Другие названия и синонимы
bov, Bovista lycoperdon, гриб дождевик гомеопатия.Источник описания
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickeФармакологическая группа
Has a marked effect on the skin, producing eruption like eczema, also upon the circulation, predisposing to haemorrhages; marked languor and lassitude. Adapted to stammering children, old maids with palpitation; and tettery patients. Stage of numbness and tingling in multiple neuritis. Asphyxia due to charcoal fumes.
Has a marked effect on the skin, producing eruption like eczema, also upon the circulation, predisposing to haemorrhages; marked languor and lassitude. Adapted to stammering children, old maids with palpitation; and tettery patients. Stage of numbness and tingling in multiple neuritis. Asphyxia due to charcoal fumes.
Психика и сознание
Enlarged sensation (Arg n). Awkward; everything falls from hands. Sensitive.
Голова, лицо и уши
Sensation as if head were enlarging, especially of occiput. Distensive headache; worse early morning, open air, lying. Discharge from nose stringy, tough. Dull, bruised pain in brain. Stammering (Stram; Merc). Scalp itches; worse, warmth; sensitive; must scratch until sore.
Scurf and crusts about nostrils and corners of mouth. Lips chapped. вleeding of nose and gums. сheeks and lips feel swollen. Acne worse in summer; due to use of cosmetics.
Scurf and crusts about nostrils and corners of mouth. Lips chapped. вleeding of nose and gums. сheeks and lips feel swollen. Acne worse in summer; due to use of cosmetics.
Желудочно-кишечный тракт
Sensation as of a lump of ice. Intolerant of tight clothing around waist.
Diarrhoea before and during menses. Menses too early and profuse; worse at night. Voluptuous sensation. Leucorrhoea acrid, thick, tough, greenish, follows menses. сannot bear tight clothing around waist (Lach). Traces of menses between menstruation. Soreness of pubes during menses. Metrorrhagia; Parovarian cysts.
Colic, with red urine; relieved by eating. Must bend double. Pain around umbilicus. Stitches through perineum towards rectum and genitals.
Chronic diarrhoea of old people; worse at night and early morning.
Diarrhoea before and during menses. Menses too early and profuse; worse at night. Voluptuous sensation. Leucorrhoea acrid, thick, tough, greenish, follows menses. сannot bear tight clothing around waist (Lach). Traces of menses between menstruation. Soreness of pubes during menses. Metrorrhagia; Parovarian cysts.
Colic, with red urine; relieved by eating. Must bend double. Pain around umbilicus. Stitches through perineum towards rectum and genitals.
Chronic diarrhoea of old people; worse at night and early morning.
Конечности и позвоночник
Great weakness of all joints; clumsiness with her hands, drops things from hands. Weariness of hands and feet. Sweat in axillae; onion smell. Tip of coccyx itches intolerably. Moist eczema on back of hand. Itching of feet and legs. Å’dema in joints after fracture.
Blunt instrument leave deep impression on the skin. Urticaria on excitement, with rheumatic lameness, palpitation and diarrhoea (Dulc). Itching on getting warm. Eczema, moist; formation of thick crusts. Pimples cover the entire body; scurvy; herpetic eruptions. Pruritus ani. Urticaria on waking in the morning, worse from bathing. Pellagra.
Диф. диагностика
Bovista antidotes tar applications. Suffocation from gas. After Rhus in chronic urticaria.
Compare: сalc; Rhus; Sepia; сicuta.
Compare: сalc; Rhus; Sepia; сicuta.
Способ применения и дозы
Third to sixth potency.
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