Other names and synonyms
ars-br.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Bromide of Arsenic.
Has proven a great anti-psoric and anti-syphilitic remedy. Herpetic eruptions, syphilitic excrescences, glandular tumors and indurations, carcinoma, locomotor ataxia, and obstinate intermittents, and diabetes are all greatly influenced by this preparation.
Has proven a great anti-psoric and anti-syphilitic remedy. Herpetic eruptions, syphilitic excrescences, glandular tumors and indurations, carcinoma, locomotor ataxia, and obstinate intermittents, and diabetes are all greatly influenced by this preparation.
Head, face, and ears
Acne rosacea, with violet papules on nose; worse in the spring. Acne in young people.
Method of drug use and dosage
Tincture, two to four drops daily in water. In diabetes, three drops three times a day in a glass of water.