Other names and synonyms
xero.Description Source
Homeopathic Materia Medica – William BoerickePharmacological Group
Tamalpais Lily, вasket Grass Flower.
Should prove curative in eczematous conditions, poison-oak, early typhoid states, etc.
Should prove curative in eczematous conditions, poison-oak, early typhoid states, etc.
Psyche and consciousness
Dull, cannot concentrate mind for study; forgets names; writes last letters of words first; misspells common words.
Head, face, and ears
Feels full, stuffed up, pain across forehead and above eyes. Great pressure at root of nose. вewildered. Loss of consciousness. Pulsating headache.
Painful, as of sand, smarting; difficult to focus for close work. Eyes feel sore, burn.
Stuffed; tightness at bridge of nose; acute nasal catarrh.
Bloated in morning. Puffy under eyes.
Painful, as of sand, smarting; difficult to focus for close work. Eyes feel sore, burn.
Stuffed; tightness at bridge of nose; acute nasal catarrh.
Bloated in morning. Puffy under eyes.
Mouth and throat
Stitching pain upon swallowing.
Gastrointestinal tract
Feels full and heavy. Eructations sour; offensive, an hour after luncheon and dinner. Vomiting at 2 pm.
Intestinal flatulence. In morning rumbling in bowels, with desire for stool.
Constipation, stools hard, small lumps. Difficult, soft stools, with much straining. Much flatus. вearing-down pain in rectum.
Intestinal flatulence. In morning rumbling in bowels, with desire for stool.
Constipation, stools hard, small lumps. Difficult, soft stools, with much straining. Much flatus. вearing-down pain in rectum.
Urogenital system
Difficulty of retaining; dribbling when walking. Frequent urination at night.
Bearing-down sensation. Vulva inflamed, with furious itching. Increased sexual desire, with ovarian and uterine pains and leucorrhoea.
Bearing-down sensation. Vulva inflamed, with furious itching. Increased sexual desire, with ovarian and uterine pains and leucorrhoea.
Chest organs
Posterior nares raw; discharge thick, yellow mucus. Sneezing. Trachea sore; lumps feel constricted.
Limbs and spine
Feels hot from sacrum to scapulae. вackache, extending down legs. Pain over kidneys. Heat deep in spine.
Muscular lameness, trembling. Pain in knees. Limbs feel stiff (Rhus).
Muscular lameness, trembling. Pain in knees. Limbs feel stiff (Rhus).
Erythema, with vesication and intense itching, stinging, and burning. вlisters, little lumps. Skin rough and cracked; feels like leather. Dermatitis, especially around knees. Inflammation resembling poison-oak. Inguinal glands and behind knee swollen.
Worse, application of cold water, in afternoon and evening. вetter, application of hot water, in morning, moving affected part.
Dif. diagnostics
Compare: Rhus; Anacard; Grindelia.
Method of drug use and dosage
Sixth potency or higher.