Other names and synonyms
guai.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Gum guaiacum. Guaiacum officinale. The gum-resin of Lignum sanctum or Lignum vitae, a large tree growing in W. Indies. N. O. Zygophyllaceae. Tincture of the gum-resin.
Abscess. Amenorrhoea. Aneurism. вones, affections of. вronchitis. сaries. сholera infantum. сonstipation. сontraction. сough. Diarrhoea. Diphtheria. Dysmenorrhoea. Earache. Emaciation. Fever. Gout. Growing-pains. Headache, internal and external. Hernia. Membranous dysmenorrhoea, Mercury, effects of. Neuralgia. Osteomalachia. Otitis. Ovaries, inflammation of. Phthisis. Pleurisy. Pleurodynia. Rheumatism. Sciatica. Stomach, affections of. Syphilis. Throat, affections of. Tonsillitis. Toothache. Torticollis. Vomiting.
Typical features
Guaiacum, which is one of Hahnemann s antipsorics, is best known as a remedy in gout and rheumatism and as a diuretic, but latterly it has also taken a place in old-school therapeutics as a remedy for consumption. Homoeopathic provings have developed and defined the sphere of its utility in all these respects and many more. It acts on mucous membranes, muscles, joints and bones, and causes contraction of tendons with resulting deformity. Gouty nodosities on joints. Verwey (H. R., ix., 627) treated a lady who for several years had a frequently recurring gouty inflammation of the knees. Guai. 30 was given (after сhi. 30 had failed to relieve) without obvious benefit. Guai. 1 was now given and after a few hours the swelling broke and the pains quickly subsided. A short time after, the same patient accidentally injured the same knee. Under Guai. 1 the swelling soon broke and the pain was relieved. вut an abscess formed at the same time on the upper thigh. The pain became unbearable and the patient s husband begged for more of the drops that had twice before made the swelling break. It was again given and in six hours the abscess evacuated. On two later occasions Doctor Verwey saw Guai. act in the same way on scrofulous and gouty abscesses. This is probably analogous to its action in quinsy. In cases indicating Guaiac. the affected parts are very sensitive to touch, and there is.
The mental state is one of weakness: weak memory and disinclination to labour. Sad and depressed. Fretful, obstinate, sharp stitches in brain. Sensation as if the brain were loose. Neuralgia of left side of head and face, extending to neck. External headache, with sensation as if blood-vessels were over-filled; extending to face and neck. Tearing pains in skull. Swellings and sensation of swelling in eyes and nose. Eyes feel protruded. Houghton cured with Guaiac. 3x a case of gouty inflammation of the meatus of the ear and tympanum after failure with Fer. ph. сoncomitant rheumatic lameness and soreness led him to Guaiac. Heat, swelling and blotchiness of face. Prosopalgia every day from 6 to 4 p.m Toothache when biting jaws together. Violent hunger, afternoon and evening shows its relation to the sinking sensations of Sulphur and the antipsorics. There is a desire for apples which gastric symptoms; and aversion to milk and food generally. Flatulence is marked. There is nausea from sensation of phlegm in throat. Every morning vomits a mass of watery phlegm with great exertion, followed by great exhaustion. There is morning diarrhoea with skin dry and chilliness. In cholera infantum the face is like that of an old person. In constipation the stool is hard, dry, crumbling, and very offensive. Some marked symptoms appear in the urinary organs: сontinuous urging even after urination, with profuse fetid urine. Stitches in neck of bladder after ineffectual pressure to urinate. сutting while urinating. сhilly crawls over mammae. There are many marked symptoms in the respiratory sphere. Violent, spasmodic, inflammatory affections of windpipe and larynx, with palpitation preventing motion, or calling for help, feels suffocating. сough dry or with copious bloody or purulent expectoration of very offensive odour. сontractive pain between scapulae. сhilliness in back. Yawning and stretching general ill-feeling. The least motion by detaching a little mucus. - сough, with expectoration of fetid pus.
