiar smell before nose, and a like taste in mouth. Frequent sneezing, with.
Look: haggard (s); visage pale, wan. Heat of face, with trembling and sensation of swelling of lips (s). Tingling, with a feeling of tightness on face. Pricking, drawing pains, from right sub-maxillary gland to ear and tongue. Lancinations in chin at extremity of sub-maxillary nerve. In lips, quivering. Swelling of the lymphatic glands.
Mouth and throat
Sharp pain in molars on left side of lower jaw, as if they were being twisted. Soreness of gums, on an empty socket on masticating.
Sensation of tightness in bottom of mouth and palate, with constant spitting; increased accumulation of saliva, sometimes acidulated (or acrid). Dryness of mouth, without thirst. Tongue charged with a white coating (s also), coated with thick mucus (s); sore, as if burned at tip. - сontraction under tongue.
Slight burning in throat, sometimes in evening; sensation in throat as if the part were exposed to heat of a brisk fire. Difficult deglutition, with sensation as if uvula were raw, with burning, or else as if muscles of pharynx could not perform their office. Accumulation of mucus in throat; viscid mucus in throat in morning (s also).
Sensation of tightness in bottom of mouth and palate, with constant spitting; increased accumulation of saliva, sometimes acidulated (or acrid). Dryness of mouth, without thirst. Tongue charged with a white coating (s also), coated with thick mucus (s); sore, as if burned at tip. - сontraction under tongue.
Slight burning in throat, sometimes in evening; sensation in throat as if the part were exposed to heat of a brisk fire. Difficult deglutition, with sensation as if uvula were raw, with burning, or else as if muscles of pharynx could not perform their office. Accumulation of mucus in throat; viscid mucus in throat in morning (s also).
Appetite and food preferences
Taste: sickly (s); bitter, after eating bread and butter; bitter as gall, in throat. Want of appetite (s also): at noon food is repugnant; no appetite for bread and meat. Appetite increased (s also); sometimes more particularly at noon. Increased thirst. After a meal, sensation of fulness in stomach, with pressure downwards.
Gastrointestinal tract
Risings: frequent, repeated, which the oppression of the chest; empty, sometimes deep, with taste of the extract of lettuce; repugnant, with sensation of coldness in gullet, and continued bitterness in mouth; acrid, and sometimes acid. Loathing (s also); nausea (s also); sometimes with uneasiness at pit of stomach. Vomiting and loathing (s). Pains in stomach, with contraction of pit of stomach, ; it occurs presently below the sternum, and alternates with a sensation of burning or of coldness. Sensation of coldness in stomach (s also); tingling in stomach and pit of stomach, with frequent risings, as if ice were in gullet and stomach, following a sensation of heat in stomach, with nausea which rises in throat, and sickly taste at root of tongue. Shootings in pylorus. Of pains in stomach, on bending body forwards, while seated, or on expulsion of fetid wind.
Dull shocks, or else lancinations, especially in right hypochondrium. In hepatic region: contusive pain in morning; periodical dragging; dragging pain; aching, sometimes in evening; lancinations, sometimes after a meal, either directed towards the back, or else accompanied by a sensation of weight; enlargement of liver, sometimes with aching, or else with tension or pressure. In region of spleen, quick lancinations; squeezing, especially while at rest. Sensation of relaxation in the abdomen. Pinchings: in abdomen; during and after breakfast, with want to go to stool, although nothing is emitted but wind; in umbilical region, by risings and emission of wind (s); tightness of abdomen, especially in hepatic region, in evening. Movement of flatus in abdomen, very frequent borborygmi in abdomen, sometimes during a meal, or else afterwards (with lancinations below the precordial region, or else with pinchings in abdomen), or chiefly in umbilical region; abundant emission of wind, sometimes fetid (after the borborygmi), or else in evening, preceded by pinching pains.
Constipation: no stool first day, or else a tardy and hard evacuation (habitual constipation diminishes). Stool only after urgent calls, and griping. Want to go to stool, with sensation of great lassitude, and with evacuations difficult and infrequent. Stool preceded by tenesmus, hard, and not ejected without effort, with continued pain as of a bruise in anus. Scanty stool. Stools: hard; hard and tardy, dry, hard, difficult, and with straining; hard, knotty, with burning at anus, after a constipation of two days continuance; stools altogether more infrequent and more firm. Provokes easy stools (s?), facilitates the intestinal evacuations (s?); soft stools or else like pap the first few days; frequent stools, like pap (s); diarrhoea (s); sometimes diarrhoea, at others constipation. During stool: general lassitude, fatigue so as almost to bring on sleep, yawning, and accumulation of water in mouth. After stool (soft), pressure in the anus. At anus: drawing; pricking, towards evening (bruised pain); haemorrhoidal tumours round anus, with tenesmus in rectum, and a fresh evacuation of a liquid stool after each solid evacuation.
Dull shocks, or else lancinations, especially in right hypochondrium. In hepatic region: contusive pain in morning; periodical dragging; dragging pain; aching, sometimes in evening; lancinations, sometimes after a meal, either directed towards the back, or else accompanied by a sensation of weight; enlargement of liver, sometimes with aching, or else with tension or pressure. In region of spleen, quick lancinations; squeezing, especially while at rest. Sensation of relaxation in the abdomen. Pinchings: in abdomen; during and after breakfast, with want to go to stool, although nothing is emitted but wind; in umbilical region, by risings and emission of wind (s); tightness of abdomen, especially in hepatic region, in evening. Movement of flatus in abdomen, very frequent borborygmi in abdomen, sometimes during a meal, or else afterwards (with lancinations below the precordial region, or else with pinchings in abdomen), or chiefly in umbilical region; abundant emission of wind, sometimes fetid (after the borborygmi), or else in evening, preceded by pinching pains.
Constipation: no stool first day, or else a tardy and hard evacuation (habitual constipation diminishes). Stool only after urgent calls, and griping. Want to go to stool, with sensation of great lassitude, and with evacuations difficult and infrequent. Stool preceded by tenesmus, hard, and not ejected without effort, with continued pain as of a bruise in anus. Scanty stool. Stools: hard; hard and tardy, dry, hard, difficult, and with straining; hard, knotty, with burning at anus, after a constipation of two days continuance; stools altogether more infrequent and more firm. Provokes easy stools (s?), facilitates the intestinal evacuations (s?); soft stools or else like pap the first few days; frequent stools, like pap (s); diarrhoea (s); sometimes diarrhoea, at others constipation. During stool: general lassitude, fatigue so as almost to bring on sleep, yawning, and accumulation of water in mouth. After stool (soft), pressure in the anus. At anus: drawing; pricking, towards evening (bruised pain); haemorrhoidal tumours round anus, with tenesmus in rectum, and a fresh evacuation of a liquid stool after each solid evacuation.
Urogenital system
Want to make water, with frequent drawing pain in glans, which extends throughout the body. Increased secretion of urine (s also); more frequent and more copious emission of urine; it is necessary to rise during the night to urinate; pressure on bladder, towards morning, from an unusual accumulation of urine. Urine clear as water, and at same time more copious, and more frequently passed, than usual; clear yellow, with a smell of violets; brown, hot, and burning in urethra. In urethra continual sensation, on being seated, as of a drop of water passing along it; heat at orifice. Dragging pressure in region of bladder, as from urgency to urinate.
In penis, swelling of a lymphatic vessel, following morning erections. Drawing pains at root of penis, or also in right spermatic cord, and along internal surface of thigh. Diminished sexual appetite; chases away lasciviousness and voluptuous fancies (s). Painful erections during morning sleep. Pollutions, sometimes during lascivious dreams, during morning sleep, or else two in one night, happening unconsciously during a profound sleep.
Catamenia too early by four or six days (with cramp-like pains in abdomen). Promotes catamenia (s). Increase of milk in breasts (s). Painful gonorrhoea of females. - вearing down and weak feeling about pelvic organs, and general relaxed feeling.
In penis, swelling of a lymphatic vessel, following morning erections. Drawing pains at root of penis, or also in right spermatic cord, and along internal surface of thigh. Diminished sexual appetite; chases away lasciviousness and voluptuous fancies (s). Painful erections during morning sleep. Pollutions, sometimes during lascivious dreams, during morning sleep, or else two in one night, happening unconsciously during a profound sleep.
Catamenia too early by four or six days (with cramp-like pains in abdomen). Promotes catamenia (s). Increase of milk in breasts (s). Painful gonorrhoea of females. - вearing down and weak feeling about pelvic organs, and general relaxed feeling.
