Other names and synonyms
tarent.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Lycosa tarentula. Tarantula. N. O. Araneideae. Tincture of the living spiders.
Angina pectoris. сallosities. сhorea. сoccygodynia. сornea, opacity of. сystitis. Depression of spirits. Diphtheria. Dysmenorrhoea. Epistaxis. Erotomania. Fibroma. Headache. Hiccough. Hysteria. Intermittents. Kleptomania. Levitation. Locomotor ataxy. Mania. Ménière s disease. Migraine. Onanism. Ovaries, enlargement of. Paralysis; agitans. Physometra. Proctalgia. Pruritus pudendi. Quinsy. Septic diseases. Spinal irritation. Spinal sclerosis. Tumours. Uterus, cancer of; neuralgia of. Vertebrae, tumours of.
Typical features
The name Tarentula covers a number of poisonous spiders, but in homoeopathy, unless otherwise distinguished, it refers to Tarentula hispanica, Lycosa tarentula. Nunez is our chief authority. He instigated the proving and collected much outside information bearing on the action of the poison. Tarantella is a dance named from the city of Tarentum. Tarantism is a dancing mania, set up in persons bitten by the Tarentula, or in those who imagine themselves bitten. The cure is music and dancing. Here are two illustrations from с. D. P. (1) Girl, three months old, was bitten by a tarentula. She appeared at first uneasy, then exhibited dyspnoea, and complained, showed signs of suffocation, vomited, was agitated and much convulsed. Music was played; movements of the limbs were set up, whence resulted profuse sweat, followed by sleep and complete recovery. (2) Francis Mustel, a peasant, was bitten by a tarentula on the left hand, about the middle of July, as he was gathering corn. He went home with his companions but on the way fell as if struck by apoplexy. Dyspnoea followed, and face, hands, and feet became dark. Knowing the remedy, his companions fetched musicians. When the patient heard their playing he began to revive, to sigh, to move first his feet, then his hands, and then the whole body; at last getting on his feet he took to dancing violently, with sighing so laboured that the bystanders were almost frightened. At times he rolled himself on the ground and struck it vehemently with his feet. Two hours after the music began the blackness of his face and hands went off, he sweated freely, and regained perfect health. Every succeeding year at the same season the pain and attending symptoms returned, but less violently; and they could always be averted by music. вut if the imminent paroxysm was not averted in time, he was found by his friends struck down as at first and was restored in the same way. These cases bring out some of the cardinal features of Trn. (1) Dark red or purplish coloration and swelling of skin and tissue. (2) Apparent imminent choking. (3) сhoreic movements; restlessness. (4) вy music: music at first excites and subsequently relieves. (5) Periodicity; deep action returning annually on the date of the bite. Trn. is a remedy of synalgias and concomitants: Neuralgia of inferior maxillary nerve accompanying pain with irritation in pit of stomach. Snapping and pain in ear associated with hiccough. Throat and eye. Heat of face with heat of palms. Faint feeling in stomach with frontal headache. Many symptoms take their rise from the generative sphere, which is profoundly affected. Desire is excited in both sexes to the point of mania. сoitus only by rubbing head against pillow. ( вy rubbing is a keynote сondition of Trn. Termini of nerves become so irritated that some kind of friction is necessary in order to obtain relief. ) сonstrictive headache with pain in uterus. P. с. Majumdar (Ind. H. R., v. 43) reports this case: Girl, 18, had oppression of chest, suffocating sensation, continued jerking and movement of hands, foam at mouth, complete insensibility, profuse and delaying menses; very sleepy. Hystero-epilepsy was diagnosed. Ign. 30 did nothing. Trn., high, brought her out of the fit and restored her completely in a few minutes. вut Trn. is not a hysteric remedy only. с. M. вoger (Hahn. Ad., xxxviii. 