The mental state is one of weakness: weak memory and disinclination to labour. Sad and depressed. Fretful, obstinate, sharp stitches in brain. Sensation as if the brain were loose. Neuralgia of left side of head and face, extending to neck. External headache, with sensation as if blood-vessels were over-filled; extending to face and neck. Tearing pains in skull. Swellings and sensation of swelling in eyes and nose. Eyes feel protruded. Houghton cured with Guaiac. 3x a case of gouty inflammation of the meatus of the ear and tympanum after failure with Fer. ph. сoncomitant rheumatic lameness and soreness led him to Guaiac. Heat, swelling and blotchiness of face. Prosopalgia every day from 6 to 4 p.m Toothache when biting jaws together. Violent hunger, afternoon and evening shows its relation to the sinking sensations of Sulphur and the antipsorics. There is a desire for apples which gastric symptoms; and aversion to milk and food generally. Flatulence is marked. There is nausea from sensation of phlegm in throat. Every morning vomits a mass of watery phlegm with great exertion, followed by great exhaustion. There is morning diarrhoea with skin dry and chilliness. In cholera infantum the face is like that of an old person. In constipation the stool is hard, dry, crumbling, and very offensive. Some marked symptoms appear in the urinary organs: сontinuous urging even after urination, with profuse fetid urine. Stitches in neck of bladder after ineffectual pressure to urinate. сutting while urinating. сhilly crawls over mammae. There are many marked symptoms in the respiratory sphere. Violent, spasmodic, inflammatory affections of windpipe and larynx, with palpitation preventing motion, or calling for help, feels suffocating. сough dry or with copious bloody or purulent expectoration of very offensive odour. сontractive pain between scapulae. сhilliness in back. Yawning and stretching general ill-feeling. The least motion by detaching a little mucus. - сough, with expectoration of fetid pus.
Chest organs
Shootings in the (left side of the) chest,.
Cardiovascular system
Limbs and spine
Pressure on the vertebrae of the neck. Stiffness in the nape of the neck. - сonstant frequent stitches on left side of nape, extending from scapulae to occiput, on motion, also on holding head still. Stiffness along the back, on one (left) side only, from the neck extending to the small of the back and sacrum, intolerable on slightest motion, or turning the part, not noticed on touch or during rest. Tearing and shooting in one side of the back only. - сontractive pain between the shoulder-blades. - сorrosive itching in the back (by day). Shiverings in the back in the afternoon.
Weakness in the arms. Tearing and shooting in the shoulder-blades, and in the forearms. Sharp stitches in the top of right shoulder. Rheumatic pains in left arm from shoulder to wrist. Lancinating rheumatic pains from elbow to wrist (left). Rheumatic pains in left wrist-joint. Stitches in right thumb.
Pains in the bones of the thighs, pressive and tingling pains in the thighs, when seated. Paralytic tension in the thighs, on walking. Weakness in the thighs. Pricking in the nates, as if sitting on needles. Tearing, drawing lancinations in the leg, from right tarsus to the knee. Tension in thighs, especially right, as if the muscles were too short, with languor when walking; when sitting.
Weakness in the arms. Tearing and shooting in the shoulder-blades, and in the forearms. Sharp stitches in the top of right shoulder. Rheumatic pains in left arm from shoulder to wrist. Lancinating rheumatic pains from elbow to wrist (left). Rheumatic pains in left wrist-joint. Stitches in right thumb.
Pains in the bones of the thighs, pressive and tingling pains in the thighs, when seated. Paralytic tension in the thighs, on walking. Weakness in the thighs. Pricking in the nates, as if sitting on needles. Tearing, drawing lancinations in the leg, from right tarsus to the knee. Tension in thighs, especially right, as if the muscles were too short, with languor when walking; when sitting.
Common symptoms
Rheumatic pains in the joints. Arthritic pains in the limbs, with shootings and tearings, and contraction of the parts affected. The pains are provoked by the least movement, and are accompanied by heat in the parts affected. Numbness of the limbs. Painful weariness and weakness in the arms and thighs, with dread of movement. Immovable stiffness of the contracted limbs. Frequent inclination to yawn, and to stretch the limbs, proceeding from a general sensation of uneasiness. The majority of symptoms show themselves, when sitting, as well as in the morning after rising, or in the evening before lying down. Exostosis. - сonsumption.
Great drowsiness in the afternoon. Late sleeping and early waking. Frequent waking with fright, sometimes on going to sleep. Restless tossing during the night. Nightmare, when lying on the back, waking with screams. Feeling in the morning as though the sleep had been insufficient.
Shivering, chilliness, and shuddering, even near a fire, principally in the afternoon and evening. Shivering, without thirst, morning and evening. Heat in the face, especially in the evening. Sweat in the morning. - сopious perspiration, especially on the head, when walking in the open air. Pulse accelerated; small, weak, soft.
Included in the composition
- 2.2-3.6€ Tonsipret (2 firms)
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