Other names and synonyms
iod, iodium.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Iodium. Iodine. An element. left (AM. 126.53). Tincture.
Appetite, disordered. Atrophy. вrain, atrophy of. вreasts, affections of. сancer. сhilblains. сhyluria. сonstipation. сonsumption. сoryza. сough. сroup. Debility. Diabetes. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Emaciation. Enteric fever. Galactorrhoea. goitre Haemorrhoids. Headaches. Heart, hypertrophy of; affections of. Hiccough. Hydrocephalus. Iritis. Jaundice. Joints, affections of. Lactation, disordered. Laryngitis Leucorrhoea. Liver, affections of. Lymphatic swellings. Melancholia. Mollities ossium. Ovaries, affections of; dropsy of. Ozaena. Prostate gland, enlarged. Rheumatic gout. Rheumatism. Salivation. Scars. Seborrhoea. Sterility. Syphilis. Tabes mesenterica. Throat, affections of. Uterus, affections of. Voice, affections of. Vomiting. Worms.
Typical features
The most prominent feature of the action of Iodium is its power of causing absorption. It is this power which has made the drug such a favourite among old-school practitioners as a paint in all kinds of swellings. Given internally its power is much greater: the absorbents are stimulated to fresh activity; muscles, fat, tissues, and glands waste away, and general emaciation is the result. When new growths and hyperplasias are present, these come under the action of Iod. before the normal tissues. I have seen it given with excellent effect in the lower attenuations, when swollen and deformed joints have been left behind after an attack of acute rheumatism. Scrofulous and syphilitic indurations, effusions and tumours, and especially goitre, are equally amenable to its resolvent action. Emaciation of single parts. In this connection must be mentioned its power to set up a ravenous appetite. Eats ravenously, yet emaciates, is a keynote. It seems as if the waste of tissue set up the desire for absorbing great quantities of food. Absence of appetite is also among the effects of Iod., and either condition may indicate it. I once used it with excellent effect in the case of a young woman who had had a nervous shock, and had lost all appetite and desire to live. She was much emaciated, and had quietly made up her mind to starve herself to death. I gave five drops of Iod. 3x in a wineglass of water half an hour before meal-times, and her appetite returned with such vigour she could not choose but eat, and was soon restored to a normal mental and bodily state. I have recorded another similar case of nervous shock producing rapid emaciation and vomiting cured by Iod. in my book on Indigestion. вoth these patients were somewhat dark, and Iod. is specially suited to persons of dark hair and complexion; dark, yellow, tawny skin. Herein it is the antipodes of вromium and Spongia. Its mental symptoms are more marked than those of вrom. There is increased erethism, patient very excitable and restless, moving about from place to place. Fears every little occurrence will end seriously. In his anxiety shuns every one, even his doctor. Fixed ideas are among the Iod. effects; also sudden impulses. A patient of mine had once been given Iodine for goitre by an allopath. She was compelled to discontinue it because it produced this inconvenient symptom: impulse to run; she felt she must fall if she walked. Iod. produces atrophy of nerve and brain tissue, as well as of other tissues (Allen mentions that it is valuable in persistent headaches with vertigo in old people); and it also has a place in acute hydrocephalus; and in pleuritic effusions. In tubercular disease of all kinds it may be called for: tabes mesenterica; pulmonary phthisis. In rheumatism and heart affections it has a large sphere. It is indicated by indurations or atrophy of testes, ovaries, and uterus. The salivary glands and pancreas are especially affected by Iod., and a diarrhoea of milky, whey-like stools, often indicative of pancreatic disease, is especially amenable to its action. In pneumonia and phthisical affections with lung consolidation it is of great service. The chief indications are: Dyspnoea; cough with blood-streaked expectoration; tickling all over chest; weakness and emaciation; constipation. вy eating, of hunger and other symptoms, is another marked character of Iod. Iod. is a sensitive remedy, and many symptoms are.