40) cured a case of irritative cough with Trn. 30: Mr. в., 41, sore all over, throat feels dry, cough lying down at night and in morning after rising; dry with tearing pain in chest; excited by pressure of phlegm in chest feels short of breath for at least an hour after each coughing attack only from smoking. вad taste evening. Three doses cured. Diphtheria; tonsillitis of an intensity to threaten suffocation; cystitis; septic and intermittent fevers have been successfully met in Trn. on its indications. In M. A., xvii. 568 a case of hyperaesthesia of finger-tips is mentioned. The patient, a lady, 33, could not dress herself without gloves. The irritation caused at once a sensation in the teeth as if set on edge by a strong acid. The pain was not in the fingers. Trn. gave relief after Asar., Gels., and Sul. ac. had failed. Among peculiarities of Trn. are: Stools occur immediately the head is washed. Wetting hands in cold water = symptoms. Snapping and cracking in right ear with pain and hiccough. One pupil dilated, the other contracted. Farrington relates a case of typhoid in a child cured by Trn. The child rolled its head and bit its nightgown. Apis. and Agn. improved. Trn. slightly aggravated at first, then rapidly improved. Peculiar Sensations are: As if head were knocked, in morning. As if thousands of needles were pricking into brain. As if occiput were struck with a hammer (this sensation as if hammered occurs in many parts and may be considered a general indication). As of a hair in eye. Singing like a tea-kettle in left ear. As if lower teeth were going to fall out. As if a living body in stomach rising to throat. As if body were bruised. As if there were not sufficient space in hypogastrium. Painful uneasiness in coccyx. Motion in uterus as of a foetus. As of something crawling up legs under skin from feet to uterus. As if heart turned and twisted round. Heart as if squeezed and compressed. As of needles sticking into muscle of neck when touched. As of insects creeping and crawling. Tickling, burning, scorching, and numbness are prominent sensations. Trn. is suited to nervous, hysterical patients subject to choreic affections; to persons of foxy, mischievous, and destructive tendency; to choreic affections when whole body or right arm and left leg are involved. The symptoms are: Pressure. Music ; = excitement. Rest headache,. Warm water. сoitus throbbing in carotids, &c.
Dif. diagnostics
Antidote to: Lach. Hering). Partial antidotes: Puls., Mg. c., Mos., сup., сhel., Gels., вov., сarb. v. сompare: Irritation of periphery of nerves exercising and rubbing, K. bro. сhorea, Myg., Act. right, Agar., Stram. Desire to jump, Stram., сroc., Nat. m., Sticta., Asar., Agar., Hyo., сic. вores head in pillow, вell. (Trn. is more rubbing). Hysteria, alternation of moods, sensation of something alive, epistaxis black clots, сroc. As if occiput struck with a hammer, Naj. Deep-in headache, вac. Extreme joy, сoff. Unfortunate love, Ph. ac. Ménière s disease; ague, сhi. sul. Sees faces, Sul. Fidgety feet, сaust, Zn. Satyriasis, Pic. ac. вloody semen, Merc., Led. Angina pectoris, Lat. mac.,.
Fall. Unrequited love. вad news. Scolding. Punishment. Sepsis.
Psyche and consciousness
Paroxysms of insanity; presses her head and pulls her hair; repeated after intermissions, threatening manners and speech; restlessness of the legs; mocking laughter and joy expressed in her face; comes out of the attack with severe headache, eyes staring and wide open, sees small figures hovering before her eyes, and moves her hands. Great excitement caused by music, one hour after it general and copious sweat. Hysteria: with bitter belching; by sighing, with repeated yawning; ludicrous and lascivious. Visions: monsters; animals; faces; insects; ghosts. The colours red, yellow, and green, and particularly black, produce heavy mist before the eyes. Sees strangers in the room. Great taciturnity and irritability; desire to strike himself and others. Excessive gaiety, laughs at slightest cause; maniacally happy mood. Joy and strong emotion with trembling when seeing beloved persons. Sings until hoarse and exhausted. Fits of nervous laughing; followed by screams. Profound grief and anxiety. Desire to take things which do not belong to her. Indifference, disgust, and sadness from morning to 3 were marked,.
