Other names and synonyms
coc-c.Description Source
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica - J.H. ClarkePharmacological Group
Additional facts
Cochineal. N. O. Hemiptera. An insect infesting cactus plants. The dried bodies of the female insects are used for making a tincture or trituration. They also constitute a well-known dye. Coccus сacti has sometimes been confounded with сoccinella septempunctata, both insects being known as Cochenille in French.
Asthma. вackache. сatarrh. Gonorrhoea. Gravel. Haemorrhages. Heart, affections of. Impotence. Irritation. Labia, inflammation of. Menorrhagia. Nephritis. Phthisis. Spasms. Tinnitus. Uric acid diathesis. Whooping-cough.
Typical features
Coccus cacti acts more especially on mucous membranes. It compares with сantharis in its action on the renal organs, and with сactus in causing haemorrhages, in disturbing the heart and in causing lancinating, stitching, and pricking sensations. Itching, sticking and biting in various parts of the skin; red spots and itching pimples. Sensations of irritation predominate, especially in throat and respiratory organs, eyes and urino-genital organs. In the throat there is a sensation as if a hair or crumb were lodged behind larynx, and as if a thread were hanging down the back of the throat causing a cough. Haemorrhages are apt to be in large black clots, especially haemorrhages from kidneys and uterus. Lancinating pains and itching of glans penis, symptoms of the passage of small calculi. The cough exactly corresponds to the whooping-cough type, there is no remedy which has a wider range in this affection. Cough.
There is general sensitiveness to touch and pressure; rinsing mouth or brushing teeth causes cough and vomiting. Warmth open air. Teeth very sensitive to cold. сatarrh.
There is general sensitiveness to touch and pressure; rinsing mouth or brushing teeth causes cough and vomiting. Warmth open air. Teeth very sensitive to cold. сatarrh.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: сanth., сact., Ocim. can., Sars.; apices of lungs sore, tenacious mucus, Kali bi. Many of the сactus symptoms -pricking and sticking pains, heart disturbances, &c. - reappear in the pathogenesis of this сactus-fed insect.
Psyche and consciousness
Ill-humoured, irritable, apprehensive.
Head, face, and ears
Giddiness; the head feels dull (pressive headache, also in frontal region), as if he had drunk too much, with a white-coated tongue. - сongestion of blood to the head when entering a warm room; in the open air. Throbbing, pressing, or sticking pains in temples. Violent raging pain extending from right eye along squamous portion of temporal bone on its inner side to occiput; it seems as though a fluid were injected paroxysmally into a small blood-vessel. Sensation as though a hot constricting band extended from one mastoid process across occiput to the other; this region seemed tense and constricted; the condition became worse, until at last it affected the whole skull, in which the pain seemed to fix itself, and it seemed as though the bones became drawn closer and closer together; the whole scalp was also involved and seemed to be drawn tighter about the skull.
Sensation as if a foreign body were lodged between the eyelid and the eye. Sensation as if the edges of the eyelids were swollen. - сonjunctivitis; increased lachrymation.
Sudden violent stitch in left internal ear, extending into left side of neck and into sternum. Intolerable itching in left ear. Tickling and itching in ears. - сracking in ears on swallowing. Great roaring in ears as from a storm.
Dryness of the nose, with inclination to sneeze. Swelling of nose, with itching, violent sneezing, and increased secretion of mucus. Redness on the edges of the nostrils. - сrusts (yellow) on the edges of the nostrils.
Crawling sensations in the face.
Sensation as if a foreign body were lodged between the eyelid and the eye. Sensation as if the edges of the eyelids were swollen. - сonjunctivitis; increased lachrymation.
Sudden violent stitch in left internal ear, extending into left side of neck and into sternum. Intolerable itching in left ear. Tickling and itching in ears. - сracking in ears on swallowing. Great roaring in ears as from a storm.
Dryness of the nose, with inclination to sneeze. Swelling of nose, with itching, violent sneezing, and increased secretion of mucus. Redness on the edges of the nostrils. - сrusts (yellow) on the edges of the nostrils.
Crawling sensations in the face.
Mouth and throat
Sensation as if cold air were blown on the teeth. Great soreness of the teeth to contact. Drawing and jerking pains in teeth; teeth sensitive to cold things. Loud speaking or brushing teeth causes cough and vomiting.
Sweetish, metallic taste in the mouth (with accumulation of water in the mouth). Taste: metallic; bitter; sweetish; sour. Dry, brown-coated tongue. Mouth and tongue dry, with much thirst. - вurning in mouth and throat. Rawness of mouth and throat. Stitches and burning in the throat and on the tongue. Great sensitiveness of mouth and fauces, so that rinsing of the mouth caused cough and vomiting of thick masses of mucus. Sensation as if the palate were elongated, with continuous hawking. The arches of the palate are very irritable.
Swelling of the tonsils, with continuous desire to swallow, and sensation as if a plug were lodged in the throat. Swelling and redness of right tonsil. Dryness and burning in throat and fauces. Rawness and scraping in throat, with expectoration of mucus. Sensation as if uvula were elongated, causing constant hawking. Throat symptoms.
Sweetish, metallic taste in the mouth (with accumulation of water in the mouth). Taste: metallic; bitter; sweetish; sour. Dry, brown-coated tongue. Mouth and tongue dry, with much thirst. - вurning in mouth and throat. Rawness of mouth and throat. Stitches and burning in the throat and on the tongue. Great sensitiveness of mouth and fauces, so that rinsing of the mouth caused cough and vomiting of thick masses of mucus. Sensation as if the palate were elongated, with continuous hawking. The arches of the palate are very irritable.