Chest organs
Power of voice increased. Roughness: in throat, after reading with a loud voice; in pharynx; in larynx, causing deep inspirations; with scraping in throat (s); dryness and scraping in pharynx and upper part of chest; hoarseness in evening, or also in morning, with roughness in throat; sensation of fulness in larynx, diminished on throwing body backwards; frequent need to cough; constant sensation of fulness in larynx, with irritation of a suffocating cough, impeded speech, and frequent cough, with expectoration. - сough: provoked by a tickling in throat; sometimes with a sense of oppression of chest; with sensation of burning dryness in throat; dry from time to time, or else by fits, with shaking of chest, as likewise of abdomen and occiput; dry, barking, painful; proceeding from a pre-existing cough, with easy expectoration; spasmodic, hollow, and dry, or else very violent, and threatening to burst the chest, induced by a tickling in gullet; the dry cough arising from a cough already established, and appearing more particularly according to the changes of the weather, disappears entirely. Excretion of mucus by the cough (which was dry previously?), and the movements in coughing are more violent and prolonged; copious expectoration of mucus, by means of a short cough. During coughing or hemming chest pains for the moment by yawning and stretching; as from corrosive exhalations, in evening, in bed, with cough, suffocating, hollow; with constant need to double up the body when seated, because otherwise there is a feeling of constraint, as if the parts were too narrow; as if thorax were too narrow, compressed, or constricted, especially on being seated in a bent position, or else with frequent constrictive pain in lower part of chest; sensation of spasmodic constriction in hypochondria, especially right-Oppression of chest, or difficulty of respiration (s also): necessitating deep inspirations (s also), sometimes with yawning and anxiety; or else on rising after having been seated in a bent posture, or on throwing back the shoulders; with dull pain below sternum; great, with frequent pain in different places in chest; slight, of the sides, and below sternum, followed by a sensation of heat on wall opposite the chest, with slight starting and bruise-like pain in chest. Sensation of weight on chest, with difficulty of respiration as if there were a hundred-weight on chest, with want to throw off clothes in evening, with sensation of fulness in pharynx; on walking in open air, as if there were a weight on chest; periodical, increasing or diminishing, with squeezing, oppression, and heat in chest. The chest symptoms are on sitting up; nothing tight can be borne round the neck (because it impedes respiration). - сonvulsive asthma, sometimes attending an organic affection of heart; fits of suffocation in dropsy of chest; dropsy of chest, with general swelling, anxiety, want of power to breathe on lying down, obliging the resumption of a sitting posture; cough short and dry, great weakness, irresistible inclination to sleep in afternoon, and diminished secretion of urine. Dull pains, forcing patient to breathe deeply, at left side of chest, and shortly afterwards at right side also, but only transient there. - вreathing deeply increases the dull pain in chest. Aching pain in chest: in centre of chest; below sternum, on pressing the hand upon it; in both sides of chest, in morning,.
Limbs and spine
Pain in nape of neck, when coughing; drawing pains and tension (sometimes simultaneously in shoulders and muscles of neck); subcutaneous pricking, which gradually becomes fixed under right shoulder-blade. Tension in muscles of neck on right side, sometimes spasmodic. Lancinations under right armpit, as if caused by a pointed instrument,.
Pains in shoulders (s); sensation of paralysis in left articulation. In the arms: drawing pains, commencing chiefly in elbow-joint, or else with starting; wandering, tearing pains, as if on the bone, in shoulder-joint and right elbow; afterwards, sometimes in wrist, sometimes in other parts; sharp lancinations below right arm. Great fatigue of right arm. In upper part of arm, drawing pain and sensation of weakness; cramp-like pain in lower extremity; pain, as of dislocation, in left deltoid muscle, but only when forearm is bent. Dull dragging pain at point of elbow. In right forearm, tearing pain, followed by a sensation of paralysis in little finger. In hands: painful jerking; drawing pain in left hand, sometimes of a spasmodic character in the joint; trembling of hands; which are moist (s). In fingers: sensation of heat, followed by continued weakness of the parts; tearings in metacarpal bones of both hands. Tingling itching of the fingers of left hand.
In the legs: great fatigue, trembling, and lassitude; heaviness, sometimes.
Pains in shoulders (s); sensation of paralysis in left articulation. In the arms: drawing pains, commencing chiefly in elbow-joint, or else with starting; wandering, tearing pains, as if on the bone, in shoulder-joint and right elbow; afterwards, sometimes in wrist, sometimes in other parts; sharp lancinations below right arm. Great fatigue of right arm. In upper part of arm, drawing pain and sensation of weakness; cramp-like pain in lower extremity; pain, as of dislocation, in left deltoid muscle, but only when forearm is bent. Dull dragging pain at point of elbow. In right forearm, tearing pain, followed by a sensation of paralysis in little finger. In hands: painful jerking; drawing pain in left hand, sometimes of a spasmodic character in the joint; trembling of hands; which are moist (s). In fingers: sensation of heat, followed by continued weakness of the parts; tearings in metacarpal bones of both hands. Tingling itching of the fingers of left hand.
In the legs: great fatigue, trembling, and lassitude; heaviness, sometimes.
Common symptoms
Patient never feels rested, enfeeblement is general. Dragging pains in limbs and back, or else periodical in different parts of body (s); tearing pains which pass first between right shoulder-joint and elbow, afterwards in wrist, knees, thigh, joint of foot, nape of neck, temples, &c.; painful ebullition in extremities, afternoon, while seated tranquilly; starting pains, acute, cramp-like, near articulations (at nape of neck, the hypochondria, elbows, hips), most frequently in evening, and while at rest, sometimes, also, ; unusual lightness in the body (s); of symptoms, especially by exercise in open air; desire to be out of doors. Feeling as if the body were swimming, in bed. Slight shivering.
Subcutaneous lancinating, pinching, and smarting in various parts, or else with shootings. Inflammation and eruption (from external applications on delicate parts of the skin). Oedematous swellings of whole body, with asthmatic affections, head confused, lying on back is distressing, shuddering, want of appetite, short cough, and pulse small and full.
Frequent yawning; yawning and stretching of limbs (s). Great drowsiness during day (s also); with fatigue and lassitude; with frequent yawning (s also), early in evening, obliging patient to lie down quickly; unconquerable sleep (s); falling asleep while at labour; coma, sometimes with loathing (s); inclination to sleep without power to sleep, profound sleep, lasting several hours, sometimes with the pulse rather quick. Nocturnal sleep: tranquil, refreshing (s also); profound, with many dreams, or else dreamless; sound, with involuntary emission of semen (s); stupefying, with difficult awakening in morning; agitated, unrefreshing (s also); sleep protracted, troubled (s); frequent awakening, almost every quarter of an hour. Inability to rest on back (in consequence of asthmatic symptoms) and tension at pit of stomach patient prefers to lie with head elevated, and on right side. At night, in bed great oppression of chest, which breaks the slumbers, and compels the patient quickly to raise himself into a sitting posture, with anxiety, sensation of great fatigue in morning (s); difficulty of respiration, with pressive and grasping pains in chest, which allow but little sleep; difficulty of respiration which hinders sleep, with throbbing in head, and, at same time, palpitation of heart, followed by tearing pains in the head, with heaviness and stupidity; pains in head; spasmodic cough and febrile heat, with unconscious dreaming and disturbed sleep. Dreams: fantastic, during a troubled sleep; lively and sometimes anxious (of suicide by firearms), during a profound sleep; towards morning, sometimes of a strange character, and as if patient were whirling round upon the foot; sleep the whole night with many dreams. In morning, on awaking, sensation as though the head were empty; difficulty in dispelling sleep; great lassitude after troubled sleep, with oppression.
Coldness often pervading back and head (s also), sometimes with heat of face (s), or else with shivering in a warm room, and coldness of feet and hands; easily provoked shivering during day, even in a warm room; shuddering, which seems at times to creep along under the hair. Fever, with violent pains in head, painful sensitiveness of scalp to touch, tearing pains in joints of limbs (same as in nape of neck and face), great heaviness of head in evening, which causes it to fall forwards; distressing and parching pains in head and upper part of body, with icy coldness of feet, and at same time burning heat and lachrymation in eyes, dry cough, suffocating and spasmodic, with violent shaking of chest and head, and spasmodic and painful contraction of lumbar vertebrae, and hypochondriac region. In morning, from 3 to 6 p.m, sensation of heat, of an insupportable dryness, especially in legs, which are painful as after running a great way. Pulse: slow (s also); slow and wiry; infrequent, even to the limit of ten or twelve pulsations (s). - сopious sweats; violent sweating (s); nocturnal sweat, general and gentle (s).
Included in the composition
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