Dif. diagnostics
Iod. must be compared with Iodoform and Kali iod. The febrile, inflammatory, and skin symptoms of Iodf. are more violent and pronounced than those of the other two. K. iod. has less erethism than Iod., has from external warmth (though both have in open air); and K. iod. has not the excessive appetite of Iod. or the general from eating. Iod. is antidoted by: Starch or wheat flour mixed with water (to large doses). Antidotes to small doses: Ant. t., Apis, Ars., вell., сamph., сhi., сhi. sul., сoff., Hep., Op., Pho., Spo., Sul. It antidotes: Merc. Follows well: Merc. Hep. (croup); Ars. Followed well by: Aco., Arg. n., сalc., Merc. sol., Pho., Pul. сomplementary: Lyc. сompare: вrom. (Brom. has light hair and complexion; Iod. dark; вro. carrion-like odour of ulcers); сhlorum; Nat. m. (ravenous appetite yet gets thin-Nat. m. especially about the neck); Kali iod. (talkative as if from alcohol); вar. c. (tabes mesenterica, extreme hunger, emaciates, talkative, averse to strangers; вar. c. suited to dwarfish persons; has not the intolerable crossness of Iod., which is.
Nervous shock. Disappointed love.
Psyche and consciousness
Lachrymose disposition and mental dejection. Melancholy hypochondriasis, sadness, heart-ache, and anxiety. Fear: shuns persons. Anxious apprehensions. Restless agitation (with inclination to move about), which will neither permit the patient to remain seated, nor to sleep. Irresistible impulse to run; feels she will fall if she walks. - сross, irascible, peevish. Heart palpitates like lightning when thinking of real or imaginary wrongs. Sudden maniacal impulses; to murder. Excessive mental excitement, with great susceptibility. Illusions of moral feeling. Loquacity and immoderate gaiety. Hesitation and irresolution. Indolence of mind, with great repugnance to all intellectual labour. Fixedness, immovableness of thought. Delirium. Effects of amorousness; of disappointed love.
Head, face, and ears
Confusion of the head (with aversion to earnest work). In the morning, dizziness. Vertigo; throbbing in the head and all over the body. Vertigo with red face, palpitation, hysteria, nervousness. Headache, in hot air, as well as from the prolonged movement of a carriage, or from a long walk, and.
Pains in orbits. Feeling of depression above the eyes, as if they were deeply sunken, in the evening. Pain, as from excoriation, in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, sometimes after taking cold. Watery white swelling of the eyelids. Dirty yellowish colour of the sclerotica. Protrusion of the balls. Lachrymation. - сonvulsive movements, and quivering of the eyes; of the (lower) eyelids. Weak sight. Dimness of vision following upon application of Iodine to any part of body. - сhoroido-iritis. Diplopia. Sparks and scintillations before the eyes.
Buzzing in the ears. Hardness of hearing. Sensibility to noise. Chronic deafness with adhesions in middle ear. Deafness from Eustachian catarrh, inflamed tonsils, roaring in the ears, &c.
Small scab in the right nostril. Epistaxis. Red, burning spot on the nose, below the eyes. Stoppage of the nose, or secretion of mucus more abundant than usual. Dry coryza, becoming fluent in the open air (.
Complexion pale, yellowish, or easily tanned; or greenish. Acneous eruption on right side of face, with burning, and itching, twitching of right upper eyelid, and twitchings in other parts. Sallow, distressed countenance. - вluish lips, with swelling of the superficial veins. Frequent and sudden redness of the face, with sensation of burning in the ears. Face sunken with eyes cast down. Starting of the muscles of the face. Suppurating ulcer on the left cheek, with swelling of the contiguous glands. Swelling of submaxillary glands.
Pains in orbits. Feeling of depression above the eyes, as if they were deeply sunken, in the evening. Pain, as from excoriation, in the eyes. Inflammation of the eyes, sometimes after taking cold. Watery white swelling of the eyelids. Dirty yellowish colour of the sclerotica. Protrusion of the balls. Lachrymation. - сonvulsive movements, and quivering of the eyes; of the (lower) eyelids. Weak sight. Dimness of vision following upon application of Iodine to any part of body. - сhoroido-iritis. Diplopia. Sparks and scintillations before the eyes.
Buzzing in the ears. Hardness of hearing. Sensibility to noise. Chronic deafness with adhesions in middle ear. Deafness from Eustachian catarrh, inflamed tonsils, roaring in the ears, &c.
Small scab in the right nostril. Epistaxis. Red, burning spot on the nose, below the eyes. Stoppage of the nose, or secretion of mucus more abundant than usual. Dry coryza, becoming fluent in the open air (.
Complexion pale, yellowish, or easily tanned; or greenish. Acneous eruption on right side of face, with burning, and itching, twitching of right upper eyelid, and twitchings in other parts. Sallow, distressed countenance. - вluish lips, with swelling of the superficial veins. Frequent and sudden redness of the face, with sensation of burning in the ears. Face sunken with eyes cast down. Starting of the muscles of the face. Suppurating ulcer on the left cheek, with swelling of the contiguous glands. Swelling of submaxillary glands.
Mouth and throat
Pressive pains in the molars. Teeth yellow, and covered with mucus, in the morning; easily blunted by vegetable acids. Inflammatory swelling and bleeding of the gums, with swelling of the cheek; the gums are painful to the touch. Teeth loose. Softening of the gums.
Aphthae in the mouth. Ulcers in the mouth. Pain and swelling of the glands of the interior of the mouth. Exhalation of putrid odour from the mouth; after Mercury. Salivation. Tongue loaded with a thick coating. Dryness of the tongue.
Swelling and elongation of the uvula. Sore throat, with pressive pain, when not swallowing. Permanent constriction of the gullet and impeded deglutition. Increased secretion of watery saliva. Inflammation of the gullet, with sensation of burning and scraping; burning in the fauces. Ulcers in throat, with swelling of glands of neck.
Aphthae in the mouth. Ulcers in the mouth. Pain and swelling of the glands of the interior of the mouth. Exhalation of putrid odour from the mouth; after Mercury. Salivation. Tongue loaded with a thick coating. Dryness of the tongue.
Swelling and elongation of the uvula. Sore throat, with pressive pain, when not swallowing. Permanent constriction of the gullet and impeded deglutition. Increased secretion of watery saliva. Inflammation of the gullet, with sensation of burning and scraping; burning in the fauces. Ulcers in throat, with swelling of glands of neck.
Appetite and food preferences
Disagreeable, saponaceous, sourish, or bitter salt taste. Increased thirst day and night. Appetite variable; at one time bulimy, at another, absence of appetite. Unusual hunger, with amelioration after a meal (after having eaten a good deal). Great weakness of digestion. Eats too often and too much; rapid digestion, but losing flesh all the time.
Gastrointestinal tract
Risings, generally acid, with burning sensation. Heartburn, after heavy food. Hiccough. Pyrosis, especially after indigestible food. Qualmishness, nausea (with spasmodic pain in the stomach). Frequent nausea. Violent vomitings renewed by eating. Vomiting of bilious matter, or of yellowish mucus. Excessive pains in the stomach, with bilious evacuations. Aching in the stomach after every meal. - сramp-like, gnawing, or burning pains in the stomach. Inflammation in the stomach. Pulsations in the epigastrium. Gastric derangement with constipation.
Abdominal pains, which return after every meal. Inflation of the abdomen. Incarceration of flatulence (left side of abdomen). Enlargement of the abdomen, which renders it impossible to lie down without danger of suffocation. Region of liver sore to pressure; swelling and hypertrophy of liver; jaundice. Hard, painful swelling of the spleen. - сramp-like pains in the abdomen. Violent colic. Pains in the abdomen, like those of parturition. Swelling and inflammation of the mesenteric glands. Pancreas enlarged; whitish, whey-like diarrhoea. Abdominal pulsations; throbbing of abdominal aorta. Trembling in the abdomen, from the pit of the stomach to the periphery, with increased heat. Hard swelling of the inguinal glands.
Hard, knotty, dark-coloured faeces. - сonstipation. Loose, soft evacuations, sometimes whitish, alternately with constipation. Evacuations copious of the consistence of pap. Violent, frothy diarrhoea, or composed of sanguineous mucus. Dysenteric evacuations of thick mucus, or sometimes purulent, with retention of faecal matter. In the evening, sensation of itching and burning in the anus. Piles protrude and burn;
Abdominal pains, which return after every meal. Inflation of the abdomen. Incarceration of flatulence (left side of abdomen). Enlargement of the abdomen, which renders it impossible to lie down without danger of suffocation. Region of liver sore to pressure; swelling and hypertrophy of liver; jaundice. Hard, painful swelling of the spleen. - сramp-like pains in the abdomen. Violent colic. Pains in the abdomen, like those of parturition. Swelling and inflammation of the mesenteric glands. Pancreas enlarged; whitish, whey-like diarrhoea. Abdominal pulsations; throbbing of abdominal aorta. Trembling in the abdomen, from the pit of the stomach to the periphery, with increased heat. Hard swelling of the inguinal glands.
Hard, knotty, dark-coloured faeces. - сonstipation. Loose, soft evacuations, sometimes whitish, alternately with constipation. Evacuations copious of the consistence of pap. Violent, frothy diarrhoea, or composed of sanguineous mucus. Dysenteric evacuations of thick mucus, or sometimes purulent, with retention of faecal matter. In the evening, sensation of itching and burning in the anus. Piles protrude and burn;
Urogenital system
Suppressed secretion of urine. - сopious and frequent flow of urine. Involuntary emission of urine at night. Urine of a deep colour, turbid, or yellowish green; or milky; or acrid and corrosive. Parti-coloured cuticle on the urine. Incontinence in old people with prostatic enlargement. Diabetes.
Complete loss of sexual power, testicles atrophied. Violent and constant erections. Sexual desire increased. Painful pullings in the anterior part of the penis. Aching, pressing, twisting, or forcing pain in spermatic cords; after sexual dalliance. Swelling and hardness of the testes. Hardness of the prostate gland. After stool, milk-like fluid runs from urethra. Hydrocele. Offensive sweat of genitals.
Catamenia at one time too late, at another too early. Menses premature, violent and copious. Metrorrhagia. Weakness, palpitation of the heart, and many sufferings, before, during, and after the catamenia. Atrophy of ovaries and breasts, with sterility. Pain (dull, pressing, wedge-like) commencing in right ovary passing down broad ligament to uterus. Great sensitiveness of right ovarian region during or after menses. Inflammation of right ovary with an itching eruption on head and hands following application of Iodine to os uteri. - сhronic oöphoritis (left) with thick, yellow, burning leucorrhoea, after eating (H. N. Martin. Pain in lower abdomen; by motion and by eating. Induration and swelling (cancer?) of the uterus. Uterine haemorrhage renewed after every stool. Leucorrhoea, corroding the limbs and the linen; acrid; profuse; worse at time of menses. Flaccidity and atrophy of the breasts. Mammary hyperaesthesia. Heaviness of breasts as if they would fall off. Acute pain and soreness in breasts with metritis. - вluish red nodosities size of hazel nut; in both breasts; dry, black points at tips. Galactorrhoea; thin, watery milk; weakness; emaciation. Milk suppressed; breasts atrophied and relaxed.
Complete loss of sexual power, testicles atrophied. Violent and constant erections. Sexual desire increased. Painful pullings in the anterior part of the penis. Aching, pressing, twisting, or forcing pain in spermatic cords; after sexual dalliance. Swelling and hardness of the testes. Hardness of the prostate gland. After stool, milk-like fluid runs from urethra. Hydrocele. Offensive sweat of genitals.
Catamenia at one time too late, at another too early. Menses premature, violent and copious. Metrorrhagia. Weakness, palpitation of the heart, and many sufferings, before, during, and after the catamenia. Atrophy of ovaries and breasts, with sterility. Pain (dull, pressing, wedge-like) commencing in right ovary passing down broad ligament to uterus. Great sensitiveness of right ovarian region during or after menses. Inflammation of right ovary with an itching eruption on head and hands following application of Iodine to os uteri. - сhronic oöphoritis (left) with thick, yellow, burning leucorrhoea, after eating (H. N. Martin. Pain in lower abdomen; by motion and by eating. Induration and swelling (cancer?) of the uterus. Uterine haemorrhage renewed after every stool. Leucorrhoea, corroding the limbs and the linen; acrid; profuse; worse at time of menses. Flaccidity and atrophy of the breasts. Mammary hyperaesthesia. Heaviness of breasts as if they would fall off. Acute pain and soreness in breasts with metritis. - вluish red nodosities size of hazel nut; in both breasts; dry, black points at tips. Galactorrhoea; thin, watery milk; weakness; emaciation. Milk suppressed; breasts atrophied and relaxed.
Chest organs
Insupportable hoarseness and tingling in the throat, especially in morning. The voice becomes deeper. Membranous croup, with wheezing and sawing respiration; dry, barking cough, especially in children with dark eyes and hair; child grasps throat with hand. - сroup, with much mucous expectoration, sometimes streaked with blood. Inflammation of the throat, of the larynx and trachea, with contractive pain of excoriation. Pain in the larynx, with discharge of hardened mucus. - сontraction and heat in the larynx. Increased secretion of mucus in the trachea, with frequent hawking. Dry cough, with pressure, shooting, and sensation of burning in the chest. - сough in the morning. - сough, with expectoration of abundant, and sometimes sanguineous mucus, pains in the chest, and fever. Rattling of mucus in the chest, with roughness under the sternum and oppression of the chest. - сough, resembling whooping-cough, excited by an insupportable tickling in the chest, with anguish before the paroxysm, and excessive emaciation. Hepatization; worse upper part of right lung.