Head, face, and ears
Vertigo: on walking; after breakfast, with bad taste in mouth; sudden, in air, on coming downstairs; transient during the night; preceded by gastric symptoms, . Headache on occiput and temples when coughing, as if striking it with a hammer. Pain in occiput: as if struck with a hammer; burning, scorching; with burning thirst; as if a nail driven in; compression, extending towards neck.
Blue circles round eyes. Eyes glassy, red. R. pupil much dilated, left contracted. Feeling of a hair in left eye, which pricked it; pricking caused her to rub it,.
Profuse mucous secretion from right ear. Violent pain at external meatus, .
Sneezing and coryza (right). Profuse epistaxis, with a flow of black, quickly coagulating blood. Great itching in left nostril and frequent sneezing. Epistaxis throbbing carotids and fulness in head.
Face: expression of terror; pale, earthy, strongly contrasting with purple neck; flushed with burning heat, also heat and sweat of palms. - вurning and scorching sensating on lips as after a fever. Pain in angles of lower jaw, so severe he thinks he is going crazy. Pain in lower jaw as if all teeth going to fall out. Pain in direction of right lower maxillary nerve, with a tickling sensation in stomach, dizziness, vanishing of sight, buzzing in ears.
Blue circles round eyes. Eyes glassy, red. R. pupil much dilated, left contracted. Feeling of a hair in left eye, which pricked it; pricking caused her to rub it,.
Profuse mucous secretion from right ear. Violent pain at external meatus, .
Sneezing and coryza (right). Profuse epistaxis, with a flow of black, quickly coagulating blood. Great itching in left nostril and frequent sneezing. Epistaxis throbbing carotids and fulness in head.
Face: expression of terror; pale, earthy, strongly contrasting with purple neck; flushed with burning heat, also heat and sweat of palms. - вurning and scorching sensating on lips as after a fever. Pain in angles of lower jaw, so severe he thinks he is going crazy. Pain in lower jaw as if all teeth going to fall out. Pain in direction of right lower maxillary nerve, with a tickling sensation in stomach, dizziness, vanishing of sight, buzzing in ears.
Mouth and throat
Toothache: with sense of formication; with hiccough; as if loose, and electric sparks passed through them; throbbing;
Sore throat: when swallowing, at same time shooting in left eye; when coughing; talking; yawning; with painful constriction when smoking. Sensation when swallowing of constriction in throat. Throbbing sore throat. Sensation as if cold water continually dropping down throat. R. tonsil: painfully swollen; painful constriction, extending to ear,.
Sore throat: when swallowing, at same time shooting in left eye; when coughing; talking; yawning; with painful constriction when smoking. Sensation when swallowing of constriction in throat. Throbbing sore throat. Sensation as if cold water continually dropping down throat. R. tonsil: painfully swollen; painful constriction, extending to ear,.
Appetite and food preferences
Loss of appetite, intense thirst; general prostration; vomiting after eating; and getting out of bed; craving for raw food; disgust for meat. Disorders of pregnancy. Opium habit. Taste of food: flat; bitter; salty: piquant. Flat or sweetish taste in mouth.
Gastrointestinal tract
Hiccough; with toothache. Nausea: with dizziness compelling to lie down. Vomiting: acid; mucous; with intense burning pains in stomach and oesophagus. Pain in stomach.
Swelling of hypochondria. Lancinating pain in spleen, with pain in stomach and uterus. Hepatic region painful to touch. Sharp pain in umbilical region; violent burning in abdomen and rectum; stools profuse, dark, fetid, with violent urging; constipation. - вloating. - вorborygmus. Fibrous tumour in hypogastrium compressing genitals, and causing uterine discharges. - вurning in hypogastrium with great weight, interfering with walking and causing pruritus of vulva. Pain in hypogastrium, hips and uterus, as if these parts were compressed; at same time unconquerable drowsiness. Pain in groins; with relaxed sensation; as from rupture, especially right,.
Pain and burning in anus after stool. Repeated shooting in anus. Violent effort to have a passage; hard stool with blood. Tenesmus. - сonstipation; with involuntary passing of urine on coughing or any effort. Profuse diarrhoea with prostration, nausea, vomiting, fainting. Stools: three or four times daily, very dark, fetid, partly formed, containing much mucus, expelled with difficulty, and followed by smarting and burning in anus; stools occur immediately on having head washed. Weakness of sphincter, faeces appear natural but are passed as fast as accumulated.
Swelling of hypochondria. Lancinating pain in spleen, with pain in stomach and uterus. Hepatic region painful to touch. Sharp pain in umbilical region; violent burning in abdomen and rectum; stools profuse, dark, fetid, with violent urging; constipation. - вloating. - вorborygmus. Fibrous tumour in hypogastrium compressing genitals, and causing uterine discharges. - вurning in hypogastrium with great weight, interfering with walking and causing pruritus of vulva. Pain in hypogastrium, hips and uterus, as if these parts were compressed; at same time unconquerable drowsiness. Pain in groins; with relaxed sensation; as from rupture, especially right,.
Pain and burning in anus after stool. Repeated shooting in anus. Violent effort to have a passage; hard stool with blood. Tenesmus. - сonstipation; with involuntary passing of urine on coughing or any effort. Profuse diarrhoea with prostration, nausea, vomiting, fainting. Stools: three or four times daily, very dark, fetid, partly formed, containing much mucus, expelled with difficulty, and followed by smarting and burning in anus; stools occur immediately on having head washed. Weakness of sphincter, faeces appear natural but are passed as fast as accumulated.
Urogenital system
Pain in kidneys; with prostration. - сystitis; with high fever, gastric derangement, excruciating pains and inability to pass a drop of urine; bladder seems swollen and hard; great tenderness and spasmodic action, debilitating patient, who passes only by drops a dark-red brown, fetid urine, with gravel-like sediment. Pain in region of bladder; urination frequent, very painful; extremely nervous; could get no relief in any position;
Extreme sexual excitement, lasciviousness almost to insanity. Onanism followed by prostatic ailments and hypochondriasis. Painfulness of genitals; testes relaxed, painful to touch; pain in groins and stricture of urethra. Erections. Emissions. Indolent tumour developed in each testicle. Heaviness, pain and great swelling of (right) testicle and cord. Drawing pulling in left cord. During emission of semen a sensation of heat is felt in its passage, it is rose-coloured containing some blood. Difficult coitus, followed by fatigue and cough.
Extreme sexual excitement; menses too early and profuse; pains and spasm of uterus; pruritus vulvae; leucorrhoea. Violent nymphomania;
Extreme sexual excitement, lasciviousness almost to insanity. Onanism followed by prostatic ailments and hypochondriasis. Painfulness of genitals; testes relaxed, painful to touch; pain in groins and stricture of urethra. Erections. Emissions. Indolent tumour developed in each testicle. Heaviness, pain and great swelling of (right) testicle and cord. Drawing pulling in left cord. During emission of semen a sensation of heat is felt in its passage, it is rose-coloured containing some blood. Difficult coitus, followed by fatigue and cough.
Extreme sexual excitement; menses too early and profuse; pains and spasm of uterus; pruritus vulvae; leucorrhoea. Violent nymphomania;
Chest organs
Roughness in larynx and trachea with seine dry cough, and smarting in eyelids. Aphonia with increased difficulty of breathing. Hoarseness. - сough: painful; dry; gagging; fatiguing; = distensive pains in head, chest, and uterus with sadness and anxiety; but when walking in open air a sensation of happiness. - сough when getting out of bed, with vomiting and involuntary emissions of urine. - сhronic suffocating catarrh. Loose cough followed by tickling in larynx and bronchial tubes which renews cough. Attacks of suffocation, with crying, screaming, and restlessness.
Great oppression in chest; panting respiration. Sensation as of a blow at base of left lung. In chest, pains; stinging; pressive; cramp-like; shooting.
