Другие названия и синонимы
aral, Aralia racemosa, аралия кистистая гомеопатия.Источник описания
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickeФармакологическая группа
American Spikenard.
This is a remedy for asthmatic conditions, with cough aggravated on lying down. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to draughts. Diarrhoea, prolapse of rectum. Aching in rectum extending upwards; worse lying on side lain upon.
This is a remedy for asthmatic conditions, with cough aggravated on lying down. Drenching sweat during sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to draughts. Diarrhoea, prolapse of rectum. Aching in rectum extending upwards; worse lying on side lain upon.
Органы грудной клетки
Dry cough coming on after first sleep, about middle of night. Asthma on lying down at night with spasmodic cough; worse after first sleep, with tickling in throat. сonstriction of chest; feels as if a foreign body were in throat. Obstruction worse in spring. Hay-fever; frequent sneezing. Rawness and burning behind sternum.
The least current of air causes sneezing, with copious watery, excoriating nasal discharge, of salty acrid taste.
Menses suppressed; leucorrhoea foul-smelling, acrid, with pressing-down air. Lochia suppressed, with tympanites.
The least current of air causes sneezing, with copious watery, excoriating nasal discharge, of salty acrid taste.
Menses suppressed; leucorrhoea foul-smelling, acrid, with pressing-down air. Lochia suppressed, with tympanites.
Worse about 11 pm (cough).
Диф. диагностика
Compare: Pecten-Scallop (humid asthma. Quick, labored breathing. сonstriction of chest, especially right side. Asthma preceded by coryza and burning in throat and chest. Attacks ends with copious expectoration of tough, frothy mucus. Worse at night). Ars iod; Naphthaline; сepa; Rosa; Sabad; Sinapis.
Способ применения и дозы
Tincture, to third potency.
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