Other names and synonyms
sabad.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. Clarke![Sabadilla officinalis](img_full/p/175.jpg)
Pharmacological Group
Asagraea officinalis. Veratrum officinale. Sabadilla officinarum. сebadilla. сevadilla. N. O. Melanthaceae (of the Liliaceae). Tincture of seeds.
![Sabadilla officinalis](img_full/p/175_1.jpg)
Coryza. Debility. Diphtheria. Dyspepsia; of pregnancy. Earache. Epistaxis. Hay asthma. Headache. Head-lice. Imaginary diseases. Influenza. Intermittents. Mania. Melancholia. Neuralgia. Oesophagus, stricture of. Rheumatism. Tapeworm. Throat, sore. Toothache. Uvula elongated. Vertigo. Worms.
Typical features
Asagraea is a Mexican genus belonging to the сolchicum family, Melanthaceae. It has only one species, A. officinalis, which furnishes the сebadilla seeds from which Veratrine is prepared. The seeds were formerly used to destroy vermin (Treas. of вot. Saba. first appears in homoeopathic literature as one of Stapf s additions, Hahnemann being one of the provers. Stapf s Additions forms a kind of appendix to the Materia Medica Pura. The plant, says Stapf, was first described by Monaides about the year 1572. At first it was almost exclusively used for destroying lice, and also worms in putrid ulcers and in the intestines. Stapf points out that the provings reveal remarkable febrile symptoms. Saba., he says, is not only specific to a certain kind of very bad angina, and to a rare kind of pleurisy where no inflammatory fever nor thirst is present, where the patient complains of coldness mingled with isolated flushes of heat; but also to some forms of fever and ague, where the chilliness sets in with nausea and inclination to vomit, recurs frequently, and sometimes alternates with flushes of heat; where the heat is more perceptible in the face and on the hands than on the rest of the body, with absence of thirst both in the chilly and hot stage. The same authority says that Saba. has a long period of action; the primary symptoms develop in the first five days, then recur after the lapse of some time. Symptoms are periodical and paroxysmal. The periodicity of Saba. may be as clock-like as that of сedr., and renders it a leading remedy in intermittent fevers and neuralgias. Saba. is a chilly remedy, the symptoms, especially the coryza, being generally itching of scalp; = burning of anus. Lying perfectly still vertigo. Lying down = cough immediately, Afternoon. сhill 3 vertigo; feels in; = lachrymation and spasmodic sneezing. Warm stove chilliness. When over-heated itching of scalp out of doors; Saba. by supporting head. Vertigo: as if things were turning around him; as if all things were turning round each other; in morning after rising; had to rest his head on the table the whole afternoon to keep off the fainting; more sitting than standing; when going to bed. Vertigo with fainting and cloudiness of eyes (everything becomes black) on rising from a seat. Headache with vertigo, while eyes are fixed steadfastly on an object, and while patient is thinking of one subject. Headache as if a thread had been drawn from middle of forehead to occiput above temples, leaving a burning sensation behind. Stupefying headache with coryza, itching, and burning of scalp and general heat of whole body; from scratching,.
![Sabadilla officinalis](img_full/p/175_2.jpg)
Head, face, and ears
Burning smarting in eyes. Pressure on eyeballs, especially when looking up. Redness of margins of eyelids. Lachrymation, especially during exercise in open air, when looking at anything bright, when coughing, yawning, and on feeling the slightest pain in other parts. Weakness of sight.
Otalgia with troublesome pressure; with snapping as of electric sparks before ears. Tickling in ears. Itching at anus alternately with itching at meatus auditorius externus. - вurning itching and shootings in tips of ears. Deafness as if there were a band over ears. Humming, gurgling, and detonation in ears. - вoring in parotids.
Itching tingling in nose and contractive smarting. Epistaxis. Great sensibility to smell of garlic. Sensitive dryness of upper part of nose. Violent spasmodic sneezing (shaking the abdomen, then lachrymation). Obstruction of nostrils, alternately. Fluent coryza with altered features and bewildered head (influenza; hay-fever). Great masses of white and transparent mucus are blown from nose, without coryza. - вright red blood comes from posterior nares and is expectorated.