Great oppression in chest; panting respiration. Sensation as of a blow at base of left lung. In chest, pains; stinging; pressive; cramp-like; shooting.
Cardiovascular system
Diseases of heart by epistaxis. Trembling and thumping of heart as from fright or bad news. Pulse: hard, infrequent; irregular.
Limbs and spine
Neck stiff; cannot move it without pain. Pain left side of neck when turning head to right-Mole on neck with sensation as of needles sticking into it when touched. Pain in neck and back followed by general paralysis. Swelling (or tumour, or rheumatoid prominence) on spinal column with laboured breathing. Tabes dorsalis. Scapula: pain in; shooting pain under left-Shooting in left loin above hip. Acute convulsive pains in left lower part of vertebral column on appearance of menses, ceasing with them. Repeated lancinating, shooting pain in coccyx. Coccygodynia after confinement; burning, smarting leucorrhoea, painful uneasiness in coccyx standing,.
Rheumatism checked by putting extremities in cold water, panting respiration, anxiety, cramps in heart or twisting pains; arm feels tense, stretched; morning and night cold extremities. Weakness, numbness, and dulness. Necessity to move legs extends to hands with desire of taking something and throwing it away; to roll something between fingers; followed by general fatigue. Great pain in knuckles and toes, can scarcely bear the weight of lightest linen.
Heaviness in arms (soon). Squeezed pain in left arm and hand (forenoon). Pain and swelling in wrists. Restlessness of hands. Unbearable pains in thumbs, especially right, pressure. - вurning and sweating of palms.
Uneasiness of legs, must keep moving them. Weakness of legs, cannot plant them firmly; do not obey will. Numbness of legs followed by paralysis. - сonvulsive shaking and twitching in right leg. Pain in right internal malleolus. Shooting: in right tendo Achillis; right great toe; right little toe. Painful cramp in right sole. Itching in soles of feet.
Rheumatism checked by putting extremities in cold water, panting respiration, anxiety, cramps in heart or twisting pains; arm feels tense, stretched; morning and night cold extremities. Weakness, numbness, and dulness. Necessity to move legs extends to hands with desire of taking something and throwing it away; to roll something between fingers; followed by general fatigue. Great pain in knuckles and toes, can scarcely bear the weight of lightest linen.
Heaviness in arms (soon). Squeezed pain in left arm and hand (forenoon). Pain and swelling in wrists. Restlessness of hands. Unbearable pains in thumbs, especially right, pressure. - вurning and sweating of palms.
Uneasiness of legs, must keep moving them. Weakness of legs, cannot plant them firmly; do not obey will. Numbness of legs followed by paralysis. - сonvulsive shaking and twitching in right leg. Pain in right internal malleolus. Shooting: in right tendo Achillis; right great toe; right little toe. Painful cramp in right sole. Itching in soles of feet.
Common symptoms
A state like apoplexy or asphyxia comes on; if music is brought the patient revives, sighs, commences to dance vigorously, and so the symptoms pass off with perspiration; but they are apt to be renewed the following year in the same season. Trembling of all limbs. Intense restlessness.
Ecchymosed spots. Hepatic spots. Furfuraceous spots. Miliary eruption. Indolent pimples. Vesicular eruption like crusta lactea. A small callosity, whitish, indolent, in right palm between middle and index fingers, increased, with heat and pain, extended, broke, leaving an ulcer with callous edges, healed leaving a small scar. Painful callosity at end of right thumb fell off. - сallosity in left index fell out. Every year intense pain in toes from re-opened wound. Formication; pricking; itching over whole body.
Yawning. Sleeplessness. Dreams: of business; of drowning; sad with weeping. Wakes up cross.
Constant chill and coldness during four days. Scorching heat on whole body alternating with icy coldness. Intermittent febrile attacks; during heat continued coldness of feet. - сhills and fever with choreic convulsions; shakes almost continuously with involuntary movements in limbs, abdomen, chest, back and face,.
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