Swelling of the tonsils, with continuous desire to swallow, and sensation as if a plug were lodged in the throat. Swelling and redness of right tonsil. Dryness and burning in throat and fauces. Rawness and scraping in throat, with expectoration of mucus. Sensation as if uvula were elongated, causing constant hawking. Throat symptoms.
Appetite and food preferences
Desire to eat often and much at a time; much thirst. After dinner much thirst, and when he drinks water then chill. Sensation of hunger, with colic. - сanine hunger.
Gastrointestinal tract
Spasmodic empty eructations. Heartburn. Sensation as if something indigestible were lying in the stomach. Nausea and vomiting; vomiting of mucus. Retching; inclination to vomit. Distension of stomach. Heaviness and pressure in stomach; sticking pains. Stitches in the pit of the stomach when inhaling. Epigastric region sensitive to touch.
Fulness in the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much, with swelling and tenderness of the pit of the stomach. Pains in left hypochondrium, as from incarcerated flatulence; pains extend to left side of back and lumbar vertebrae. - вurning drawing in region of spleen. Flatulent distension of abdomen, with much rumbling. Griping in abdomen followed by diarrhoea.
During stool, burning in rectum; stitches in rectum. Itching in anus, with tenesmus from slight exertion. Stitch from the anus, extending into the urethra. - сopious, soft or pasty stools.
Fulness in the abdomen, as if he had eaten too much, with swelling and tenderness of the pit of the stomach. Pains in left hypochondrium, as from incarcerated flatulence; pains extend to left side of back and lumbar vertebrae. - вurning drawing in region of spleen. Flatulent distension of abdomen, with much rumbling. Griping in abdomen followed by diarrhoea.
During stool, burning in rectum; stitches in rectum. Itching in anus, with tenesmus from slight exertion. Stitch from the anus, extending into the urethra. - сopious, soft or pasty stools.
Urogenital system
Stitches extending from the kidneys through the urethra into the bladder. Dull, pressive pain and soreness in region of kidneys. Pressure in bladder. Spasmodic pain in the bladder, with alternate coldness and heat. Itching at the end of the urethra. Stitches and itching in urethra. - вurning pain in urethra while urinating. Frequent and great desire to urinate. Great desire to urinate in the morning (with erection). Frequent micturition. Frequent and copious urination, urine clear as water. Red sediment like brickdust. The discharge of urine is slow, in small quantities, with violent burning pain.
Genitals hot, red, swollen. Frequent erections, with increased desire. Lascivious mood, nocturnal emissions. Loss of sexual power with constant dull burning pains in left hypochondrium and pains across loins as if broken.
Swelling and heat of pudenda. Soreness of vulva; cannot bear pressure of clothing. Inflammation of labia. Great tenderness and irritation in extreme lower part of vagina,.
Genitals hot, red, swollen. Frequent erections, with increased desire. Lascivious mood, nocturnal emissions. Loss of sexual power with constant dull burning pains in left hypochondrium and pains across loins as if broken.
Swelling and heat of pudenda. Soreness of vulva; cannot bear pressure of clothing. Inflammation of labia. Great tenderness and irritation in extreme lower part of vagina,.
Chest organs
Fatigue of the vocal organs, even after speaking without exertion; the voice becoming rough and hoarse; respiration somewhat laborious. Scraping sensation in the throat. Hawking and coughing, with increased thirst. The bronchial tubes are loaded with mucus. Rawness in air-passages, causing cough. Sensation of a crumb the size of a walnut sticking behind the larynx, obliging him to swallow constantly. Whooping-cough; nightly, periodical attacks of cough from tickling in the larynx, ending with expectoration of a large quantity of viscid, stringy mucus. Morning cough (6 am.); first barking, dry cough, followed by expectoration of viscid mucus; the difficult expectoration causes retching and vomiting. - сough with expectoration of viscid, stringy, yellow, sour-tasting or reddish mucus. - сough, in a warm room; in a cold room. Short paroxysms of cough, followed by easy expectoration of globules of mucus.
Burning under the sternum. In the chest sensation of heat, of soreness. Oppression and soreness in chest. Stitches and sticking pains in sides of chest.
Burning under the sternum. In the chest sensation of heat, of soreness. Oppression and soreness in chest. Stitches and sticking pains in sides of chest.
Cardiovascular system
Pressive pain in precordial region. Sensation as if everything were pressed towards the heart. Heavy pressure in the region of the heart. Irregular beating and palpitation of the heart, with anxiety after eating. Pulse accelerated.
Limbs and spine
Stitches between the shoulders. - вruised pain in small of back and region of kidneys. Violent pressive pain in region of kidneys.
Drawing, tearing pains in the limbs.
Sensation as if a fine glass splinter were sticking in the tips of the fingers, under the nails.
Violent stitches in the right hip-joint. Hot swelling of the knees. Pain in the right patella when walking.
Drawing, tearing pains in the limbs.
Sensation as if a fine glass splinter were sticking in the tips of the fingers, under the nails.
Violent stitches in the right hip-joint. Hot swelling of the knees. Pain in the right patella when walking.
Common symptoms
Great weariness and prostration. Itching and prickling sensations in the skin.
Irresistible desire to sleep. Great sleepiness (after dinner). Vivid dreams. Uneasy, restless sleep, interrupted by vivid dreams. Frequent awaking during the night, with excitement, as if he had taken too much coffee.
Chilliness all day; cold feet in the morning, with perspiration of the whole body. - сhilliness all over the body, especially in the afternoon and evening. Increased warmth of body. Greatly overpowered by moderate heat. - сhilliness in the evening, with heat in the head, followed by general heat, and then perspiration all night, which relieves. Perspiration when walking; on the lower extremities; in the morning.
Included in the composition
- 2.9-4.7€ Стодаль (2 firms)
- 11€ Flowers Energy №42
- 12-20€ Tonsilla compositum (Сигнал НЦ ФГУП )
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug