Other names and synonyms
raph.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Black Garden Radish (RAPHANUS).
Produces pain and stitches in liver and spleen. Increases of bile and salivary secretion. Symptoms will not appear if salt is used with the Radish. Great accumulation and incarceration of flatulence. Globus symptoms. Seborrhoea, with greasy skin. Pemphigus. Hysteria; chilliness in back and arms. Sexual insomnia Kali brom). Nymphomania. Post-operative gas pains.
Produces pain and stitches in liver and spleen. Increases of bile and salivary secretion. Symptoms will not appear if salt is used with the Radish. Great accumulation and incarceration of flatulence. Globus symptoms. Seborrhoea, with greasy skin. Pemphigus. Hysteria; chilliness in back and arms. Sexual insomnia Kali brom). Nymphomania. Post-operative gas pains.
Head, face, and ears
Sadness, aversion to children, especially girls. Headache, brain feels tender and sore. Å’dema of lower eyelids. Mucus in posterior nares.
Mouth and throat
Hot-ball feeling from uterus to throat, stopping there. Heat and burning in throat.
Gastrointestinal tract
Putrid eructations. вurning in epigastrium, followed by hot eructation.
Retching and vomiting, loss of appetite. Distended, tympanitic, hard. No flatus emitted upward or downward. Griping about navel. Stool liquid, frothy, profuse, brown, with colic, and pad-like swelling of intestines. Vomiting of fecal matter.
Nervous irritation of genitals. Menses very profuse and long-lasting. Nymphomania, with aversion to her own sex and to children, and sexual insomnia.
Retching and vomiting, loss of appetite. Distended, tympanitic, hard. No flatus emitted upward or downward. Griping about navel. Stool liquid, frothy, profuse, brown, with colic, and pad-like swelling of intestines. Vomiting of fecal matter.
Nervous irritation of genitals. Menses very profuse and long-lasting. Nymphomania, with aversion to her own sex and to children, and sexual insomnia.
Urogenital system
Turbid, with yeast-like sediment. Urine more copious, thick like milk.
Chest organs
Pain in chest extends to back and to throat. Heavy lump and coldness in center of chest.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Momordica (worse, near splenic flexure); сarbo; Anarc; Arg nit; вrassica.
Method of drug use and dosage
Third to thirtieth potency.
Included in the composition
Manufacturers (or distributors) of the drug