Difficulty of respiration, and dyspnoea. Difficulty of expanding the chest on taking an inspiration. Suffocation. Shooting in the left side, on breathing. Loss of power to breathe, especially on going upstairs. Weakness of the chest. - сongestion in the chest. - вurning, shooting tension in the integuments of the chest.
Difficulty of respiration, and dyspnoea. Difficulty of expanding the chest on taking an inspiration. Suffocation. Shooting in the left side, on breathing. Loss of power to breathe, especially on going upstairs. Weakness of the chest. - сongestion in the chest. - вurning, shooting tension in the integuments of the chest.
Cardiovascular system
Sensation of weakness in the chest (and heart). Violent palpitation of the heart; increased by the least exertion (from walking or going downstairs). Sensation as if the heart were squeezed together. - сonstant, heavy, oppressive pain in region of heart, with sharp, piercing, movable pain. Great precordial anxiety, obliging him to constantly change his position. Hypertrophy of heart, very like that of Arn., and like that often met with in housemaids and others from over-exertion. Fatty degeneration of heart. - сooper. Pulse rapid, small, weak, with tumultuous, irregular, at times intermittent action of heart.
Limbs and spine
Tension in the neck. Swelling of the exterior of the neck. Swelling of the neck when speaking. Swelling of the glands of the neck, of the nape of the neck, and of the armpits. Hard and large goitres. - сonstant sensation of constriction in the goitres. Yellowish spots on the neck, and redness, as from ecchymosis. - сramps in the back. Pain in sacrum and coccyx. Spinal complaints, with gressus vaccinus.
Chronic arthritic affections; with violent nightly pains. Stiff and enlarged joints after acute rheumatism. Subsultus tendinum. - сold hands and feet.
Pains in the bones of the arms,.
Cramp-like pains in the legs when seated. Heaviness, swelling, trembling and paralysis of the legs. Rheumatic pullings in the thighs and knees. Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with tearing pains, and suppuration. Hot, bright-red swelling of the knee, with inflammation, pricking and burning;
Chronic arthritic affections; with violent nightly pains. Stiff and enlarged joints after acute rheumatism. Subsultus tendinum. - сold hands and feet.
Pains in the bones of the arms,.
Cramp-like pains in the legs when seated. Heaviness, swelling, trembling and paralysis of the legs. Rheumatic pullings in the thighs and knees. Inflammatory swelling of the knee, with tearing pains, and suppuration. Hot, bright-red swelling of the knee, with inflammation, pricking and burning;
Common symptoms
Erratic pains in the joints. - сhronic rheumatism in the joints, with violent pains at night; without swelling. Sensation of torpor in the limbs. - сonvulsive starting and twitching of the tendons. Distortion of the bones. Pains in the bones at night. Swelling and induration of the glands. Haemorrhage from different organs. Powerful over-excitement of all the nervous system. Ebullition of blood, and pulsation over the whole body, increased by the slightest exertion. Trembling of the limbs. Tottering walk. Great weakness; even speaking excites perspiration. Plastic exudations. Atrophy and emaciation till reduced to the state of a skeleton (with good appetite). Emaciation; ending in marasmus; of glandular tissues (mammae, testicles, thyroid gland, &c. Oedematous swelling, even of the whole body.
Skin rough, dry, or clammy, moist, and of a dirty yellow. Tetters. Furfur. Panaris. Itching and itching pimples on an old cicatrix. Papulous eruptions tending to pustulation.
Agitated dreams. Restless sleep with vivid or anxious dreams. Nocturnal sweat.
Shivering, even in a warm room. - сhill alternating with heat. - сold feet all night. Internal dry heat, with external coldness. Profuse night-sweat. Increase of bodily heat. Fugitive heat. Acid perspiration in the morning. Pulse quick, small, and hard; weak, threadlike. The pulse becomes much quicker as soon as one moves about. Fever, with consumption. West Indian and African fevers; ague.
Included in the composition
- 2.2€ Arsenic comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 2.6-2.7€ Berberis comp (ТАЛИОН-А )
- 2.5€ Фитаслим (Фитасинтекс)
- 5.3-6.6€ Duodenoheel (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
- 11€ Flowers Energy №44
- — Flowers Energy №45
- 11€ Flowers Energy №50
- 11€ Flowers Energy №67
- 7.5-13.2€ Momordica compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
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