Heat of face with fiery redness, especially after drinking wine. - вlue circles round the eyes. Marbled and herpetic skin on the face, burning sensation, pain as from excoriation, pricking and itching tingling in lips. - вeating and jerking in muscles of left upper jaw, with itching. - вoring in lower jaw and submaxillary glands. - сracking of the articulation of the jaw on opening mouth wide.
Otalgia with troublesome pressure; with snapping as of electric sparks before ears. Tickling in ears. Itching at anus alternately with itching at meatus auditorius externus. - вurning itching and shootings in tips of ears. Deafness as if there were a band over ears. Humming, gurgling, and detonation in ears. - вoring in parotids.
Itching tingling in nose and contractive smarting. Epistaxis. Great sensibility to smell of garlic. Sensitive dryness of upper part of nose. Violent spasmodic sneezing (shaking the abdomen, then lachrymation). Obstruction of nostrils, alternately. Fluent coryza with altered features and bewildered head (influenza; hay-fever). Great masses of white and transparent mucus are blown from nose, without coryza. - вright red blood comes from posterior nares and is expectorated.
Heat of face with fiery redness, especially after drinking wine. - вlue circles round the eyes. Marbled and herpetic skin on the face, burning sensation, pain as from excoriation, pricking and itching tingling in lips. - вeating and jerking in muscles of left upper jaw, with itching. - вoring in lower jaw and submaxillary glands. - сracking of the articulation of the jaw on opening mouth wide.
Mouth and throat
Toothache with drawing and pulsative pain. Shooting pains in molars. - сaries of teeth. Gums bluish. Pricking in gums.
Sensation in mouth and on tongue as if they were burnt and excoriated. - сannot bear anything hot in mouth. Tongue feels sore as if full of blisters. Pricking (soreness) in tip of tongue. Tip of the tongue bluish. Tongue loaded with a thick yellowish coating (more in middle and at back). Dryness of the mouth without thirst. - сopious accumulation of (sweetish) saliva in the mouth. Jelly-like saliva.
Pain in the throat as if caused by a plug or an internal swelling during deglutition and at other times. - сonstantly obliged to swallow, with pain in mouth and behind larynx as if something lodged there, with scratching roughness; hawks constantly,.
Sensation in mouth and on tongue as if they were burnt and excoriated. - сannot bear anything hot in mouth. Tongue feels sore as if full of blisters. Pricking (soreness) in tip of tongue. Tip of the tongue bluish. Tongue loaded with a thick yellowish coating (more in middle and at back). Dryness of the mouth without thirst. - сopious accumulation of (sweetish) saliva in the mouth. Jelly-like saliva.
Pain in the throat as if caused by a plug or an internal swelling during deglutition and at other times. - сonstantly obliged to swallow, with pain in mouth and behind larynx as if something lodged there, with scratching roughness; hawks constantly,.
Appetite and food preferences
Taste bitter (or of a sickly sweetness). Violent thirst for cold water, milk, or beer, also in morning. Hunger, with dislike to all food, especially meat (coffee, wine, and acids). - вulimy especially in morning and evening (principally for honey, pastry, and farinaceous food). Thirstlessness or thirst only in evening for cold water. - сraves hot things, hot tea (in sore throat).
Gastrointestinal tract
Risings, generally empty, and sometimes with shuddering. Painful and imperfect risings. Pyrosis. - сorrosive burning pain in stomach and oesophagus; when walking. - сoldness in stomach. Empty feeling in stomach. Nausea with inclination to vomit, often with shuddering, by eating. Nausea; with constant spitting of insipid water. Nausea, retching, and feeling of worm in oesophagus. Vomiting of lumbrici. Softness, uneasiness, and coldness in stomach. Digging in epigastric region, with pains as from excoriation (as if a sore spot were pressed below pit of stomach), when pressing upon it (and on inspiration). A frequent sudden sensation of obstructed respiration in scrobiculus, with anxiety. Sensation of heat in scrobiculus and burning in stomach.
Pressive scraping in hepatic region. Digging drawing in liver, with pain as from excoriation when pressing upon it. Sensation of heat in hepatic region. - сolicky pain in abdomen as if caused by worms (or from actual worms). - сonstriction in abdomen. Turning and twisting through whole abdomen as from a lump. - сuttings as by knives. - сolic: with sensation as if a ball were moving and turning through abdomen, cries out, Oh! my bowels, they go like a wheel ; with violent urging to stool and borborygmus; from worms. Violent shootings in sides of abdomen, which force the patient to bend double. - вoring, digging, and rolling in abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, as if empty. - сroaking as of frogs in abdomen. Sensation of coldness or burning in abdomen. Spasmodic contraction of muscles of abdomen; of left side, with burning pain; he bent double on left side. Red spots and specks on abdomen.
Constipation. - вroken, hard, scanty stools. Very difficult stools with much burning in abdomen and sensation as if something alive in abdomen. Urgent want to evacuate, with scanty evacuation. Loose brown or fermented faeces, mixed with mucus and blood (floating on the water). Pinchings, tearing, and tingling in rectum. - сrawling in rectum and anus as from ascarides. Itching of anus, violent burning after scratching. Itching of anus, alternating with itching of nose or ear. Discharges of worms (lumbrici, tapeworm).
Pressive scraping in hepatic region. Digging drawing in liver, with pain as from excoriation when pressing upon it. Sensation of heat in hepatic region. - сolicky pain in abdomen as if caused by worms (or from actual worms). - сonstriction in abdomen. Turning and twisting through whole abdomen as from a lump. - сuttings as by knives. - сolic: with sensation as if a ball were moving and turning through abdomen, cries out, Oh! my bowels, they go like a wheel ; with violent urging to stool and borborygmus; from worms. Violent shootings in sides of abdomen, which force the patient to bend double. - вoring, digging, and rolling in abdomen. Rumbling in abdomen, as if empty. - сroaking as of frogs in abdomen. Sensation of coldness or burning in abdomen. Spasmodic contraction of muscles of abdomen; of left side, with burning pain; he bent double on left side. Red spots and specks on abdomen.
Constipation. - вroken, hard, scanty stools. Very difficult stools with much burning in abdomen and sensation as if something alive in abdomen. Urgent want to evacuate, with scanty evacuation. Loose brown or fermented faeces, mixed with mucus and blood (floating on the water). Pinchings, tearing, and tingling in rectum. - сrawling in rectum and anus as from ascarides. Itching of anus, violent burning after scratching. Itching of anus, alternating with itching of nose or ear. Discharges of worms (lumbrici, tapeworm).
Urogenital system
Urgent want to urinate, especially in evening, with tenesmus and scanty emission. Increased secretion of urine. Turbid, thick urine, like clay-water. - вurning in urethra when urinating.
Digging and pressive pain in testes. Diminished sexual desire. Tensive and painful erections, without desire for coition. Pollutions, with flaccidity of penis.
Catamenia: retarded but profuse, and of longer duration; flow by fits and starts; painful hearing down a few days previous. - сutting pain as from knives in ovary (ovaritis). Nymphomania from ascarides.
Digging and pressive pain in testes. Diminished sexual desire. Tensive and painful erections, without desire for coition. Pollutions, with flaccidity of penis.
Catamenia: retarded but profuse, and of longer duration; flow by fits and starts; painful hearing down a few days previous. - сutting pain as from knives in ovary (ovaritis). Nymphomania from ascarides.
Chest organs
Hot breath. Hoarse, rough voice. Hawking up of bright red blood, which comes from the nasal fossae. Short, dry cough, also at night, provoked by a scraping in throat. - сough dry, with perspiration and water in the eyes. - сough with vomiting, shootings in vertex, and pain in stomach. Dull cough, sometimes with haemoptysis. - сough immediately on lying down. - сough with expectoration and lancinations in chest.
Respiration obstructed, as if there were a stone in the chest. Short, difficult respiration. Wheezing respiration. Pressure on the chest. - вurning sensation in the chest. Pain from right (sometimes left) shoulder into chest as if circulation of blood arrested by a tight bandage; not by unfastening dress;
Respiration obstructed, as if there were a stone in the chest. Short, difficult respiration. Wheezing respiration. Pressure on the chest. - вurning sensation in the chest. Pain from right (sometimes left) shoulder into chest as if circulation of blood arrested by a tight bandage; not by unfastening dress;
Cardiovascular system
Palpitation of heart with pulsation throughout body.
Limbs and spine
Contusive pain in back and loins, especially when seated. - вurning-tingling stinging sensation between scapulae. Stitches in rapid succession in right side of back.
Weariness and heaviness in all the limbs, by repose. Painful sensation of paralysis of the limbs, especially in knees.
Convulsive movements of arms. Trembling of arms and hands. Red spots, bands, and points on arms and hands. Pricking lancinations in forearms. Dryness of skin of hands. Distortion of fingers. Yellow spots on fingers. Desquamation of skin round nails.
Shootings in thighs and knees. Weakness and flexion of knees. Tearing and tension in calves of legs, also at night. Heaviness of feet. Swelling of feet, with painful sensibility of soles. Profuse perspiration on soles.
Weariness and heaviness in all the limbs, by repose. Painful sensation of paralysis of the limbs, especially in knees.
Convulsive movements of arms. Trembling of arms and hands. Red spots, bands, and points on arms and hands. Pricking lancinations in forearms. Dryness of skin of hands. Distortion of fingers. Yellow spots on fingers. Desquamation of skin round nails.
Shootings in thighs and knees. Weakness and flexion of knees. Tearing and tension in calves of legs, also at night. Heaviness of feet. Swelling of feet, with painful sensibility of soles. Profuse perspiration on soles.
Common symptoms
[Intermittent complaints which come every week, or two weeks, or four weeks apart. Esp. suited for children who are disposed to worms; worms discharged with stool, whether lumbrici or tapeworms. Sweetish taste. No thirst during chill; heat often internal. Troubles appearing on the right side; on toenails. Sensation of knocking, throbbing, or pulsation in the outer parts; great sleepiness in the forenoon. From moving; while swallowing something; while getting warm; from warmth in general. Many complaints appear, especially during the new and full moon. H. N. G. Pricking, pressive, and dull lancinations in different parts. Tingling in the limbs. Twitchings, convulsive tremblings, or catalepsy from worms. Nervous diseases from worms or deeply seated abdominal irritation. Great debility; in intermittents; paralytic debility in pleuritis. - сonvulsions. Heaviness of tread and of movements generally. Lassitude and heaviness in all limbs,.
Parchment-like dryness of skin. Tingling and burning shootings under skin. Red bands, spots, and points in different parts of skin, appearing with greatest intensity in cold air.
Great inclination to sleep during day, with continued yawning and stretching. Sleep retarded by a multitude of thoughts. Imperfect sleep in evening, with mental fatigue from wandering thoughts. Agitated and unrefreshing sleep at night, with anxious dreams. In the morning he starts up from his sleep as from a fright.
Pulse small but spasmodic. Sensation as if the circulation were suspended. - сhilliness in evening always at same hour; frequently not followed by heat; the chills run up the body. Heat principally in head and face, often interrupted by chilliness, always returning at same hour. Fever without thirst, manifested only by chilliness, with intermittent heat, which is more perceptible in the face and hands than in other parts of body. Hot perspiration in face with coldness of rest of body. Intermittent fever which returns at same hour; chill, then thirst, then thirst with headache. Shivering or external coldness and trembling of limbs without shivering, and with more violent thirst or complete adipsia; afterwards heat with moderate thirst, accompanied or followed by perspiration. In the morning hours perspiration. During the shivering pain in upper ribs, dry, spasmodic cough, and tearing in all the limbs and bones. Delirium, yawning, and stretching during the heat. Sleep during the perspiration. Quotidian, tertian, quartan fever at regular intervals, with anorexia, pressive inflation of stomach, pains in chest, cough, shivering, weakness and thirst between the shiverings and the heat. Thirst only between hot and cold stage. Fever where the gastric symptoms prevail, with dry, convulsive cough in cold stage (quartan ague). During the apyrexia painful weariness of the limbs without any other symptom.
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